Example #1
        public void Withdraw(double amount,int accID)
            UserDAO dao=new UserDAO();
            DataTable dt=new DataTable();
            string connectionstring = "Data Source=WS003LT1553PRD;Initial Catalog=ApteanEdgeBank;User=sa;Password=abc-123";
            BankGeneralAccount bg = new BankGeneralAccount();
            dt=dao.GetData("Select AccountBalance from Account where AccountID="+accID,connectionstring);
            Balance = Balance - amount;
            if (Balance > 0)
                string myQuery = "Update Account set AccountBalance=" + Balance + " where AccountID="+accID;

                //UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
                dao.UpdateData(myQuery, connectionstring);
                AccountActivityLedger Ledger = new AccountActivityLedger();
                Ledger.AddAccountActivity(accID, "Withdraw",amount, DateTime.Now);
                MessageBox.Show("Amount withdraw Successful!");

            //string myQuery="up
                MessageBox.Show("Your balance is too low!");
 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     int res;
         MessageBox.Show("Please enter the Customer ID");
         MessageBox.Show("Invalid Customer ID");
     if(!int.TryParse(textBox1.Text,out res))
         MessageBox.Show("Only Digits are allowed");
        MessageBox.Show("Invalid Customer ID");
     UserDAO user = new UserDAO();
     DataTable dataTable = new DataTable ();
     dataTable = user.GetData("use ApteanEdgeBank select * from customer where CustomerID=" + textBox1.Text,UserDAO.connectionString);
     dataGridView1.DataSource = bindingSource1;
     bindingSource1.DataSource = dataTable;
     if (dataTable.Rows.Count == 0)
         MessageBox.Show("No records Found");
Example #3
        public bool CustomerAvailabilityCheck()
            UserDAO udao = new UserDAO();
            DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
            bool foundFlag = false;
            string customerID = textBox1.Text;
            dataTable = udao.GetData("use ApteanEdgeBank select * from Customer", UserDAO.connectionString);
            ListOfCustomers newForm = new ListOfCustomers();

            for (int i = 0; i < dataTable.Rows.Count; i++)

                if (Convert.ToString(dataTable.Rows[i]["CustomerID"]) == customerID)
                    foundFlag = true;

            if (foundFlag)
                 return true;
                 return false;
Example #4
 public string GetAccountType(int accId)
     UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
     DataTable dt = new DataTable();
     string myQuery = "select * from Account where AccountID=" + accId;
     string connectionstring = "Data Source=WS003LT1553PRD;Initial Catalog=ApteanEdgeBank;User=sa;Password=abc-123";
     dt = dao.GetData(myQuery, connectionstring);
     string Type = "";
     if (Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["AccountType"]) == "CA")
         return Type;
     else if (Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["AccountType"]) == "TFS")
         return Type;
     else if (Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[0]["AccountType"]) == "LA")
         Type = "LA";
         return Type;
         return Type;
 public void GetAccountBalance()
     UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        string connectionstring = "Data Source=WS003LT1553PRD;Initial Catalog=ApteanEdgeBank;User=sa;Password=abc-123";
        dt = dao.GetData("select AccountBalance from BankGeneralAccount where AccountID=1000", connectionstring);
        bgaBalance = Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[0]["AccountBalance"]);
 public void AddContactNumber2(string ContactNumber2)
     UserDAO dataAccess = new UserDAO();
     if (ContactID != null)
         // System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ContactID);
         dataAccess.InsertData("use ApteanEdgeBank insert into CustomerContactDetails (CustomerContactID,CustomerContactNumber) values(" + ContactID + "," + ContactNumber2 + ")", UserDAO.connectionString);
         System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Fatal Error: Contact ID not generated");
 private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     UserDAO user = new UserDAO();
     DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
     dataTable = user.GetData("use ApteanEdgeBank select * from customer where LastName=" + "'" + textBox3.Text + "'", UserDAO.connectionString);
     dataGridView1.DataSource = bindingSource1;
     bindingSource1.DataSource = dataTable;
     if (dataTable.Rows.Count == 0)
         MessageBox.Show("No records Found");
Example #8
 public bool CheckAccountExistence(int accID)
     UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
     DataTable accTable = new DataTable();
     string myQuery = "select * from Account where AccountID=" + accID;
     string connectionstring="Data Source=WS003LT1553PRD;Initial Catalog=ApteanEdgeBank;User=sa;Password=abc-123";
     accTable = dao.GetData(myQuery, connectionstring);
     if (accTable.Rows.Count > 0)
         return true;
     return false;
        public void BgaDeposit( double amt)
            UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            string connectionstring = "Data Source=WS003LT1553PRD;Initial Catalog=ApteanEdgeBank;User=sa;Password=abc-123";
            dt = dao.GetData("Select AccountBalance from BankGeneralAccount where AccountID=1000", connectionstring);
            bgaBalance = Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[0]["AccountBalance"]);
            bgaBalance = bgaBalance + amt;
            string myQuery = "Update BankGeneralAccount set AccountBalance=" + bgaBalance + " where AccountID= 1000";

            //UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
            dao.UpdateData(myQuery, connectionstring);
 public void AddAccountActivity(int accID, string transType, double amount, DateTime transDate)
     UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
     string myQuery = "insert into AccountActivityLedger values(" + accID + "," + "'" + transDate + "'" + "," + "'" + transType + "'" + "," + amount + ")";
     string connectionstring = "Data Source=WS003LT1553PRD;Initial Catalog=ApteanEdgeBank;User=sa;Password=abc-123";
        // if (CheckAccountExistence(accID))
         dao.InsertData(myQuery, connectionstring);
        /* else
         MessageBox.Show("Account Does not exist!");
 private void ListAccountDetails_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     UserDAO dataAccess = new UserDAO();
     DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
     dataTable = dataAccess.GetData(@"use ApteanEdgeBank select Customer.FirstName,CustomerAccount.CustomerID,Account.AccountID,Account.AccountType,AccountBalance,Account.DateOfOpening,DateOfClosing
      from Account inner join CustomerAccount
     inner join Customer
     Customer.CustomerID = CustomerAccount.CustomerID", UserDAO.connectionString);
     dataGridView1.DataSource = bindingSource1;
     bindingSource1.DataSource = dataTable;
        public double CalculateAccountBalance(int accId)
            UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
            string connectionstring = "Data Source=WS003LT1553PRD;Initial Catalog=ApteanEdgeBank;User=sa;Password=abc-123";
            //string myQuery = "Select * from AccountActivityLedger where AccountID=" + accId;
            string getCurrentBalance = "Select * from Account where AccountID=" + accId;
            double currentBalance=0.0;
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            /*double sum=currentBalance;
            DataTable activityLog = new DataTable();

            double accountBalance = 0.0;*/
            if (CheckAccountExistence(accId))
                dt = dao.GetData(getCurrentBalance, connectionstring);
               // dt.Columns.Add("Closing Balance", typeof(Double));
                currentBalance = Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[0]["AccountBalance"]);
               //dt.Rows[0]["Closing Balance"] = currentBalance;
                /* //sumDeposits = currentBalance;
                activityLog = dao.GetData(myQuery, connectionstring);
                foreach (DataRow row in activityLog.Rows)
                    if (Convert.ToString(row["Activitycode"]) == "Deposit")

                accountBalance = sum;
                string updateNewBalance = "Update Account set AccountBalance=" + accountBalance + " where AccountID=" + accId;
                dao.UpdateData(updateNewBalance, connectionstring);
                return accountBalance;*/
            return currentBalance;
                MessageBox.Show("Account Does not exist!");

            return 0;
 public void AddAccountActivity(int accID, string transType, double amount, DateTime transDate)
     UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
     string queryFetch = "Select * from Account where AccountID=" + accID;
     DataTable dt = new DataTable();
     dt = dao.GetData(queryFetch, UserDAO.connectionString);
     double closingBalance=Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[0]["AccountBalance"]);
     string myQuery = "insert into AccountActivityLedger values(" + accID + "," + "'" + transDate + "'" + "," + "'" + transType + "'" + "," + amount + ","+closingBalance+")";
     string connectionstring = "Data Source=WS003LT1553PRD;Initial Catalog=ApteanEdgeBank;User=sa;Password=abc-123";
        // if (CheckAccountExistence(accID))
         dao.InsertData(myQuery, connectionstring);
        /* else
         MessageBox.Show("Account Does not exist!");
        public void AddContactNumber(string ContactNumber)
            DataTable temp = new DataTable();
            UserDAO dataAccess = new UserDAO();
            Int64? customerID=null;
            string query = "use ApteanEdgeBank select * from Customer";
            temp = dataAccess.GetData(query, UserDAO.connectionString);

            int i = 0;
            for (; i < (temp.Rows.Count); i++)
                if (firstName == (string)temp.Rows[i]["FirstName"] && lastName == (string)temp.Rows[i]["LastName"] && middleName == (string)temp.Rows[i]["MiddleName"] && dateOfBirth.ToString() == Convert.ToString(temp.Rows[i]["DateOfBirth"]))
                { customerID = (Int64)temp.Rows[i]["CustomerID"]; break; }

            if (customerID != null)
                dataAccess.InsertData("use ApteanEdgeBank insert into CustomerContact (CustomerID) values(" + customerID + ")", UserDAO.connectionString);
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Fatal Error: Customer ID not generated ");
            temp = dataAccess.GetData("use ApteanEdgeBank select * from CustomerContact",UserDAO.connectionString);
            i = 0;
            for (; i < (temp.Rows.Count); i++)
                if (customerID == (Int64)temp.Rows[i]["CustomerID"])
                { ContactID = temp.Rows[i]["CustomerContactID"].ToString(); break; }

            if (ContactID != null)
               // System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(ContactID);
                dataAccess.InsertData("use ApteanEdgeBank insert into CustomerContactDetails (CustomerContactID,CustomerContactNumber) values(" + ContactID + "," + ContactNumber + ")", UserDAO.connectionString);
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Fatal Error: Contact ID not generated");
Example #15
 public static void Reopen(int accId,double reopeningBalance)
     UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
     DataTable dt = new DataTable();
     BankGeneralAccount bg = new BankGeneralAccount();
     string queryString = "Select * from Account where AccountID=" + accId;
         dao.InsertData(@"use ApteanEdgeBank update Account
     set DateOfClosing=null
     where AccountID =" + accId, UserDAO.connectionString);
         dao.UpdateData("update Account set AccountBalance=" + reopeningBalance + "where AccountID=" + accId, UserDAO.connectionString);
     catch (InvalidOperationException e)
         MessageBox.Show("Account reopen failed!");
        public void BgaWithdraw(double amt)
            UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            string connectionstring = "Data Source=WS003LT1553PRD;Initial Catalog=ApteanEdgeBank;User=sa;Password=abc-123";
            dt = dao.GetData("Select AccountBalance from BankGeneralAccount where AccountID=1000", connectionstring);
            bgaBalance = Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[0]["AccountBalance"]);
            bgaBalance = bgaBalance - amt;
            if (bgaBalance > 0)
                string myQuery = "Update BankGeneralAccount set AccountBalance=" + bgaBalance + " where AccountID= 1000";

                //UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
                dao.UpdateData(myQuery, connectionstring);

            //string myQuery="up
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Insufficient Balance in Bank General Account");
Example #17
        public void Withdraw(double amount, int accID)
            BankGeneralAccount bg = new BankGeneralAccount();
            UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            string connectionstring = "Data Source=WS003LT1550PRD;Initial Catalog=ApteanEdgeBank;User=sa;Password=abc-123";
            dt = dao.GetData("Select AccountBalance from Account where AccountID=" + accID, connectionstring);
            Balance = Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[0]["AccountBalance"]);
            Balance = Balance - amount;
            if (Balance > 0)
                string myQuery = "Update Account set AccountBalance=" + Balance + " where AccountID=" + accID;

                //UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
                dao.UpdateData(myQuery, connectionstring);
            //string myQuery="up
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Your balance is too low!");
Example #18
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (CustomerAvailabilityCheck())
                CustomerID = textBox1.Text;
                initialBalance = textBox2.Text;

                MessageBox.Show("Account Type is " + AccountType + "For Customer ID " + CustomerID + " With initial Balance " + initialBalance);
                UserDAO udao = new UserDAO();
                DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
                udao.InsertData("use ApteanEdgeBank insert into Account (AccountType,AccountBalance,DateOfOpening,DateOfClosing) values(" + AccountType + "," + initialBalance + "," + "cast(getdate() as date),null)", UserDAO.connectionString);
                dataTable = udao.GetData("use ApteanEdgeBank select max(AccountID) as max from Account", UserDAO.connectionString);
                AccountID = Convert.ToString(dataTable.Rows[0]["max"]);

                udao.InsertData("use ApteanEdgeBank insert into CustomerAccount values(" + CustomerID + "," + AccountID + ")", UserDAO.connectionString);
                MessageBox.Show("Customer Not Fount, Please Create Customer First");
Example #19
 public static void Close(int accId)
     UserDAO dao=new UserDAO();
     DataTable dt=new DataTable();
     BankGeneralAccount bg = new BankGeneralAccount();
     string queryString="Select * from Account where AccountID="+accId;
         /*Balance = 0;
         dateClosed = DateTime.Now;
         Console.WriteLine("Account closed on {0}", dateClosed.ToShortDateString());*/
         dt = dao.GetData(queryString, UserDAO.connectionString);
         if (Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[0]["AccountBalance"]) != 0.0)
            DialogResult result= MessageBox.Show("Your account balance is greater than 0! The balance must be 0 to close an account. Would you like to clear your account balance?","Account Balance is not 0!",MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
            if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
                //set closing date for the account. Deduct the remaining balance from bank general account and set the current balance to 0
                dao.InsertData(@"use ApteanEdgeBank update Account
     set DateOfClosing= cast(getdate() as date)
     where AccountID =" + accId, UserDAO.connectionString);
                dao.UpdateData("update Account set AccountBalance=0 where AccountID=" + accId, UserDAO.connectionString);
             dao.InsertData(@"use ApteanEdgeBank update Account
     set DateOfClosing= cast(getdate() as date)
     where AccountID =" + accId, UserDAO.connectionString);
     catch (InvalidOperationException e)
         MessageBox.Show("Account closure failed!");
Example #20
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (CustomerAvailabilityCheck())

                CustomerID = Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text);
                if (AccountType == "'CA'")
                        ChequingAccount A = new ChequingAccount();
                        bool flag = A.DoesChequingAccountExist(CustomerID);
                        if (flag == false)
                            AccountID = A.Create(AccountType, DateTime.Now, Convert.ToDouble(textBox2.Text));
                            UserDAO udao = new UserDAO();
                            udao.InsertData("use ApteanEdgeBank insert into CustomerAccount values(" + CustomerID + "," + AccountID + ")", UserDAO.connectionString);
                            MessageBox.Show("Account added successfully!");
                            MessageBox.Show("Chequing account for this cutomer already exists!");
                    catch(Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("Check if the fields are filled properly!");

                else if (AccountType == "'TFS'")
                        TaxFreeSavingsAccount A = new TaxFreeSavingsAccount();
                        bool flag = A.DoesTFSAccountExist(CustomerID);
                        if (flag == false)
                            AccountID = A.Create(AccountType, DateTime.Now, Convert.ToDouble(textBox2.Text));
                            UserDAO udao = new UserDAO();
                            udao.InsertData("use ApteanEdgeBank insert into CustomerAccount values(" + CustomerID + "," + AccountID + ")", UserDAO.connectionString);
                            MessageBox.Show("Account added successfully!");
                            MessageBox.Show("TFS account for this customer already exists!");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("Check if the fields are filled properly!"+ex);
                    MessageBox.Show("Not a Valid account Type");
                /*initialBalance = textBox2.Text;

                MessageBox.Show("Account Type is " + AccountType + "For Customer ID " + CustomerID + " With initial Balance " + initialBalance);
                UserDAO udao = new UserDAO();
                DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
                udao.InsertData("use ApteanEdgeBank insert into Account (AccountType,AccountBalance,DateOfOpening,DateOfClosing) values(" + AccountType + "," + initialBalance + "," + "cast(getdate() as date),null)", UserDAO.connectionString);
                dataTable = udao.GetData("use ApteanEdgeBank select max(AccountID) as max from Account", UserDAO.connectionString);
                AccountID = Convert.ToString(dataTable.Rows[0]["max"]);*/

                MessageBox.Show("Customer Not Fount, Please Create Customer First");
        public void AddNewCutomer(string firstNameP, string middleNameP, string lastNameP,DateTime dateOfBirthP)
            firstName = firstNameP;
            middleName = middleNameP;
            lastName = lastNameP;
            dateOfBirth = dateOfBirthP.Date;
            dateOfJoining = DateTime.Now.Date;

            UserDAO dbAccess = new UserDAO();
            string myQuery = @"use ApteanEdgeBank insert into Customer (FirstName,MiddleName,LastName,DateOfJoining,DateOfBirth) values('" + firstNameP + "'" + "," + "'" + middleName + "'" + "," + "'" + lastNameP + "'" + "," + "cast(getdate() as date)" + "," + "'" + dateOfBirth.Date.ToShortDateString() + "')" ;
               // System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(myQuery);
            dbAccess.InsertData(myQuery, UserDAO.connectionString);
            System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Customer Added successfully");
Example #22
        public override int Create(string accType,DateTime open,double balance)
            if (balance <= Limit)

                dateOpened = open;
                Balance = balance;
                string myQuery = "insert into Account values(" + accType + "," + balance + "," + "'" + open + "'" + "," + "null" + ")";
                string connectionstring = "Data Source=WS003LT1553PRD;Initial Catalog=ApteanEdgeBank;User=sa;Password=abc-123";
                BankGeneralAccount bg = new BankGeneralAccount();
                UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
                dao.InsertData(myQuery, connectionstring);
                DataTable dataTable = dao.GetData("use ApteanEdgeBank select max(AccountID) as max from Account", UserDAO.connectionString);
                int AccountID = Convert.ToInt32(dataTable.Rows[0]["max"]);
                return AccountID;

                MessageBox.Show("Balance is greater than limit!");
                return 0;
Example #23
        public override int Create(string accType,DateTime open,double balance)
            /* accountID=ID;
            Console.WriteLine("Chequing Acoount:");
            Console.WriteLine("Account ID:{0}\nDate Opened:{1}\nBalance:{2}", accountID, dateOpened, Balance);*/

            string myQuery = "insert into Account values("+accType+","+balance+","+"'"+open+"'"+","+"null"+")";
            string connectionstring = "Data Source=WS003LT1553PRD;Initial Catalog=ApteanEdgeBank;User=sa;Password=abc-123";
            BankGeneralAccount bg = new BankGeneralAccount();
            UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
            dao.InsertData(myQuery, connectionstring);
            DataTable dataTable = dao.GetData("use ApteanEdgeBank select max(AccountID) as max from Account", UserDAO.connectionString);
            int AccountID = Convert.ToInt32(dataTable.Rows[0]["max"]);
            return AccountID;
            //dao.InsertData("use ApteanEdgeBank insert into CustomerAccount values(" + CustomerID + "," + AccountID + ")", UserDAO.connectionString);
Example #24
 public bool CheckCustomerByID(int customerId)
     UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
     DataTable customerTable = new DataTable();
     string myQuery = "select * from Customer where CustomerID=" + customerId;
     string connectionstring = "Data Source=WS003LT1553PRD;Initial Catalog=ApteanEdgeBank;User=sa;Password=abc-123";
     customerTable = dao.GetData(myQuery, connectionstring);
     if (customerTable.Rows.Count > 0)
         return true;
     return false;
Example #25
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (CustomerAvailabilityCheck())
                CustomerID = Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text);
                if (AccountType == "'CA'")
                        ChequingAccount A    = new ChequingAccount();
                        bool            flag = A.DoesChequingAccountExist(CustomerID);
                        if (flag == false)
                            AccountID = A.Create(AccountType, DateTime.Now, Convert.ToDouble(textBox2.Text));
                            UserDAO udao = new UserDAO();
                            udao.InsertData("use ApteanEdgeBank insert into CustomerAccount values(" + CustomerID + "," + AccountID + ")", UserDAO.connectionString);
                            MessageBox.Show("Account added successfully!");
                            MessageBox.Show("Chequing account for this cutomer already exists!");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("Check if the fields are filled properly!");

                else if (AccountType == "'TFS'")
                        TaxFreeSavingsAccount A = new TaxFreeSavingsAccount();
                        bool flag = A.DoesTFSAccountExist(CustomerID);
                        if (flag == false)
                            AccountID = A.Create(AccountType, DateTime.Now, Convert.ToDouble(textBox2.Text));
                            UserDAO udao = new UserDAO();
                            udao.InsertData("use ApteanEdgeBank insert into CustomerAccount values(" + CustomerID + "," + AccountID + ")", UserDAO.connectionString);
                            MessageBox.Show("Account added successfully!");
                            MessageBox.Show("TFS account for this customer already exists!");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("Check if the fields are filled properly!" + ex);
                    MessageBox.Show("Not a Valid account Type");

                /*initialBalance = textBox2.Text;
                 * MessageBox.Show("Account Type is " + AccountType + "For Customer ID " + CustomerID + " With initial Balance " + initialBalance);
                 * UserDAO udao = new UserDAO();
                 * DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();
                 * udao.InsertData("use ApteanEdgeBank insert into Account (AccountType,AccountBalance,DateOfOpening,DateOfClosing) values(" + AccountType + "," + initialBalance + "," + "cast(getdate() as date),null)", UserDAO.connectionString);
                 * dataTable = udao.GetData("use ApteanEdgeBank select max(AccountID) as max from Account", UserDAO.connectionString);
                 * AccountID = Convert.ToString(dataTable.Rows[0]["max"]);*/
                MessageBox.Show("Customer Not Fount, Please Create Customer First");
Example #26
        public override void Deposit(double amount,int accID)
            UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            string connectionstring = "Data Source=WS003LT1553PRD;Initial Catalog=ApteanEdgeBank;User=sa;Password=abc-123";
            BankGeneralAccount bg = new BankGeneralAccount();
            dt = dao.GetData("Select AccountBalance from Account where AccountID=" + accID, connectionstring);
            Balance = Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[0]["AccountBalance"]);
            if ((Balance + amount) <= 5000)

            Balance = Balance + amount;
            string myQuery = "Update Account set AccountBalance=" + Balance + " where AccountID="+accID;

            //UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
            dao.UpdateData(myQuery, connectionstring);
            AccountActivityLedger Ledger = new AccountActivityLedger();
            Ledger.AddAccountActivity(accID, "Deposit", amount, DateTime.Now);
            MessageBox.Show("Amount deposited successfully!");

            MessageBox.Show("Balance greater than limit!");
Example #27
        public override void Deposit(double amount, int accID)
            BankGeneralAccount bg = new BankGeneralAccount();
            UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            string connectionstring = "Data Source=WS003LT1550PRD;Initial Catalog=ApteanEdgeBank;User=sa;Password=abc-123";
            dt = dao.GetData("Select AccountBalance from Account where AccountID=" + accID, connectionstring);
            Balance = Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[0]["AccountBalance"]);
            if ((Balance + amount) < 5000)

                Balance = Balance + amount;
                string myQuery = "Update Account set AccountBalance=" + Balance + " where AccountID=" + accID;

                //UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
                dao.UpdateData(myQuery, connectionstring);

                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Balance greater than limit!");
        public DataTable ReadAccountActivity(int accId)
            UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
            string myQuery = "Select * from AccountActivityLedger where AccountID="+accId;

            DataTable activityTable = new DataTable();
            string connectionstring = "Data Source=WS003LT1553PRD;Initial Catalog=ApteanEdgeBank;User=sa;Password=abc-123";
            activityTable = dao.GetData(myQuery, connectionstring);

            return activityTable;
        // returns true if customer already exists in the database else returns false
        public bool DoCustomerExists(string Fname, string Lname, string dateOfBirth)
            DataTable temp = new DataTable();
            UserDAO dataAccess = new UserDAO();
            string query = "use ApteanEdgeBank select * from Customer";
            temp = dataAccess.GetData(query, UserDAO.connectionString);
            int i = 0;
            for (; i < (temp.Rows.Count); i++)
                if (Fname == (string)temp.Rows[i]["FirstName"] && Lname == (string)temp.Rows[i]["LastName"] && dateOfBirth == Convert.ToString(temp.Rows[i]["DateOfBirth"]))
                    return true;

            return false;
Example #30
        public bool DoesTFSAccountExist(int customerID)
            UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
            DataTable customerAccounts = new DataTable();
            int TFSAccount = 0;
            string query = "Select * from Account where AccountID in (select AccountID from CustomerAccount where CustomerID=" + customerID + ")";
            string connectionstring = "Data Source=WS003LT1553PRD;Initial Catalog=ApteanEdgeBank;User=sa;Password=abc-123";
            customerAccounts = dao.GetData(query, connectionstring);
            foreach (DataRow row in customerAccounts.Rows)
                if (Convert.ToString(row["AccountType"]) == "TFS")
            if (TFSAccount == 0)//if there is no TFS account for customer
                return false;//there is no TFS for this customer

            return true;//this customer already has a TFS account
Example #31
        public override void Deposit(double amount,int accId)
            UserDAO dao=new UserDAO();
            DataTable dt=new DataTable();
            string connectionstring = "Data Source=WS003LT1553PRD;Initial Catalog=ApteanEdgeBank;User=sa;Password=abc-123";
            BankGeneralAccount bg = new BankGeneralAccount();
            dt=dao.GetData("Select AccountBalance from Account where AccountID="+accId,connectionstring);
            string myQuery = "Update Account set AccountBalance=" + Balance + " where AccountID="+accId;

            //UserDAO dao = new UserDAO();
            dao.UpdateData(myQuery, connectionstring);
            AccountActivityLedger Ledger = new AccountActivityLedger();
            Ledger.AddAccountActivity(accId, "Deposit", amount, DateTime.Now);