public uint CombinedCalculation(out Isotopics newIsotopics, bool INCCParity, NCCReporter.LMLoggers.LognLM logger) { MassSum = 0; uint res = 0; newIsotopics = null; foreach (CompositeIsotopic ci in isotopicComponents) { if (ci.pu_mass == 0.0f) { continue; } res = ci.CalculateDecayAndMass(ref_date, INCCParity, logger); if (res != 0) { break; } } if (res != 0) { return(res); } MassSum = CalculateMassSums(); if (MassSum <= 0) { logger.TraceEvent(NCCReporter.LogLevels.Error, 36784, "Sum of masses = 0."); res = 36784; } else { newIsotopics = CreateIsotopicsFromSums(ref_date, INCCParity, MassSum); } return(res); }
public void Copy(Isotopics src, float mass) { pu_date = new DateTime(src.pu_date.Ticks); am_date = new DateTime(src.am_date.Ticks); isotopes = Isotopics.CopyArray(src.isotopes); pu_mass = mass; }
public void Copy(CompositeIsotopic src) { pu_date = new DateTime(src.pu_date.Ticks); am_date = new DateTime(src.am_date.Ticks); isotopes = Isotopics.CopyArray(src.isotopes); pu_mass = src.pu_mass; }
public void InitVals() { pu_date = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1); am_date = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1); isotopes = Isotopics.MakeArray(); isotopes[(int)Isotope.pu240].v = 100.0; pu_mass = 1; }
public void CopyTo(CompositeIsotopic dest) { dest.pu_date = new DateTime(pu_date.Ticks); dest.am_date = new DateTime(am_date.Ticks); dest.isotopes = Isotopics.CopyArray(isotopes); dest.modified = true; dest.pu_mass = pu_mass; }
public void Copy(Isotopics src, float mass) { pu_date = new DateTime(src.pu_date.Ticks); am_date = new DateTime(src.am_date.Ticks); isotopes = Isotopics.CopyArray(src.isotopes); id = string.Copy(; source_code = src.source_code; pu_mass = mass; }
public static AnalysisDefs.Isotopics GetAcquireIsotopics(AcquireParameters acq) { AnalysisDefs.Isotopics iso = CentralizedState.App.DB.Isotopics.GetList(). Find(i => string.Compare(, acq.isotopics_id, true) == 0); if (iso == null) { iso = CentralizedState.App.DB.Isotopics.GetDefault(); } return(iso); }
public void Copy(CompositeIsotopics src) { pu_date = new DateTime(src.pu_date.Ticks); am_date = new DateTime(src.am_date.Ticks); ref_date = new DateTime(src.ref_date.Ticks); isotopes = Isotopics.CopyArray(src.isotopes); id = string.Copy(; source_code = src.source_code; pu_mass = src.pu_mass; isotopicComponents = new List <CompositeIsotopic>(src.isotopicComponents); }
public void CopyTo(CompositeIsotopics dest) { dest.pu_date = new DateTime(pu_date.Ticks); dest.am_date = new DateTime(am_date.Ticks); dest.ref_date = new DateTime(ref_date.Ticks); dest.isotopes = Isotopics.CopyArray(isotopes); = string.Copy(id); dest.source_code = source_code; dest.modified = true; dest.pu_mass = pu_mass; dest.isotopicComponents = new List <CompositeIsotopic>(isotopicComponents); }
public void InitVals() { pu_date = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1); am_date = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1); ref_date = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1); isotopes = Isotopics.MakeArray(); isotopes[(int)Isotope.pu240].v = 100.0; isotopicComponents = new List <CompositeIsotopic>(); id = "Default"; source_code = Isotopics.SourceCode.OD; pu_mass = 1; }
public Isotopics CreateIsotopicsFromSums(DateTime ref_date, bool INCCParity, double mass_sum) { Isotopics isor = new Isotopics(); isor.pu_date = new DateTime(ref_date.Ticks); isor.am_date = new DateTime(ref_date.Ticks); isor.source_code = source_code; = string.Copy(id); for (Isotope iso = Isotope.pu238; iso <= Isotope.am241; iso++) { isor.SetVal(iso, 100.0 * currentMassSum[(int)iso].v / mass_sum); } return(isor); }
public CompositeIsotopic(CompositeIsotopic iso) { if (iso == null) { InitVals(); } else { pu_date = new DateTime(iso.pu_date.Ticks); am_date = new DateTime(iso.am_date.Ticks); isotopes = Isotopics.CopyArray(iso.isotopes); pu_mass = iso.pu_mass; } }
public CompositeIsotopics(CompositeIsotopics iso) { if (iso == null) { InitVals(); } else { pu_date = new DateTime(iso.pu_date.Ticks); am_date = new DateTime(iso.am_date.Ticks); ref_date = new DateTime(iso.ref_date.Ticks); isotopes = Isotopics.CopyArray(iso.isotopes); id = string.Copy(; source_code = iso.source_code; pu_mass = iso.pu_mass; isotopicComponents = new List <CompositeIsotopic>(iso.isotopicComponents); } }
public uint CalculateDecayAndMass(DateTime ref_date, bool INCCParity, NCCReporter.LMLoggers.LognLM logger) { double ref_days; double pu_days; double am_days; Tuple[] iso_mass = Isotopics.MakeArray(); Tuple[] decay_fract_pu_to_am = Isotopics.MakeArray(); Tuple[] decay_fract_am_to_now = Isotopics.MakeArray(); Tuple[] decay_fract_pu_to_now = Isotopics.MakeArray(); double temp = 0.0; double temp_sum = 0.0; double pumass = pu_mass; double isosum = 0.0; for (Isotope iso = Isotope.pu238; iso <= Isotope.pu242; iso++) { isosum += isotopes[(int)iso].v; } if (isosum <= 0.0) { logger.TraceEvent(NCCReporter.LogLevels.Warning, 36783, "Unable to update isotopics, sum of Pu isotopes must be greater than zero"); return(36783); } Tuple[] newiso = Isotopics.MakeArray(); if (INCCParity) { pu_days = (pu_date.Date.Subtract(Isotopics.ZeroIAEATime)).TotalDays; am_days = (am_date.Date.Subtract(Isotopics.ZeroIAEATime)).TotalDays; ref_days = (long)(ref_date.Date.Subtract(Isotopics.ZeroIAEATime)).TotalDays; } else { pu_days = (pu_date.Subtract(Isotopics.ZeroIAEATime)).TotalDays; am_days = (am_date.Subtract(Isotopics.ZeroIAEATime)).TotalDays; ref_days = (long)(ref_date.Subtract(Isotopics.ZeroIAEATime)).TotalDays; } for (Isotope iso = Isotope.pu238; iso <= Isotope.pu242; iso++) { iso_mass[(int)iso].v = (isotopes[(int)iso].v * pumass / 100.0); decay_fract_pu_to_am[(int)iso].v = Math.Exp((-Isotopics.LN2 / Isotopics.Halflives[(int)iso]) * (am_days - pu_days)); decay_fract_pu_to_now[(int)iso].v = Math.Exp((-Isotopics.LN2 / Isotopics.Halflives[(int)iso]) * (ref_days - pu_days)); } decay_fract_am_to_now[(int)Isotope.pu241].v = Math.Exp((-Isotopics.LN2 / Isotopics.Halflives[(int)Isotope.pu241]) * (ref_days - am_days)); decay_fract_am_to_now[(int)Isotope.am241].v = Math.Exp((-Isotopics.LN2 / Isotopics.Halflives[(int)Isotope.am241]) * (ref_days - am_days)); for (Isotope iso = Isotope.pu238; iso <= Isotope.pu242; iso++) { CurrentMass[(int)iso].v = iso_mass[(int)iso].v * decay_fract_pu_to_now[(int)iso].v; } CurrentMass[(int)Isotope.am241].v = decay_fract_am_to_now[(int)Isotope.am241].v * isotopes[(int)Isotope.am241].v / 100.0; for (Isotope iso = Isotope.pu238; iso <= Isotope.pu242; iso++) { temp_sum += (decay_fract_pu_to_am[(int)iso].v * iso_mass[(int)iso].v); } temp = decay_fract_pu_to_am[(int)Isotope.pu241].v * iso_mass[(int)Isotope.pu241].v * (decay_fract_am_to_now[(int)Isotope.am241].v - decay_fract_am_to_now[(int)Isotope.pu241].v) * (Isotopics.LN2 / Isotopics.Halflives[(int)Isotope.pu241]) / ((Isotopics.LN2 / Isotopics.Halflives[(int)Isotope.pu241]) - (Isotopics.LN2 / Isotopics.Halflives[(int)Isotope.am241])); CurrentMass[(int)Isotope.am241].v = (CurrentMass[(int)Isotope.am241].v * temp_sum) + temp; return(0); }
public static Measurement BuildMeasurementTemp(AcquireParameters acq, Detector det, AssaySelector.MeasurementOption mo, TestParameters tp, BackgroundParameters bkg, NormParameters np, AnalysisDefs.Isotopics iso, HVCalibrationParameters hvp) { // gather it all together MeasurementTuple mt = new MeasurementTuple(new DetectorList(det), tp, np, bkg, iso, acq, hvp); det.Id.source = acq.data_src; // set the detector overall data source value here // create the context holder for the measurement. Everything is rooted here ... Measurement meas = new Measurement(mt, mo); FillInMeasurementDetails(meas); // ready for insertion of methods and processing start return(meas); }
protected Section ConstructReportSection(INCCReportSection section, Detector det, MeasOptionSelector moskey = null) { INCCStyleSection sec = null; try { switch (section) { case INCCReportSection.Header: sec = new INCCStyleSection(null, 1); sec.AddHeader(N.App.Name + " " + N.App.Config.VersionString); // section header break; case INCCReportSection.Context: sec = new INCCStyleSection(null, 1); ConstructContextContent(sec, det); break; case INCCReportSection.Isotopics: if (AssaySelector.ForMass(meas.MeasOption)) { sec = new INCCStyleSection(null, 1); sec.SetFPCurrentFormatPrecision(4); Isotopics curiso = Isotopics.update_isotopics(1.0, meas.MeasDate, meas.Isotopics, meas.logger, N.App.AppContext.INCCParity); if (curiso == null) { curiso = new Isotopics(); meas.Isotopics.CopyTo(curiso); ctrllog.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Warning, 82034, "Using incorrect updated defaults for " +; } sec.AddTwo("Isotopics id:",; sec.AddTwo("Isotopics source code:", meas.Isotopics.source_code.ToString()); sec.AddDualNumericRow("Pu238:", meas.Isotopics[Isotope.pu238], curiso[Isotope.pu238]); sec.AddDualNumericRow("Pu239:", meas.Isotopics[Isotope.pu239], curiso[Isotope.pu239]); sec.AddDualNumericRow("Pu240:", meas.Isotopics[Isotope.pu240], curiso[Isotope.pu240]); sec.AddDualNumericRow("Pu241:", meas.Isotopics[Isotope.pu241], curiso[Isotope.pu241]); sec.AddDualNumericRow("Pu242:", meas.Isotopics[Isotope.pu242], curiso[Isotope.pu242]); sec.AddDualDateOnlyRow("Pu date:", meas.Isotopics.pu_date, curiso.pu_date); sec.AddDualNumericRow("Am241:", meas.Isotopics[Isotope.am241], curiso[Isotope.am241]); sec.AddDualDateOnlyRow("Am date:", meas.Isotopics.am_date, curiso.am_date); // dev note: here is where the alternative K vals are added in the Euratom version } break; case INCCReportSection.ShiftRegister: sec = new INCCStyleSection(null, 1); ConstructSRSection(sec, moskey.MultiplicityParams, det); break; case INCCReportSection.Adjustments: sec = new INCCStyleSection(null, 1); if (AssaySelector.ForMass(meas.MeasOption) || meas.MeasOption == AssaySelector.MeasurementOption.rates) { ushort push = sec.FPFormatPrecision; sec.SetFPCurrentFormatPrecision(4); sec.AddNumericRow("Normalization constant:", meas.Norm.currNormalizationConstant); sec.SetFPCurrentFormatPrecision(push); } if (AssaySelector.UsesBackground(meas.MeasOption)) { sec.AddNumericRow("Passive singles bkgrnd:", meas.Background.DeadtimeCorrectedSinglesRate); sec.AddNumericRow("Passive doubles bkgrnd:", meas.Background.DeadtimeCorrectedDoublesRate); sec.AddNumericRow("Passive triples bkgrnd:", meas.Background.DeadtimeCorrectedTriplesRate); if (det.Id.SRType <= InstrType.AMSR) { sec.AddNumericRow("Passive scaler1 bkgrnd:", meas.Background.Scaler1.v); sec.AddNumericRow("Passive scaler2 bkgrnd:", meas.Background.Scaler2.v); } sec.AddNumericRow("Active singles bkgrnd:", meas.Background.INCCActive.Singles); sec.AddNumericRow("Active doubles bkgrnd:", meas.Background.INCCActive.Doubles); sec.AddNumericRow("Active triples bkgrnd:", meas.Background.INCCActive.Triples); if (det.Id.SRType <= InstrType.AMSR) { sec.AddNumericRow("Passive scaler1 bkgrnd:", meas.Background.INCCActive.Scaler1Rate); sec.AddNumericRow("Passive scaler2 bkgrnd:", meas.Background.INCCActive.Scaler2Rate); } } break; case INCCReportSection.CycleSummary: sec = new INCCStyleSection(null, 1); sec.AddIntegerRow(String.Format("Number {0} cycles:", meas.INCCAnalysisState.Methods.HasActiveSelected() || meas.INCCAnalysisState.Methods.HasActiveMultSelected()?"Active":"Passive"), (int)meas.Cycles.GetValidCycleCountForThisKey(moskey.MultiplicityParams)); //det.MultiplicityParams)); // could also use CycleList length but CycleList can be longer when a reanalysis occurs and the analysis processing stops short of the end of the list due to modified termination conditions sec.AddNumericRow("Count time (sec):", (meas.Cycles.Count > 0 ? meas.Cycles[0].TS.TotalSeconds : 0.0)); break; case INCCReportSection.Messages: List <MeasurementMsg> sl = null; bool found = meas.Messages.TryGetValue(moskey.MultiplicityParams, out sl); if (found) { sec = new INCCStyleSection(null, 1); sec.AddHeader(String.Format("{0} messages", meas.INCCAnalysisState.Methods.HasActiveSelected() || meas.INCCAnalysisState.Methods.HasActiveMultSelected() ? "Active" : "Passive")); /// todo: is there an active messages section header analog? foreach (MeasurementMsg m in sl) { Row r = new Row(); r.Add(0, m.text); // expand to log style with toString? sec.Add(r); } } break; case INCCReportSection.Reference: sec = new INCCStyleSection(null, 1); sec.AddHeader("Counting results, summaries and cycle counts file name"); // section header Row resline = new Row(); resline.Add(0, " " + meas.ResultsFileName); sec.Add(resline); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception e) { ctrllog.TraceException(e); } return(sec); }