Example #1
        public static void ExportToSoils(BaseController Controller)
            SaveFileDialog Dialog = new SaveFileDialog();

            Dialog.Filter     = "Soils files (*.soils)|*.soils|All files (*.*)|*.*";
            Dialog.Title      = "Enter a .soils file to export to";
            Dialog.DefaultExt = "soils";
            if (Dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                XmlDocument Doc = new XmlDocument();
                if (!File.Exists(Dialog.FileName))
                    Doc.AppendChild(XmlHelper.CreateNode(Doc, "soils", ""));

                foreach (string SelectedPath in Controller.SelectedPaths)
                    ApsimFile.Component Comp    = Controller.ApsimData.Find(SelectedPath);
                    XmlDocument         NodeDoc = new XmlDocument();
                    Doc.DocumentElement.AppendChild(Doc.ImportNode(NodeDoc.DocumentElement, true));
                XmlHelper.SetAttribute(Doc.DocumentElement, "version", ApsimFile.APSIMChangeTool.CurrentVersion.ToString());
                MessageBox.Show("Soils have been successfully exported to '" + Dialog.FileName + "'. It is suggested that you rename soils within the new file to avoid confusion.", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
Example #2
        private void TreeView_ItemDrag(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.ItemDragEventArgs e)
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
            // User has initiated a drag on a node - the full xml of the node
            // is stored as the data associated with the drag event args.
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------

            //If what is being dragged is not already in the controller as a selected item.
            if (Controller.SelectedPaths.IndexOf(GetPathFromNode((TreeNode)e.Item)) == -1)
                SelectedNode = (TreeNode)e.Item;
                //add it to the base controller (by setting the selected node of the tree to the dragged item. This then fires the selection changed event for the tree which I think is handled by the base controller. This will add the dragged items to the base controller)

            //Work out the xml of what you are dragging.
            string FullXML = "";

            //used to store the xml of ALL the components that have been selected in the drag  'reset it to nothing, ready for recreation.
            //get the full xml of all the selected nodes that are getting dragged
            foreach (string SelectedPath in Controller.SelectedPaths)
                ApsimFile.Component Comp = Controller.ApsimData.Find(SelectedPath);
                //get the component for this particular selected node (using it's path)
                FullXML = FullXML + Comp.FullXML();
                //get the xml for the component and add it to the xml of previous selected nodes
            PathsBeingDragged = Controller.SelectedPaths;
            //store the paths of ALL the nodes that are being dragged in a global variable, so it can be used by other drag events.

            //Raise the other DragDropEvents
            DoDragDrop(FullXML, DragDropEffects.Copy | DragDropEffects.Move | DragDropEffects.Link);
            //parameters: (Store xml of what you are dragging in "data" Drag Event Argument), (allowable types of left mouse drags [Drag Drop Effects are of type FlagsAttribute, which allow bitwise operators AND and OR]).
Example #3
        // --------------------------------------------------------
        // User is trying to initiate a drag - allow drag operation
        // --------------------------------------------------------
        private void ListView_ItemDrag(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.ItemDragEventArgs e)
            ApsimFile.Component Comp         = Controller.ApsimData.Find(NodePath);
            ApsimFile.Component SelectedComp = Comp.Find(ListView.SelectedItems[0].Text);
            string DataString = SelectedComp.FullXML();

            ListView.DoDragDrop(DataString, DragDropEffects.All);
        static public void ExportSelectedToFile(string FileName, BaseController Controller)
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            DataTable Table = new DataTable("SoilData");
            int       Row   = 0;

            foreach (string SelectedPath in Controller.SelectedPaths)
                ApsimFile.Component SoilComponent = Controller.ApsimData.Find(SelectedPath);
                XmlDocument         Doc           = new XmlDocument();
                CreateTableFromData(Doc.DocumentElement, Table, SelectedPath.Replace("/", "\\"), ref Row);
            ExcelHelper.SendDataToSheet(FileName, "SoilData", Table);
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
Example #5
 private static void CheckSoils(ApsimFile.Component Data, ref string ErrorMessage)
     if (Data.Type.ToLower() == "soil")
         Soil   ThisSoil = Soil.Create(Data.FullXML());
         string Errors   = ThisSoil.Check(true);
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Errors))
             ErrorMessage += Environment.NewLine + Data.FullPath + Environment.NewLine + StringManip.IndentText(Errors, 6);
     else if (Data.Type.ToLower() == "folder")
         foreach (ApsimFile.Component Child in Data.ChildNodes)
             CheckSoils(Child, ref ErrorMessage);