static void Main(string[] args) { string address = "amqp://*****:*****@"; if (args.Length > 0) { address = args[0]; } // uncomment the following to write frame traces //Trace.TraceLevel = TraceLevel.Frame; //Trace.TraceListener = (f, a) => Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("[hh:ss.fff]") + " " + string.Format(f, a)); Uri addressUri = new Uri(address); ContainerHost host = new ContainerHost(new Uri[] { addressUri }, null, addressUri.UserInfo); host.Open(); Console.WriteLine("Container host is listening on {0}:{1}", addressUri.Host, addressUri.Port); host.RegisterLinkProcessor(new LinkProcessor()); Console.WriteLine("Link processor is registered."); Console.WriteLine("Start the client"); var client = new Client(address); var task = Task.Run(() => client.Run()); Console.WriteLine("Press enter key to exist..."); Console.ReadLine(); client.Close(); host.Close(); }
static void Send() { const int nMsgs = 50; // Map IotHub settings to AMQP protocol settings string hostName = iotHubName + ""; int port = 5671; string userName = iotUser + "@sas.root." + iotHubName; string password = sasToken; string senderAddress = "devices/" + device + "/messages/events"; string receiverAddress = "devices/" + device + "/messages/deviceBound"; Client client = new Client(); client.OnError += client_OnError; client.Connect(hostName, port, true, userName, password); int count = 0; ManualResetEvent done = new ManualResetEvent(false); Receiver receiver = client.CreateReceiver(receiverAddress); receiver.Start(20, (r, m) => { r.Accept(m); if (++count >= nMsgs) done.Set(); }); Thread.Sleep(1000); Sender[] senders = new Sender[5]; for (int i = 0; i < senders.Length; i++) { senders[i] = client.CreateSender(senderAddress); } for (int i = 0; i < nMsgs; i++) { senders[i % senders.Length].Send(new Message() { Body = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }); } done.WaitOne(120000, false); client.Close(); }