Example #1
        public OgmoLevel LoadLevel(string level)
            if (!Path.HasExtension(level))
                level = Path.ChangeExtension(level, "json");

            if (LoadedLevels.ContainsKey(level))
                Debug.Warn("You're loading a level that was already loaded. Be careful as its likely to have been disposed if the parent NezContentManager has been disposed inbetween calls.");

            if (LevelNameToFullPath.ContainsKey(level) == false)
                throw new System.Exception("You cannot load a level that is not registed to this ogmo project. Try checking the file paths in your project and json files in content.");

            var       targetFilePath = LevelNameToFullPath[level];
            OgmoLevel GameLevel      = ParentContentManager.LoadJson(targetFilePath, this, OgmoLevelConverter.Instance);

            GameLevel.Project  = this;
            GameLevel.FullPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(targetFilePath);
            GameLevel.Name     = level;

            LoadedLevels.Add(level, GameLevel);

Example #2
        /// <param name="autoEmitEntities">
        /// If true, each entity layer will have its entities mapped
        /// to Ash Entities and instantiated if they implement <c>IOgmoEmittable</c>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="lockCamera">
        /// If true, the camera will be bound within the
        /// level's size, preventing it from viewing outside of it.
        /// </param>
        public OgmoScene(OgmoLevel level, bool autoEmitEntities = true, Assembly entityAssembly = null)
            CurrentLevel    = level;
            EmittedEntities = ListPool <ECEntity> .Obtain();

            var map = CreateEntity("Map");

            LevelRenderer           = map.AddComponent(new OgmoRenderer(CurrentLevel));
            LockCameraToLevelBounds = false;
            LockCameraToZoomPixels  = false;
            OverrideAssembly        = entityAssembly;

            if (autoEmitEntities)