Example #1

        public JdbSetup(AndroidProcess process)

            Process = process;

            Host = "localhost";

            Port = 65534;

            string sanitisedDeviceId = Process.HostDevice.ID.Replace(':', '-');

            CacheDirectory = string.Format(@"{0}\Android++\Cache\{1}\{2}", Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), sanitisedDeviceId, Process.Name);

Example #2

    public JdbSetup (AndroidProcess process)
      LoggingUtils.PrintFunction ();

      Process = process;

      Host = "localhost";

      Port = 65534;

      string sanitisedDeviceId = Process.HostDevice.ID.Replace (':', '-');

      CacheDirectory = string.Format (@"{0}\Android++\Cache\{1}\{2}", Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), sanitisedDeviceId, Process.Name);

      Directory.CreateDirectory (CacheDirectory);
Example #3

        private void KillActiveGdbServerSessions()

            // Killing GDB server instances requires use of run-as [package-name],
            // but it's very difficult to get the parent package of lib/gdbserver as the PPID
            // will always refer to the zygote. This hack uses the sand-boxed 'user' to try all combinations.


            uint [] activeDevicePids = m_gdbSetup.Process.HostDevice.GetActivePids();

            List <AndroidProcess> activeGdbProcesses = new List <AndroidProcess> ();

            foreach (uint pid in activeDevicePids)
                AndroidProcess process = m_gdbSetup.Process.HostDevice.GetProcessFromPid(pid);

                if (process.Name.Contains("lib/gdbserver"))

            foreach (AndroidProcess gdbProcess in activeGdbProcesses)
                foreach (uint pid in activeDevicePids)
                    AndroidProcess process = m_gdbSetup.Process.HostDevice.GetProcessFromPid(pid);

                    if ((gdbProcess != process) && (gdbProcess.User.Equals(process.User)))
                        LoggingUtils.Print(string.Format("[GdbServer] Attempting to terminate existing GDB debugging session: {0} ({1}).", gdbProcess.Name, gdbProcess.Pid));

                        m_gdbSetup.Process.HostDevice.Shell("run-as", string.Format("{0} kill -9 {1}", process.Name, gdbProcess.Pid));
Example #4

    public GdbSetup (AndroidProcess process, string gdbToolPath)
      LoggingUtils.PrintFunction ();

      Process = process;

      Host = "localhost";

      Port = 5039;

      if (!Process.HostDevice.IsOverWiFi)
        Socket = "debug-socket";

      string sanitisedDeviceId = Process.HostDevice.ID.Replace (':', '-');

      CacheDirectory = string.Format (@"{0}\Android++\Cache\{1}\{2}", Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), sanitisedDeviceId, Process.Name);

      Directory.CreateDirectory (CacheDirectory);

      CacheSysRoot = Path.Combine (CacheDirectory, "sysroot");

      Directory.CreateDirectory (CacheSysRoot);

      SymbolDirectories = new HashSet<string> ();

      GdbToolPath = gdbToolPath;

      GdbToolArguments = "--interpreter=mi ";

      if (!File.Exists (gdbToolPath))
        throw new FileNotFoundException ("Could not find requested GDB instance. Expected: " + gdbToolPath);

      // Spawn an initial GDB instance to evaluate the client version.

      GdbToolVersionMajor = 1;

      GdbToolVersionMinor = 0;

      using (SyncRedirectProcess gdbProcess = new SyncRedirectProcess (GdbToolPath, "--version"))
        gdbProcess.StartAndWaitForExit ();

        string [] versionDetails = gdbProcess.StandardOutput.Replace ("\r", "").Split (new char [] { '\n' });

        string versionPrefix = "GNU gdb (GDB) ";

        for (int i = 0; i < versionDetails.Length; ++i)
          if (versionDetails [i].StartsWith (versionPrefix))
            string gdbVersion = versionDetails [i].Substring (versionPrefix.Length); ;

            string [] gdbVersionComponents = gdbVersion.Split ('.');

            if (gdbVersionComponents.Length > 0)
              GdbToolVersionMajor = int.Parse (gdbVersionComponents [0]);

            if (gdbVersionComponents.Length > 1)
              GdbToolVersionMinor = int.Parse (gdbVersionComponents [1]);

Example #5
        public GdbSetup(AndroidProcess process, string gdbToolPath)
            LoggingUtils.PrintFunction ();

              Process = process;

              Host = "localhost";

              Port = 5039;

              if (!Process.HostDevice.IsOverWiFi)
            Socket = "debug-socket";

              string sanitisedDeviceId = Process.HostDevice.ID.Replace (':', '-');

              CacheDirectory = string.Format (@"{0}\Android++\Cache\{1}\{2}", Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), sanitisedDeviceId, Process.Name);

              Directory.CreateDirectory (CacheDirectory);

              CacheSysRoot = Path.Combine (CacheDirectory, "sysroot");

              Directory.CreateDirectory (CacheSysRoot);

              SymbolDirectories = new HashSet<string> ();

              GdbToolPath = gdbToolPath;

              GdbToolArguments = "--interpreter=mi ";

              if (!File.Exists (gdbToolPath))
            throw new FileNotFoundException ("Could not find requested GDB instance. Expected: " + gdbToolPath);

              // Spawn an initial GDB instance to evaluate the client version.

              GdbToolVersionMajor = 1;

              GdbToolVersionMinor = 0;

              using (SyncRedirectProcess gdbProcess = new SyncRedirectProcess (GdbToolPath, "--version"))
            gdbProcess.StartAndWaitForExit ();

            string [] versionDetails = gdbProcess.StandardOutput.Replace ("\r", "").Split (new char [] { '\n' });

            string versionPrefix = "GNU gdb (GDB) ";

            for (int i = 0; i < versionDetails.Length; ++i)
              if (versionDetails [i].StartsWith (versionPrefix))
            string gdbVersion = versionDetails [i].Substring (versionPrefix.Length); ;

            string [] gdbVersionComponents = gdbVersion.Split ('.');

            if (gdbVersionComponents.Length > 0)
              GdbToolVersionMajor = int.Parse (gdbVersionComponents [0]);

            if (gdbVersionComponents.Length > 1)
              GdbToolVersionMinor = int.Parse (gdbVersionComponents [1]);


    public void RefreshProcesses (uint processIdFilter = 0)
      // Skip the first line, and read in tab-separated process data.

      LoggingUtils.PrintFunction ();

      string deviceProcessList = Shell ("ps", string.Format ("-t {0}", ((processIdFilter == 0) ? "" : processIdFilter.ToString ())));

      if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (deviceProcessList))
        string [] processesOutputLines = deviceProcessList.Replace ("\r", "").Split (new char [] { '\n' });

        string processesRegExPattern = @"(?<user>[^ ]+)[ ]*(?<pid>[0-9]+)[ ]*(?<ppid>[0-9]+)[ ]*(?<vsize>[0-9]+)[ ]*(?<rss>[0-9]+)[ ]*(?<wchan>[^ ]+)[ ]*(?<pc>[A-Za-z0-9]+)[ ]*(?<s>[^ ]+)[ ]*(?<name>[^\r\n]+)";

        Regex regExMatcher = new Regex (processesRegExPattern, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

        m_deviceProcessesByPid.Clear ();

        m_devicePidsByName.Clear ();

        m_devicePidsByPpid.Clear ();

        for (uint i = 1; i < processesOutputLines.Length; ++i)
          if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (processesOutputLines [i]))
            Match regExLineMatches = regExMatcher.Match (processesOutputLines [i]);

            string processUser = regExLineMatches.Result ("${user}");

            uint processPid = uint.Parse (regExLineMatches.Result ("${pid}"));

            uint processPpid = uint.Parse (regExLineMatches.Result ("${ppid}"));

            uint processVsize = uint.Parse (regExLineMatches.Result ("${vsize}"));

            uint processRss = uint.Parse (regExLineMatches.Result ("${rss}"));

            string processWchan = regExLineMatches.Result ("${wchan}");

            string processPc = regExLineMatches.Result ("${pc}");

            string processPcS = regExLineMatches.Result ("${s}");

            string processName = regExLineMatches.Result ("${name}");

            AndroidProcess process = new AndroidProcess (this, processName, processPid, processPpid, processUser);

            m_deviceProcessesByPid [processPid] = process;

            // Add new process to a fast-lookup collection organised by process name.

            HashSet<uint> processPidsList;

            if (!m_devicePidsByName.TryGetValue (processName, out processPidsList))
              processPidsList = new HashSet<uint> ();

            if (!processPidsList.Contains (processPid))
              processPidsList.Add (processPid);

            m_devicePidsByName [processName] = processPidsList;

            // Check whether this process is sibling of another; keep ppids-pid relationships tracked.

            HashSet<uint> processPpidSiblingList;

            if (!m_devicePidsByPpid.TryGetValue (processPpid, out processPpidSiblingList))
              processPpidSiblingList = new HashSet<uint> ();

            if (!processPpidSiblingList.Contains (process.Pid))
              processPpidSiblingList.Add (process.Pid);

            m_devicePidsByPpid [processPpid] = processPpidSiblingList;
Example #7

        public void RefreshProcesses(uint processIdFilter = 0)
            // Skip the first line, and read in tab-separated process data.


            string deviceProcessList = Shell("ps", string.Format("-t {0}", ((processIdFilter == 0) ? "" : processIdFilter.ToString())));

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceProcessList))
                string [] processesOutputLines = deviceProcessList.Replace("\r", "").Split(new char [] { '\n' });

                string processesRegExPattern = @"(?<user>[^ ]+)[ ]*(?<pid>[0-9]+)[ ]*(?<ppid>[0-9]+)[ ]*(?<vsize>[0-9]+)[ ]*(?<rss>[0-9]+)[ ]*(?<wchan>[^ ]+)[ ]*(?<pc>[A-Za-z0-9]+)[ ]*(?<s>[^ ]+)[ ]*(?<name>[^\r\n]+)";

                Regex regExMatcher = new Regex(processesRegExPattern, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);




                for (uint i = 1; i < processesOutputLines.Length; ++i)
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(processesOutputLines [i]))
                        Match regExLineMatches = regExMatcher.Match(processesOutputLines [i]);

                        string processUser = regExLineMatches.Result("${user}");

                        uint processPid = uint.Parse(regExLineMatches.Result("${pid}"));

                        uint processPpid = uint.Parse(regExLineMatches.Result("${ppid}"));

                        uint processVsize = uint.Parse(regExLineMatches.Result("${vsize}"));

                        uint processRss = uint.Parse(regExLineMatches.Result("${rss}"));

                        string processWchan = regExLineMatches.Result("${wchan}");

                        string processPc = regExLineMatches.Result("${pc}");

                        string processPcS = regExLineMatches.Result("${s}");

                        string processName = regExLineMatches.Result("${name}");

                        AndroidProcess process = new AndroidProcess(this, processName, processPid, processPpid, processUser);

                        m_deviceProcessesByPid [processPid] = process;

                        // Add new process to a fast-lookup collection organised by process name.

                        HashSet <uint> processPidsList;

                        if (!m_devicePidsByName.TryGetValue(processName, out processPidsList))
                            processPidsList = new HashSet <uint> ();

                        if (!processPidsList.Contains(processPid))

                        m_devicePidsByName [processName] = processPidsList;

                        // Check whether this process is sibling of another; keep ppids-pid relationships tracked.

                        HashSet <uint> processPpidSiblingList;

                        if (!m_devicePidsByPpid.TryGetValue(processPpid, out processPpidSiblingList))
                            processPpidSiblingList = new HashSet <uint> ();

                        if (!processPpidSiblingList.Contains(process.Pid))

                        m_devicePidsByPpid [processPpid] = processPpidSiblingList;