public void Blog()
            var feed = new FeedItem();
            feed.Feed = "";
            feed.Id = "";
            feed.PublishDate = new DateTime(2015, 08, 27);
            feed.Summary = "Note: An updated version of this article is located here.";
            feed.Title = "Create a Web API in MVC 6";
            var messaggio = feed.GetTwitterText();

            Assert.AreEqual("[blog]: Create a Web API in MVC 6.", messaggio);
        public void Video()
            var feed = new FeedItem();
            feed.Feed = "";
            feed.Id = "";
            feed.PublishDate = new DateTime(2015, 08, 20, 23, 0, 0);
            feed.Summary = "<p>Scott talks to Vladimir Vinogradsky in this three-part series on Azure API Management Policy Expressions. This second&nbsp;episode&nbsp;talks about how JSON Web Tokens work and&nbsp;shows some of the online tools you'll use to express&nbsp;policies and&nbsp;then apply them with a Policy&nbsp;Definition.&nbsp;</p> <img src=\"\">";
            feed.Title = "Azure API Management Policy Expressions 102 - JSON Web Tokens";
            var messaggio = feed.GetTwitterText();

            Assert.AreEqual("[video]: Azure API Management Policy Expressions 102 - JSON Web Tokens.", messaggio);