private void DirectEncode(IEnumerable <long> values, int numValues, bool aligned,
            int fixedBitWidth;

            if (precalculatedFixedBitWidth.HasValue)
                fixedBitWidth = precalculatedFixedBitWidth.Value;
                var histogram = values.GenerateHistogramOfBitWidths();
                fixedBitWidth = BitManipulation.GetBitsRequiredForPercentile(histogram, 1.0);

            fixedBitWidth = aligned
                ? BitManipulation.FindNearestAlignedDirectWidth(fixedBitWidth)
                : BitManipulation.FindNearestDirectWidth(fixedBitWidth);
            var encodedFixedBitWidth = fixedBitWidth.EncodeDirectWidth();

            var byte1 = 0;

            byte1 |= 0x1 << 6;                           //7..6 Encoding Type
            byte1 |= (encodedFixedBitWidth & 0x1f) << 1; //5..1 Fixed Width
            byte1 |= (numValues - 1) >> 8;               //0    MSB of length
            var byte2 = (numValues - 1) & 0xff;          //7..0 LSBs of length

            _outputStream.WriteBitpackedIntegers(values, fixedBitWidth);
        private bool TryPatchEncoding(IEnumerable <long> zigZagValues, IList <long> values, long minValue,
                                      ref int?fixedBitWidth, out int length)
            var zigZagValuesHistogram = zigZagValues.GenerateHistogramOfBitWidths();
            var zigZagHundredthBits   = BitManipulation.GetBitsRequiredForPercentile(zigZagValuesHistogram, 1.0);

            fixedBitWidth = zigZagHundredthBits; //We'll use this later if if end up DIRECT encoding
            var zigZagNinetiethBits = BitManipulation.GetBitsRequiredForPercentile(zigZagValuesHistogram, 0.9);

            if (zigZagHundredthBits - zigZagNinetiethBits == 0)
                //Requires as many bits even if we eliminate 10% of the most difficult values
                length = 0;

            var baseReducedValues = new long[values.Count];
            var i = 0;

            foreach (var value in values)
                baseReducedValues[i++] = value - minValue;

            var baseReducedValuesHistogram = baseReducedValues.GenerateHistogramOfBitWidths();
            var baseReducedHundredthBits   =
                BitManipulation.GetBitsRequiredForPercentile(baseReducedValuesHistogram, 1.0);
            var baseReducedNinetyfifthBits =
                BitManipulation.GetBitsRequiredForPercentile(baseReducedValuesHistogram, 0.95);

            if (baseReducedHundredthBits - baseReducedNinetyfifthBits == 0)
                //In the end, no benefit could be realized from patching
                length = 0;

            PatchEncode(minValue, baseReducedValues, baseReducedHundredthBits, baseReducedNinetyfifthBits);
            length = values.Count;