/// <summary>
 /// The deserialization information for the current model
 /// </summary>
 public IDictionary <string, Action <IParseNode> > GetFieldDeserializers()
     return(new Dictionary <string, Action <IParseNode> > {
         { "allowCustomAssignmentSchedule", n => { AllowCustomAssignmentSchedule = n.GetBoolValue(); } },
         { "isApprovalRequiredForAdd", n => { IsApprovalRequiredForAdd = n.GetBoolValue(); } },
         { "isApprovalRequiredForUpdate", n => { IsApprovalRequiredForUpdate = n.GetBoolValue(); } },
         { "policyDescription", n => { PolicyDescription = n.GetStringValue(); } },
         { "policyDisplayName", n => { PolicyDisplayName = n.GetStringValue(); } },
         { "policyId", n => { PolicyId = n.GetStringValue(); } },
         { "schedule", n => { Schedule = n.GetObjectValue <EntitlementManagementSchedule>(EntitlementManagementSchedule.CreateFromDiscriminatorValue); } },
 /// <summary>
 /// The deserialization information for the current model
 /// </summary>
 public IDictionary <string, Action <IParseNode> > GetFieldDeserializers()
     return(new Dictionary <string, Action <IParseNode> > {
         { "expirationBehavior", n => { ExpirationBehavior = n.GetEnumValue <AccessReviewExpirationBehavior>(); } },
         { "fallbackReviewers", n => { FallbackReviewers = n.GetCollectionOfObjectValues <SubjectSet>(SubjectSet.CreateFromDiscriminatorValue).ToList(); } },
         { "isEnabled", n => { IsEnabled = n.GetBoolValue(); } },
         { "isRecommendationEnabled", n => { IsRecommendationEnabled = n.GetBoolValue(); } },
         { "isReviewerJustificationRequired", n => { IsReviewerJustificationRequired = n.GetBoolValue(); } },
         { "isSelfReview", n => { IsSelfReview = n.GetBoolValue(); } },
         { "primaryReviewers", n => { PrimaryReviewers = n.GetCollectionOfObjectValues <SubjectSet>(SubjectSet.CreateFromDiscriminatorValue).ToList(); } },
         { "schedule", n => { Schedule = n.GetObjectValue <EntitlementManagementSchedule>(EntitlementManagementSchedule.CreateFromDiscriminatorValue); } },