Example #1
        private static VehicleDynamicState GetStateFromInternalState(VehicleInternState internalState)
            var state = new VehicleDynamicState()
                Position        = internalState.Position,
                Rotation        = internalState.Rotation,
                LinearVelocity  = internalState.LinearVelocity,
                AngularVelocity = internalState.AngularVelocity,
                Crashed         = internalState.Crashed,
                IsSleeping      = internalState.IsSleeping,

Example #2
        private static VehicleDynamicState GetStateFromCmd(VehicleCmd cmd)
            var state = new VehicleDynamicState()
                Position        = cmd.Body.Position.ShiftedVector3(),
                Rotation        = cmd.Body.Rotation,
                LinearVelocity  = cmd.Body.LinearVelocity,
                AngularVelocity = cmd.Body.AngularVelocity,
                IsSleeping      = cmd.Body.IsSleeping,
                Crashed         = false,//state 'crashed' is dertermined by server.

Example #3
        private static VehicleDynamicState GetStateFromController(VehicleCommonController controller)
            var body  = controller.cachedRigidbody;
            var state = new VehicleDynamicState()
                Position        = body.position,
                Rotation        = body.rotation,
                LinearVelocity  = body.velocity,
                AngularVelocity = body.angularVelocity,
                IsSleeping      = body.IsSleeping(),
                SleepingOutSync = controller.SleepingOutSync,

Example #4
        private static VehicleDynamicState MoveToStateInternal(VehicleDynamicState currentState, VehicleDynamicState targetState)
            // Find out how much of a correction we are making
            var targetStatePosition  = targetState.Position;
            var currentStatePosition = currentState.Position;

            Vector3 deltaPos;

            deltaPos.x = targetStatePosition.x - currentStatePosition.x;
            deltaPos.y = targetStatePosition.y - currentStatePosition.y;
            deltaPos.z = targetStatePosition.z - currentStatePosition.z;

            var deltaMagSq         = deltaPos.x * deltaPos.x + deltaPos.y * deltaPos.y + deltaPos.z * deltaPos.z;
            var targetLinVelocity  = targetState.LinearVelocity;
            var targetLinVelSqrMag = targetLinVelocity.x * targetLinVelocity.x +
                                     targetLinVelocity.y * targetLinVelocity.y +
                                     targetLinVelocity.z * targetLinVelocity.z;
            var currentLinVelocity  = currentState.LinearVelocity;
            var currentLinVelSqrMag = currentLinVelocity.x * currentLinVelocity.x +
                                      currentLinVelocity.y * currentLinVelocity.y +
                                      currentLinVelocity.z * currentLinVelocity.z;
            var bodyLinearSpeedSq = targetLinVelSqrMag > currentLinVelSqrMag ? targetLinVelSqrMag : currentLinVelSqrMag;

            // Snap position by default (big correction, or we are moving too slowly)
            var     updatePos = targetStatePosition;
            Vector3 fixLinVel;

            fixLinVel.x = fixLinVel.y = fixLinVel.z = 0.0f;

            var errorCorrection = SingletonManager.Get <DynamicPredictionErrorCorrectionConfigManager>();

            // If its a small correction and velocity is above threshold, only make a partial correction,
            // and calculate a velocity that would fix it over 'fixTime'.
            if (deltaMagSq < errorCorrection.LinearDeltaThresholdSq && (deltaMagSq > errorCorrection.BodyPositionThresholdSq ||
                                                                        bodyLinearSpeedSq > errorCorrection.BodySpeedThresholdSq))
                updatePos = Vector3.Lerp(currentState.Position, targetState.Position, errorCorrection.LinearInterpAlpha);
                var linearRecipFixTime = errorCorrection.LinearRecipFixTime;
                fixLinVel.x = (targetStatePosition.x - updatePos.x) * linearRecipFixTime;
                fixLinVel.y = (targetStatePosition.y - updatePos.y) * linearRecipFixTime;
                fixLinVel.z = (targetStatePosition.z - updatePos.z) * linearRecipFixTime;
//            else
//            {
//                _logger.DebugFormat("Delta Position is too large {0}", (targetState.Position - currentState.Position).magnitude);
//            }

            /////// ORIENTATION CORRECTION ///////
            // Get quaternion that takes us from old to new
            var newRot = targetState.Rotation;

            var invCurrentRot = Quaternion.Inverse(currentState.Rotation);
            var deltaRot      = newRot * invCurrentRot;

            Vector3 deltaAxis;
            float   deltaAng = .0f;

            deltaRot.ToAngleAxis(out deltaAng, out deltaAxis);
            //clamp to [-90, 90]
            if (deltaAng >= 180)
                deltaAng  = 360 - deltaAng;
                deltaAxis = -deltaAxis;

            if (deltaAng >= 90)
                deltaAng -= 180;

            deltaAng *= Mathf.Deg2Rad;

            var     updateRot = targetState.Rotation;
            Vector3 fixAngVel;

            fixAngVel.x = fixAngVel.y = fixAngVel.z = 0;
            var absDeltaAng = Math.Abs(deltaAng);

            if (absDeltaAng < errorCorrection.AngularDeltaThreshold)
                updateRot = Quaternion.Lerp(currentState.Rotation, newRot, errorCorrection.AngularInterpAlpha);
                fixAngVel = VehicleMath.Vector3Normalized(deltaAxis);
                var recipFixTime = deltaAng * (1.0f - errorCorrection.AngularInterpAlpha) * errorCorrection.AngularRecipFixTime;
                fixAngVel.x *= recipFixTime;
                fixAngVel.y *= recipFixTime;
                fixAngVel.z *= recipFixTime;
//            else
//            {
//                _logger.DebugFormat("Delta Angle is too large {0}", deltaAng);
//            }

            /////// STATE UPDATE ///////
            var lerpState = targetState;

            lerpState.Position = updatePos;
            lerpState.Rotation = updateRot;
            var lerpStateLinVel = lerpState.LinearVelocity;

            lerpStateLinVel.x       += fixLinVel.x;
            lerpStateLinVel.y       += fixLinVel.y;
            lerpStateLinVel.z       += fixLinVel.z;
            lerpState.LinearVelocity = lerpStateLinVel;
            var lerpStateAngVel = lerpState.AngularVelocity;

            lerpStateAngVel.x        += fixAngVel.x;
            lerpStateAngVel.y        += fixAngVel.y;
            lerpStateAngVel.z        += fixAngVel.z;
            lerpState.AngularVelocity = lerpStateAngVel;
            lerpState.Crashed         = targetState.Crashed;

            var         fixLinVelSqrMag         = fixLinVel.x * fixLinVel.x + fixLinVel.y * fixLinVel.y + fixLinVel.z * fixLinVel.z;
            var         fixAngVelSqrMag         = fixAngVel.x * fixAngVel.x + fixAngVel.y * fixAngVel.y + fixAngVel.z * fixAngVel.z;
            const float epsilon                 = 0.0001f;
            const int   maxSleepingOutSyncCount = 100;

            if (targetState.IsSleeping)
                lerpState.SleepingOutSync = currentState.SleepingOutSync + 1;
                lerpState.SleepingOutSync = 0;

            if (targetState.IsSleeping &&
                (currentState.SleepingOutSync > maxSleepingOutSyncCount ||    //put to sleep if target have been sleeping for a long time, prevent vehicle jitter on some cases.
                 (fixLinVelSqrMag <= epsilon && fixAngVelSqrMag <= epsilon)))
                lerpState.Position   = targetState.Position;
                lerpState.Rotation   = targetState.Rotation;
                lerpState.IsSleeping = true;
                lerpState.IsSleeping = false;

//            Debug.LogFormat("id {0}, isSleeping {1}, fixLinearVel {2}, fixAngVel {3}",
//                vehicle.entityKey.Value.EntityId,
//                lerpState.IsSleeping,
//                fixLinVel.sqrMagnitude,
//                fixAngVel.sqrMagnitude);

Example #5
        private static VehicleDynamicState MoveToStateInternal(VehicleCommonController controller, VehicleDynamicState targetState)
            if (controller.IsKinematic)

            var currentState = GetStateFromController(controller);

            //ShiftContactObject(vehicle, targetState.Position - currentState.Position);
            return(MoveToStateInternal(currentState, targetState));