Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Read in the right part of the expression. It may turn out to be yet another expression which
        /// will be sequentially, and recursively, read from the file.
        /// </summary>
        protected void readRValue()
            ApeCore.ReadValue<Int64>(_file); // Ignore these bytes.

            if (ValueFlags == 0x00 ||
                ValueFlags == 0x04 ||
                ValueFlags == 0x05)
                RValue = new ApeExpression(_file);
            else if (ValueFlags == 0x08 ||
                     ValueFlags == 0x0c ||
                     ValueFlags == 0x0d)
                RValue = ApeCore.ReadValue<float>(_file);
            else if (ValueFlags == 0x0a ||
                     ValueFlags == 0x0e ||
                     ValueFlags == 0x0f)
                RValue = ApeCore.ReadString(_file);
                if (RValue as string == "")
                    throw new ApeBinaryDataException("Unexpected RValue");
            else if (ValueFlags == 0x30 ||
                     ValueFlags == 0x31 ||
                     ValueFlags == 0x32 ||
                     ValueFlags == 0x33)
                RValue = ApeCore.ReadQuotedString(_file);
                throw new ApeBinaryDataException("The value flag " + BitConverter.ToString(new byte[] { ValueFlags }) + " is invalid.");
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Read in the left part of the expression. It may turn out to be yet another expression which
        /// will be sequentially, and recursively, read from the file.
        /// </summary>
        protected void readLValue()
            ApeCore.ReadValue<Int64>(_file); // Dump this. Ignored.

            if (ValueFlags == 0x00 ||
                ValueFlags == 0x08 ||
                ValueFlags == 0x0a)
                LValue = new ApeExpression(_file);
            else if (ValueFlags == 0x04 ||
                     ValueFlags == 0x0c ||
                     ValueFlags == 0x0e)
                LValue = ApeCore.ReadValue<float>(_file);
            else if (ValueFlags == 0x05 ||
                     ValueFlags == 0x0d ||
                     ValueFlags == 0x0f ||
                     ValueFlags == 0x31)
                LValue = ApeCore.ReadString(_file);
                if (LValue as string == "")
                    throw new ApeBinaryDataException("Unexpected LValue");
            else if (ValueFlags == 0x30 ||
                     ValueFlags == 0x32 ||
                     ValueFlags == 0x33)
                LValue = ApeCore.ReadQuotedString(_file);
                throw new ApeBinaryDataException("The value flag " + BitConverter.ToString(new byte[] { ValueFlags }) + " is invalid.");