private void HandleCurrentRoom(RoomVO currentRoom) { if (_room != null) { bool current = _room == currentRoom; bool adjacent = _room.IsAdjacentTo(currentRoom); if (current || adjacent) { if (_room.Revealed) //Had to simplify this because the rooms weren't displaying a lot of their characteristics. This is because many things reveal the rooms without this void doing it { DescriptionText.enabled = true; DescriptionText.text = _room.Name + "\n"; for (int i = _room.Difficulty - 1; i >= 0; i--) { DescriptionText.text += '\u2605'; } Punchbowl.enabled = (Array.IndexOf(_room.Features, PartyConstants.PUNCHBOWL) >= 0); Host.enabled = (Array.IndexOf(_room.Features, PartyConstants.HOST) >= 0); if (Host.enabled) { PartyVO party = AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>().Party; Host.sprite = FactionIcons.GetSprite(party.Faction); } } ColorBlock cb = _button.colors; cb.disabledColor = ColorConfig.GetColor(current ? "current" : "shown"); _button.colors = cb; } _button.interactable = adjacent; } else { _button.interactable = false; } }
private void HandleParty(PartyVO party) { if (party != null && party.Date >= _calendar.Today) { UpdateParties(); } }
private void HandleParty(PartyVO party) { if (party.Day == AmbitionApp.Calendar.Day) { HandleCalendarRefresh(AmbitionApp.Calendar); } }
private void OnEnable() { PartyModel party = AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>(); CharacterModel characters = AmbitionApp.GetModel <CharacterModel>(); CalendarEvent cEvent = party.Party as CalendarEvent ?? characters.Rendezvous as CalendarEvent; FactionType faction = FactionType.None; LocalizationModel loc = AmbitionApp.GetModel <LocalizationModel>(); int exhaustion = AmbitionApp.Game.Exhaustion; int[] penalties = AmbitionApp.Game.ExhaustionPenalties; int exhaustionPenalty; LoadOutGameObject.SetActive(cEvent != null); if (cEvent is PartyVO) { string str = AmbitionApp.Localize(PartyConstants.PARTY_DESCRIPTION + cEvent.ID); PartyVO pty = (PartyVO)cEvent; CharacterVO host = characters.GetCharacter(pty.Host); NameText.text = loc.GetPartyName(pty); ButtonText.text = AmbitionApp.Localize(""); faction = (cEvent as PartyVO).Faction; DescriptionText.text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(str) ? loc.GetFormalName(host, pty.Host) + " " + loc.GetPartyInvitation(pty, host) : str; TooltipText.text = AmbitionApp.Localize("party_" + faction.ToString().ToLower() + "_likes_and_dislikes"); } else if (cEvent is RendezVO) { CharacterVO character = characters.GetCharacter(((RendezVO)cEvent).Character); faction = character?.Faction ?? FactionType.None; NameText.text = AmbitionApp.Localize(CharacterConsts.LOC_NAME + cEvent.ID); ButtonText.text = AmbitionApp.Localize("calendar.btn.rendezvous"); DescriptionText.text = AmbitionApp.Localize(ParisConsts.DESCRIPTION + (cEvent as RendezVO).Location); TooltipText.text = AmbitionApp.Localize("rendezvous_" + faction.ToString().ToLower() + "_likes_and_dislikes"); } else { TooltipText.text = null; } FactionSymbol.enabled = faction != FactionType.None; PlayerStatus.gameObject.SetActive(exhaustion != 0); ExhaustionLabel.text = AmbitionApp.Localize(exhaustion > 0 ? EXHAUSTED_LOC : WELL_RESTED_LOC); exhaustionPenalty = exhaustion < 0 ? AmbitionApp.Game.WellRestedBonus : exhaustion >= penalties.Length ? penalties[penalties.Length - 1] : penalties[exhaustion]; subs[EFFECT_TOKEN] = exhaustionPenalty > 0 ? (" + " + exhaustionPenalty) : exhaustionPenalty.ToString(); ExhaustionValue.text = AmbitionApp.Localize(STATUS_EFFECT_LOC, subs); FactionSymbol.sprite = FactionSymbols.GetSprite(faction.ToString()); ExhaustionIcon.sprite = exhaustion < 0 ? ExhaustionIcons[0] : exhaustion < ExhaustionIcons.Length ? ExhaustionIcons[exhaustion] : ExhaustionIcons[ExhaustionIcons.Length]; ExhaustionValue.color = exhaustion < 0 ? RestedBonusColor : ExhaustionPenaltyColor; }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { PartyVO party = AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>().Party; PartyNameText.text = party == null ? "" : party.Name; PartyDescriptionText.text = party == null ? "" : party.Description; StyleText.text = AmbitionApp.GetModel <InventoryModel>().CurrentStyle; }
private void HandleParty(PartyVO party) { EventListItemView item = _pool.Find(i => i.Event == party); if (item != null) { item.Event = party; } }
private void Open(PartyVO party) { if (party != null) { GameObject obj = Instantiate(PartyInvitationPrefab, DialogParent); RSVPDialog dlog = obj.GetComponent <RSVPDialog>(); dlog.Initialize(party); } }
public override void OnEnter() { PartyModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>(); CalendarModel calendar = AmbitionApp.GetModel <CalendarModel>(); IncidentModel story = AmbitionApp.Story; PartyVO party = AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>().Party; IncidentVO incident = story.GetIncident(party?.IntroIncident); LocalizationModel loc = AmbitionApp.GetModel <LocalizationModel>(); AmbitionApp.Game.Activity = ActivityType.Party; model.Turn = -1; model.Incidents = null; if (party == null) { model.Turns = 0; } else { string[] names = Enum.GetNames(typeof(PartySize)); int index = Array.IndexOf(names, party.Size.ToString()); if (index < 0) { index = 0; } if (index < model.NumTurnsByPartySize.Length) { model.Turns = model.NumTurnsByPartySize[index]; } else { model.Turns = model.NumTurnsByPartySize[model.NumTurnsByPartySize.Length - 1]; } if (party.RequiredIncidents?.Length > model.Turns) { model.Turns = party.RequiredIncidents.Length; } } if (incident == null) { IncidentVO[] incidents = AmbitionApp.Story.GetIncidents(IncidentType.PartyIntro); IncidentVO[] candidates = Array.FindAll(incidents, i => Array.IndexOf(i.Factions, party.Faction) >= 0); if (candidates.Length == 0) { candidates = Array.FindAll(incidents, i => ((i.Factions?.Length ?? 0) == 0 || (i.Factions.Length == 1 && i.Factions[0] == FactionType.None))); } incident = Util.RNG.TakeRandom(candidates); } loc.SetPartyOutfit(AmbitionApp.Inventory.GetEquippedItem(ItemType.Outfit) as OutfitVO); loc.SetParty(party); AmbitionApp.SendMessage(CalendarMessages.SCHEDULE, incident); }
private void HandlePartyUpdated(PartyVO party) { if (party != null) { int index = (party.Date - Days[0].Date).Days; if (index >= 0 && index < Days.Length) { Days[index].AddParty(party); } } }
public void SetEvents(PartyVO[] parties, RendezVO[] liaisons) { RendezVO rendez = liaisons.Length == 0 ? null : Array.Find(liaisons, l => l.IsAttending) ?? Array.Find(liaisons, l => l.RSVP == RSVP.New) ?? liaisons[0]; PartyVO party1 = parties.Length == 0 ? null : Array.Find(parties, p => p.IsAttending) ?? Array.Find(parties, p => p.RSVP == RSVP.New) ?? parties[0]; PartyVO party2 = rendez != null ? party1 : Array.Find(parties, p => p != party1); bool showRespond = !Array.Exists(parties, p => p.IsAttending) && !Array.Exists(liaisons, r => r.IsAttending) && (Array.Exists(parties, p => p.RSVP == RSVP.New) || Array.Exists(liaisons, p => p.RSVP == RSVP.New && !p.IsCaller)); if (rendez != null) { party1 = null; } RespondIndicator.gameObject.SetActive(showRespond); // Party2 Icon is centered Party2Icon.gameObject.SetActive(party1 != null); if (party1 != null) { Party2Icon.sprite = CalendarSpriteConfig.GetSprite(party1.Faction.ToString()); Party2RSVPIcon.gameObject.SetActive(party1.RSVP != RSVP.New); Party2RSVPIcon.sprite = CalendarSpriteConfig.GetSprite(party1.IsAttending ? ACCEPTED : DECLINED); } // Party1 Icon is in corner Party1Icon.gameObject.SetActive(party2 != null); if (party2 != null) { Party1Icon.sprite = CalendarSpriteConfig.GetSprite(party2.Faction.ToString()); Party1RSVPIcon.gameObject.SetActive(party2.RSVP != RSVP.New); Party1RSVPIcon.sprite = CalendarSpriteConfig.GetSprite(party2.IsAttending ? ACCEPTED : DECLINED); } // Liaison is centered liaisonIcon.gameObject.SetActive(rendez != null); if (rendez != null) { CharacterVO character = AmbitionApp.GetModel <CharacterModel>().GetCharacter(rendez.Character); liaisonIcon.sprite = LiaisonConfig.GetSprite(character?.Faction.ToString()); liaisonResponse.gameObject.SetActive(rendez.RSVP != RSVP.New); liaisonResponse.sprite = CalendarSpriteConfig.GetSprite(rendez.IsAttending ? ACCEPTED : DECLINED); } }
public void Execute() { PartyVO party = AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>().Party; OutfitVO outfit = AmbitionApp.Inventory.GetEquippedItem(ItemType.Outfit) as OutfitVO; AmbitionApp.GetModel <FactionModel>().Factions.TryGetValue(party.Faction, out FactionVO faction); int score = 200 - Math.Abs(faction.Modesty - outfit.Modesty) - Math.Abs(faction.Luxury - outfit.Luxury); int cred = (int)(score * outfit.Novelty * .001f); CommodityVO reward = new CommodityVO(CommodityType.Credibility, cred); AmbitionApp.SendMessage(reward); }
public void Execute(CommodityVO reward) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reward.ID)) { PartyVO party = new PartyVO(reward.ID); if (reward.Value >= 0) { party.Day = AmbitionApp.Calendar.Day + reward.Value; } AmbitionApp.SendMessage(PartyMessages.INITIALIZE_PARTY, party); } }
public static CalendarEvent GetEvent(int day) { PartyVO[] parties = AmbitionApp.Calendar.GetOccasions <PartyVO>(day); PartyVO party = Array.Find(parties, p => p.IsAttending); if (party != null) { return(party); } RendezVO[] rendezs = Calendar.GetOccasions <RendezVO>(day); return(Array.Find(rendezs, r => r.IsAttending)); }
public override void OnEnter() { CalendarModel cal = AmbitionApp.Calendar; PartyVO[] parties = cal.GetOccasions <PartyVO>(cal.Day - 1); PartyVO party = Array.Find(parties, p => p.RSVP == RSVP.New); if (party != null) { CommodityVO penalty = new CommodityVO(CommodityType.Credibility, AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>().IgnoreInvitationPenalty); Dictionary <string, string> subs = new Dictionary <string, string>(); LocalizationModel loc = AmbitionApp.GetModel <LocalizationModel>(); party.RSVP = RSVP.Declined; subs["$PARTYNAME"] = loc.GetPartyName(party); subs["$CREDIBILITY"] = penalty.Value.ToString(); AmbitionApp.OpenDialog(DialogConsts.MISSED_RSVP_DIALOG, subs); AmbitionApp.SendMessage(penalty); } else { RendezVO[] dates = cal.GetOccasions <RendezVO>(cal.Day - 1); RendezVO date = Array.Find(dates, d => d.RSVP == RSVP.New); if (date != null) { CharacterModel characters = AmbitionApp.GetModel <CharacterModel>(); CharacterVO character = characters.GetCharacter(date.Character); bool isPenalized = !date.IsCaller; date.RSVP = RSVP.Declined; if (character != null) { character.LiaisonDay = -1; } AmbitionApp.SendMessage(date); if (isPenalized) { int penalty = characters.MissedRendezvousPenalty; CommodityVO favorPenalty = new CommodityVO() { Type = CommodityType.Favor, ID = date.Character, Value = penalty }; AmbitionApp.SendMessage(favorPenalty); Dictionary <string, string> subs = new Dictionary <string, string>(); subs["$SHORTNAME"] = AmbitionApp.GetModel <LocalizationModel>().GetShortName(character, date.Character); subs["$FAVOR"] = penalty.ToString(); AmbitionApp.OpenDialog(DialogConsts.MISSED_RENDEZVOUS_DIALOG, subs); } } } }
public void CreateCancellationModal() { List <ICalendarEvent> events; CalendarModel calendar = AmbitionApp.GetModel <CalendarModel>(); if (calendar.Timeline.TryGetValue(calendar.Today, out events)) { PartyVO party = events.Find(e => e is PartyVO && ((PartyVO)e).RSVP == RSVP.Accepted) as PartyVO; if (party != null) { AmbitionApp.OpenDialog(DialogConsts.CANCEL, party); } } }
public PartyVO(PartyVO party) { ID = party.ID; Faction = party.Faction; RequiredIncidents = party.RequiredIncidents; Map = party.Map; RSVP = party.RSVP; Day = party.Day; IntroIncident = party.IntroIncident; ExitIncident = party.ExitIncident; Created = party.Created; Host = party.Host; Requirements = this.Requirements?.ToArray(); }
public string GetPartyName(PartyVO party) { //Dictionary<string, string> subs = new Dictionary<string, string>(); //CharacterVO character = AmbitionApp.GetModel<CharacterModel>().GetCharacter(party.Host); //if (party.phrases.Length > 0) // subs["$REASON"] = AmbitionApp.Localize(PartyConstants.PARTY_REASON + party.Faction.ToString().ToLower() + "." + party.phrases[0]); //subs["$IMPORTANCE"] = AmbitionApp.Localize(PartyConstants.PARTY_IMPORTANCE + (int)party.Size); //subs["$HOST"] = GetFormalName(character, party.Host); string result = AmbitionApp.Localize(PartyConstants.PARTY_NAME + party.ID); return(string.IsNullOrEmpty(result) ? AmbitionApp.Localize(PartyConstants.PARTY_REASON + party.Faction.ToString().ToLower() + "." + party.phrases[0]) //? AmbitionApp.Localize(PartyConstants.PARTY_NAME_DEFAULT, subs) : result); }
public override void OnEnterState() { PartyModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>(); PartyVO party = model.Party; // Lose a turn model.Turn++; //The Player is relocated to the Entrance MapModel mmod = AmbitionApp.GetModel <MapModel>(); mmod.Room = mmod.Map.Entrance; AmbitionApp.OpenDialog("DEFEAT"); AmbitionApp.SendMessage(PartyMessages.FLEE_CONVERSATION); AmbitionApp.SendMessage(PartyMessages.SHOW_MAP); }
void OnEnable() { PartyVO party = AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>().Party; if (party != null) { string factionID = party == null ? null : party.Faction; FactionVO faction = AmbitionApp.GetModel <FactionModel>()[factionID]; int stat = (Stat.ToLower() == ItemConsts.LUXURY ? faction.Luxury : faction.Modesty); Minimum.enabled = (stat < 0); Maximum.enabled = (stat > 0); } else { Minimum.enabled = false; Maximum.enabled = false; } }
public void AddParty(PartyVO party) { if (party != null && _day == party.Date) { PartyVO accept; if (_parties == null) { _parties = new List <PartyVO>(); } if (!_parties.Contains(party)) { _parties.Add(party); } Party1Icon.enabled = _parties.Count > 1; // Show for more than 1 party Party2Icon.enabled = true; // Show for at least 1 party accept = _parties.Find(p => p.RSVP == RSVP.Accepted); // Show party 2's RSVP icon only if there's an accepted party or all declined parties Party2RSVPIcon.enabled = accept != null || _parties.TrueForAll(p => p.RSVP == RSVP.Declined); // Set the Party 2 acceptance icon Party2RSVPIcon.sprite = CalendarSpriteConfig.GetSprite(accept != null ? "accepted" : "declined"); if (accept == null) { accept = _parties.Find(p => p.RSVP == RSVP.New); } // Set Party 2's Faction icon if (accept != null) { Party2Icon.sprite = CalendarSpriteConfig.GetSprite(accept.Faction); } if (Party1Icon.enabled) { party = _parties.Find(p => p != accept && p.RSVP == RSVP.New); Party1RSVPIcon.enabled = party != null; if (party == null) { party = _parties.Find(p => p != accept); } Party1Icon.sprite = CalendarSpriteConfig.GetSprite(party.Faction); } } }
public void Execute(CalendarModel calendar) { ChapterVO chapter = AmbitionApp.Game.GetChapter(); if (chapter.TrivialPartyChance + chapter.DecentPartyChance + chapter.GrandPartyChance > 0 && AmbitionApp.CheckRequirements(AmbitionApp.Game.StartInvitationsReqirements) && RNG.Generate(0, 3) == 0) { int day = calendar.Day + RNG.Generate(1, 8) + RNG.Generate(1, 8); // +2d8 days if (AmbitionApp.GetEvent(day) == null) { PartyVO party = new PartyVO() { Day = day }; AmbitionApp.SendMessage(PartyMessages.INITIALIZE_PARTY, party); } } }
public override void OnEnterState() { CalendarModel calendar = AmbitionApp.GetModel <CalendarModel>(); DateTime today = calendar.Today; List <PartyVO> parties = calendar.GetEvents <PartyVO>(today).Where(p => p.RSVP == RSVP.New).ToList(); if (Util.RNG.Generate(0, 3) == 0) // Chance of a random future engagement { PartyVO party = new PartyVO { InvitationDate = today, Date = today.AddDays(Util.RNG.Generate(1, 8) + Util.RNG.Generate(1, 8)), // +2d8 days RSVP = RSVP.New }; AmbitionApp.Execute <InitPartyCmd, PartyVO>(party); parties.Add(party); } parties.ForEach(p => AmbitionApp.OpenDialog(RSVPDialog.DIALOG_ID, p)); }
public override void OnEnterState() { MapVO map; RoomVO room; PartyVO party = AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>().Party; _model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <MapModel>(); // Determine if the party uses a preset, or build a map from scratch if (party.MapID == null || !_model.Maps.TryGetValue(party.MapID, out map)) { map = BuildRandomMap(party); } // Fill in the blanks for (int i = map.Rooms.Length - 1; i > 0; i--) { room = map.Rooms[i]; if (room != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(room.Name)) { room.Name = GenerateRandomName(_model.RoomAdjectives, _model.RoomNames); } if (room.Features == null) { room.Features = GetRandomFeatures(); } if (room.Difficulty == 0 && room != map.Entrance) { room.Difficulty = 1 + Util.RNG.Generate(0, 5); } room.MoveThroughChance = GenerateMoveThroughChance(room); } } PopulateEnemies(map, EnemyInventory.enemyInventory.FindAll(e => e.Faction == party.Faction)); map.Entrance.Cleared = true; _model.Map = map; AmbitionApp.SendMessage(MapMessage.GO_TO_ROOM, map.Entrance); }
private void HandleParty(PartyVO party) { CalendarModel calendar = AmbitionApp.GetModel <CalendarModel>(); if (party != null && party.Date == calendar.Today) { if (party.RSVP == RSVP.Accepted) { _party = party; } else { List <ICalendarEvent> events; _party = calendar.Timeline.TryGetValue(calendar.Today, out events) ? events.OfType <PartyVO>().FirstOrDefault(p => p.RSVP == RSVP.Accepted) : null; } _text.text = _party != null ? "Go to the Party!" : "Explore Paris"; } }
public void Execute(DateTime date) { CalendarModel calendar = AmbitionApp.GetModel <CalendarModel>(); PartyModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>(); PartyVO[] parties = calendar.GetOccasions <PartyVO>(date); RendezVO[] dates = calendar.GetOccasions <RendezVO>(date); if (parties.Length + dates.Length > 0) { PartyVO party = Array.Find(parties, p => p.IsAttending); RendezVO rendez = Array.Find(dates, p => p.IsAttending); if (party != null) { AmbitionApp.OpenDialog(DialogConsts.RSVP, new CalendarEvent[] { party }); } else if (rendez != null) { AmbitionApp.OpenDialog(DialogConsts.RSVP, new CalendarEvent[] { rendez }); } else { List <CalendarEvent> events = new List <CalendarEvent>(parties); events.AddRange(dates); AmbitionApp.OpenDialog(DialogConsts.RSVP, events.ToArray()); } } else if (date.Subtract(calendar.Today).Days >= 1 && AmbitionApp.Paris.Rendezvous.Count > 0) { CharacterModel cModel = AmbitionApp.GetModel <CharacterModel>(); foreach (CharacterVO character in cModel.Characters.Values) { if (character.IsDateable && !character.IsRendezvousScheduled) { AmbitionApp.OpenDialog(DialogConsts.CREATE_RENDEZVOUS, date); break; } } } }
public void SetParty(PartyVO party) { AmbitionApp.GetModel <FactionModel>().Factions.TryGetValue(party?.Faction ?? FactionType.None, out FactionVO faction); Substitutions[LocalizationConsts.PARTYFACTION] = AmbitionApp.Localize(faction.Type.ToString().ToLower()); // map -100 to +100 to 0,1,2. int modIndex = 0; if (faction.Modesty < -33) { modIndex = 0; } else if (faction.Modesty < 33) { modIndex = 1; } else { modIndex = 2; } int luxIndex = 0; if (faction.Luxury < -33) { luxIndex = 0; } else if (faction.Luxury < 33) { luxIndex = 1; } else { luxIndex = 2; } Substitutions[LocalizationConsts.PARTYFACTIONMODESTY] = AmbitionApp.Localize(string.Format("modesty.{0}", modIndex)); Substitutions[LocalizationConsts.PARTYFACTIONLUXURY] = AmbitionApp.Localize(string.Format("luxury.{0}", luxIndex)); }
public void Execute(CommodityVO reward) { if (reward.ID != null) { PartyConfig config = UnityEngine.Resources.Load <PartyConfig>("Parties/" + reward.ID); if (config != null && config.Party != null) { CalendarModel calendar = AmbitionApp.GetModel <CalendarModel>(); PartyVO party = config.Party; AmbitionApp.Execute <InitPartyCmd, PartyVO>(party); party.RSVP = (RSVP)reward.Value; party.InvitationDate = calendar.Today; if (default(DateTime) == party.Date) { party.Date = calendar.Today; } calendar.Schedule(party); if (party.RSVP == RSVP.Accepted && party.Date == calendar.Today) { AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>().Party = party; } } else { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Warning: PartyReward.cs: No party with ID \"" + reward.ID + "\" exists!"); } config = null; UnityEngine.Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); } else { UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Warning: PartyReward.cs: No party ID specified!"); } }
public string GetPartyInvitation(PartyVO party, CharacterVO host) { Dictionary <string, string> subs = new Dictionary <string, string>(); string result; subs["$HOST"] = GetFormalName(host, party.Host); if (party.phrases?.Length > 1) { subs["$INTRO"] = AmbitionApp.Localize(PartyConstants.PARTY_FLUFF_INTRO + party.phrases[0]); } if (party.phrases?.Length > 2) { subs["$ADJECTIVE"] = AmbitionApp.Localize(PartyConstants.PARTY_FLUFF_ADJECTIVE + party.phrases[1]); } if (party.phrases?.Length > 3) { subs["$NOUN"] = AmbitionApp.Localize(PartyConstants.PARTY_FLUFF_NOUN + party.phrases[2]); } result = AmbitionApp.Localize(PartyConstants.PARTY_FLUFF, subs); subs.Clear(); subs["$FLUFF"] = result; subs["$PLAYER"] = AmbitionApp.Game.PlayerName; subs["$PRONOUN"] = host == null || host.Gender == Gender.NonBinary || host.Gender == Gender.Unknown ? AmbitionApp.Localize("their") : host.Gender == Gender.Male ? AmbitionApp.Localize("his") : AmbitionApp.Localize("her"); subs["$DATE"] = Localize(AmbitionApp.Calendar.StartDate.AddDays(party.Day)); subs["$SIZE"] = AmbitionApp.Localize(PartyConstants.PARTY_SIZE + (int)party.Size); subs["$PARTY"] = GetPartyName(party); result = AmbitionApp.Localize(PartyConstants.PARTY_INVITATION + party.ID, subs); return(string.IsNullOrEmpty(result) ? AmbitionApp.Localize(PartyConstants.PARTY_INVITATION_LOC, subs) : result); }
private Image BuildRandomMap(PartyVO party) { // TODO return(null); }
public override void OnEnterState() { PartyModel model = AmbitionApp.GetModel <PartyModel>(); PartyVO party = model.Party; InventoryModel inventory = AmbitionApp.GetModel <InventoryModel>(); FactionVO faction = AmbitionApp.GetModel <FactionModel>()[party.Faction]; OutfitVO outfit = inventory.Equipped[ItemConsts.OUTFIT] as OutfitVO; // TODO: Passive buff system //Is the Player using the Fascinator Accessory? If so then allow them to ignore the first negative comment! ItemVO item; if (inventory.Equipped.TryGetValue(ItemConsts.ACCESSORY, out item) && item != null) { switch (item.Name) { case "Garter Flask": //model.AddBuff(GameConsts.DRINK, ItemConsts.ACCESSORY, 1.0f, 1.0f); break; case "Fascinator": AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>().ItemEffect = true; break; case "Snuff Box": model.Party.MaxIntoxication += 5; break; } } //Is the Player decent friends with the Military? If so, make them more alcohol tolerant! // TODO: why? if (AmbitionApp.GetModel <FactionModel>()[FactionConsts.MILITARY].Level >= 3) { model.Party.MaxIntoxication += 3; } model.Drink = 0; model.Intoxication = 0; float outfitScore = 400 - Math.Abs(faction.Modesty - outfit.Modesty) - Math.Abs(faction.Luxury - outfit.Luxury); ConversationModel conversation = AmbitionApp.GetModel <ConversationModel>(); int num = model.DeckSize + (int)(outfitScore * (float)(outfit.Novelty) * 0.001f) + faction.DeckBonus + AmbitionApp.GetModel <GameModel>().DeckBonus; int[] remarkids = Enumerable.Range(0, num).ToArray(); int index; int tmp; string interest; int numTargets; int targetIndex = (int)(num * .5f); // Fifty-fifty one or two targets conversation.Deck = new Queue <RemarkVO>(); conversation.Discard = new List <RemarkVO>(); for (int i = num - 1; i >= 0; i--) { index = Util.RNG.Generate(i); tmp = remarkids[i]; remarkids[i] = remarkids[index]; remarkids[index] = tmp; interest = model.Interests[remarkids[i] % model.Interests.Length]; numTargets = remarkids[i] > targetIndex ? 2 : 1; conversation.Deck.Enqueue(new RemarkVO(numTargets, interest)); } // TODO: Commandify and insert after entering map for first time //Damage the Outfit's Novelty, now that the Confidence has already been Tallied AmbitionApp.SendMessage(InventoryMessages.DEGRADE_OUTFIT, outfit); // string introText = AmbitionApp.GetString("party.intro." + party.ID + ".body"); // if (introText != null) AmbitionApp.OpenMessageDialog("party.intro." + party.ID); }