Inheritance: GrammarASTWithOptions, RuleElementAST
Example #1
        /** $x.y, x can be surrounding rule, token/rule/label ref. y is visible
         *  attr in that dictionary.  Can't see args on rule refs.
        public virtual Attribute ResolveToAttribute(string x, string y, ActionAST node)
            if (tokenRefs.ContainsKey(x) && tokenRefs[x] != null)
                // token ref in this alt?
                return rule.GetPredefinedScope(LabelType.TOKEN_LABEL).Get(y);

            if (ruleRefs.ContainsKey(x) && ruleRefs[x] != null)
                // rule ref in this alt?
                // look up rule, ask it to resolve y (must be retval or predefined)
                return rule.g.GetRule(x).ResolveRetvalOrProperty(y);

            LabelElementPair anyLabelDef = GetAnyLabelDef(x);
            if (anyLabelDef != null && anyLabelDef.type == LabelType.RULE_LABEL)
                return rule.g.GetRule(anyLabelDef.element.Text).ResolveRetvalOrProperty(y);
            else if (anyLabelDef != null)
                AttributeDict scope = rule.GetPredefinedScope(anyLabelDef.type);
                if (scope == null)
                    return null;

                return scope.Get(y);
            return null;
Example #2
 public ExceptionClause(OutputModelFactory factory,
                        ActionAST catchArg,
                        ActionAST catchAction)
     : base(factory, catchArg)
     this.catchArg = new Action(factory, catchArg);
     this.catchAction = new Action(factory, catchAction);
Example #3
 public override void DiscoverRule(RuleAST rule, GrammarAST ID,
                          IList<GrammarAST> modifiers, ActionAST arg,
                          ActionAST returns, GrammarAST thrws,
                          GrammarAST options, ActionAST locals,
                          IList<GrammarAST> actions,
                          GrammarAST block)
     currentRule = g.GetRule(ID.Text);
Example #4
 public ActionSniffer(Grammar g, Rule r, Alternative alt, ActionAST node, IToken actionToken)
     this.g = g;
     this.r = r;
     this.alt = alt;
     this.node = node;
     this.actionToken = actionToken;
     this.errMgr = g.tool.errMgr;
Example #5
 public virtual bool ResolvesToAttributeDict(string x, ActionAST node)
     if (ResolvesToToken(x, node))
         return true;
     if (ruleRefs.ContainsKey(x) && ruleRefs[x] != null)
         return true; // rule ref in this alt?
     LabelElementPair anyLabelDef = GetAnyLabelDef(x);
     if (anyLabelDef != null && anyLabelDef.type == LabelType.RULE_LABEL)
         return true;
     return false;
Example #6
        public virtual bool ResolvesToToken(string x, ActionAST node)
            if (tokenRefs.ContainsKey(x) && tokenRefs[x] != null)
                return true;

            LabelElementPair anyLabelDef = GetAnyLabelDef(x);
            if (anyLabelDef != null && anyLabelDef.type == LabelType.TOKEN_LABEL)
                return true;

            return false;
Example #7
 public static bool ActionIsContextDependent(ActionAST actionAST)
     ANTLRStringStream @in = new ANTLRStringStream(actionAST.Token.Text);
     @in.Line = actionAST.Token.Line;
     @in.CharPositionInLine = actionAST.Token.CharPositionInLine;
     var listener = new ContextDependentListener();
     ActionSplitter splitter = new ActionSplitter(@in, listener);
     // forces eval, triggers listener methods
     return listener.dependent;
Example #8
 public Action(OutputModelFactory factory, ActionAST ast)
     : base(factory, ast)
     RuleFunction rf = factory.GetCurrentRuleFunction();
     if (ast != null)
         chunks = ActionTranslator.TranslateAction(factory, rf, ast.Token, ast);
         chunks = new List<ActionChunk>();
Example #9
        public override void DiscoverRule(RuleAST rule, GrammarAST ID,
                                 IList<GrammarAST> modifiers, ActionAST arg,
                                 ActionAST returns, GrammarAST thrws,
                                 GrammarAST options, ActionAST locals,
                                 IList<GrammarAST> actions,
                                 GrammarAST block)
            int numAlts = block.ChildCount;
            Rule r;
            if (LeftRecursiveRuleAnalyzer.HasImmediateRecursiveRuleRefs(rule, ID.Text))
                r = new LeftRecursiveRule(g, ID.Text, rule);
                r = new Rule(g, ID.Text, rule, numAlts);
            rules[] = r;

            if (arg != null)
                r.args = ScopeParser.ParseTypedArgList(arg, arg.Text, g);
                r.args.type = AttributeDict.DictType.ARG;
                r.args.ast = arg;
                arg.resolver = r.alt[currentOuterAltNumber];

            if (returns != null)
                r.retvals = ScopeParser.ParseTypedArgList(returns, returns.Text, g);
                r.retvals.type = AttributeDict.DictType.RET;
                r.retvals.ast = returns;

            if (locals != null)
                r.locals = ScopeParser.ParseTypedArgList(locals, locals.Text, g);
                r.locals.type = AttributeDict.DictType.LOCAL;
                r.locals.ast = locals;

            foreach (GrammarAST a in actions)
                // a = ^(AT ID ACTION)
                ActionAST action = (ActionAST)a.GetChild(1);
                r.namedActions[a.GetChild(0).Text] = action;
                action.resolver = r;
Example #10
 public Action(OutputModelFactory factory, StructDecl ctx, string action)
     : base(factory, null)
     ActionAST ast = new ActionAST(new CommonToken(ANTLRParser.ACTION, action));
     RuleFunction rf = factory.GetCurrentRuleFunction();
     if (rf != null)
     { // we can translate
         ast.resolver = rf.rule;
         chunks = ActionTranslator.TranslateActionChunk(factory, rf, action, ast);
         chunks = new List<ActionChunk>();
         chunks.Add(new ActionText(ctx, action));
Example #11
        public static IList<ActionChunk> TranslateAction(OutputModelFactory factory,
                                                        RuleFunction rf,
                                                        IToken tokenWithinAction,
                                                        ActionAST node)
            string action = tokenWithinAction.Text;
            if (action != null && action.Length > 0 && action[0] == '{')
                int firstCurly = action.IndexOf('{');
                int lastCurly = action.LastIndexOf('}');
                if (firstCurly >= 0 && lastCurly >= 0)
                    action = action.Substring(firstCurly + 1, lastCurly - firstCurly - 1); // trim {...}

            return TranslateActionChunk(factory, rf, action, node);
Example #12
 public override void RuleRef(GrammarAST @ref, ActionAST arg)
Example #13
 public virtual bool ResolvesToAttributeDict(string x, ActionAST node)
     if (ResolvesToToken(x, node))
         return true;
     return false;
Example #14
 public virtual bool ResolvesToToken(string x, ActionAST node)
     LabelElementPair anyLabelDef = GetAnyLabelDef(x);
     if (anyLabelDef != null && anyLabelDef.type == LabelType.TOKEN_LABEL)
         return true;
     return false;
        // ACTIONS

        public virtual IList<SrcOp> Action(ActionAST ast)
            return null;
Example #16
 public override void RuleRef(GrammarAST @ref, ActionAST arg)
     //		if ( inContext("DOT ...") ) qualifiedRulerefs.add((GrammarAST)ref.getParent());
     if (currentRule != null)
         currentRule.alt[currentOuterAltNumber].ruleRefs.Map(@ref.Text, @ref);
Example #17
 public override void RuleCatch(GrammarAST arg, ActionAST action)
     GrammarAST catchme = (GrammarAST)action.Parent;
     action.resolver = currentRule;
Example #18
 public override Handle Action(ActionAST action)
     int ruleIndex = currentRule.index;
     int actionIndex = g.lexerActions[action];
     LexerCustomAction lexerAction = new LexerCustomAction(ruleIndex, actionIndex);
     return Action(action, lexerAction);
Example #19
        public IList <IToken> chunks; // useful for ANTLR IDE developers

        public ActionAST(ActionAST node)
            : base(node)
            this.resolver = node.resolver;
            this.chunks   = node.chunks;
        public override void RuleRef(GrammarAST @ref, ActionAST arg)
            if (@ref is GrammarASTWithOptions)
                GrammarASTWithOptions grammarASTWithOptions = (GrammarASTWithOptions)@ref;
                if (bool.Parse(grammarASTWithOptions.GetOptionString(LeftFactoringRuleTransformer.SUPPRESS_ACCESSOR) ?? "false"))

            frequencies.Peek().Add(RuleFunction.GetLabelName(grammar, @ref));
            minFrequencies.Peek().Add(RuleFunction.GetLabelName(grammar, @ref));
Example #21
 public override void ActionInAlt(ActionAST action)
     if (inFragmentRule)
         string fileName = action.Token.InputStream.SourceName;
         string ruleName = currentRuleName;
         g.tool.errMgr.GrammarError(ErrorType.FRAGMENT_ACTION_IGNORED, fileName, action.Token, ruleName);
Example #22
        public override Handle Action(string action)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(action))
                ATNState left = NewState(null);
                ATNState right = NewState(null);
                Epsilon(left, right);
                return new Handle(left, right);

            // define action AST for this rule as if we had found in grammar
            ActionAST ast = new ActionAST(new CommonToken(ANTLRParser.ACTION, action));
            currentRule.DefineActionInAlt(currentOuterAlt, ast);
            return Action(ast);
Example #23
 public virtual void DefineActionInAlt(int currentAlt, ActionAST actionAST)
     if (g.IsLexer())
Example #24
 public override void FinallyAction(ActionAST action)
     currentRule.finallyAction = action;
     action.resolver = currentRule;
Example #25
 /** Lexer actions are numbered across rules 0..n-1 */
 public virtual void DefineLexerAction(ActionAST actionAST)
     actionIndex = g.lexerActions.Count;
     if (!g.lexerActions.ContainsKey(actionAST))
         g.lexerActions[actionAST] = actionIndex;
Example #26
 public override void GlobalNamedAction(GrammarAST scope, GrammarAST ID, ActionAST action)
     action.resolver = g;
Example #27
 /**  $x		Attribute: rule arguments, return values, predefined rule prop.
 public virtual Attribute ResolveToAttribute(string x, ActionAST node)
     if (args != null)
         Attribute a = args.Get(x);
         if (a != null)
             return a;
     if (retvals != null)
         Attribute a = retvals.Get(x);
         if (a != null)
             return a;
     if (locals != null)
         Attribute a = locals.Get(x);
         if (a != null)
             return a;
     AttributeDict properties = GetPredefinedScope(LabelType.RULE_LABEL);
     return properties.Get(x);
Example #28
 public override void ActionInAlt(ActionAST action)
     currentRule.DefineActionInAlt(currentOuterAltNumber, action);
     action.resolver = currentRule.alt[currentOuterAltNumber];
Example #29
        /** $x.y	Attribute: x is surrounding rule, label ref (in any alts) */
        public virtual Attribute ResolveToAttribute(string x, string y, ActionAST node)
            LabelElementPair anyLabelDef = GetAnyLabelDef(x);
            if (anyLabelDef != null)
                if (anyLabelDef.type == LabelType.RULE_LABEL)
                    return g.GetRule(anyLabelDef.element.Text).ResolveRetvalOrProperty(y);
                    AttributeDict scope = GetPredefinedScope(anyLabelDef.type);
                    if (scope == null)
                        return null;

                    return scope.Get(y);
            return null;

 public virtual IList<SrcOp> Sempred(ActionAST ast)
     return null;
Example #31
 public virtual bool ResolvesToListLabel(string x, ActionAST node)
     LabelElementPair anyLabelDef = GetAnyLabelDef(x);
     return anyLabelDef != null &&
            (anyLabelDef.type == LabelType.RULE_LIST_LABEL ||
             anyLabelDef.type == LabelType.TOKEN_LIST_LABEL);