protected void MergeCommunities
            (LinkedList<Community> oCommunities,CommunityPair oCommunityPairToMerge,DeltaQMaxHeap oDeltaQMaxHeap,Int32 iEdgesInGraph,IDGenerator oIDGenerator)
            Debug.Assert(oCommunityPairToMerge != null);
            Debug.Assert(oCommunities != null);
            Debug.Assert(oDeltaQMaxHeap != null);
            Debug.Assert(iEdgesInGraph > 0);
            Debug.Assert(oIDGenerator != null);

            // Merge Community1 and Community2 into a NewCommunity.

            Community oCommunity1 = oCommunityPairToMerge.Community1;
            Community oCommunity2 = oCommunityPairToMerge.Community2;

            Community oNewCommunity = new Community();

            oNewCommunity.ID = oIDGenerator.GetNextID();
            oNewCommunity.Degree = oCommunity1.Degree + oCommunity2.Degree;

            ICollection<IVertex> oNewCommunityVertices = oNewCommunity.Vertices;

            foreach (IVertex oVertex in oCommunity1.Vertices)

            foreach (IVertex oVertex in oCommunity2.Vertices)

            // In the following sorted lists, the sort key is the ID of
            // CommunityPair.Community2 and the value is the CommunityPair.

            SortedList<Int32, CommunityPair> oCommunity1CommunityPairs =

            SortedList<Int32, CommunityPair> oCommunity2CommunityPairs =

            SortedList<Int32, CommunityPair> oNewCommunityCommunityPairs =

            Int32 iCommunity1CommunityPairs = oCommunity1CommunityPairs.Count;
            Int32 iCommunity2CommunityPairs = oCommunity2CommunityPairs.Count;

            IList<Int32> oCommunity1Keys = oCommunity1CommunityPairs.Keys;

            IList<CommunityPair> oCommunity1Values =

            IList<Int32> oCommunity2Keys = oCommunity2CommunityPairs.Keys;

            IList<CommunityPair> oCommunity2Values =

            // Step through the community pairs in oCommunity1 and oCommunity2.

            Int32 iCommunity1Index = 0;
            Int32 iCommunity2Index = 0;

            Single fMaximumDeltaQ = Single.MinValue;
            CommunityPair oCommunityPairWithMaximumDeltaQ = null;
            Single fTwoTimesEdgesInGraph = 2F * iEdgesInGraph;

            while (iCommunity1Index < iCommunity1CommunityPairs ||
                   iCommunity2Index < iCommunity2CommunityPairs)
                Int32 iCommunity1OtherCommunityID =
                    (iCommunity1Index < iCommunity1CommunityPairs) ?
                    oCommunity1Keys[iCommunity1Index] : Int32.MaxValue;

                Int32 iCommunity2OtherCommunityID =
                    (iCommunity2Index < iCommunity2CommunityPairs) ?
                    oCommunity2Keys[iCommunity2Index] : Int32.MaxValue;

                CommunityPair oNewCommunityPair = new CommunityPair();
                oNewCommunityPair.Community1 = oNewCommunity;

                if (iCommunity1OtherCommunityID == oCommunity2.ID)
                    // This is an internal connection eliminated by the merge.
                    // Skip it.

                else if (iCommunity2OtherCommunityID == oCommunity1.ID)
                    // This is an internal connection eliminated by the merge.
                    // Skip it.

                else if (iCommunity1OtherCommunityID == iCommunity2OtherCommunityID)
                    // The other community is connected to both commmunity 1 and
                    // community 2.
                    // This is equation 10a from the paper "Finding Community
                    // Structure in Very Large Networks," by Clauset, Newman, and
                    // Moore.

                    oNewCommunityPair.Community2 =

                    oNewCommunityPair.DeltaQ =
                        oCommunity1Values[iCommunity1Index].DeltaQ +

                else if (iCommunity1OtherCommunityID < iCommunity2OtherCommunityID)
                    // The other community is connected only to commmunity 1.
                    // This is equation 10b from the same paper.

                    Community oOtherCommunity =

                    oNewCommunityPair.Community2 = oOtherCommunity;

                    Single fAj = oCommunity2.Degree / fTwoTimesEdgesInGraph;
                    Single fAk = oOtherCommunity.Degree / fTwoTimesEdgesInGraph;

                    oNewCommunityPair.DeltaQ =
                        oCommunity1Values[iCommunity1Index].DeltaQ -
                        2F * fAj * fAk;

                    // The other community is connected only to commmunity 2.
                    // This is equation 10c from the same paper.

                    Community oOtherCommunity =

                    oNewCommunityPair.Community2 = oOtherCommunity;

                    Single fAi = oCommunity1.Degree / fTwoTimesEdgesInGraph;
                    Single fAk = oOtherCommunity.Degree / fTwoTimesEdgesInGraph;

                    oNewCommunityPair.DeltaQ =
                        oCommunity2Values[iCommunity2Index].DeltaQ -
                        2F * fAi * fAk;



                Single fNewCommunityPairDeltaQ = oNewCommunityPair.DeltaQ;

                if (fNewCommunityPairDeltaQ > fMaximumDeltaQ)
                    fMaximumDeltaQ = oNewCommunityPair.DeltaQ;
                    oCommunityPairWithMaximumDeltaQ = oNewCommunityPair;

                // The other community is connected to one or both of the merged
                // communities.  Update it.

                    oCommunity1, oCommunity2, oNewCommunity,
                    fNewCommunityPairDeltaQ, oDeltaQMaxHeap);

            oNewCommunity.CommunityPairWithMaximumDeltaQ =

            // Update the community list.


            // Update the max heap.

            oDeltaQMaxHeap.Add(oNewCommunity, oNewCommunity.MaximumDeltaQ);
Example #2
        public void OnMergedCommunities
            (Community mergedCommunity1,Community mergedCommunity2,Community newMergedCommunity,Single newCommunityPairDeltaQ,DeltaQMaxHeap deltaQMaxHeap)
            Debug.Assert(mergedCommunity1 != null);
            Debug.Assert(mergedCommunity2 != null);
            Debug.Assert(newMergedCommunity != null);
            Debug.Assert(deltaQMaxHeap != null);

            // If only one of the two merged communities was connected to this
            // community, fPreviousCommunityPairDeltaQ is the delta Q for this
            // community's community pair for the merged community.  If both were
            // connected, fPreviousCommunityPairDeltaQ is the larger of the two
            // delta Q values.

            Single fPreviousCommunityPairDeltaQ = Single.MinValue;

            Int32 iMergedCommunity1ID = mergedCommunity1.ID;
            Int32 iMergedCommunity2ID = mergedCommunity2.ID;

            Debug.Assert(iMergedCommunity1ID != iMergedCommunity2ID);

            Int32 iSmallerMergedCommunityID =
                Math.Min(iMergedCommunity1ID, iMergedCommunity2ID);

            Int32 iLargerMergedCommunityID =
                Math.Max(iMergedCommunity1ID, iMergedCommunity2ID);

            // Delete the community pair or pairs that connect to one of the merged
            // communities.
            // Go backwards through the community pairs so that they can be deleted
            // while looping.  (Don't use foreach, because you can't delete while
            // enumerating.)

            for (Int32 i = m_oCommunityPairs.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                Int32 iOtherCommunityID = m_oCommunityPairs.Keys[i];

                if (iOtherCommunityID > iLargerMergedCommunityID)
                    // We haven't yet reached the range of community pairs that
                    // might connect to either merged community.


                if (iOtherCommunityID < iSmallerMergedCommunityID)
                    // We're beyond the range of community pairs that might connect
                    // to either merged community.


                CommunityPair oCommunityPair = m_oCommunityPairs.Values[i];

                if (iOtherCommunityID == iLargerMergedCommunityID)
                    // This community pair connects to the merged community with
                    // the larger ID.

                    fPreviousCommunityPairDeltaQ = oCommunityPair.DeltaQ;

                else if (iOtherCommunityID == iSmallerMergedCommunityID)
                    // This community pair connects to the merged community with
                    // the smaller ID.

                    fPreviousCommunityPairDeltaQ = Math.Max(
                        fPreviousCommunityPairDeltaQ, oCommunityPair.DeltaQ);


                    // There is no reason to continue looking at community pairs.

                    // This community pair does not connect to either merged
                    // community.


            Debug.Assert(fPreviousCommunityPairDeltaQ != Single.MinValue);

            // Add a new community pair that connects to the new merged community.

            CommunityPair oNewCommunityPair = new CommunityPair();
            oNewCommunityPair.Community1 = this;
            oNewCommunityPair.Community2 = newMergedCommunity;
            oNewCommunityPair.DeltaQ = newCommunityPairDeltaQ;
            m_oCommunityPairs.Add(newMergedCommunity.ID, oNewCommunityPair);

            // Update m_oCommunityPairWithMaximumDeltaQ if necessary.  These rules
            // come from section 4.1 of "Finding Community Structure in Mega-scale
            // Social Networks," by Ken Wakita and Toshiyuki Tsurumi.

            Single fOldMaximumDeltaQ = this.MaximumDeltaQ;

            if (fPreviousCommunityPairDeltaQ < fOldMaximumDeltaQ)
                // The deleted community pair (or pairs) was not the one with the
                // maximum delta Q.

                if (newCommunityPairDeltaQ <= fPreviousCommunityPairDeltaQ)
                    // The delta Q value for the new community pair is less than or
                    // equal to the delta Q value of the deleted community pair (or
                    // pairs).  Do nothing.
                    // The delta Q value for the new community pair is greater than
                    // the delta Q value of the deleted community pair (or pairs).

                    if (newCommunityPairDeltaQ > fOldMaximumDeltaQ)
                        // The new community pair is the one with the maximum
                        // delta Q.

                        m_oCommunityPairWithMaximumDeltaQ = oNewCommunityPair;
                // The deleted community pair (or pairs) was the one with the
                // maximum delta Q.

                if (newCommunityPairDeltaQ >= fPreviousCommunityPairDeltaQ)
                    // The new community pair is the one with the maximum
                    // delta Q.

                    m_oCommunityPairWithMaximumDeltaQ = oNewCommunityPair;
                    // Worst case: All community pairs must be scanned.

                    Single fNewMaximumDeltaQ = Single.MinValue;

                    foreach (CommunityPair oCommunityPair in
                        if (oCommunityPair.DeltaQ > fNewMaximumDeltaQ)
                            m_oCommunityPairWithMaximumDeltaQ = oCommunityPair;
                            fNewMaximumDeltaQ = oCommunityPair.DeltaQ;

            if (fOldMaximumDeltaQ != this.MaximumDeltaQ)
                // Update the max heap.

                deltaQMaxHeap.UpdateValue(this, this.MaximumDeltaQ);
        protected LinkedList<Community> CreateCommunities
            (IVertexCollection oVertices, IDGenerator oIDGenerator)
            Debug.Assert(oVertices != null);
            Debug.Assert(oIDGenerator != null);

            // This is the list of communities.  Initially, there will be one
            // community for each of the graph's vertices.

            LinkedList<Community> oCommunities = new LinkedList<Community>();

            // This temporary dictionary is used to map a vertex ID to a community.
            // The key is the IVertex.ID and the value is the corresponding
            // Community object.

            Dictionary<Int32, Community> oVertexIDDictionary =
                new Dictionary<Int32, Community>(oVertices.Count);

            // First, create a community for each of the graph's vertices.  Each
            // community contains just the vertex.

            foreach (IVertex oVertex in oVertices)
                Community oCommunity = new Community();

                Int32 iID = oIDGenerator.GetNextID();

                oCommunity.ID = iID;

                // TODO: IVertex.AdjacentVertices includes self-loops.  Should
                // self-loops be eliminated everywhere, including here and within
                // the graph's total edge count?  Not sure how self-loops are
                // affecting the algorithm used by this class...

                oCommunity.Degree = oVertex.AdjacentVertices.Count;

                oVertexIDDictionary.Add(oVertex.ID, oCommunity);

            // Now populate each community's list of community pairs.

            foreach (Community oCommunity1 in oCommunities)
                Debug.Assert(oCommunity1.Vertices.Count == 1);

                IVertex oVertex = oCommunity1.Vertices.First();

                SortedList<Int32, CommunityPair> oCommunityPairs =

                foreach (IVertex oAdjacentVertex in oVertex.AdjacentVertices)
                    if (oAdjacentVertex == oVertex)
                        // Skip self-loops.


                    Community oCommunity2 =

                    CommunityPair oCommunityPair = new CommunityPair();
                    oCommunityPair.Community1 = oCommunity1;
                    oCommunityPair.Community2 = oCommunity2;

                    oCommunityPairs.Add(oCommunity2.ID, oCommunityPair);

            return (oCommunities);