// Todo Interviewers ??

        public static InterviewRound MapToInterviewRound(InterviewRoundCreateCommand command)
            var interviewRound = new InterviewRound {
                SequenceNumber = command.SequenceNumber

            if (command.Questionnaire?.Any() == true)
                interviewRound.Questionnaire = command.Questionnaire.Select(x => InterchangeTemplateCreateCommand.MapToInterchangeTemplate(x));
        // Didnot include CreatedAt, ModifiedAt, CreatedBy, ModifiedBy because they can be computed on server side.
        // Didnot include IsPublished because interview will not be published at creation.
        public static Interview MapToInterview(InterviewCreateCommand command)
            var interview = new Interview {
                Id             = command.Id,
                Code           = command.Code,
                Title          = command.Title,
                Status         = command.Status,
                StartTime      = command.StartTime,
                ExpirationTime = command.ExpirationTime,
                Context        = command.Context

            if (command.Rounds?.Any() == true)
                interview.Rounds = command.Rounds.Select(x => InterviewRoundCreateCommand.MapToInterviewRound(x));