Example #1
        public void ProcessCarton(string labelScan)
            //Check for valid assignment
            if (!isTripAssigned)
                throw new WorkflowException("There is no Trip assignment on this station.");

            //Create a new carton object and attach associated objects
            Carton carton = null;

            try {
                carton = createCarton(labelScan);
            catch (LabelException ex) { throw new WorkflowException("Label did not format correctly. PLEASE RESCAN CARTON.", ex); }
            catch (WorkflowException ex) { throw ex; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new WorkflowException("Unexpected error. PLEASE RESCAN CARTON.", ex); }

            //Print an outbound label for this carton
            try {
                string labelTypeOverride = "", labelType = "";
                switch (carton.FreightType)
                case "44":
                    labelTypeOverride = (StationOperator.LabelTypeOverrideRegular.Length > 0) ? StationOperator.LabelTypeOverrideRegular : "";
                    labelType         = (carton.Store.LabelType.Trim().Length > 0) ? carton.Store.LabelType.Trim() : carton.Zone.LabelType.Trim();

                case "88":
                    labelTypeOverride = (StationOperator.LabelTypeOverrideReturns.Trim().Length > 0) ? StationOperator.LabelTypeOverrideReturns.Trim() : "";
                    labelType         = carton.Zone.LabelType.Trim();
                if (labelTypeOverride.Length > 0)
                    labelType = labelTypeOverride;
                OutboundLabel label = FreightService.GetOutboundLabel(labelType, this.mStation.PrinterType);
                string        zpl   = carton.FormatLabelTemplate(label.Template);
            catch (ApplicationException ex) { throw ex; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new WorkflowException("Label Error", ex); }

            //Save carton to database (generates label seq number)
            try {
                if (FreightService.CreateCarton(carton, this.mAssignment.Number, this.mStation.Number))
                    this.mPreviousCarton = carton;
                    if (this.CartonCreated != null)
                        CartonCreated(this, new CartonEventArgs(carton.ScanData));
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new WorkflowException("Carton may not have saved. PLEASE RESCAN CARTON.", ex); }
Example #2
 public StationOperator()
     try {
         //Get station configuration and current freight assignment
         this.mStation = FreightService.GetWorkstation(Environment.MachineName);
     catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected error while creating new Station Operator instance.", ex); }
Example #3
        public void RefreshTripAssignment()
            //Update trip assignment for this station
            string priorTripNumber = "";

            try {
                this.mCartonsScanned = 0;
                priorTripNumber      = (this.mAssignment != null) ? this.mAssignment.Number : "";
                this.mAssignment     = null;
                this.mAssignment     = FreightService.GetTripAssignment(this.mStation.Number);
            catch (ApplicationException ex) { throw ex; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected error while refreshing trip assignments.", ex); }
            finally { if (this.AssignmentChanged != null)
                          this.AssignmentChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Example #4
 public void DeleteCarton(string labelScan)
     //Delete an existing carton from the system
     try {
         Carton carton = new Carton(labelScan);
         if (!carton.isValid)
             throw new ApplicationException("Invalid carton.");
         if (FreightService.DeleteCarton(carton))
             if (this.CartonDeleted != null)
                 CartonDeleted(this, new CartonEventArgs(labelScan));
     catch (Exception ex) { throw new WorkflowException("Carton was not deleted.", ex); }
Example #5
        private Carton createCarton(string labelScan)
            //Create a new carton
            Carton carton = null;

            try {
                //Create a scanned carton; check for a valid scan, then check if carton exists in db
                carton = new Carton(labelScan);
                if (!carton.isValid)
                    throw new WorkflowException("Invalid scan " + carton.ScanData + ".");

                if (FreightService.CartonExists(carton))
                    //Log a duplicate carton that was not the previous carton
                    if ((carton.ScanData != this.mPreviousCarton.ScanData) && (this.mPreviousCarton.ScanData != ""))
                        throw new WorkflowException("Duplicate carton.");
                        throw new WorkflowException("Carton exists.");

                //Set carton objects for label creation
                carton.Workstation    = this.mStation;
                carton.InboundFreight = this.mAssignment;
                carton.Client         = EnterpriseService.GetClient(carton.ClientNumber);
                switch (carton.FreightType)
                case "44":
                    //Regular freight- get a label configuration based upon client and store
                    carton.Store = EnterpriseService.GetStore(carton.ClientNumber, carton.StoreNumber);
                    carton.Zone  = EnterpriseService.GetZone(carton.Store.Zone, carton.Store.ZoneType);

                case "88":
                    //Return freight- get a label configuration based upon client and vendor
                    carton.ClientVendor = EnterpriseService.GetClientVendor(carton.ClientNumber, carton.VendorNumber);
                    carton.Zone         = EnterpriseService.GetZone(carton.ClientVendor.ZONE_CODE, carton.ClientVendor.ZONE_TYPE);

                //Validate the lanes (if applicable)
                if (StationOperator.ValidateLane)
                    if (carton.Zone.Lane.Length == 0)
                        throw new ApplicationException("The lane for zone " + carton.Zone.Code + " is missing");
                    if (carton.Zone.Lane.CompareTo("00") <= 0)
                        throw new ApplicationException("The lane for zone " + carton.Zone.Code + " is invalid (" + carton.Zone.Lane.Trim() + ")");
                if (StationOperator.ValidateSmallLane)
                    if (carton.Zone.SmallSortLane.Length == 0)
                        throw new ApplicationException("The small lane for zone " + carton.Zone.Code + " is missing");
                    if (carton.Zone.SmallSortLane.CompareTo("00") <= 0)
                        throw new ApplicationException("The small lane for zone " + carton.Zone.Code + " is invalid (" + carton.Zone.Lane.Trim() + ")");
                //carton.TrailerLoad = CreateTrailerLoad(carton.Zone.TRAILER_LOAD_NUM);
            catch (WorkflowException ex) { throw ex; }
            catch (ApplicationException ex) { throw ex; }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected error while creating new carton instance.", ex); }
