/* These buttons are either Campaign Buttons or Load buttons.
             * I tried 2 different classes, but I couldn't figure out how
             * to make the old buttons disappear once I changed screens.
             * This way works though */
            public override void OnUpdate()
                if (Instance.HasUpdatedSinceLastClose)
                bool debug = false;

                Instance.HasUpdatedSinceLastClose = true;

                ArcenUI_ButtonSet elementAsType = (ArcenUI_ButtonSet)Element;


                Dictionary <string, List <SaveGameData> > gameDict = SaveLoadMethods.parseOnDiskSaveGames();

                if (!Instance.showCampaignButtons)
                    //these are Load Game buttons
                    if (Window_LoadGameMenu.Instance.campaignName == "")
                        ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("WARNING: campaign name is null ", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
                    if (debug)
                        ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Showing saved games in LoadGames from campaign " + Window_LoadGameMenu.Instance.campaignName, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
                    //get the saved games for this campaign
                    List <SaveGameData> list = gameDict[Window_LoadGameMenu.Instance.campaignName];
                    //sort saved games by elapsed in game time
                    list.Sort(delegate(SaveGameData x, SaveGameData y)

                    //This code allows for multiple columns to automatically wrap
                    int     maxHeightPerColumn = 80;
                    int     xModForLoadButtons = -4; //Load buttons are a bit smaller than campaign buttons
                    int     yModForLoadButtons = -4;
                    int     gamesPerColumn     = (int)maxHeightPerColumn / (int)(elementAsType.ButtonHeight + yModForLoadButtons);
                    int     distBetweenColumns = 2;
                    Vector2 sizeForLoadButtons;
                    sizeForLoadButtons.x = elementAsType.ButtonWidth + xModForLoadButtons;
                    sizeForLoadButtons.y = elementAsType.ButtonHeight + yModForLoadButtons;
                    if (debug)
                        ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("gamesPerColumn " + gamesPerColumn + "botton  height " + elementAsType.ButtonHeight + "maxHeight " + maxHeightPerColumn, Verbosity.DoNotShow);
                    for (int k = 0; k < list.Count; k++)
                        Vector2 offset;
                        offset.y = (k % gamesPerColumn) * (elementAsType.ButtonHeight + yModForLoadButtons);
                        offset.x = (k / gamesPerColumn) * (elementAsType.ButtonWidth + xModForLoadButtons) + distBetweenColumns * (k / gamesPerColumn);
                        AddLoadButton(elementAsType, list[k], offset, sizeForLoadButtons);
                    //these are campaign buttons
                    List <SaveGameData> campaignList = new List <SaveGameData>();
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <SaveGameData> > entry in gameDict)
                        //Campaign buttons are sorted by "Last save Wall Clock date"
                        //Find the furthest-in game from each campaign to check for the
                        //Wall Clock time and add it to the campaignList
                        List <SaveGameData> list = entry.Value;
                        list.Sort(delegate(SaveGameData x, SaveGameData y)
                    //Now sort by Wall Clock
                    campaignList.Sort(delegate(SaveGameData x, SaveGameData y)

                    //Allow columns to wrap nicely
                    int maxHeightPerColumn = 80;
                    int gamesPerColumn     = (int)maxHeightPerColumn / (int)elementAsType.ButtonHeight;
                    int distBetweenColumns = 2;
                    for (int k = 0; k < campaignList.Count; k++)
                        Vector2 offset;
                        offset.y = (k % gamesPerColumn) * elementAsType.ButtonHeight;
                        offset.x = (k / gamesPerColumn) * elementAsType.ButtonWidth + distBetweenColumns * (k / gamesPerColumn);
                        AddCampaignButton(elementAsType, campaignList[k], offset);
            public override void OnUpdate()
                if (!Instance.NeedsUpdate)
                Instance.NeedsUpdate = false;
                bool debug = false;

                if (debug)
                    ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Reading directory to generate buttons", Verbosity.DoNotShow);
                ArcenUI_ButtonSet elementAsType = (ArcenUI_ButtonSet)Element;


                Dictionary <string, List <SaveGameData> > gameDict = SaveLoadMethods.parseOnDiskSaveGames();

                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <SaveGameData> > entry in gameDict)
                    //Don't show any saves from other campaigns
                    if (entry.Key != Window_SaveGameMenu.Instance.OverallCampaignName || Window_SaveGameMenu.Instance.OverallCampaignName == "")
                    if (debug)
                        ArcenDebugging.ArcenDebugLogSingleLine("Parsing list from  " + entry.Key, Verbosity.DoNotShow);

                    List <SaveGameData> list = entry.Value;
                    //Sort the found saved games by elapsed in game time
                    list.Sort(delegate(SaveGameData x, SaveGameData y)

                    //Allow for multiple columns
                    int maxHeightPerColumn = 80;
                    int gamesPerColumn     = (int)maxHeightPerColumn / (int)elementAsType.ButtonHeight;
                    int distBetweenColumns = 5;

                    //This section here adds a big button at the top
                    //to display information about the campaign
                    Vector2 offset;
                    offset.y = 0;
                    offset.x = 40;
                    string output = getCampaignLabel(list[0]);
                    AddHeaderButton(elementAsType, output, offset);

                    int offsetForHeader = (int)elementAsType.ButtonHeight + 5;
                    //Now print the found saved games underneath the header
                    for (int k = 0; k < list.Count; k++)
                        offset.y = (k % gamesPerColumn) * elementAsType.ButtonHeight + offsetForHeader;
                        offset.x = (k / gamesPerColumn) * elementAsType.ButtonWidth + distBetweenColumns * (k / gamesPerColumn);
                        AddSaveButton(elementAsType, list[k], offset);