public HapticFeedback_Android()
            try {
                am = (AudioManager)global::Android.App.Application.Context.GetSystemService (Context.AudioService);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                try {
                    var msg = LogMessage.FromException (ex, "Error initializing AudioManager! ", typeof(HapticFeedback_Android), "(constructor)");
                    PortableLogging.Instance.AppendMessages (new [] { msg });
                } catch {

            try {
                v = (Vibrator)global::Android.App.Application.Context.GetSystemService (Context.VibratorService);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                try {
                    var msg = LogMessage.FromException (ex, "Error initializing Vibrator! ", typeof(HapticFeedback_Android), "(constructor)");
                    PortableLogging.Instance.AppendMessages (new [] { msg });
                } catch {
            if (v != null && !v.HasVibrator) {
                try {
                    var msg = LogMessage.FromException (new Exception (), "Android device does not have vibrator.", typeof(HapticFeedback_Android), "(constructor)");
                    PortableLogging.Instance.AppendMessages (new [] { msg });
                } catch {
Example #2
        public static void Initialize(Activity activity)
            audioManager = (AudioManager)activity.GetSystemService(Context.AudioService);

            mediaPlayer = MediaPlayer.Create(activity.ApplicationContext, Resource.Raw.Message);

            notificationManager = (NotificationManager)activity.GetSystemService(Context.NotificationService);
            vibrator = (Vibrator)activity.GetSystemService(Context.VibratorService);

            //context = activity.ApplicationContext;
            context = activity;

            isAlertsEnabled = true;
            isProgressEnabled = true;
		public override void OnCreate ()
			base.OnCreate ();
			mLocationClient = new LocationClient(ApplicationContext);
			var option = new LocationClientOption ();
			option.SetIsNeedAddress (true);
			option.SetIsNeedLocationDescribe (true);
			mLocationClient.LocOption = option;
			mMyLocationListener = new MyLocationListener(handler, this);

			mVibrator =(Vibrator)ApplicationContext.GetSystemService(Service.VibratorService);

		protected override void OnCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState)

			SetContentView (Resource.Layout.common_ui);
			CardboardView cardboardView = FindViewById<CardboardView> (Resource.Id.cardboard_view);
			cardboardView.SetRenderer (this);
			CardboardView = cardboardView;

			vibrator = (Vibrator)GetSystemService (Context.VibratorService);

			overlayView = FindViewById<CardboardOverlayView> (Resource.Id.overlay);
			overlayView.Show3DToast ("Pull the magnet\nwhen you find an object.");

			headView = new float[16];
			game = new Game (this, headView);

			VolumeKeysMode = VolumeKeys.DisabledWhileInCardboard;
		/// <summary>
		/// Raised, when the activity is created.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="bundle">Bundle with cartridge and restore flag.</param>
		protected override void OnCreate (Bundle bundle)
			// Set color schema for activity

			base.OnCreate (bundle);

			// Load content of activity
			SetContentView (Resource.Layout.GameControllerScreen);

			// Get main layout to replace with fragments
			var layoutMain = FindViewById<LinearLayout> (Resource.Id.layoutMain);

			// Get data from intent
			Intent intent = this.Intent;

			string cartFilename = intent.GetStringExtra ("cartridge");
			cartRestore = intent.GetBooleanExtra ("restore", false);

			// Check, if cartridge files exists, and if yes, create a new cartridge object
			if (File.Exists (cartFilename)) {
				cartridge = new Cartridge(cartFilename);

			// If cartridge object don't exist, than close activity
			if (cartridge == null)
				Finish ();

			audioManager = (AudioManager)GetSystemService(Context.AudioService);
			vibrator = (Vibrator)GetSystemService(Context.VibratorService);

			// Create CheckLocation
			GameCheckLocation checkLocation = new GameCheckLocation();

			// Show CheckLocation
			var ft = SupportFragmentManager.BeginTransaction ();
			ft.SetBreadCrumbTitle (cartridge.Name);
			ft.SetTransition (global::Android.Support.V4.App.FragmentTransaction.TransitNone);
			ft.Replace (Resource.Id.fragment, checkLocation);
			ft.Commit ();
Example #6
        // entry point
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
            clientId = GetClientId();

            // gesture recognition
            internalRecognitionService = new GestureRecognitionService(new PhoneSensorSource(this));
            externalRecognitionService = new GestureRecognitionService(new BluetoothSensorSource(this));

            // register callbacks

            // start detecting gestures

            // keep light on and screen unlocked

            // get a vibrator service for feedback
            vibrator = (Vibrator) GetSystemService(VibratorService);

            // init screen layout

            // init server connection

            // register button click events
            var authenticateButton = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.AuthenticateButton);
            authenticateButton.Click += async (sender, e) => {
                var scanner = new MobileBarcodeScanner(this);
                var result = await scanner.Scan();
                if (result != null) new Thread(() => service.AuthenticateId(clientId, result.Text)).Start();

            var nextSlideButton = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.NextSlideButton);
            nextSlideButton.Click += (sender, e) => NextSlide();

            var previousSlideButton = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.PreviousSlideButton);
            previousSlideButton.Click += (sender, e) => PreviousSlide();

            var pauseButton = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.PauseButton);
            pauseButton.Click += (sender, e) => SwitchPause();

            var trainingButton = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.TrainingButton);
            trainingButton.Click += (sender, e) => {
                var text = trainingButton.Text;
                SetTraining(internalRecognitionService, ref text);
                trainingButton.Text = text;

            var externalTrainingButton = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.ExternalTrainingButton);
            externalTrainingButton.Click += (sender, e) => {
                var text = externalTrainingButton.Text;
                SetTraining(externalRecognitionService, ref text);
                externalTrainingButton.Text = text;

            var trainingDataSaveButton = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.TrainingDataSaveButton);
            trainingDataSaveButton.Click += (sender, e) => {
                var prefs = PreferenceManager.GetDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
                var editor = prefs.Edit();
                editor.PutString("internalRecognitionService", internalRecognitionService.SerializeTrainingSet());
                editor.PutString("externalRecognitionService", externalRecognitionService.SerializeTrainingSet());

            var trainingDataLoadButton = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.TrainingDataLoadButton);
            trainingDataLoadButton.Click += (sender, e) => {
                var prefs = PreferenceManager.GetDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
                if (!prefs.Contains("internalRecognitionService") || !prefs.Contains("externalRecognitionService")) return;
                internalRecognitionService.DeserializeTrainingSet(prefs.GetString("internalRecognitionService", ""));
                externalRecognitionService.DeserializeTrainingSet(prefs.GetString("externalRecognitionService", ""));
Example #7
		public void gameFail() 
			RunOnUiThread (() => obrazekSmile.SetImageResource (Resource.Drawable.angry));

			if (OptionsHodnoty.Vibrace) {
				mvibrator = (Vibrator)this.GetSystemService (Context.VibratorService);
				mvibrator.Vibrate (50);

			Vysledek vysledek = new Vysledek (score, DateTime.Now.ToString ());
			SeznamVysledku.seznam.Add (vysledek);
			SeznamVysledku.WriteToBinaryFile ();
			gameFailed = true;
Example #8
		public void timeSucccess()
			casovac.Stop ();

			foreach (ButtonItem bt in ButtonItem.seznamVisibleButtons) {
				bt.killThis ();

			if (gameInterval >= 100 && gameInterval < 130) 
				RunOnUiThread (() => obrazekSmile.SetImageResource (;
			if (gameInterval < 100)
				RunOnUiThread (() => obrazekSmile.SetImageResource (;
			if (OptionsHodnoty.Vibrace)
				mvibrator = (Vibrator)this.GetSystemService (Context.VibratorService);
				mvibrator.Vibrate (10);
			//System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (malaPausa);

			gameInterval = gameIntervalBase;

			casovac.Start ();

Example #9
File: Led.cs Project: flts/fleux
 public static void Init(Context root)
     vibrator = (Vibrator)root.GetSystemService(Context.VibratorService);
         * Sets the view to our GvrView and initializes the transformation matrices we will use
         * to render our scene.
        protected override void OnCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState)
            base.OnCreate (savedInstanceState);

            InitializeGvrView ();

            modelCube = new float [16];
            camera = new float [16];
            view = new float [16];
            modelViewProjection = new float [16];
            modelView = new float [16];
            modelFloor = new float [16];
            tempPosition = new float [4];

            // Model first appears directly in front of user.
            modelPosition = new float [] { 0.0f, 0.0f, -MAX_MODEL_DISTANCE / 2.0f };
            headRotation = new float [4];
            headView = new float [16];
            vibrator = (Vibrator) GetSystemService (Android.Content.Context.VibratorService);

            // Initialize 3D audio engine.
            gvrAudioEngine = new GvrAudioEngine (this, GvrAudioEngine.RenderingMode.BinauralHighQuality);
		void StopVibrating ()
			if (_vibrator != null) {
				_vibrator.Cancel ();
				_vibrator = null;
		void StartVibrating ()
			if (_vibrator != null) {

			_vibrator = (Vibrator) GetSystemService (Context.VibratorService);
			_vibrator.Vibrate (new long[] { 0, 1000, 1000 }, 0);