Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a list of nodes according with 8.4 Parsing HTML fragments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceCode">The string to use as source code.</param>
        /// <param name="context">[Optional] The context node to use.</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">[Optional] Custom options to use for the document generation.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of parsed nodes.</returns>
        public static NodeList HtmlFragment(String sourceCode, Node context = null, IConfiguration configuration = null)
            if (configuration == null)
                configuration = Configuration.Default;

            var source = new SourceManager(sourceCode, configuration.DefaultEncoding());
            var doc    = new HTMLDocument {
                Options = configuration

            //Disable scripting for HTML fragments (security reasons)
            configuration.IsScripting = false;

            var db = new DocumentBuilder(source, doc, configuration);

            if (context != null)
                if (context.OwnerDocument != null && context.OwnerDocument.QuirksMode != QuirksMode.Off)
                    doc.QuirksMode = context.OwnerDocument.QuirksMode;

                var parser = (HtmlParser)db.parser;

Example #2
        public void NewspaperDtdComplete()
            var s = new SourceManager(@"<!DOCTYPE NEWSPAPER [

             <!ELEMENT HEADLINE (#PCDATA)>
             <!ELEMENT BYLINE (#PCDATA)>
             <!ELEMENT LEAD (#PCDATA)>
             <!ELEMENT BODY (#PCDATA)>
             <!ELEMENT NOTES (#PCDATA)>


             <!ENTITY NEWSPAPER ""Vervet Logic Times"">
             <!ENTITY PUBLISHER ""Vervet Logic Press"">
             <!ENTITY COPYRIGHT 'Copyright 1998 Vervet Logic Press'>

            var t = new XmlTokenizer(s);
            var e = t.Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(XmlTokenType.DOCTYPE, e.Type);
            var d = (XmlDoctypeToken)e;
            Assert.AreEqual("NEWSPAPER", d.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(14, t.DTD.Count);
 public void TokenizationAttributeNameDetection()
     var s = new SourceManager("<input required>");
     var t = new HtmlTokenizer(s);
     var token = t.Get();
     Assert.AreEqual("required", ((HtmlTagToken)token).Attributes[0].Key);
Example #4
 public void EmptyXmlDocumentTokenization()
     var s = new SourceManager("");
     var t = new XmlTokenizer(s);
     var e = t.Get();
     Assert.AreEqual(XmlToken.EOF, e);
 public void TokenizationAttributesDetected()
     var s = new SourceManager("<a target='_blank' href='http://whatever' title='ho'>");
     var t = new HtmlTokenizer(s);
     var token = t.Get();
     Assert.AreEqual(3, ((HtmlTagToken)token).Attributes.Count);
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a new XMLDocument with the given source code string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceCode">The string to use as source code.</param>
        /// <returns>The constructed XML document.</returns>
        public static XMLDocument Xml(String sourceCode)
            var source = new SourceManager(sourceCode);
            var db     = new DocumentBuilder(source, new XMLDocument());

        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a new CSSStyleSheet with the given network stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="networkStream">The stream of chars to use as source code.</param>
        /// <returns>The constructed CSS stylesheet.</returns>
        public static CSSStyleSheet Css(Stream networkStream)
            var source = new SourceManager(networkStream);
            var db     = new DocumentBuilder(source, new CSSStyleSheet());

        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a new CSSStyleSheet with the given source code string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceCode">The string to use as source code.</param>
        /// <returns>The constructed CSS stylesheet.</returns>
        public static CSSStyleSheet Css(String sourceCode)
            var source = new SourceManager(sourceCode);
            var db     = new DocumentBuilder(source, new CSSStyleSheet());

        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a list of nodes according with 8.4 Parsing HTML fragments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceCode">The string to use as source code.</param>
        /// <param name="context">The context node to use.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of parsed nodes.</returns>
        public static NodeList HtmlFragment(String sourceCode, Node context = null)
            var source = new SourceManager(sourceCode);
            var doc    = new HTMLDocument();
            var db     = new DocumentBuilder(source, doc);

            if (context != null)
                if (context.OwnerDocument != null && context.OwnerDocument.QuirksMode != QuirksMode.Off)
                    doc.QuirksMode = context.OwnerDocument.QuirksMode;

                //    Note: For performance reasons, an implementation that does not report errors and that uses
                //          the actual state machine described in this specification directly could use the
                //          PLAINTEXT state instead of the RAWTEXT and script data states where those are mentioned
                //          in the list above. Except for rules regarding parse errors, they are equivalent, since
                //          there is no appropriate end tag token in the fragment case, yet they involve far
                //          fewer state transitions.


        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a new HTMLDocument with the given network stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="networkStream">The stream of chars to use as source code.</param>
        /// <returns>The constructed HTML document.</returns>
        public static HTMLDocument Html(Stream networkStream)
            var source = new SourceManager(networkStream);
            var db     = new DocumentBuilder(source, new HTMLDocument());

        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a new CSSStyleSheet with the given URL.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">The URL which points to the address containing the source code.</param>
        /// <returns>The constructed CSS stylesheet.</returns>
        public static CSSStyleSheet Css(Uri url)
            var stream = Builder.Stream(url);
            var source = new SourceManager(stream);
            var db     = new DocumentBuilder(source, new CSSStyleSheet());

 public void TokenizationBogusCommentClosingTag()
     var s = new SourceManager("</ >");
     var t = new HtmlTokenizer(s);
     var token = t.Get();
     Assert.AreEqual(HtmlTokenType.Comment, token.Type);
     Assert.AreEqual(" ", ((HtmlCommentToken)token).Data);
Example #13
 public void ValidXmlDeclarationOnlyVersion()
     var s = new SourceManager("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
     var t = new XmlTokenizer(s);
     var e = t.Get();
     Assert.AreEqual(XmlTokenType.Declaration, e.Type);
     Assert.AreEqual("1.0", ((XmlDeclarationToken)e).Version);
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a new HTMLDocument with the given URL.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">The URL which points to the address containing the source code.</param>
        /// <returns>The constructed HTML document.</returns>
        public static HTMLDocument Html(Uri url)
            var stream = Builder.Stream(url);
            var source = new SourceManager(stream);
            var db     = new DocumentBuilder(source, new HTMLDocument());

 public void TokenizationBogusCommentEmpty()
     var s = new SourceManager("<!>");
     var t = new HtmlTokenizer(s);
     var token = t.Get();
     Assert.AreEqual(HtmlTokenType.Comment, token.Type);
     Assert.AreEqual(String.Empty, ((HtmlCommentToken)token).Data);
 public void TokenizationBogusCommentQuestionMark()
     var s = new SourceManager("<?>");
     var t = new HtmlTokenizer(s);
     var token = t.Get();
     Assert.AreEqual(HtmlTokenType.Comment, token.Type);
     Assert.AreEqual("?", ((HtmlCommentToken)token).Data);
Example #17
 public void OneCommentInXmlDocument()
     var c = "My comment";
     var s = new SourceManager("<!--" + c + "-->");
     var t = new XmlTokenizer(s);
     var e = t.Get();
     Assert.AreEqual(XmlTokenType.Comment, e.Type);
     Assert.AreEqual(c, ((XmlCommentToken)e).Data);
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new builder with the specified source.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The code manager.</param>
        /// <param name="document">The document to fill.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Options to use for the document generation.</param>
        DocumentBuilder(SourceManager source, HTMLDocument document, DocumentOptions options)
            document.Options = options;
            parser = new HtmlParser(document, source);
			parser.ErrorOccurred += ParseErrorOccurred;

			if (options.OnError != null)
				parser.ErrorOccurred += options.OnError;
Example #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new builder with the specified source.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The code manager.</param>
        /// <param name="sheet">The document to fill.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Options to use for the document generation.</param>
        DocumentBuilder(SourceManager source, CSSStyleSheet sheet, DocumentOptions options)
            sheet.Options = options;
            parser = new CssParser(sheet, source);
			parser.ErrorOccurred += ParseErrorOccurred;

			if (options.OnError != null)
				parser.ErrorOccurred += options.OnError;
Example #20
 public void ValidXmlDeclarationVersionAndEncoding()
     var s = new SourceManager("<?xml version=\"1.1\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>");
     var t = new XmlTokenizer(s);
     var e = t.Get();
     Assert.AreEqual(XmlTokenType.Declaration, e.Type);
     var x = (XmlDeclarationToken)e;
     Assert.AreEqual("1.1", x.Version);
     Assert.AreEqual("utf-8", x.Encoding);
Example #21
 public void OneDoctypeInXmlDocument()
     var s = new SourceManager("<!DOCTYPE root_element SYSTEM \"DTD_location\">");
     var t = new XmlTokenizer(s);
     var e = t.Get();
     Assert.AreEqual(XmlTokenType.DOCTYPE, e.Type);
     var d = (XmlDoctypeToken)e;
     Assert.AreEqual("root_element", d.Name);
     Assert.AreEqual("DTD_location", d.SystemIdentifier);
Example #22
 public void ValidXmlDeclarationEverything()
     var s = new SourceManager("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1' standalone=\"yes\" ?>");
     var t = new XmlTokenizer(s);
     var e = t.Get();
     Assert.AreEqual(XmlTokenType.Declaration, e.Type);
     var x = (XmlDeclarationToken)e;
     Assert.AreEqual("1.0", x.Version);
     Assert.AreEqual("ISO-8859-1", x.Encoding);
     Assert.AreEqual(true, x.Standalone);
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a new CSSStyleSheet with the given network stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream of chars to use as source code.</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">[Optional] Custom options to use for the document generation.</param>
        /// <returns>The constructed CSS stylesheet.</returns>
        public static CSSStyleSheet Css(Stream stream, IConfiguration configuration = null)
            if (configuration == null)
                configuration = Configuration.Default;

            var source = new SourceManager(stream, configuration.DefaultEncoding());
            var sheet  = new CSSStyleSheet {
                Options = configuration
            var db = new DocumentBuilder(source, sheet, configuration);

Example #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a new HTMLDocument with the given source code string.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceCode">The string to use as source code.</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">[Optional] Custom options to use for the document generation.</param>
        /// <returns>The constructed HTML document.</returns>
        public static HTMLDocument Html(String sourceCode, IConfiguration configuration = null)
            if (configuration == null)
                configuration = Configuration.Default;

            var source = new SourceManager(sourceCode, configuration.DefaultEncoding());
            var doc    = new HTMLDocument {
                Options = configuration
            var db = new DocumentBuilder(source, doc, configuration);

Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a new HTMLDocument by asynchronously requesting the given URL.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">The URL which points to the address containing the source code.</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">[Optional] Custom options to use for the document generation.</param>
        /// <returns>The task that constructs the HTML document.</returns>
        public static async Task <HTMLDocument> HtmlAsync(Uri url, CancellationToken cancel, IConfiguration configuration = null)
            if (configuration == null)
                configuration = Configuration.Default;

            var stream = await configuration.LoadAsync(url, cancel, force : true);

            var source = new SourceManager(stream, configuration.DefaultEncoding());
            var doc    = new HTMLDocument {
                Options = configuration, DocumentUri = url.OriginalString
            var db = new DocumentBuilder(source, doc, configuration);
            await db.parser.ParseAsync();

Example #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a new CSSStyleSheet asynchronously by requesting the given URL.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">The URL which points to the address containing the source code.</param>
        /// <param name="configuration">[Optional] Custom options to use for the document generation.</param>
        /// <returns>The task which constructs the CSS stylesheet.</returns>
        public static async Task <CSSStyleSheet> CssAsync(Uri url, CancellationToken cancel, IConfiguration configuration = null)
            if (configuration == null)
                configuration = Configuration.Default;

            var stream = await configuration.LoadAsync(url, cancel, force : true);

            var source = new SourceManager(stream, configuration.DefaultEncoding());
            var sheet  = new CSSStyleSheet {
                Href = url.OriginalString, Options = configuration
            var db = new DocumentBuilder(source, sheet, configuration);
            await db.parser.ParseAsync();

Example #27
        public void TokenizationCDataCorrectCharacters()
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            var s = new SourceManager("<![CDATA[hi mum how <!-- are you doing />]]>");
            var t = new HtmlTokenizer(s);
            t.AcceptsCharacterData = true;
            HtmlToken token;

                token = t.Get();

                if (token.Type == HtmlTokenType.Character)
            while (token != HtmlToken.EOF);

            Assert.AreEqual("hi mum how <!-- are you doing />", sb.ToString());
Example #28
        public void TVScheduleDtdSubset()
            var dtd = @"<!ELEMENT TVSCHEDULE (CHANNEL+)>

            var text = "<!DOCTYPE TVSCHEDULE [" + dtd + "]>";
            var s = new SourceManager(text);

            var t = new XmlTokenizer(s);
            var e = t.Get();
            Assert.AreEqual(XmlTokenType.DOCTYPE, e.Type);
            var d = (XmlDoctypeToken)e;
            Assert.AreEqual("TVSCHEDULE", d.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(15, t.DTD.Count);

            //Unfortunately C# counts newlines with 2 characters since \r\n is used
            Assert.AreEqual(dtd.Replace("\r\n", "\n"), d.InternalSubset);
            //This is annoying but meh - what can we do? W3C specifies we need to use
            //\n for newlines and omit \r completely.
 public void TokenizationCDataDetected()
     var s = new SourceManager("<![CDATA[hi mum how <!-- are you doing />]]>");
     var t = new HtmlTokenizer(s);
     var token = t.Get();
     Assert.AreEqual(HtmlTokenType.Characters, token.Type);
Example #30
 public BaseTokenizer(SourceManager source)
     src          = source;
     stringBuffer = new StringBuilder();
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new builder with the specified source.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source">The code manager.</param>
 /// <param name="document">The document to fill.</param>
 DocumentBuilder(SourceManager source, XMLDocument document)
     parser = new XmlParser(document, source);
     parser.ErrorOccurred += ParseErrorOccurred;
Example #32
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new builder with the specified source.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source">The code manager.</param>
 /// <param name="sheet">The document to fill.</param>
 /// <param name="configuration">Options to use for the document generation.</param>
 DocumentBuilder(SourceManager source, CSSStyleSheet sheet, IConfiguration configuration)
     sheet.Options      = configuration;
     parser             = new CssParser(sheet, source);
     parser.ParseError += (s, e) => configuration.ReportError(e);
Example #33
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a new CSSStyleSheet with the given network stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream of chars to use as source code.</param>
        /// <param name="options">[Optional] Options to use for the document generation.</param>
        /// <returns>The constructed CSS stylesheet.</returns>
        public static CSSStyleSheet Css(Stream stream, DocumentOptions options = null)
            var source = new SourceManager(stream);
			var db = new DocumentBuilder(source, new CSSStyleSheet(), options ?? DocumentOptions.Default);
            return db.CssResult;
Example #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a list of nodes according with 8.4 Parsing HTML fragments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceCode">The string to use as source code.</param>
        /// <param name="context">[Optional] The context node to use.</param>
        /// <param name="options">[Optional] Options to use for the document generation.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of parsed nodes.</returns>
        public static NodeList HtmlFragment(String sourceCode, Node context = null, DocumentOptions options = null)
            var source = new SourceManager(sourceCode);
            var doc = new HTMLDocument();

            //Disable scripting for HTML fragments (security reasons)
            options = options ?? new DocumentOptions(scripting: false);

            var db = new DocumentBuilder(source, doc, options);

            if (context != null)
                if (context.OwnerDocument != null && context.OwnerDocument.QuirksMode != QuirksMode.Off)
                    doc.QuirksMode = context.OwnerDocument.QuirksMode;

                var parser = (HtmlParser)db.parser;
                return parser.Result.DocumentElement.ChildNodes;

            return db.HtmlResult.ChildNodes;
 public void TokenizationTagMixedCaseHandling()
     var s = new SourceManager("<InpUT>");
     var t = new HtmlTokenizer(s);
     var token = t.Get();
     Assert.AreEqual("input", ((HtmlTagToken)token).Name);
 public void TokenizationStartTagDetection()
     var s = new SourceManager("<p>");
     var t = new HtmlTokenizer(s);
     var token = t.Get();
     Assert.AreEqual(HtmlTokenType.StartTag, token.Type);
     Assert.AreEqual("p", ((HtmlTagToken)token).Name);
 public void TokenizationFinalEOF()
     var s = new SourceManager("");
     var t = new HtmlTokenizer(s);
     var token = t.Get();
     Assert.AreEqual(HtmlTokenType.EOF, token.Type);
 public void TokenizationDoctypeDetected()
     var s = new SourceManager("<!doctype html>");
     var t = new HtmlTokenizer(s);
     var token = t.Get();
     Assert.AreEqual(HtmlTokenType.DOCTYPE, token.Type);
        public void TokenizationCharacterReferenceNotin()
            var str = string.Empty;
            var src = "I'm &notin; I tell you";
            var s = new SourceManager(src);
            var t = new HtmlTokenizer(s);
            HtmlToken token;

                token = t.Get();

                if (token.Type == HtmlTokenType.Character)
                    str += ((HtmlCharacterToken)token).Data;
                else if (token.Type == HtmlTokenType.Characters)
                    str += new String(((HtmlCharactersToken)token).Data);
            while (token != HtmlToken.EOF);

            Assert.AreEqual("I'm ∉ I tell you", str);
Example #40
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a new HTMLDocument by asynchronously requesting the given URL.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">The URL which points to the address containing the source code.</param>
        /// <param name="options">[Optional] Options to use for the document generation.</param>
        /// <returns>The task that constructs the HTML document.</returns>
        public static async Task<HTMLDocument> HtmlAsync(Uri url, DocumentOptions options = null)
            var stream = await Builder.GetFromUrl(url);
            var source = new SourceManager(stream);
			var db = new DocumentBuilder(source, new HTMLDocument { DocumentURI = url.OriginalString }, options ?? DocumentOptions.Default);
			await db.parser.ParseAsync();
            return db.HtmlResult;
 public void TokenizationTagSelfClosingDetected()
     var s = new SourceManager("<img />");
     var t = new HtmlTokenizer(s);
     var token = t.Get();
     Assert.AreEqual(true, ((HtmlTagToken)token).IsSelfClosing);
Example #42
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a new CSSStyleSheet asynchronously by requesting the given URL.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">The URL which points to the address containing the source code.</param>
        /// <param name="options">[Optional] Options to use for the document generation.</param>
        /// <returns>The task which constructs the CSS stylesheet.</returns>
        public static async Task<CSSStyleSheet> CssAsync(Uri url, DocumentOptions options = null)
            var stream = await Builder.GetFromUrl(url);
            var source = new SourceManager(stream);
			var db = new DocumentBuilder(source, new CSSStyleSheet { Href = url.OriginalString }, options ?? DocumentOptions.Default);
			await db.parser.ParseAsync();
            return db.CssResult;
 public void TokenizationTagSpacesBehind()
     var s = new SourceManager("<i   >");
     var t = new HtmlTokenizer(s);
     var token = t.Get();
     Assert.AreEqual("i", ((HtmlTagToken)token).Name);
 public void TokenizationTagNameDetection()
     var s = new SourceManager("<span>");
     var t = new HtmlTokenizer(s);
     var token = t.Get();
     Assert.AreEqual("span", ((HtmlTagToken)token).Name);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new builder with the specified source.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source">The code manager.</param>
 /// <param name="sheet">The document to fill.</param>
 DocumentBuilder(SourceManager source, CSSStyleSheet sheet)
     parser = new CssParser(sheet, source);
     parser.ErrorOccurred += ParseErrorOccurred;
Example #46
 /// <summary>
 /// Builds a new HTMLDocument with the given source code string.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sourceCode">The string to use as source code.</param>
 /// <param name="options">[Optional] Options to use for the document generation.</param>
 /// <returns>The constructed HTML document.</returns>
 public static HTMLDocument Html(String sourceCode, DocumentOptions options = null)
     var source = new SourceManager(sourceCode);
     var db = new DocumentBuilder(source, new HTMLDocument(), options ?? DocumentOptions.Default);
     return db.HtmlResult;
Example #47
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new builder with the specified source.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source">The code manager.</param>
 /// <param name="document">The document to fill.</param>
 /// <param name="configuration">Options to use for the document generation.</param>
 DocumentBuilder(SourceManager source, HTMLDocument document, IConfiguration configuration)
     parser             = new HtmlParser(document, source);
     parser.ParseError += (s, e) => configuration.ReportError(e);