public void Start() { try { Server.Local = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), Server.LocalPort); _mainSocket.Bind(Local); _mainSocket.Listen(10); while (true) { var source = _mainSocket.Accept(); var destination = new Server(); _targetSocket = destination._mainSocket; var state = new State(source, destination._mainSocket); destination.Connect(Remote, source); source.BeginReceive(state.Buffer, 0, state.Buffer.Length, 0, OnDataReceive, state); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex is SocketException && (ex as SocketException).SocketErrorCode == SocketError.AddressAlreadyInUse) { Server.LocalPort++; Server.FiddlerPort++; this.Start(); } Bot.Log(ex.ToString()); Form1.form1.StartLocalProxy(); Client.lostConnection = true; } }
private void FakeMove_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { Bot.Log("Fake move called"); var rand = new Random(); BotClick(rand.Next(10, 990), rand.Next(0, 300)); }
private void UpdateStats() { try { usernamelabel.Text = Account.UserName; useridlabel.Text = Account.ID; levellabel.Text = Account.Level; ranklabel.Text = Account.Rank; if (Client.running) { collectedDiamonds.Text = Client.collectedDiamonds.ToString(); collectedGolds.Text = Client.collectedGolds.ToString(); collectedElixirs.Text = Client.collectedElixirs.ToString(); collectedGlows.Text = Client.collectedGlows.ToString(); gaineddiamondlabel.Text = Client.gainedDiamond.ToString(); gainedgoldlabel.Text = Client.gainedGold.ToString(); gainedelixirlabel.Text = Client.gainedElixir.ToString(); int num = Convert.ToInt32(new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Subtract(Client.sessionStartTime).Ticks).ToString("d ")); num--; this.runtimeLabel.Text = num + " days " + new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Subtract(Client.sessionStartTime).Ticks).ToString("HH:mm:ss"); this.sessionStartTimeLabel.Text = Client.sessionStartTime.ToShortDateString() + " " + Client.sessionStartTime.ToLongTimeString(); } } catch (Exception e) { Bot.Log(e.ToString()); } }
private void ExecuteJavaScript() { if (!browser.IsBrowserInitialized) { Bot.Log("Browser isn't initialized yet!"); return; } Client.collecting = true; Client.collecting = false; }
public void Authenticate() { Licensing.User user = new Licensing.User(); user.hWID = Program.fingerprint; user.timeStamp = DateTime.Now; try { var res = CheckLicense(user).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); var aTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(6 * 1000); //one hour in milliseconds aTimer.Enabled = true; if (res.status) { this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { label2.Text = res.expirationDate.ToString(); Bot.Log("License valid until: " + res.expirationDate); DownloadFiles(); }); aTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler((sender, e) => OnTimedEvent(sender, e, res.expirationDate)); aTimer.Start(); } else { try { this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { buttonStart.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => { buttonStart.Enabled = false; })); Bot.Log( "You don't have a valid license to use the bot! " + "Please contact on the Discord server for more information."); }); } catch { Application.Exit(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { buttonStart.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => { buttonStart.Enabled = false; })); ShowErrorAndClose(ex.Message); } }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { GetUserSettings(); Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); FileVersionInfo versionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(assembly.Location); this.Text += $" v{ versionInfo.FileVersion }"; Bot.Log("Armada Battle bot - ArmadaCollector"); Bot.Log("Current version: v" + assembly.GetName().Version.ToString(3)); Bot.Log("HWID: " + Program.fingerprint); }
private void buttonStop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (worker != null) { if (worker.IsAlive) { worker.Abort(); } } fakeMove.Stop(); fakeMove.Enabled = false; Bot.Log("Bot stopped."); Client.running = false; }
private void ButtonLoginPlayer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveUserSettings(); try { loginButton.Enabled = false; Client.username = userTextBox.Text; Client.password = passTextBox.Text; browser.ExecuteScriptAsync("var event = new Event('input', { bubbles: true }); \ndocument.getElementsByName('username')[0].value = '" + userTextBox.Text + "'; document.getElementsByName('username')[0].dispatchEvent(event);"); browser.ExecuteScriptAsync("document.getElementsByName('password')[0].value = '" + passTextBox.Text + "'; document.getElementsByName('password')[0].dispatchEvent(event);"); Task.Delay(300).Wait(); browser.ExecuteScriptAsync("document.getElementsByClassName('nk-btn col-md-12 col-xs-12 bg-main-2')[0].click();"); } catch (Exception ex) { Bot.Log("Can't navigate to webpage: " + ex.ToString()); } }
private async Task <RoleValidation> CheckLicense(Licensing.User user) { try { using (var httpClient = new HttpClient()) { #if DEBUG //httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(""); httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:5000/"); #else httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(""); #endif httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Clear(); httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add( new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); //var crypto = new ClsCrypto("lol"); //DateTime result; //DateTime.TryParse(crypto.Encrypt(user.timeStamp.ToString()), out result); //user.timeStamp = result; using (var response = httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync("api/checkLicense", user).Result) { if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { RoleValidation roleValidation = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <RoleValidation>().Result; return(roleValidation); } else { Bot.Log("Can't connect to the license server."); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ShowErrorAndClose(ex.Message); } return(new RoleValidation()); }
private void Browser_ConsoleMessage(object sender, ConsoleMessageEventArgs e) { var task = Task.Run(() => { var m = Regex.Match(e.Message, @"collected: ([0-9]+).([#a-z]+)", RegexOptions.None); if (!m.Success) { return; } var value = m.Groups[1].Value; var type = m.Groups[2].Value; switch (type) { case "golds": Client.gainedGold = Client.collectedGolds += Convert.ToInt32(value); Bot.Log("Collected " + value + " " + type); break; case "diamonds": Client.gainedDiamond = Client.collectedDiamonds += Convert.ToInt32(value); Bot.Log("Collected " + value + " " + type); break; case "#money": Client.gainedDiamond = Client.collectedDiamonds += Convert.ToInt32(value); Bot.Log("Collected " + value + " " + "diamonds"); break; case "elixirs": Client.gainedElixir = Client.collectedElixirs += Convert.ToInt32(value); Bot.Log("Collected Elixir"); break; case "box": Client.collectedGlows += Convert.ToInt32(value); break; } }); task.Wait(); }
private async void DownloadFiles() { try { using (var httpClient = new HttpClient()) { #if DEBUG //httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(""); httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:5000/"); #else httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(""); #endif httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Clear(); httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add( new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); using (clientCore = httpClient.GetAsync("source/client_c.bin").Result) { clientCore.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); // Download client_c.bin if (clientCore.IsSuccessStatusCode) { Bot.Log("Downloaded necessary files"); Client.scriptCode = await clientCore.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); } else { ShowErrorAndClose("Failed to download necessary files."); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ShowErrorAndClose(ex.Message); } }
private void ButtonStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { double restartInterval = (double)numericUpDownRestart.Value * 60 * 60 * 3600; System.Timers.Timer restartTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(restartInterval); if (fakeMove == null) { fakeMove = new System.Timers.Timer(6 * 1000); //one hour in millisecond } restartTimer.Elapsed += RestartTimer_Elapsed; if (buttonStart.Text == "Start") { if (!Client.ready) { Bot.Log("Please wait until game loads."); return; } Client.manuelStart = true; if (restartInterval > 0) { restartTimer.Start(); } BootstrapClient(); } else if (buttonStart.Text == "Stop") { restartTimer.Stop(); restartTimer.Close(); buttonStart.Text = "Start"; browser.Reload(); Client.collecting = false; Client.manuelStart = false; } }
private void Browser_JavascriptMessageReceived(object sender, JavascriptMessageReceivedEventArgs e) { var msg = (string)e.Message; Bot.Log(msg); }
private void saveSettingsButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Bot.Log("Saved settings."); SaveUserSettings(); }
private async void BootstrapClient() { string lines = ""; #if DEBUG // === Replacement for Logic.js === lines = File.ReadAllText(@"C:\Users\Abdullah\Desktop\ArColWeb\src\public\source\client_c.bin"); #else lines = Client.scriptCode; #endif var decText = StringCipher.Decrypt(lines, "enjoylowlife"); int quantity = 10000; string cannonBallType = "_id.cannonballDivisional"; string pirateType = "Juliette"; metroComboBoxQuantity.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => { quantity = Convert.ToInt32(metroComboBoxQuantity.Text); })); metroComboBoxCbType.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => { cannonBallType = metroComboBoxCbType.Text; switch (cannonBallType) { case "Divisional": cannonBallType = "_id.cannonballDivisional"; break; case "Hollow": cannonBallType = "_id.cannonballHollow"; break; case "Stone": cannonBallType = "_id.cannonballStone"; break; case "Slime": cannonBallType = "_id.cannonballSlime"; break; default: cannonBallType = "_id.cannonballHollow"; break; } })); metroComboBoxEquipPirates.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => { pirateType = metroComboBoxEquipPirates.Text; })); await browser.EvaluateScriptAsync("let shootObj=[];" + "bs = {" + " cb:false," + " sa:false," + " buyCannonball:{}," + " equipPirates:{}," + " sn:false," + " ai:false," + " onlyFullHp:" + " false," + " repLimit:50" + "}"); if (collectboxcheckbox.Checked) { await browser.EvaluateScriptAsync("bs.cb=true;"); } if (shootmonstercheckbox.Checked) { await browser.EvaluateScriptAsync(";"); } if (shootnpccheckbox.Checked) { await browser.EvaluateScriptAsync(";"); } if (avoidislandcheckbox.Checked) { await browser.EvaluateScriptAsync(";"); } if (checkBoxShootBack.Checked) { await browser.EvaluateScriptAsync("bs.shootBack=true;"); } if (checkBoxEquipSails.Checked) { await browser.EvaluateScriptAsync("bs.equipSails=true;"); } if (checkboxShootOnlyFullHp.Checked) { await browser.EvaluateScriptAsync("bs.onlyFullHp=true;"); } if (checkBoxBuyCannonballs.Checked) { await browser.EvaluateScriptAsync(";" + "bs.buyCannonball.type=" + cannonBallType + ";" + "bs.buyCannonball.quantity= " + quantity + ";" + "bs.buyCannonball.ifBelow= " + numericUpDownIfBelow.Value + ";"); } if (metroCheckBoxEquipPirates.Checked) { await browser.EvaluateScriptAsync(";" + "bs.equipPirates.type=" + pirateType + ";"); } await browser.EvaluateScriptAsync("bs.repLimit=" + numericUpDown1.Value + ";"); if (collectboxcheckbox.Checked || shootnpccheckbox.Checked || shootmonstercheckbox.Checked) { await browser.EvaluateScriptAsync(decText); // change this !!! if (listBox1.Items.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in listBox1.Items) { await browser.EvaluateScriptAsync("shootObj.push(\"" + item + "\");") .ContinueWith(t => { if (!t.IsFaulted) { var response = t.Result; Bot.Log(response.Message); } }); } } Client.sessionStartTime = DateTime.Now; Client.running = true; buttonStart.Text = "Stop"; Bot.Log("Bot started."); } else { Bot.Log("Check at least one checkbox to perform tasks!"); } if (fakeMove.Enabled != true) { fakeMove.Enabled = true; fakeMove.Elapsed += FakeMove_Elapsed; fakeMove.Start(); } }
private void Browser_FrameLoadEnd(object sender, FrameLoadEndEventArgs e) { if (e.Frame.IsMain) { loginButton.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => { loginButton.Enabled = true; })); if (browser.Address.Contains("homepage")) { browser.ExecuteScriptAsync("document.getElementsByClassName('col-md-offset-4 playbutton fs-30 hvr-wobble-to-bottom-right')[0].click();"); browser.GetSourceAsync().ContinueWith(taskHtml => { var html = taskHtml.Result; string pattern = @"([A-Za-z0-9]+)<\/b>"; var m = Regex.Matches(html, pattern); Account.ID = m[0].Groups[1].Value; Account.UserName = m[1].Groups[1].Value; Account.Level = m[2].Groups[1].Value; Account.Rank = m[3].Groups[1].Value; }); } else if (browser.Address.Contains("play")) { Bot.Log("Loading game..."); browser.ExecuteScriptAsync("document.getElementsByClassName('btn btn-sm btn-default')[2].click();"); browser.GetSourceAsync().ContinueWith(taskHtml => { var html = taskHtml.Result; if (html.Contains("Multiple entries!") || html.Contains("Birden fazla giriş!")) { Thread.Sleep(3000); BotClick(450, 340); } if (Client.manuelStart) { Task.Delay(5000).ContinueWith(action => { var script = @"(function () { if (ArmadaBattle && ArmadaBattle.Game && ArmadaBattle.Game.myPlayer) return true; })();"; var result = browser.EvaluateScriptAsync(script).ContinueWith(x => { var response = x.Result; if (response.Success && response.Result != null) { if ((dynamic)response.Result == true) { Task.Delay(2000).ContinueWith(a => { Bot.Log("Restarting..."); BootstrapClient(); }); } } }); }); } }); Client.ready = true; } } }