protected static Boolean ValidatePeriodic(CSSValue v, CSSProperty t, CSSProperty r, CSSProperty b, CSSProperty l)
            var      values = v as CSSValueList ?? new CSSValueList(v);
            CSSValue top    = null;
            CSSValue right  = null;
            CSSValue bottom = null;
            CSSValue left   = null;

            if (values.Length > 4)

            foreach (var value in values)
                if (!t.CanStore(value, ref top) && !r.CanStore(value, ref right) && !b.CanStore(value, ref bottom) && !l.CanStore(value, ref left))

            right  = right ?? top;
            bottom = bottom ?? top;
            left   = left ?? right;
            return(t.TrySetValue(top) && r.TrySetValue(right) && b.TrySetValue(bottom) && l.TrySetValue(left));
        protected static String SerializePeriodic(CSSProperty t, CSSProperty r, CSSProperty b, CSSProperty l)
            var top    = t.SerializeValue();
            var right  = r.SerializeValue();
            var bottom = b.SerializeValue();
            var left   = l.SerializeValue();

            return(SerializePeriodic(top, right, bottom, left));
Example #3
        internal static Boolean CheckSingleProperty(CSSProperty property, Int32 index, CSSValueList arguments)
            if (index < arguments.Length)
                var argument = arguments[index];

Example #4
        internal static Boolean CheckLastProperty(CSSProperty property, Int32 index, CSSValueList arguments)
            if (arguments.Length - index > 1)
                var newList = new CSSValueList();

                while (index < arguments.Length)


            return(CheckSingleProperty(property, index, arguments));
 /// <summary>
 /// Appends the given rule to the list of rules.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rule">The rule to append.</param>
 /// <returns>The current font-face rule.</returns>
 internal CSSFontFaceRule AppendRule(CSSProperty rule)
Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Appends the given rule to the list of rules.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rule">The rule to append.</param>
 /// <returns>The current font-face rule.</returns>
 internal CSSPageRule AppendRule(CSSProperty rule)
     return this;
 public CssRuleViewModel(CSSProperty declaration)
     name = declaration.Name;
     children.Add(new CssRuleViewModel(declaration.Value));
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new property from the given source.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The token iterator starting at the name of the property.</param>
        /// <returns>The new property.</returns>
        CSSProperty CreateDeclaration(IEnumerator<CssToken> source)
            String name = ((CssKeywordToken)source.Current).Data;
            CSSProperty property = null;
            CSSValue value = CSSValue.Inherit;
            Boolean hasValue = SkipToNextNonWhitespace(source) && source.Current.Type == CssTokenType.Colon;

            if (hasValue)
                value = CreateValueList(source);

            switch (name)
                case "azimuth":
                case "animation":
                case "animation-delay":
                case "animation-direction":
                case "animation-duration":
                case "animation-fill-mode":
                case "animation-iteration-count":
                case "animation-name":
                case "animation-play-state":
                case "animation-timing-function":
                case "background-attachment":
                case "background-color":
                case "background-clip":
                case "background-origin":
                case "background-size":
                case "background-image":
                case "background-position":
                case "background-repeat":
                case "background":
                case "border-color":
                case "border-spacing":
                case "border-collapse":
                case "border-style":
                case "border-radius":
                case "box-shadow":
                case "box-decoration-break":
                case "break-after":
                case "break-before":
                case "break-inside":
                case "backface-visibility":
                case "border-top-left-radius":
                case "border-top-right-radius":
                case "border-bottom-left-radius":
                case "border-bottom-right-radius":
                case "border-image":
                case "border-image-outset":
                case "border-image-repeat":
                case "border-image-source":
                case "border-image-slice":
                case "border-image-width":
                case "border-top":
                case "border-right":
                case "border-bottom":
                case "border-left":
                case "border-top-color":
                case "border-left-color":
                case "border-right-color":
                case "border-bottom-color":
                case "border-top-style":
                case "border-left-style":
                case "border-right-style":
                case "border-bottom-style":
                case "border-top-width":
                case "border-left-width":
                case "border-right-width":
                case "border-bottom-width":
                case "border-width":
                case "border":
                case "bottom":
                case "columns":
                case "column-count":
                case "column-fill":
                case "column-gap":
                case "column-rule-color":
                case "column-rule-style":
                case "column-rule-width":
                case "column-span":
                case "column-width":
                case "caption-side":
                case "clear":
                case "clip":
                case "color":
                case "content":
                case "counter-increment":
                case "counter-reset":
                case "cue-after":
                case "cue-before":
                case "cue":
                case "cursor":
                case "direction":
                case "display":
                case "elevation":
                case "empty-cells":
                case "float":
                case "font-family":
                case "font-size":
                case "font-style":
                case "font-variant":
                case "font-weight":
                case "font":
                case "height":
                case "left":
                case "letter-spacing":
                case "line-height":
                case "list-style-image":
                case "list-style-position":
                case "list-style-type":
                case "list-style":
                case "marquee-direction":
                case "marquee-play-count":
                case "marquee-speed":
                case "marquee-style":
                case "margin-right":
                case "margin-left":
                case "margin-top":
                case "margin-bottom":
                case "margin":
                case "max-height":
                case "max-width":
                case "min-height":
                case "min-width":
                case "opacity":
                case "orphans":
                case "outline-color":
                case "outline-style":
                case "outline-width":
                case "outline":
                case "overflow":
                case "padding-top":
                case "padding-right":
                case "padding-left":
                case "padding-bottom":
                case "padding":
                case "page-break-after":
                case "page-break-before":
                case "page-break-inside":
                case "pause-after":
                case "pause-before":
                case "pause":
                case "perspective":
                case "perspective-origin":
                case "pitch-range":
                case "pitch":
                case "play-during":
                case "position":
                case "quotes":
                case "richness":
                case "right":
                case "speak-header":
                case "speak-numeral":
                case "speak-punctuation":
                case "speak":
                case "speech-rate":
                case "stress":
                case "table-layout":
                case "text-align":
                case "text-decoration":
                case "text-indent":
                case "text-transform":
                case "transform":
                case "transform-origin":
                case "transform-style":
                case "transition":
                case "transition-delay":
                case "transition-duration":
                case "transition-timing-function":
                case "transition-property":
                case "top":
                case "unicode-bidi":
                case "vertical-align":
                case "visibility":
                case "voice-family":
                case "volume":
                case "white-space":
                case "widows":
                case "width":
                case "word-spacing":
                case "z-index":
                    property = new CSSProperty(name);
                    property.Value = value;

            if (hasValue)
                while (source.Current.Type == CssTokenType.Delim && ((CssDelimToken)source.Current).Data == Specification.EM && SkipToNextNonWhitespace(source))
                { }

                property.Important = source.Current.Type == CssTokenType.Ident && ((CssKeywordToken)source.Current).Data.Equals("important", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            return property;
Example #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Appends the given rule to the list of rules.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rule">The rule to append.</param>
 /// <returns>The current font-face rule.</returns>
 internal CSSFontFaceRule AppendRule(CSSProperty rule)
     return this;
 /// <summary>
 /// Appends the given rule to the list of rules.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rule">The rule to append.</param>
 /// <returns>The current font-face rule.</returns>
 internal CSSPageRule AppendRule(CSSProperty rule)