protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { ctx = new AriClinicContext("AriClinicContext"); // security control, it must be a user logged if (Session["User"] == null) Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); else { user = CntAriCli.GetUser((Session["User"] as User).UserId, ctx); Process proc = (from p in ctx.Processes where p.Code == "Estimate" select p).FirstOrDefault<Process>(); per = CntAriCli.GetPermission(user.UserGroup, proc, ctx); btnAccept.Visible = per.Modify; } // LoadComboInsurance(); // if (Request.QueryString["EstimateId"] != null) { estId = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["EstimateId"]); est = CntAriCli.GetEstimate(estId, ctx); } // if (Request.QueryString["EstimateLineId"] != null) { estlId = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["EstimateLineId"]); estl = CntAriCli.GetEstimateLine(estlId, ctx); LoadData(estl); } }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { ctx = new AriClinicContext("AriClinicContext"); // security control, it must be a user logged if (Session["User"] == null) Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); else { user = CntAriCli.GetUser((Session["User"] as User).UserId, ctx); Process proc = (from p in ctx.Processes where p.Code == "estimate" select p).FirstOrDefault<Process>(); per = CntAriCli.GetPermission(user.UserGroup, proc, ctx); btnAccept.Visible = per.Modify; } // if (Request.QueryString["RequestId"] != null) { reqId = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["RequestId"]); req = CntAriCli.GetRequest(reqId, ctx); txtRequestRequestId.Text = req.RequestId.ToString(); if (req.Patient != null) { txtFullName.Text = req.Patient.FullName; } else { txtFullName.Text = req.FullName; } } // if (Request.QueryString["EstimateId"] != null) { estimateId = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["EstimateId"]); estimate = CntAriCli.GetEstimate(estimateId, ctx); req = estimate.Request; LoadData(estimate); } else { // default values for a new Estimate rdtEstimateDate.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; } if (Request.QueryString["Caller"] != null) { caller = Request.QueryString["Caller"]; } }
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e) { ctx = new AriClinicContext("AriClinicContext"); // security control, it must be a user logged if (Session["User"] == null) Response.Redirect("Default.aspx"); else { user = CntAriCli.GetUser((Session["User"] as User).UserId, ctx); Process proc = (from p in ctx.Processes where p.Code == "rtickets" select p).FirstOrDefault<Process>(); per = CntAriCli.GetPermission(user.UserGroup, proc, ctx); } // cheks if is call from another form if (Request.QueryString["Report"] != null) report = Request.QueryString["Report"]; if (Request.QueryString["FDate"] != null) fDate = CntWeb.ParseUrlDate(Request.QueryString["FDate"]); if (Request.QueryString["TDate"] != null) tDate = CntWeb.ParseUrlDate(Request.QueryString["TDate"]); if (Request.QueryString["Diary"] != null) diary = CntAriCli.GetDiary(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["Diary"]),ctx); if (Request.QueryString["Visit"] != null) visit = CntAriCli.GetVisit(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["Visit"]), ctx); if (Request.QueryString["Treatment"] != null) treatment = CntAriCli.GetTreatment(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["Treatment"]), ctx); if (Request.QueryString["Invoice"] != null) invoice = CntAriCli.GetInvoice(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["Invoice"]), ctx); if (Request.QueryString["AmendmentInvoice"] != null) aInvoice = CntAriCli.GetAmendementInvoice(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["AmendmentInvoice"]), ctx); if (Request.QueryString["PrescriptionGlasses"] != null) prescriptionGlasses = CntAriCli.GetPrescriptionGlasses(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["PrescriptionGlasses"]), ctx); if (Request.QueryString["Estimate"] != null) estimate = CntAriCli.GetEstimate(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["Estimate"]), ctx); }
protected void btnEstimate_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { if (!CreateChange()) return; // check if string command = ""; if (req.Estimates.Count > 0) { // There's a replay already Estimate est = req.Estimates[0]; command = String.Format("EditEstimateRecord('{0}','{1}');", est.EstimateId, req.RequestId); } else { Estimate est = new Estimate(); est.User = user; est.FullName = req.FullName; est.Request = req; est.EstimateDate = DateTime.Now; if (req.Patient != null) est.FullName = req.Patient.FullName; else est.FullName = req.FullName; ctx.Add(est); ctx.SaveChanges(); if (req.Service != null) { if (req.Patient != null && req.Patient.Customer != null && req.Patient.Customer.Policies.Count > 0) { Policy pol = req.Patient.Customer.Policies[0]; InsuranceService inss = (from i in ctx.InsuranceServices where i.Insurance == pol.Insurance && i.Service.ServiceId == req.Service.ServiceId select i).FirstOrDefault<InsuranceService>(); if (inss != null) { // estimate line EstimateLine estl = new EstimateLine(); est.Comments = ""; estl.Estimate = est; estl.InsuranceService = inss; estl.Amount = inss.Price; estl.Discount = 0; estl.Description = inss.Service.Name; ctx.Add(estl); est.Total = estl.Amount; ctx.SaveChanges(); } } } command = String.Format("EditEstimateRecord('{0}','{1}');", est.EstimateId, req.RequestId); } // string command = "CloseAndRebind('')"; RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add(command); }
protected void RefreshTotal(Estimate est) { decimal total = 0; if (estimate == null) { lblTotal.Text = String.Format("TOTAL: {0:###,###,#0.00}", total); return; } foreach (EstimateLine estl in est.EstimateLines) { total += (estl.Amount - estl.Discount); } est.Total = total; lblTotal.Text = String.Format("TOTAL: {0:###,###,#0.00}", est.Total); }
protected void UnloadData(Estimate estimate) { estimate.EstimateDate = (DateTime)rdtEstimateDate.SelectedDate; estimate.FullName = txtFullName.Text; estimate.Comments = txtComments.Text; estimate.Request = req; estimate.User = user; RefreshTotal(estimate); }
protected void LoadData(Estimate estimate) { txtEstimateId.Text = estimate.EstimateId.ToString(); rdtEstimateDate.SelectedDate = estimate.EstimateDate; txtFullName.Text = estimate.FullName; txtComments.Text = estimate.Comments; lblTotal.Text = String.Format("TOTAL: {0:###,###,#0.00}", estimate.Total); }
protected bool CreateChange() { if (!DataOk()) return false; if (estimate == null) { estimate = new Estimate(); UnloadData(estimate); ctx.Add(estimate); } else { estimate = CntAriCli.GetEstimate(estimateId, ctx); UnloadData(estimate); } ctx.SaveChanges(); return true; }
public static void DeleteEstimate(Estimate e, AriClinicContext ctx) { // there's nothing to delete if it's null if (e == null) return; // delete associate estimate lines foreach (EstimateLine el in e.EstimateLines) { ctx.Delete(el); } ctx.Delete(e); ctx.SaveChanges(); }