Example #1
        private PdfPTable GetTable(Notes.Table table)
            PdfPTable ownerTable = new PdfPTable(table.Data.GetLength(1));

            ownerTable.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
            ownerTable.SpacingBefore       = 10;
            int rows    = table.Data.GetLength(0);
            int columns = table.Data.GetLength(1);

            if (columns <= 2)
                ownerTable.WidthPercentage = 50f;
                ownerTable.WidthPercentage = 100f;

            if (table.Header != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < table.Header.Length; i++)
                    int      alignment = i == 0 ? Element.ALIGN_LEFT : Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;
                    PdfPCell cell      = GetDataCell(table.Header[i], alignment, tableHeaderFont);
                    //cell.BackgroundColor = backgroundColor;
                    //cell.BorderColor = BaseColor.LightGray;
                    cell.BorderWidth = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
                    int alignment = j == 0 ? Element.ALIGN_LEFT : Element.ALIGN_RIGHT;

                    PdfPCell cell = GetDataCell(table.Data[i, j], alignment, tableFont);
        public static Table GetTable(Reports.Table dataTable)
            var tableWidth = dataTable.Data.GetLength(1) > 2 ? "5000" : "3000";

            Table table = new Table();

            TableStyle tableStyle = new TableStyle()
                Val = "TableGrid"


            var borderColor = "909090";

            // Create a TableProperties object and specify its border information.
            TableProperties tblProp = new TableProperties(
                new TableBorders(
                    new TopBorder()
                Val = new EnumValue <BorderValues>(BorderValues.BasicThinLines), Size = 2, Color = new StringValue(borderColor)
                    new BottomBorder()
                Val = new EnumValue <BorderValues>(BorderValues.BasicThinLines), Size = 2, Color = new StringValue(borderColor)
                    new LeftBorder()
                Val = new EnumValue <BorderValues>(BorderValues.BasicThinLines), Size = 2, Color = new StringValue(borderColor)
                    new RightBorder()
                Val = new EnumValue <BorderValues>(BorderValues.BasicThinLines), Size = 2, Color = new StringValue(borderColor)
                    new InsideHorizontalBorder()
                Val = new EnumValue <BorderValues>(BorderValues.BasicThinLines), Size = 2, Color = new StringValue(borderColor)
                    new InsideVerticalBorder()
                Val = new EnumValue <BorderValues>(BorderValues.BasicThinLines), Size = 2, Color = new StringValue(borderColor)
                new TableCellMargin()
                TopMargin = new TopMargin()
                    Width = new StringValue("100")
                BottomMargin = new BottomMargin()
                    Width = new StringValue("100")
                LeftMargin = new LeftMargin()
                    Width = new StringValue("200")
                RightMargin = new RightMargin()
                    Width = new StringValue("200")
                new TableJustification()
                Val = TableRowAlignmentValues.Center
                new TableWidth()
                Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Pct, Width = new StringValue(tableWidth)

            // Append the TableProperties object to the empty table.
            table.AppendChild <TableProperties>(tblProp);


            var cellProperties = new TableCellProperties()
                TableCellWidth = new TableCellWidth()
                    Width = new StringValue("1250"), Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Pct
                TableCellMargin = new TableCellMargin()
                    BottomMargin = new BottomMargin()
                        Width = new StringValue("100"), Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa
                    TopMargin = new TopMargin()
                        Width = new StringValue("100"), Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa
                    LeftMargin = new LeftMargin()
                        Width = new StringValue("100"), Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa
                    RightMargin = new RightMargin()
                        Width = new StringValue("100"), Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa
                TableCellVerticalAlignment = new TableCellVerticalAlignment()
                    Val = TableVerticalAlignmentValues.Center

            if (dataTable.Header != null)
                TableRow tr = new TableRow();

                for (int i = 0; i < dataTable.Header.Length; i++)
                    var       title = dataTable.Header[i];
                    TableCell tc1   = new TableCell();

                    var justification = ((i > 0) ? JustificationValues.Right : JustificationValues.Left);

                    var paragraph = new Paragraph()
                        ParagraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties()
                            Justification = new Justification()
                                Val = justification
                            ContextualSpacing = new ContextualSpacing()
                                Val = false

                    var run = paragraph.AppendChild(new Run());
                    run.AppendChild(new Text(title));
                    run.RunProperties = new RunProperties();
                    run.RunProperties.AppendChild(new Bold());
                    run.RunProperties.AppendChild(new Color()
                        Val = "4682B4"

                    var properties = (TableCellProperties)cellProperties.Clone();
                    properties.TableCellWidth = new TableCellWidth()
                        Width = getWidthPercentage(i).ToString(), Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Pct
                    tc1.AppendChild <TableCellProperties>(properties);



            int rows    = dataTable.Data.GetLength(0);
            int columns = dataTable.Data.GetLength(1);

            for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                TableRow tr = new TableRow();
                for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
                    TableCell tc1        = new TableCell();
                    var       properties = (TableCellProperties)cellProperties.Clone();
                    properties.TableCellWidth = new TableCellWidth()
                        Width = getWidthPercentage(j).ToString(), Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Pct
                    tc1.AppendChild <TableCellProperties>(properties);

                    var justification = ((j > 0) ? JustificationValues.Right : JustificationValues.Left);

                    var paragraph = new Paragraph()
                        ParagraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties()
                            Justification = new Justification()
                                Val = justification

                    var run = paragraph.AppendChild(new Run());
                    run.RunProperties       = new RunProperties();
                    run.RunProperties.Color = new Color()
                        Val = "363844"
                    run.AppendChild(new Text(dataTable.Data[i, j]));
