Example #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Evaluates conditions
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="Condition">Condition.</param>
		/// <param name="screen">Screen.</param>
		/// <param name="Spaces">Spaces.</param>
		public static void Eval (List <string> condition,
		                       ref CodeScreen screen, ref DataTable spaces)

			bool whilesign = true;

			if (condition.Count == 2 || condition.Count == 3){

				if (Space.Calculate (condition [0], ref spaces, screen) != "False") {

					Arendelle condiotoncode = new Arendelle (condition [1]);

					Kernel.Eval (ref condiotoncode, ref screen, ref spaces, ref whilesign);

				} else {

					if (condition.Count == 3) {

						Arendelle condiotoncode = new Arendelle (condition [2]);

						Kernel.Eval (ref condiotoncode, ref screen, 
						               ref spaces, ref whilesign);


			} else {

				Reporter.Throw ("Condition must contain 2 or 3 parts", screen);

        /// <summary>
        /// Replacer for Stored Spaces
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The space replacer.</returns>
        /// <param name="StoredSpaceName">Stored space name.</param>
        /// <param name="screen">Screen.</param>
        public static string StoredSpaceReplacer(string storedSpaceName, CodeScreen screen)
            string name = Mermaid.Text.RemoveStart (storedSpaceName, "$");
            string spacePath = Paths.PathGenerator (name , "space", screen);
            string space = "";

            if (File.Exists (spacePath)) {

                try {

                    using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (spacePath)) {
                        space = reader.ReadToEnd ();
                        reader.Close ();

                } catch {

                    Reporter.Throw ("Could not load stored space: '" + storedSpaceName + "'.", screen);

            } else {

                Reporter.Throw ("No stored space as '" + storedSpaceName + "' found.", screen);


            return space;
Example #3
        public static void EvaluatedMain(string code, string mainPath)
            Console.Title = " ";

            if (code != "BadFile") {

                Console .Clear ();

                CodeScreen screen = new CodeScreen (mainPath, "SHELL");
                screen.OpenedByArgs = true;

                try {

                    MasterEvaluator.Evaluate (code, screen);
                    //Console .Beep ();

                } catch {

                    Reporter.Throw ("Something bad happend...", screen);


                IDEInterface.TheA6 ("");
                Console.Clear ();
                Environment.Exit ( 0 );

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the erros.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">Message.</param>
        /// <param name="screen">Screen.</param>
        public static void ShowErros(string message, CodeScreen screen)
            Console .Clear ();

            int line = screen.line;
            if (screen.line2 != 0)
                line = screen.line2;

            string pathAndNameString = "";

            if (screen.FuncName != "SHELL") {

                pathAndNameString = "Line:" + line + " Function: " + screen.FuncName;

            } else {

                if (screen.MainPath != "SHELL")
                    pathAndNameString = "Line:" + line;


            CenterWriter (-1, "ERROR: " + message);

            InterfaceView.ConsoleKeyPress (pathAndNameString);

            if (screen.OpenedByArgs) {


            } else
                Interface.RealMain ();

            //Console .SetCursorPosition ( Console .WindowWidth - 1 , Console .WindowHeight -1 );
            //Console .ReadKey ();
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Clears the specified screen.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="screen">Screen.</param>
 public static void Clear(CodeScreen screen)
     if (screen.x >= 0 && screen.y >= 0 && (screen.x) < Console.WindowWidth && screen.y < Console.WindowHeight - 1)
         Console.SetCursorPosition (int.Parse (screen.x.ToString ()), int.Parse (screen.y.ToString ()));
         Console .Write (" ");
     Console .SetCursorPosition (Console .WindowWidth -1,Console .WindowHeight -1);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a string inside one arendelle file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='Command'>
        /// file's address
        /// </param>
        public static string read(string command, CodeScreen screen)
            string movePath = Mermaid.Text.RemoveStart (command, "open ").TrimEnd ().TrimStart ();

            if ( File .Exists (movePath)){

                if ( movePath.ToLower().EndsWith (".arendelle")) {

                    try {

                        using (StreamReader MoveReader = new StreamReader ( movePath )) {

                            return MoveReader.ReadToEnd ();


                    } catch {

                        return "BadFile";


                } else {

                    Reporter.Throw ("Your file is not signed as '.arendelle'.", screen);
                    return "BadFile";


            } else {

                movePath = movePath + ".arendelle";

                if ( movePath.ToLower().EndsWith (".arendelle")) {

                    try {

                        using ( StreamReader MoveReader = new StreamReader (movePath)) {

                            return MoveReader.ReadToEnd ();


                    } catch {

                        return "BadFile";


                } else {

                    Reporter.Throw ("The file does not exists.", screen);
                    return "BadFiles";

Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Paint command's code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="screen">Screen.</param>
        public static void Paint(CodeScreen screen)
            string colors = "█▓▒░";

            if (screen.x >= 0 && screen.y >= 0 && (screen.x) < Console.WindowWidth && screen.y < Console.WindowHeight - 1)
                Console.SetCursorPosition (int.Parse (screen.x.ToString ()), int.Parse (screen.y.ToString ()));
                Console .Write (colors[screen.color].ToString());

            Console .SetCursorPosition (Console .WindowWidth -1,Console .WindowHeight -1);
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks for upades.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Check()
            string updateInfo = "";

            CodeScreen screen = new CodeScreen ("SHELL", "SHELL");

            Console .Clear ();
            InterfaceView.CenterWriter (-2, "Connecting to the Arendelle's safe servers...");
            InterfaceView.CenterWriter (-1, "Do not press any button ");

            try {

                using (WebClient client = new WebClient ()) {

                    updateInfo = client.DownloadString ("http://client-information-server.arendelle.org/update-info/arcade.update");


            } catch {

                Reporter.Throw ("Can not connect to the server at this time.", screen);


            int releaseNumber = int.Parse (Mermaid.Text.ReadTag (updateInfo, "release"));

            if (releaseNumber > InterfaceView.OnlineReleaseNumber ()) {

                string newArcadeVersion    = Mermaid.Text.ReadTag (updateInfo, "arcade");
                string newArendelleVersion = Mermaid.Text.ReadTag (updateInfo, "arendelle");
                string newGeneralVersion   = Mermaid.Text.ReadTag (updateInfo, "general");

                Console.Clear ();

                InterfaceView.CenterWriter (-2, "There is a new version available ( #" + releaseNumber
                    + " ~ " + newGeneralVersion + " ) :");
                InterfaceView.CenterWriter (-1, "Arcade Version: " + newArcadeVersion +
                    " / Arendelle Version: " + newArendelleVersion + " ~ Release No." + releaseNumber);

            } else {

                Console.Clear ();
                InterfaceView.CenterWriter (-2, "You are using the very latest version!");


            InterfaceView.ConsoleKeyPress ("");
            Interface.RealMain ();
        /// <summary>
        /// Comment's that start with // and ends with an enter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arendelle">Arendelle.</param>
        /// <param name="screen">Screen.</param>
        public static void slashslashenter(ref Arendelle arendelle, ref CodeScreen screen)
            string command = "";

            while (arendelle .i < arendelle .code .Length) {
                command = arendelle.code [arendelle.i].ToString ();

                if (command == "\n" || command == "" || command == null) {
                } else {
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Eval the specified movescreen, codes, PublicVars and PrivateVars.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='movescreen'>
        /// Movescreen.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='codes'>
        /// Codes.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='PublicVars'>
        /// Public variables.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='PrivateVars'>
        /// Private variables.
        /// </param>
        public static string eval(List<string> codes, ref DataTable spaces, CodeScreen screen)
            string toBeReturned = "";

            if ( codes [0].TrimStart ().StartsWith ("$")) {

                StoredSpaceEval (codes, ref spaces, screen);

            } else {

                toBeReturned = SpaceEval (codes, ref spaces, screen);


            return toBeReturned;
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the name of the space.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='name'>
        /// Name.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='screen'>
        /// Screen.
        /// </param>
        public static void CheckSpaceName(string name, ref CodeScreen screen)
            name = name.TrimStart().TrimEnd();

            var reg = Regex.Matches (name, "[A-z]*([A-z]|[0-9])+");

            if (reg.Count > 0) {

                if (reg [0].ToString() != name) {

                    Reporter.Throw ("Unaccpeted space name '"+name+"'.", screen );


Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a random number in the format of "0.XXXXX"
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The gerator.</returns>
        /// <param name="screen">Screen.</param>
        public static string RNDFGerator(CodeScreen screen)
            int rndInt = screen.rand.Next (100, 100000);
            double rndBool = Math.Floor (Math.Log10 (double.Parse (rndInt.ToString ())));

            if (rndBool == 3) {

                return "0.0" + rndInt.ToString ();

            } else if (rndBool == 2){

                return "0.00" + rndInt.ToString ();

            } else {

                return "0." + rndInt.ToString ();

Example #13
        public static string PathGenerator(string name, string filetype, CodeScreen screen)
            // Paths in Unix are like this:
            //   ./Arendelle/Samples
            // But in Windows systems they are
            // like:
            //   c:\Windows\Program Files\Arendelle\Samples
            // What we want to generate a path from making "shapes.m1"
            // that should be like this ( assuming our path is /home/main
            // ==> /home/main/shapes/m1.arendelle

            string funcRep;
            string osSpecificDirectorySign = "";

            OperatingSystem os = Environment.OSVersion;
            PlatformID pid = os.Platform;
            if (pid == PlatformID.Unix || pid == PlatformID.MacOSX) {

                osSpecificDirectorySign = "/";

            } else if (pid == PlatformID.Win32NT
                    || pid == PlatformID.Win32S
                    || pid == PlatformID.Win32Windows
                    || pid == PlatformID.WinCE
                    || pid == PlatformID.Xbox)

                osSpecificDirectorySign = "\\";

            } else {

                CodeScreen tempScreen3 = new CodeScreen ( "SHELL" , "SHELL" );
                Reporter.Throw ("Your OS does not support Functions",tempScreen3);
                return "BadFuncName";

            funcRep = name.Replace (".", osSpecificDirectorySign);
            return screen.MainPath + osSpecificDirectorySign + funcRep + "." + filetype;
Example #14
        public static string CommentRemover(string code, CodeScreen screen)
            Arendelle tempArendelle = new Arendelle (code);
            string codeWithNoComment = "";

            while (tempArendelle.i < tempArendelle.code.Length) {

                string command = tempArendelle.code [tempArendelle.i].ToString ();

                if (command == "/") {

                    command = tempArendelle.code [tempArendelle.i + 1].ToString ();

                    if (command == "*") {

                        tempArendelle.i = comments.slashstar (ref tempArendelle, ref screen) + 1;

                    } else if (command == "/") {

                        comments.slashslashenter (ref tempArendelle, ref screen);

                    } else {

                        codeWithNoComment = codeWithNoComment + "/";
                        tempArendelle.i ++;


                } else {

                    codeWithNoComment = codeWithNoComment + command;
                    tempArendelle.i ++;


            return codeWithNoComment;
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// The very main evaluator that runs a given code with the screen.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="code">Code.</param>
        /// <param name="screen">Screen.</param>
        public static void Evaluate(string code, CodeScreen screen)
            // comment remover
            string codeWithNoComment = MasterEvaluator.CommentRemover (code, screen);

            // setting up the spaces
            DataTable spaces = new DataTable ("spaces");
            spaces.Columns.Add ("name");
            spaces.Columns.Add ("space");

            // setting up the WhileSign
            bool Sign = true;

            // setting up the Arendelle
            Arendelle arendelle = new Arendelle ( codeWithNoComment );

            /// EVALUATING ///

            IDEInterface.StatingTitleRemover ();
            InterfaceView.SetArendelleTitle ();

            // running
            Kernel.Eval (ref arendelle, ref screen, ref spaces, ref Sign);
Example #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Waits
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="screen">Screen.</param>
 public static void Wait(CodeScreen screen)
     Console .SetCursorPosition (Console .WindowWidth -1,Console .WindowHeight -1);
     System .Threading.Thread.Sleep (1);
     Console .SetCursorPosition (int.Parse(screen.x.ToString()),int.Parse(screen.y.ToString()));
Example #17
		/// <sumary>
		/// This is the Loop.Eval kernel, where it runns the given loop.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name='Code'>
		/// Code the given loop
		/// </param>
		/// <param name='i'>
		/// I.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name='X'>
		/// X.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name='Y'>
		/// Y.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name='Color'>
		/// Color.
		/// </param>
		public static void LoopParser (ref Arendelle arendelle, ref CodeScreen screen, ref DataTable spaces)

			 *   We make a String List to collect the parts of the Open-Close grammars
			 *   like the grammar of the loop where we open it with a "[" and close it
			 *   with a "]". the Lexings.OpenCloseLexer reads the grammar and returns a
			 *   collections of parts like:
			 *   	[ 20 , rc ]                       =>	{ "20" , "rc" }
			 *      [ 20 , [ 20 , [ 20 , rc ] ] ]     =>	{ "20" , "[20,[20,rc]]" }
			 *   So remember:
			 *   1) If there be more than one grammar part it the lexer will return more
			 *      all of them like:
			 *   		[ 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 ]         =>    { "20" , "30" , "40" , "50" }
			 *   2) If we are reading a broken grammar like:
			 *          [ 20 , 20 
			 *      the lexer will change the first entry from anything to "BadGrammar"
			 *      like: 
			 *          [ 20 , 30 , 40                =>	{ "BadGrammar" , "30" }

			List < string > loop = Lexers.OpenCloseLexer ("[", ref arendelle, ref screen);

			 	//  So we have to see if what we have is not broken, missing or overloaded:

			if (loop.Count == 2 && loop [0] != "BadGrammar"){
				//   Soon we will parse the Loop [ 0 ] which is the string of the loop
				//   number into this value.

			 	//   User may have typed the code wrong so will have a huge
			 	//   crash on the program becuase the system can not parse it into
			 	//   a int number and we can not let it happen it's why we run it
			 	//   on a try system.

				try {
					string calculatedLoopNumber = Space.Calculate (loop[0], ref spaces, screen);

					if (calculatedLoopNumber == "True") {

						bool whileSign = true;
						int  lines = loop[1].Length - loop[1].Replace ("\n","").Length;

						while (whileSign ==  true && screen.WhileSign == true) 
							int j = 0;
							Arendelle loopCode = new Arendelle (loop [1]);	
							loopCode.i = j;

							Kernel.Eval (ref loopCode, ref screen, ref spaces, ref whileSign);

							screen.line = screen.line - lines;

							if (Space.Calculate (loop[0], ref spaces, screen) != "True")
								whileSign = false;

							screen .WhileSign = true;

					} else if ( calculatedLoopNumber == "False") {

							//   Simply goes out.

					} else {

						int j = 0;
						decimal decimalNumber = Math.Floor (decimal.Parse(calculatedLoopNumber));
						int lines = loop[1].Length - loop[1].Replace ("\n","").Length;

						for ( decimal k = 0; k < decimalNumber; k++ ) {

							j = 0;	

							//   We run any given code using the Kernels' Eval core because
							//   it can run any code. the good part is it can run in itself 
							//   so we can handle loops inside loops thanks to this tech.

							Arendelle loopMove = new Arendelle (loop [1]);
							loopMove.i = j;

							bool WhileSign = true;

							screen.line = screen.line - lines;
							Kernel.Eval (ref loopMove, ref screen, ref spaces, ref WhileSign); 

					} catch {
						Reporter.Throw ("Bad Loop Number: '" + loop[0] + "'", screen);


				 	//   Now it's time to run the loop.


				//   In case of broken code.

			} else if (loop[0] == "BadGrammar") {

				Reporter.Throw ("Unknown broken loop found.", screen);

				//   In case of missing or overloaded code.

			} else {

					Reporter.Throw ("Loop with one or more than two parts", screen);

Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates Stored Spaces
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="codes">Codes.</param>
        /// <param name="Spaces">Spaces.</param>
        /// <param name="screen">Screen.</param>
        public static void StoredSpaceEval(List<string> codes, ref DataTable spaces, CodeScreen screen)
            if (screen.MainPath == "SHELL")
                Reporter.Throw ("You can not use stored spaces inside interactive shell.", screen);

            string name = Mermaid.Text.RemoveStart (codes [0].TrimStart().TrimEnd(), "$");
            string spacePath = Paths.PathGenerator (name, "space", screen);
            string space = "";

            if (codes.Count == 2) {

                codes [1] = codes [1].TrimStart ().TrimEnd();

                if ( codes [1].StartsWith ("\"")) {

                    Arendelle askText = new Arendelle (codes [1]);
                    string text = Lexers.OnePartOpenCloseParser ("\"", ref askText, ref screen);
                    space = Space.Calculate (IDEInterface.AskNumber (text), ref spaces, screen);

                } else if (codes [1].StartsWith ("/") || codes [1].StartsWith ("*")
                           || codes [1].StartsWith ("+") || codes [1].StartsWith ("-")) {

                    space = Space.Calculate (name + codes [1], ref spaces, screen);

                } else if (codes [1] == "done") {

                    try {

                        if (File.Exists (spacePath))
                            File.Delete (spacePath);

                    } catch {

                        Reporter.Throw ("Can not remove stored space '" + name + "'", screen);

                } else {

                    space = Space.Calculate (codes [1], ref spaces, screen);


            } else if (codes.Count == 1) {

                string text = "Sign stored space '" + name + "' with a number:";
                space = Space.Calculate (IDEInterface.AskNumber (text), ref spaces, screen);


            try {

                using (StreamWriter spaceWriter = new StreamWriter (spacePath)) {

                    spaceWriter.Write (space);
                    spaceWriter.Close ();


            } catch {

                Reporter.Throw ("Could not store space '" + space + "' into '" + spacePath + "'", screen);

Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Breaks down the Arendelle function grammar into a list<string>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='arendelle'>
        /// Arendelle.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='screen'>
        /// Screen.
        /// </param>
        public static List<string> Parser(ref Arendelle arendelle, CodeScreen screen)
            var functionGrammarCollection = new List<string> { };
            functionGrammarCollection.Add ("");
            bool whilebool = true;
            string funcName = "";
            string command = "";
            List<string> functionSpaces = new List<string> { };

            while (whilebool) {

                if (arendelle.i > arendelle.code.Length) {

                    Reporter.Throw ("Function without: (...)",screen);
                    functionGrammarCollection [0] = "BadFuncName";
                    return functionGrammarCollection;

                } else {

                    arendelle.i ++;
                    command = arendelle.code [arendelle.i].ToString ();

                switch (command) {

                case "(":

                    functionSpaces = Lexers.OpenCloseLexer ("(", ref arendelle, ref screen);
                    functionGrammarCollection.AddRange (functionSpaces);
                    whilebool = false;

                case ")":
                    Reporter.Throw ("Wrong function grammar.", screen);
                    functionGrammarCollection [0] = "BadFuncName";

                case "\n":
                    Reporter.Throw ("Unaccepted use of new line in function name", screen);
                    functionGrammarCollection [0] = "BadFuncName";


                    funcName = funcName + command;


            funcName = funcName.TrimEnd ().TrimStart ();

            var nameCollection = Regex.Matches (funcName, "[A-z]([A-z]|[0-9]|\\.)+([A-z]|[0-9])*");

            if (nameCollection.Count == 1) {

                if (nameCollection [0].ToString () == funcName) {

                    functionGrammarCollection [0] = funcName;
                    return functionGrammarCollection;

                } else {

                    Reporter.Throw ("Function name not accepted.", screen);
                    functionGrammarCollection [0] = "BadFuncName";
                    return functionGrammarCollection;


            } else {

                Reporter.Throw ("Function name with more than one part.", screen);
                functionGrammarCollection [0] = "BadFuncName";
                return functionGrammarCollection;

Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Replacer the specified expr, PublicVards and PrivateVars.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='expr'>
        /// Expr.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='PublicVards'>
        /// Public vards.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='PrivateVars'>
        /// Private variables.
        /// </param>
        public static string replacer(string expr, ref DataTable spaces, CodeScreen screen)
            //  Engine.Lexers.Lexers.cs

            List<string> openedExpr = Lexers.ExpressionAnalyzer (expr, ref screen);

            string final = "";

            foreach (string value in openedExpr) {

                //  Values that starts with @ are varieables of the language
                //  and we must give them their values before evaluating them
                //  which we do with replacing them with their values.

                string toBeReplaced = "";

                if (value.StartsWith("#")) {

                    switch (value) {
                    case "#x":
                        toBeReplaced = screen.x.ToString ();

                    case "#y":
                        toBeReplaced = screen.y.ToString ();

                    case "#z":
                        toBeReplaced = screen.z.ToString ();

                    case "#pi":
                        toBeReplaced = Math.PI.ToString ();
                    case "#j":
                        toBeReplaced = IDEInterface.ScreenH ();

                    case "#i":
                        toBeReplaced = IDEInterface.ScreenW ();

                    case "#width":
                        toBeReplaced = IDEInterface.ScreenW ();

                    case "#height":
                        toBeReplaced = IDEInterface.ScreenH ();

                    case "#k":
                        toBeReplaced = IDEInterface.ScreenV ();

                    case "#n":
                        toBeReplaced = screen.color.ToString ();

                    case "#rnd":
                        toBeReplaced = ArendelleMathLib.RNDFGerator (screen);

                        Reporter.Throw ("Unknown source: '" + value +"' found.", screen);


                } else if (value.StartsWith ("@")){

                    try {

                        DataRow[] rows = spaces.Select ("name = '" + value + "'");

                        if (rows.Length == 0)
                            Reporter.Throw ("Unsigned space '" + value + "' found.", screen);

                        else {

                            if (rows[0][1].ToString() != "")
                                toBeReplaced = rows[ 0 ][ 1 ].ToString();
                                Reporter.Throw ("Unsigned space '" + value + "' found.", screen);

                    } catch (Exception ex) {

                        Reporter.Throw (ex.Message.ToString (), screen);


                } else if (value.StartsWith ("$")){

                    string name = Mermaid.Text.RemoveStart (value, "$");
                    string spacePath = Paths.PathGenerator (name, "space", screen);

                    if (File.Exists (spacePath)){

                        try {

                            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader (spacePath)){
                                toBeReplaced = reader.ReadToEnd();

                        } catch {

                            Reporter.Throw ("Could not load stored space: '" + value + "'.", screen);


                    } else {

                        Reporter.Throw ("No stored space as '" + value + "' found.", screen);


                } else if (value.StartsWith ("!")){

                    Arendelle funcArendelle = new Arendelle (value);
                    bool whilesign = true;
                    toBeReplaced = FunctionEVAL.EVAL (ref funcArendelle, ref screen, ref spaces, ref whilesign);

                } else {

                    toBeReplaced = value;


                final = final + toBeReplaced;

            return final;
		/// <summary>
		/// This systems opens and ends with one char line a string that opens and ends with '"' and
		/// we are not going to sprate parts with ',' on it.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name='OpenCloseCommand'>
		/// Open and Close command
		/// </param>
		/// <param name='arendelle'>
		/// Arendelle code that contains the grammar.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name='screeen'>
		/// Screeen.
		/// </param>
		public static string OnePartOpenCloseParser (string openCloseCommand, ref Arendelle arendelle, ref CodeScreen screeen)
			// for reporting

			screeen.line2 = screeen.line;

			// going to the next char.


			// we collect our resualt here.

			string result = null;

			// now for 1=1 we go right until we find something and break out.

			while (true) {
				// the char that we are reeading.

				string command = arendelle.code [arendelle.i] .ToString ();

				// is it close part?

				if (command == openCloseCommand) {

					arendelle.i ++;

					return result;

				} else if (command == "\\") {

					arendelle.i ++;
					command = arendelle.code [arendelle.i] .ToString ();

					switch (command) {
					case "\"" :
						result = result + "\"";
					case "'"  :
						result = result + "'" ;
					case "%"  :
						result = result + "%" ;
						result = result + "\\" + arendelle.code [arendelle.i] .ToString ();
				// should we count new line?

				} else if (command == "\n") {

					screeen.line ++;
					result = result + "\n";
				// or we have to add the command

				} else {

					result = result + command;


				// is there any next command to parse?

				if ( arendelle.i < arendelle.code .Length ) {

					arendelle.i ++;
				} else { 

					// no the grammar is not closed!

					Reporter.Throw ("Unfinished " + openCloseCommand + "..." + openCloseCommand + " grammar",

					return "BadGrammar";
Example #22
        public static void OpenFileMain(string filePath)
            Console.Title = " ";
            string mainPath = Path.GetDirectoryName (filePath);


            if (mainPath == "")
                mainPath = ".";

            CodeScreen tempScreen10 = new CodeScreen ("SHELL", "SHELL");
            tempScreen10.OpenedByArgs = true;
            string code = ArendelleFile.read (filePath, tempScreen10);

            if (code != "BadFile") {

                Console.Clear ();
                CodeScreen screen = new CodeScreen (mainPath, "SHELL");
                screen.OpenedByArgs = true;

                try {

                    InterfaceView.SetArendelleTitle ();
                    MasterEvaluator.Evaluate (code, screen);
                    //Console .Beep ();

                } catch {

                    Reporter.Throw ("Something bad happend...", screen);


                IDEInterface.TheA6 ("");
                IDEInterface.Shutdown ();

            } else {

                CodeScreen tempScreen12 = new CodeScreen ("SHELL", "SHELL");
                tempScreen12.OpenedByArgs = true;
                Reporter.Throw ("Bad file: file type is not accepted or file/directory does not exists.", tempScreen12);
                IDEInterface.Shutdown ();

Example #23
        public static void RealMain()

            InterfaceView.SetMainMenu ();
            string mainPath = "SHELL";
            Console.Write ("λ ");
            string code = Console.ReadLine ();

            if (code.ToLower ().TrimEnd ().TrimStart () == "exit") {

                IDEInterface.Shutdown ();

            } else if (code == "about") {

                InterfaceView.AboutPage ();

            } else if (code == "update") {

                Update.Check ();

            } else if (code.StartsWith ("open ")) {

                mainPath = Path.GetDirectoryName (Mermaid.Text.RemoveStart (code, "open "));
                CodeScreen tempScreen11 = new CodeScreen ("SHELL", "SHELL");
                code = ArendelleFile.read (code , tempScreen11);

                if (code == "BadFile") {

                    CodeScreen TempScreen1 = new CodeScreen ("SHELL", "SHELL");
                    Reporter.Throw("The file does not exists.", TempScreen1);



            Console.Clear ();
            CodeScreen screen = new CodeScreen (mainPath, "SHELL");
            Stopwatch renderTime = new Stopwatch ();
            renderTime.Start ();

            try {

                MasterEvaluator.Evaluate (code, screen);
                //Console .Beep ();

            } catch {

                Reporter.Throw("Something bad happend...", screen);
                //McError.Throw(ex.Data.ToString () + ":  " + ex.Message);
                goto Start;


            renderTime.Stop ();
            IDEInterface.TheA6 (renderTime.Elapsed.ToString());
            goto Start;
Example #24
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length == 1) {

                // Some UNIX style command line codes
                if (args [0] == "-v" || args [0] == "--version") {

                    InterfaceView.CommandLineVersion ();

                } else if (args [0] == "-h" || args [0] == "--help") {

                        InterfaceView.CommnadLineHelp ();

                // Or opening a file

                } else {

                    ArcadeLoading.Loading (1);
                    Interface.OpenFileMain (args [0]);


            } else if (args.Length == 2 || args.Length >= 3 && args [0] == "-e" || args.Length >= 3 && args [0] == "--evaluate") {

                if (args.Length == 2) {

                    ArcadeLoading.Loading (1);
                    EvaluatedMain (args [1], "SHELL");

                } else {

                    if (Directory.Exists (args [2])) {

                        ArcadeLoading.Loading (1);
                        EvaluatedMain (args [1], args [2]);

                    } else {

                        CodeScreen tempScreen4 = new CodeScreen ("SHELL", "SHELL");
                        tempScreen4.OpenedByArgs = true;
                        Reporter.Throw ("MainPath refrences in command line does not exists.", tempScreen4);


            } else {

                ArcadeLoading.Loading (0);
                Interface.RealMain ();
Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates Arendelle Functions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='arendelle'>
        /// Arendelle.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='screen'>
        /// Screen.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='Spaces'>
        /// Spaces.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='WhileSign'>
        /// While sign.
        /// </param>
        public static string EVAL(ref Arendelle arendelle, ref CodeScreen screen, ref DataTable spaces, ref bool whileSign)
            // FunctionParser is a lexer like thing that return a list <string>
            // that the first part 'FunctionParts[0]' will be the Function's name
            // and the rest is function spaces in it's ()
            var functionParts = FunctionParser.Parser (ref arendelle, screen);

            string functionName = functionParts [0];

            if (functionName != "BadFuncName"){

                // Functions name with screen.MainPath creates a path where the func is in
                // and this Path.PathGenerator which takes care of that. Also you must keep
                // in mind that we have used os specific codes for both UNIX and Windows
                // architectures so the final code is cross-platfrom with no need for any
                // change in their codes.
                string functionPath = Paths.PathGenerator (functionName, "arendelle", screen);

                // Setting up the Kernel.EVAL requirments
                CodeScreen funcScreen = new CodeScreen (screen.MainPath, functionName);
                funcScreen.OpenedByArgs = screen.OpenedByArgs;

                Arendelle funcCode;

                if (File.Exists (functionPath)) {

                    funcCode = new Arendelle (MasterEvaluator.CommentRemover (ArendelleFile.read(functionPath, screen), funcScreen));

                    bool ws2 = true;
                    List<string> spaceNames = new List<string> { };

                    // This while is a lexer that breacks down the function header to
                    // a list<string> called 'SpacesNames'
                    while ( ws2 ) {

                        string command = funcCode.code[funcCode.i].ToString ();

                        if (command == "<") {

                            spaceNames = Lexers.OpenCloseLexer ("<", ref funcCode, ref funcScreen);
                            funcCode.i ++;
                            ws2 = false;

                        } else {

                            if (command == " " || command == "\n" || command == "\t") {

                                funcCode.i ++;
                                if ( funcCode.i > funcCode.code.Length ) ws2 = false;
                                if ( command == "\n" ) funcScreen.line ++;

                            } else {

                                ws2 = false;


                    // So we have to be sure if the user has entered the function spaces right
                    // for example if the header be '< @size , @age >' user must write a function
                    // with only two numbers like : '$ example ( @size , 20 )' not '$ example (1)'
                    // and not '$ example ( 10 , 20 , 31 )'. This if takes care of that
                    if (functionParts.Count - 1 == spaceNames.Count) {

                        // setting up the data
                        DataTable funcSpaces = new DataTable ("spaces");
                        funcSpaces.Columns.Add ("name");
                        funcSpaces.Columns.Add ("space");

                        // As you know to return something in Arendelle functions
                        // we fill them into @return space. The Kernel.EVAL removes
                        // spaces that has made in it so no space from a grammar
                        // inside another grammar wont interface with the mother
                        // grammar and also the @return has one defualt space which
                        // is zero so we add the @return here to fix those problems
                        funcSpaces.Rows.Add ("@return", "0");

                        // In this part we group each FunctionSpaceName with it's own
                        // FunctionSpaceSpace and we add them into Function's Space
                        for (int i = 0; i < spaceNames.Count; i++) {

                            string spaceName = spaceNames [ i ].TrimEnd().TrimStart();
                            Space.CheckSpaceName (spaceName, ref screen);

                            if (spaceName.Replace (" ","" ) != "") {

                                if (functionParts [ i + 1 ].Replace (" ","") != "") {
                                    string FuncTempSpace = Space.Calculate (functionParts[i+1], ref spaces, screen);
                                    funcSpaces.Rows.Add ("@"+spaceName, FuncTempSpace);
                                } else {
                                    Reporter.Throw("Unsigned function space: "+spaceName, screen);



                        // Function should get the previus information about
                        // the screen and use it and after it's job is finished
                        // update it's mother screen
                        funcScreen.x 	 = screen.x		;
                        funcScreen.y	 = screen.y 	;
                        funcScreen.z 	 = screen.z 	;
                        funcScreen.color = screen.color ;
                        funcScreen.rand  = screen.rand  ;

                        Kernel.Eval (ref funcCode, ref funcScreen, ref funcSpaces, ref whileSign);

                        screen.x     = funcScreen.x 	;
                        screen.y     = funcScreen.y 	;
                        screen.z     = funcScreen.z 	;
                        screen.color = funcScreen.color ;
                        screen.rand  = funcScreen.rand  ;

                        // When we use functions as spaces we have to return
                        // the last space-value of @return
                        DataRow[] rows = funcSpaces.Select("name = '@return'");
                        return rows[0][1].ToString();

                    } else {

                        string throwText = "";

                        switch (spaceNames.Count) {

                        case 0 :
                            throwText = "no space.";

                        case 1 :
                            throwText = "one space.";

                            throwText = spaceNames.Count+" spaces.";

                        Reporter.Throw ("Function '"+functionName+"' takes "+throwText, screen);
                        return "0";

                } else {

                    Reporter.Throw ("Undifined function: '"+functionName+"'", screen);

                return "0";

            return "0";
Example #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Eval is the main core of the language where it evaluates the given code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='Code'>
        /// a given code like "rrc [ 8 , d [ 4 , r c n ] ] "
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='i'>
        /// the 'i' is the current pasring character
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='X'>
        /// X.the vector location.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='Y'>
        /// Y. the vector location
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='Color'>
        /// Color. the number of color based on interface settings.
        /// </param>
        public static List<string> Eval(ref Arendelle arendelle, ref CodeScreen screen, ref DataTable spaces, ref bool WhileSign)
            List <string> spacesToRemove = new List<string> { };

            //   So what we do is we read the code char-by-char and run the commands
            //   Just-In-Time. if we find a grammar we let grammar parsers take care
            //   of that

            while (arendelle.i < arendelle.code.Length) {

                //   To make our job easier we put the the char in a string
                //   value so we can use it in a lazy way!

                string command = arendelle.code [arendelle.i].ToString ().ToLower();

                /// START OF RUNTIME ///

                switch (command) {

                //                           Grammars                     //

                case "[":
                    Loop.LoopParser (ref arendelle, ref screen, ref spaces);
                    //arendelle .i --;

                case "!":
                    if (screen.MainPath != "SHELL") {
                        FunctionEVAL.EVAL (ref arendelle, ref screen, ref spaces, ref WhileSign);
                    } else {
                        Reporter.Throw ("You can not use functions in interactive shell.",screen);

                case "(":
                    List <string> ValueGrammar = Lexers.OpenCloseLexer ("(", ref arendelle, ref screen);

                    string r = Space.eval (ValueGrammar, ref spaces, screen);

                    if (r != "")
                        spacesToRemove.Add (r);


                case "{":
                    List<string> conditionGrammar = Lexers.OpenCloseLexer ("{", ref arendelle, ref screen);
                    Condition.Eval (conditionGrammar, ref screen, ref spaces);

                case "'":
                    IDEInterface.SetMenuTitle (Lexers.OnePartOpenCloseParser ("'", ref arendelle, ref screen));
                    arendelle.i --;

                //                         Commands                          //

                case "p":
                    IDEInterface.Paint (screen);

                case "u":
                    screen.y --;

                case "d":
                    screen.y ++;

                case "r":
                    screen.x ++;

                case "l":
                    screen.x --;

                case "e":
                    screen.WhileSign = false;
                    WhileSign = false;

                case "n":
                    screen.color = (screen.color + 1) % 4;

                case "c":
                    IDEInterface.Clear (screen);

                case "w":
                    IDEInterface.Wait (screen);

                case "s":
                    IDEInterface.HandleCommand_s ();

                case "i":
                    screen.x = 0;
                    screen.y = 0;

                //                     Errors and Others                     //

                case "]":
                    Reporter.Throw ("Unexpected loop ender ']' found.", screen);

                case ")":
                    Reporter.Throw ("Unexpected space ender ')' found.", screen);

                case "}":
                    Reporter.Throw ("Unexpected conditon ender '}' found.", screen);

                case "<":
                    Reporter.Throw ("Unexpected function header found.", screen);

                case ">":
                    Reporter.Throw ("Unexpected function header ender '>' found.", screen);

                case ",":
                    Reporter.Throw ("Unexpected grammar divider ',' found.", screen);

                case "\n" :
                    screen.line ++;


                    if (command != " " && command != "\t" && command != "" && command != ";")
                        Reporter.Throw ("Unaccpeted command: '" + command + "'", screen);

                /// END OF RUNTIME ///

                //   Garbedge Collector



            Garbedge.collector (ref spaces, spacesToRemove);

            //  RETURNINGS
            return spacesToRemove;
Example #27
 public static void Throw(string errorText, CodeScreen screen)
     InterfaceView.ShowErros (errorText, screen);
		/// <summary>
		/// Expressions Analyzer for codnditions and equations . it seprates texts with an @
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>
		/// A list of stirings. you have to take care of strings opeining with @
		/// </returns>
		/// <param name='expression'>
		/// Expression. a string like "2*@x-2"
		/// </param>
		public static List<string> ExpressionAnalyzer (string expression, ref CodeScreen screen)
			// The list we keep results in it.

			List <string> args = new List<string> { };

			// List of legal variable chars
			List <string> chars = new List<string> 

			// Current char that is being parsed.
			int i = 0;

			// Temp arg collector
			string arg = "";

			// Core processor
			while (i < expression.Length) {

				// reading one char per time
				string theChar = expression [i] .ToString ();

				// is it space / source?
				if (theChar == "@" || theChar == "#") {

					args.Add (arg);

					// space or source
					if (theChar == "@")
						arg = "@";
						arg = "#";

					// setting to the next char

					// lexing the rest of the name until 
					// we find the end of it by reading
					// only the meaningfull characters
					bool whilecontorol = true ;
					while (i < expression.Length && whilecontorol) {

						theChar = expression [i] .ToString ();

						if (chars.Exists(element => element == theChar)){
							arg = arg + theChar;

							if (i < expression.Length) 
								whilecontorol = false;

						} else {
							args.Add (arg);
							arg = " ";
							whilecontorol = false;


					// adding the lexed part
					args.Add (arg);
					arg = "";

				} else if (theChar == "!") {

					args.Add (arg);
					Arendelle FuncArendelle = new Arendelle(expression);
					FuncArendelle.i = i;
					var FunctionParts = FunctionParser.Parser (ref FuncArendelle, screen);
					i = FuncArendelle.i;
					arg = "!" + FunctionParts [0] + "(";
					for (int j = 1; j < FunctionParts.Count; j++) {
						arg = arg + FunctionParts [j] + ",";
					args.Add (Mermaid.Text.RemoveEnd (arg , ",") + ")");
					arg = "";

				} else if (theChar == "$") {

					args.Add (arg);
					arg = "$";

					bool whilecontorol = true ;
					while (i < expression.Length && whilecontorol) {

						theChar = expression [i].ToString ();

						if (chars.Exists(element => element == theChar) || theChar == ".") {
							arg = arg + theChar;

							if (i < expression.Length) 
								whilecontorol = false;

						} else {
							args.Add (arg);
							arg = " ";
							whilecontorol = false;


					if (arg.EndsWith ("."))
						Reporter.Throw("Bad stored space name: '" + arg + "'", screen);

					// adding the lexed part
					args.Add (arg);
					arg = "";

					// is it the end of the whole story?
				} else if (theChar == null) {

					args.Add (arg);
					return args;

					// now we are sure what we have lexed is
					// not one space or source
				} else {

					// translating some characters
					arg = arg.Replace ( "×" , "*" );
					arg = arg.Replace ( "÷" , "/" );

					// Translating Arendelle And/Or to NCalc's language.
					arg = arg.Replace ( " or "  , "||" );
					arg = arg.Replace ( " and " , "&&" );

					arg = arg + theChar;


			args.Add (arg );
			return args;
Example #29
        /// <summary>
        /// EValuates spaces.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The eval.</returns>
        /// <param name="codes">Codes.</param>
        /// <param name="Spaces">Spaces.</param>
        /// <param name="screen">Screen.</param>
        public static string SpaceEval(List<string> codes, ref DataTable spaces, CodeScreen screen)
            string name  = "";
            string space = "";

            //   Stabelizing the value name

            CheckSpaceName (codes [0].TrimEnd ().TrimStart (), ref screen);

            name = "@" + codes [0].TrimEnd ().TrimStart ();

            //  If count be two it means the given input is in the program
            //  itself like:
            //  (a,2)  ------in c#------->  int a = 2;

            if (codes.Count == 2) {

                codes [1] = codes [1].TrimStart ().TrimEnd ();

                if (codes [1].StartsWith ("\"")) {

                    Arendelle askText = new Arendelle (codes [1]);
                    string text = Lexers.OnePartOpenCloseParser ("\"", ref askText, ref screen);
                    space = Space.Calculate (IDEInterface.AskNumber (text), ref spaces, screen);

                } else if (codes [1].StartsWith ("/") || codes [1].StartsWith ("*")
                           || codes [1].StartsWith ("+") || codes [1].StartsWith ("-")) {

                    space = Space.Calculate (name + codes [1], ref spaces, screen);

                } else if (codes [1] == "done") {

                    DataRow[] endrows = spaces.Select ("name = '" + name + "'");

                    if (endrows.Length > 0)
                        spaces.Rows.Remove (endrows [0]);

                    DataRow[] endrows2 = spaces.Select ("name = ''");

                    if (endrows2.Length > 0)
                        spaces.Rows.Remove (endrows2 [0]);

                } else {

                    space = Space.Calculate (codes [1], ref spaces, screen);


                //  But if the count be one it means that user must enter the
                //  value manualy (I/O) which means something like this:
                //  (a)    ------in c#------->  int a = int.Prase ( Console.ReadLine );
                //  MODIFY THE: /Engine/Interface/Engine-Tools/InterfaceCommands.cs

            } else if (codes.Count == 1) {

                string text = "Sign space '" + name + "' with a number:";
                space = Space.Calculate (IDEInterface.AskNumber (text), ref spaces, screen);


            DataRow[] rows = spaces.Select ("name = '" + name + "'");

            string toBeReturened = "";

            if (rows.Length == 0) {
                spaces.Rows.Add (name, space);
                toBeReturened = name;

            } else {

                spaces.Rows [spaces.Rows.IndexOf (rows [0])] [1] = space;

            //  Due type-safe design we have to remove the vars inside of a grammar
            //  out side of it. I means something like this:
            //  A C# Code:
            //  |  int a = 1;
            //  |  if ( a = 1 ) {
            //  |     int b = 0;
            //  |  }
            //  |  Console.WriteLine(b);
            //  So if you run the code you'll see the compiler saying that you can
            //  not use the b outside of that if. Just as this example we have to
            //  take care of inner vars because we use virtual types. it means all the
            //  values are saved in a DataTable not actual places in system memory and
            //  it dosen't matter where they are we have to simulate that system by
            //  removing them when one grammar ( in this case one eval ) is done.
            //  and we do this by collecting the name of values created inside of each
            //  eval so when the evals finished we'll be able to remove them via
            //  -> garbedge.collector.

            return toBeReturened;
Example #30
		/// <summary>
		/// This grammars are started and closed with diffrent parts like ( .... , .... ) and contains
		/// some diffrent parts that we seprate them using ','.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>
		/// A list containing the parts, sorted.
		/// </returns>
		/// <param name='OpenCommand'>
		/// Open command.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name='arendelle'>
		/// Arendelle 
		/// </param>
		/// <param name='screen'>
		/// Screen.
		/// </param>
		public static List<string> OpenCloseLexer (string openCommand, ref Arendelle arendelle, ref CodeScreen screen)
			string closeCommand = null;
			screen.line2 = screen.line;

			switch (openCommand) {

				case "{" : closeCommand = "}"; break;
				case "[" : closeCommand = "]"; break;
				case "(" : closeCommand = ")"; break;
				case "<" : closeCommand = ">"; break;

					Reporter.Throw ("[DEV] - In Lexer : No such OpenCommand as '" + openCommand
				                	+ "' Is Defiend." , screen);

			// With 'i' we will keep the place of the character
			// we are parsing.


			// This function parses an open-close grammer like [] fo
			// example: [20,rc] and returns {"20","rc"} or {r=2,rc,dc}
			// and the returns the {"r=2","rc","dc"}. This collection is
			// Args.

			List < string > args = new List < string > {};

			// We put the current char in the commnad to have a more pretty
			// code. so after this we use Command as the Code[i].ToString();

			string command = null;

			// A little char that we keep our parsing command

			string arg = null;

			// This while will take care of whole scanning thing. What it does is reading
			// the code char by char and adding the values into the result collection.

			while (arendelle.i < arendelle.code .Length) {

				// Commnad is the char we're going to parse

				command = arendelle.code [arendelle.i].ToString ();

				if (command == ",") {

					args.Add (arg);
					arg = null;

				} else if (command == "[" || command == "(" || command == "{") {

					string opencommand = command;

					string closecommand = "";

					switch (opencommand) {

						case "{" : closecommand = "}"; break;
						case "[" : closecommand = "]"; break;
						case "(" : closecommand = ")"; break;
						case "<" : closecommand = ">"; break;					

						default: break;

					List <string> newCodeToParse = OpenCloseLexer (command , ref arendelle, ref screen);

					string newCode = null;

					switch (newCodeToParse.Count) {

						case 1 :
							newCode = newCodeToParse [0] ;

						case 2 :
							newCode = newCodeToParse [0] + "," + newCodeToParse [1]; 

						case 3 :
							newCode = newCodeToParse [0] + "," + newCodeToParse [1] + "," + newCodeToParse [2]; 


					arg = arg + opencommand + newCode + closecommand;

				} else if (command == closeCommand) {

					args.Add (arg);
					arg = null;
					goto Finishing;

				} else {

					if (command == "\n")
						screen .line ++;

					arg = arg + command;


				// Going to the next char if it exists

				if (arendelle.i < arendelle.code .Length) {

					arendelle.i ++;

				} else {

					args [0] = "BadGrammar";
					goto Finishing;



			// We have used the 'ref' before the Int i, so we have
			// to use this line to fix errors of the 

			screen.line2 = 0;

			return args; 
