Example #1
 public void SetRuleset(int xStart, int xEnd, int possibleRotations, Shape[] ruleset)
     mPossibleXStartPosition = xStart;
                 mPossibleXEndPosition = xEnd;
                 mNumberOfPossibleRotations = possibleRotations;
                 mShapesInRuleset = ruleset;
        public void HandleTranslateRequest(UnityEngine.Vector3 movementVector)
            if (mCurrentShape == null)

                        //Move current shape
                        mTetrisGrid.HandleTranslateRequest (mCurrentShape, movementVector);

                        //Check for end game condition
                        if (mTetrisGrid.GetRowBlockCount (0) > 0) {
                                NotifyObservers (ClassicTetrisStateUpdate.GameEnded);

                        //Check if a shape was placed. If so, check for full rows, spawn new shape
                        if (mTetrisGrid.WasShapeAddedToScene) {
                                //Delete full rows
                                foreach (int row in mTetrisGrid.GetFullRows ()) {
                                        UnityEngine.Debug.Log ("Row " + row + " is full. Deleting now..." + ++mDebugId);
                                        NotifyObservers (ClassicTetrisStateUpdate.RowDeleted);
                                        mTetrisGrid.DeleteRow (row);

                                mCurrentShape = mPreviewShape;
                                mCurrentShape.TranslateToInitialPosition ();
                                mPreviewShape = mFactory.SpawnRandomizedTetrisShape (mRulesetOption);
                                NotifyObservers (ClassicTetrisStateUpdate.GeneratedNewShape);
Example #3
 public bool CheckCollisionWithBotWall(Shape shape, UnityEngine.Vector3 movementVector)
     List<Coordinate> filledGridPositions = shape.GetCurrentGridPosition ();
                 foreach (Coordinate pos in filledGridPositions) {
                         if (Math.Abs (pos.row + movementVector.y) >= mRowCount)
                                 return true;
                 return false;
        private void GenerateRuleset2()
            Shape[] rulesetShapes = new Shape[1];
                        rulesetShapes [0] = new Shape (UnityEngine.GameObject.Find ("zShapeRight"), RotationStyles.flip90, 0);

                        ShapeRuleset ruleset = new ShapeRuleset ();
                        ruleset.SetRuleset (2, 7, 4, rulesetShapes);
                        mRulesets.Add (ruleset);
 public void Cleanup()
     if (mCurrentShape != null)
                         mCurrentShape.DeleteShape ();
                 if (mPreviewShape != null)
                         mPreviewShape.DeleteShape ();
                 mCurrentShape = null;
                 mPreviewShape = null;
                 mTetrisGrid.Cleanup ();
Example #6
 public bool CheckCollisionWithRightWall(Shape shape, UnityEngine.Vector3 movementVector)
     List<Coordinate> filledGridPositions = shape.GetCurrentGridPosition ();
                 foreach (Coordinate pos in filledGridPositions) {
                         if (pos.column + movementVector.x >= mColumnCount) {
                                 return true;
                 return false;
Example #7
        public bool CheckCollisionWithAnyWall(Shape shape, UnityEngine.Vector3 movementVector)
            if (CheckCollisionWithLeftWall (shape, movementVector) ||
                                CheckCollisionWithRightWall (shape, movementVector) ||
                                CheckCollisionWithBotWall (shape, movementVector)) {
                                return true;

                        return false;
        private void GenerateRuleset1()
            Shape[] rulesetShapes = new Shape[5];
                        rulesetShapes [0] = new Shape (UnityEngine.GameObject.Find ("tShape"), RotationStyles.none, 0);
                        rulesetShapes [1] = new Shape (UnityEngine.GameObject.Find ("zShapeRight"), RotationStyles.none, 0);
                        rulesetShapes [2] = new Shape (UnityEngine.GameObject.Find ("zShapeLeft"), RotationStyles.none, 0);
                        rulesetShapes [3] = new Shape (UnityEngine.GameObject.Find ("lShapeRight"), RotationStyles.none, 0);
                        rulesetShapes [4] = new Shape (UnityEngine.GameObject.Find ("lShapeLeft"), RotationStyles.none, 0);

                        ShapeRuleset ruleset = new ShapeRuleset ();
                        ruleset.SetRuleset (2, 7, 4, rulesetShapes);
                        mRulesets.Add (ruleset);
Example #9
 public bool collides(Shape shape, UnityEngine.Vector3 movementVector)
     var shape1 = this.mCompositeGameObject.transform;
                 var shape2 = shape.mCompositeGameObject.transform;
                 foreach (UnityEngine.Transform block1 in shape1) {
                         foreach (UnityEngine.Transform block2 in shape2) {
                                 if (((UnityEngine.Mathf.Abs ((block1.position.x + movementVector.x) - block2.position.x) * 2) < ((((UnityEngine.BoxCollider)block1.collider).size.x + ((UnityEngine.BoxCollider)block2.collider).size.x) - .1) &&
                                         (UnityEngine.Mathf.Abs ((block1.position.y + movementVector.y) - block2.position.y) * 2) < ((((UnityEngine.BoxCollider)block1.collider).size.y + ((UnityEngine.BoxCollider)block2.collider).size.y) - .1))) {
                                         return true;
                 return false;
Example #10
 public void Initialize(int rowCount, int columnCount, int rulesetOption)
     mTetrisGrid.Initialize (rowCount, columnCount);
                 mRulesetOption = rulesetOption;
                 mCurrentShape = mFactory.SpawnRandomizedTetrisShape (mRulesetOption);
                 mCurrentShape.TranslateToInitialPosition ();
                 mPreviewShape = mFactory.SpawnRandomizedTetrisShape (mRulesetOption);
Example #11
 public bool CheckCollisionWithTopWall(Shape shape, UnityEngine.Vector3 movementVector)
     List<Coordinate> filledGridPositions = shape.GetCurrentGridPosition ();
                 foreach (Coordinate pos in filledGridPositions) {
                         if (pos.row + movementVector.y > 0) {
                                 return true;
                 return false;
Example #12
 private void AddCurrentShapeToSceneBitGrid(Shape shape, bool val)
     List<Coordinate> filledGridPositions = shape.GetCurrentGridPosition ();
                 foreach (Coordinate pos in filledGridPositions) {
                         mSceneGrid [pos.row, pos.column] = val;
                 mSceneGrid.UpdateRowBytes ();
Example #13
        //feed in shape into this scene
        public void HandleTranslateRequest(Shape mCurrentShape, UnityEngine.Vector3 movementVector)
            mWasShapeAddedToScene = false;

                        //bool shapesCollided = DoAnyShapesCollideInScene (mCurrentShape, movementVector); //only do this once
                        if (CheckCollisionWithLeftWall (mCurrentShape, movementVector) ||
                                CheckCollisionWithRightWall (mCurrentShape, movementVector))
                                return; //no action
                        else if (CheckCollisionWithBotWall (mCurrentShape, movementVector) || (DoAnyShapesCollideInScene (mCurrentShape, movementVector) && movementVector.y != 0)) {
                                //mCurrentShape.PlayCollisionAudio ();
                                mWasShapeAddedToScene = true;
                                mListOfShapes.Add (mCurrentShape);
                                AddCurrentShapeToSceneBitGrid (mCurrentShape, true);
                                mSceneGrid.PrintBitArray (); //debug print
                        } else if (!DoAnyShapesCollideInScene (mCurrentShape, movementVector))
                                mCurrentShape.Translate (movementVector);
Example #14
 public void HandleRotateRequest(Shape shape)
     UnityEngine.Vector3 movementVector = new UnityEngine.Vector3 (0, 0, 0);
                 shape.Rotate ();
                 if (CheckCollisionWithAnyWall (shape, movementVector) || DoAnyShapesCollideInScene (shape, movementVector)) {
                         shape.Rotate (true);
Example #15
        //Returns information on each sub-block of the passed in Shape
        public List<CellInformation> GetCellInformation(Shape s, UnityEngine.Vector3 movementVector)
            List<CellInformation> neighbors = new List<CellInformation> ();
                        List<Coordinate> filledGridPositions = s.GetCurrentGridPosition ();
                        foreach (AssemblyCSharp.Coordinate rowCol in filledGridPositions) {
                                CellInformation info = new CellInformation ();
                                info.coordinate.row = rowCol.row + (int)movementVector.y;
                                info.coordinate.column = rowCol.column + (int)movementVector.x;
                                int rowCount = mRowCount * -1;

                                if (info.coordinate.row > 0 || info.coordinate.row <= rowCount || info.coordinate.column < 0 || info.coordinate.column >= mColumnCount)
                                        return null;

                                int right = info.coordinate.column + 1;
                                int left = info.coordinate.column - 1;
                                int up = info.coordinate.row + 1;
                                int down = info.coordinate.row - 1;
                                if (up <= 0 && mSceneGrid [up, info.coordinate.column] == true) {
                                        info.TopNeighborStatus = TetrisGridCellStatus.Filled;

                                if (right < mColumnCount && mSceneGrid [info.coordinate.row, right] == true) {
                                        info.RightNeighborStatus = TetrisGridCellStatus.Filled;
                                if (right == mColumnCount) //boost a little bit on the sides of scores don't clump in the middle
                                        info.RightNeighborStatus = TetrisGridCellStatus.Wall;
                                if (left >= 0 && mSceneGrid [info.coordinate.row, left] == true) {
                                        info.LeftNeighborStatus = TetrisGridCellStatus.Filled;
                                if (left == -1)
                                        info.LeftNeighborStatus = TetrisGridCellStatus.Wall;
                                if (down > rowCount && mSceneGrid [down, info.coordinate.column] == true) {
                                        info.BotNeighborStatus = TetrisGridCellStatus.Filled;
                                if (down > rowCount && mSceneGrid [down, info.coordinate.column] == false && filledGridPositions.Count (x => x.row == (rowCol.row - 1) && x.column == rowCol.column) == 0) {
                                        info.BotNeighborStatus = TetrisGridCellStatus.Open;
                                if (down == rowCount) {
                                        info.BotNeighborStatus = TetrisGridCellStatus.Wall;

                                neighbors.Add (info);
                        return neighbors;
Example #16
 //These collision detection functions are made public so they can be accessed by the AI
 public bool DoAnyShapesCollideInScene(Shape shape, UnityEngine.Vector3 movementVector)
     List<Coordinate> filledGridPositions = shape.GetCurrentGridPosition ();
                 foreach (Coordinate pos in filledGridPositions) {
                         if (mSceneGrid [pos.row + (int)movementVector.y, pos.column + (int)movementVector.x] == true)
                                 return true;
                 return false;