Example #1
        public override DbxObject GetObject(Instance instance, string type, object rawauthdata)
            //bool create;
            Dictionary<string, object> paramaters;
            try {
                paramaters = (Dictionary<string, object>)rawauthdata;
            } catch {
                throw new UserErrorException("parameter.invalid", "auth; Invalid structure");

            if (!paramaters.ContainsKey("token")) throw new UserErrorException("parameter.missing", "auth[token]; Required field missing");
            string token = ((string)paramaters["token"]);
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) throw new UserErrorException("parameter.invalid", "auth[token]; Token blank");
            if (!Tokens.Validate(token)) throw new UserErrorException("parameter.invalid", "auth[token]; Invalid token");

            // Locate user with email
            var objs = instance.LocateEq(type, Locate.GenerateSimple("accesstoken", token));
            if (objs.Count < 1) {
                // User does not exist in database
                throw new UserErrorException("auth.notregistered", "Token not registered");
            } else if (objs.Count > 1) {
                // Multiple matches
                throw new UserErrorException("auth.ambigious", "Token ambigious"); // HACK: Need to manage race condition

            // Load object
            var obj = objs[0];

            // Logon success
            return obj;
Example #2
        // New object
        public DbxObject(Instance instance, string type, Dictionary<string, object> properties, string srcuid, BlobDetails blob = null)
            // Start createMode
            createMode = true;

            // Set magic property default
            this.instance = instance;
            this.magicOid = 0;
            this.magicUid = Uids.Generate(type);
            this.magicType = type;
            this.magicSerial = Util.SerialNow();
            this.magicPredecessor = 0;
            this.magicCreator = srcuid;

            // Check access
            var userLevel = UserLevel(srcuid);
            if (!DbxObject.Creatable(instance, srcuid, type)) throw new UserErrorException("access.create", "Access violation attempt while creating object '" + type + "' (object level " + userLevel + ")");

            // Enable writing
            writable = true;

            // Prepare properties
            this.properties = new Dictionary<string, object>();

            // Make sure properties isn't null
            if (null == properties) properties = new Dictionary<string, object>();

            // If property is not defined - set it to be the detault. This is to make sure all triggers and particularly null constraints are fired
            foreach (var item in Subschema.Properties) {
                if (!properties.ContainsKey(item.Key) && AccessFields(srcuid, false, true).Contains(item.Key)) {
                    properties[item.Key] = item.Value.DefaultValue;

            // Set properties
            Set(properties, srcuid, true);

            // Set blob data
            if (null != Subschema.Blob) {
                try {
                    SetBlob(srcuid, blob);
                } catch (UserErrorException) {
                    // Error occured creating blob - rollback database entry

                    // Throw error anyway

            // Create trigger  (PROBABLY SHOULD HAPPEN BEFORE SET, but validation wouldn't have happened yet)
            instance.Mode.TriggerCreating(this, magicType, properties, blob, srcuid);

            // Stop createMode
            createMode = false;
Example #3
 public static Mode Select(string mode, Instance instance)
     switch (mode) {
         case "mp":
             return (Mode)new MP(instance);
         case "kpb":
             return (Mode)new KPB(instance);
             throw new Exception("Invalid or unset mode");
Example #4
        public KPB(Instance instance)
            this.instance = instance;
            emailtransport = SendGridMail.Transport.Web.GetInstance(new NetworkCredential(GridMailUsername, GridMailPassword));

            // Start queue timer
            mailqueueTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(ProcessMailqueueue);
            mailqueueTimer.Enabled = true;

            // Start the auto-payment timer
            autopaymentTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(ProcessAutopayment);
            autopaymentTimer.Enabled = true;
Example #5
        // Load object
        public DbxObject(Instance instance, long oid, string uid, string type, long serial, long predecessor, string creator, string properties)
            // Load magic properties
            this.instance = instance;
            this.magicOid = oid;
            this.magicUid = uid;
            this.magicType = type;
            this.magicSerial = serial;
            this.magicPredecessor = predecessor;
            this.magicCreator = creator;

            // Load properties
            this.properties = Util.JsonDeserialize<Dictionary<string, object>>(properties);
            if (null == this.properties) this.properties = new Dictionary<string, object>();
Example #6
        public static DbxObject Register(Instance instance, string type, string email, string password)
            // Check email isn't already in use
            var objs = instance.LocateEq(type, Locate.GenerateSimple("email", email)); // TODO: Race condition?
            if (objs.Count > 0) throw new UserErrorException("auth.ambigious", "Invalid address, email already in use '" + email + "'");

            // Calculate auth factors
            var salt = Util.GenerateSalt(32);
            var authhash = GenerateAuthHash(email, password, salt);

            // Create object
            var properties = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            properties["email"] = email;
            properties["authhash"] = authhash;
            properties["salt"] = salt;
            return instance.Create(type, "system", properties);
Example #7
        public override DbxObject GetObject(Instance instance, string type, object rawauthdata)
            //bool create;
            Dictionary<string, object> paramaters;
            try {
                paramaters = (Dictionary<string, object>)rawauthdata;
                //create = authdata.ContainsKey("create") ? (bool)authdata["create"] : false;
            } catch {
                throw new UserErrorException("parameter.invalid", "auth; Invalid structure");

            if (!paramaters.ContainsKey("email")) throw new UserErrorException("parameter.missing", "auth[email]; Required field missing");
            string email = ((string)paramaters["email"]).ToLowerInvariant();
            if (!paramaters.ContainsKey("password")) throw new UserErrorException("parameter.missing", "auth[password]; Required field missing");
            string password = (string)paramaters["password"];

            // Locate user with email
            var objs = instance.LocateEq(type, Locate.GenerateSimple("email", email));
            if (objs.Count < 1) {
                // User does not exist in database
               // if (!create)
                throw new UserErrorException("auth.notregistered", "email; Email address not registered '" + email + "'");

                //return Register(type, email, password);
            } else if (objs.Count > 1) {
                // Multiple matches
                throw new UserErrorException("auth.ambigious", "Ambigous match for email '" + email + "'"); // HACK: Need to manage race condition

            // Load object
            var obj = objs[0];

            // Check if we can logon
            var attempt = GenerateAuthHash(email, password, obj.GetProp("salt", "system").ToString());
            if (attempt != obj.GetProp("authhash", "system").ToString()) throw new UserErrorException("auth.badpassword", "password mismatch"); // Invalid password

            // Logon success
            return obj;
Example #8
 public override object GetProgress(Instance instance, string type, object rawauthdata)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #9
 public MP(Instance instance)
     this.instance = instance;
Example #10
        public static bool Creatable(Instance instance, string srcuid, string type)
            // Allow system full access
            if (srcuid == "system") return true;

            // Allow DBAs full access
            if (instance.Configuration.DBAs.Contains(srcuid)) return true;

            // Load SchemaType
            var st = instance.Configuration.Schema.Types[type];

            // Calculate level required
            var targetlevel = st.Security.Default.Create;

            // Try and access with base level
            if (st.Security.BaseUserLevel(null != srcuid, true) <= targetlevel) return true;

            // No access
            return false;
Example #11
 public abstract object GetProgress(Instance instance, string type, object rawauthdata);
Example #12
 public abstract DbxObject GetObject(Instance instance, string type, object rawauthdata);
Example #13
        public override DbxObject GetObject(Instance instance, string type, object rawauthdata)
            DbxObject obj;
            string access_token;
            string partner = null;
            bool tos = false;

            try {
                var authdata = (Dictionary<string, object>)rawauthdata;

                // Get access_token
                access_token = (string)authdata["access_token"];

                // Try and get partneruid
                if (authdata.ContainsKey("partner")) partner = (string)authdata["partner"];

                // Try and get TOS
                if (authdata.ContainsKey("tos")) tos = (bool)authdata["tos"];
            } catch {
                throw new UserErrorException("parameter.invalid", "auth; Invalid form");

            // Perform FB query
            string result;
            try {
                result = Facebook.WebGet("https://graph.facebook.com/me?fields=id,name,first_name,last_name,link,email,timezone,locale,verified,updated_time&access_token=" + Common.Util.UrlEncode(access_token));
            } catch (OAuthException) {
                throw new ObjectNotExistException();

            // Convert response to objects
            var ret = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            try {
                ret = Common.Util.JsonDeserialize<Dictionary<string, object>>(result);
            } catch (Exception) {
                throw new UserErrorException("upstream", "Unexpected response from Facebook");

            // Extract key values
            if (ret["id"].ToString() == "0" || ret["id"].ToString() == "") throw new UserErrorException("upstream", "Invalid FBID returned from Facebook");
            var fbid = Util.ParseNumber(ret["id"]);

            string email = "";
            if (ret.ContainsKey("email")) email = ((string)ret["email"]).ToLowerInvariant();

            // Calculate properties
            var props = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            props["email"] = email;
            props["fbid"] = fbid;
            props["creatorModule"] = "auth";
            if (ret.ContainsKey("name")) props["dname"] = ret["name"];
            if (ret.ContainsKey("name")) props["aname"] = ret["name"];
            if (ret.ContainsKey("fbLink")) props["fbLink"] = ret["link"];
            if (ret.ContainsKey("fbTimezone")) props["fbTimezone"] = ret["timezone"];
            if (ret.ContainsKey("fbLocale")) props["fbLocale"] = ret["locale"];
            if (ret.ContainsKey("fbVerified")) props["fbVerified"] = ret["verified"];
            if (ret.ContainsKey("fbUpdated")) props["fbUpdated"] = ret["updated_time"];
            if (tos) props["tos"] = true;

            if (null != partner) {
                // Check object exists
                try {
                    obj = instance.Uid("partner$" + partner);
                } catch (ObjectNotExistException) {
                    throw new UserErrorException("parameter.invalid", "Invalid partner reference in 'partner'");

                // Set property
                props["partner"] = "partner$" + partner;

            // Plan A: Try search by ID
            var objs = instance.LocateEq("user", Locate.GenerateSimple("fbid", fbid));

            if (objs.Count == 0) {
                // User not found, create

                obj = instance.Create("user", "system", props);
            } else {
                // User found, update

                // Find oldest record (HACK: To handle ambigious matches)
                obj = objs[0];
                foreach (var item in objs) {
                    if (item.Predecessor > 0 && item.Predecessor < obj.Predecessor) obj = item;

                obj = obj.GetWritableInstance();
                obj.Set(props, "system");

            // Enforce TOS
            if (!((bool)obj.GetProp("tos", "system"))) throw new UserErrorException("auth.prerequisite.tos", "Terms of Service has not yet been accepted");

            return obj;
Example #14
 public override object GetProgress(Instance instance, string type, object rawauthdata)
     return "reauthenticate";