public static void LoadPresets()
            List <ScreenshotResolutionAsset> presets = AssetUtils.LoadAll <ScreenshotResolutionAsset> ();

            foreach (ScreenshotResolutionAsset preset in presets)
                if (preset.m_Resolution == null)
                var res = new ScreenshotResolution(preset.m_Resolution);
                res.m_ResolutionName =".asset", "");
                var cat = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(preset);
                if (cat.Contains("Resources/"))
                    cat = cat.Substring(cat.LastIndexOf("Resources"), cat.LastIndexOf("/") - cat.LastIndexOf("Resources"));
                if (cat.Contains("Presets/"))
                    cat = cat.Substring(cat.LastIndexOf("Presets"), cat.LastIndexOf("/") - cat.LastIndexOf("Presets"));
                cat            = cat.Replace("Presets/", "");
                cat            = cat.Replace("Resources/", "");
                res.m_Category = cat;
        public void Copy(ScreenshotResolution res)
            m_Active = res.m_Active;
            m_Width  = res.m_Width;
            m_Height = res.m_Height;
            m_Scale  = res.m_Scale;

            m_Orientation = res.m_Orientation;

            m_ResolutionName = res.m_ResolutionName;
            m_Category       = res.m_Category;

            m_Platform = res.m_Platform;

            m_PPI            = res.m_PPI;
            m_ForcedUnityPPI = res.m_ForcedUnityPPI;

            m_Ratio = res.m_Ratio;

            m_DeviceCanvas = res.m_DeviceCanvas;

            m_FileName = res.m_FileName;

            m_SafeAreaPortrait      = res.m_SafeAreaPortrait;
            m_SafeAreaLandscapeLeft = res.m_SafeAreaLandscapeLeft;
            // m_SafeAreaLandscapeRight = res.m_SafeAreaLandscapeRight;

            // m_ReferenceAsset = res.m_ReferenceAsset;
        public string UpdateFileName(ScreenshotResolution resolution)
            string filename = "";

                                                #if UNITY_EDITOR || !UNITY_WEBGL
            // Destination Folder
            filename += GetPath();

            // File name
            filename += ParseNameSymbols(m_Config.m_FileName, resolution);

            // Get the file extension
            string extension = GetExtension();

            // Increment the file number if a file already exist
            if (!m_Config.m_OverrideFiles && File.Exists(filename + extension))
                int i = 1;
                while (File.Exists(filename + " (" + i.ToString() + ")" + extension))
                return(filename + " (" + i.ToString() + ")" + extension);
                return(filename + extension);
 protected void InitPreviewResolution()
     m_PreviewResolution          = new ScreenshotResolution();
     m_PreviewResolution.m_Width  = 200;
     m_PreviewResolution.m_Height = 100;
     m_PreviewResolution.m_Scale  = 1;
        void OnResolutionSelectCallback(object target)
            ScreenshotResolution selection = (ScreenshotResolution)target;

            m_Config.m_Resolutions.Add(new ScreenshotResolution(selection));
Example #6
 protected void InitGameViewResolution()
     m_GameViewResolution                  = new ScreenshotResolution();
     m_GameViewResolution.m_Active         = true;
     m_GameViewResolution.m_ResolutionName = "GameView";
     m_GameViewResolution.m_Width          = Screen.width;
     m_GameViewResolution.m_Height         = Screen.height;
     m_GameViewResolution.m_Scale          = 1;
Example #7
 public IEnumerator CaptureCompositionCoroutine(ScreenshotResolution desiredCaptureResolution)
     yield return(m_ScreenshotTaker.StartCoroutine(m_ScreenshotTaker.CaptureResolutionCoroutine(desiredCaptureResolution,
                                                                                                new List <Camera> {
     }, new List <Canvas> {
                                                                                                ScreenshotTaker.CaptureMode.GAMEVIEW_RESIZING, 8, false, ScreenshotTaker.ColorFormat.RGB, false)));
        public static Texture2D GetOrCreateTexture(ScreenshotResolution resolution, ColorFormat colorFormat, bool noScale = false)
            // Compute real dimensions
            int width  = noScale ? resolution.m_Width : resolution.ComputeTargetWidth();
            int height = noScale ? resolution.m_Height : resolution.ComputeTargetHeight();

            // Init the texture
            GetOrCreateTexture(ref resolution.m_Texture, width, height, colorFormat);

        void StartCallback(ScreenshotResolution res)
            if (m_SelectionArea == null)

            if (m_HideSelectionAreaDuringCapture)
        public static IEnumerator CaptureToTextureCoroutine(int width, int height,
                                                            List <Camera> cameras = null,
                                                            List <Canvas> canvas  = null,
                                                            ScreenshotTaker.CaptureMode captureMode = ScreenshotTaker.CaptureMode.RENDER_TO_TEXTURE,
                                                            int antiAliasing   = 8,
                                                            bool captureGameUI = true,
                                                            ScreenshotTaker.ColorFormat colorFormat = ScreenshotTaker.ColorFormat.RGB,
                                                            bool recomputeAlphaMask = false)

            // Create resolution item
            ScreenshotResolution captureResolution = new ScreenshotResolution();

            captureResolution.m_Width  = width;
            captureResolution.m_Height = height;

            // Create camera items
            List <ScreenshotCamera> screenshotCameras = new List <ScreenshotCamera>();

            if (cameras != null)
                foreach (Camera camera in cameras)
                    ScreenshotCamera scamera = new ScreenshotCamera(camera);

            // Create the overlays items
            List <ScreenshotOverlay> screenshotCanvas = new List <ScreenshotOverlay>();

            if (canvas != null)
                foreach (Canvas c in canvas)
                    ScreenshotOverlay scanvas = new ScreenshotOverlay(c);

            // Capture
            yield return(m_ScreenshotTaker.StartCoroutine(m_ScreenshotTaker.CaptureAllCoroutine(new List <ScreenshotResolution> {
        void EndCallback(ScreenshotResolution res)
            if (m_SelectionArea == null)

            if (m_HideSelectionAreaDuringCapture)
Example #12
 public ScreenshotResolution(ScreenshotResolution res)
     m_Active         = res.m_Active;
     m_Width          = res.m_Width;
     m_Height         = res.m_Height;
     m_Scale          = res.m_Scale;
     m_PPI            = res.m_PPI;
     m_ForcedUnityPPI = res.m_ForcedUnityPPI;
     m_ResolutionName = res.m_ResolutionName;
     m_Ratio          = res.m_Ratio;
     m_Stats          = res.m_Stats;
     m_Category       = res.m_Category;
Example #13
        public void UpdateFileName(ScreenshotResolution resolution, System.DateTime time, string currentCamera = "", string currentBatch = "", string currentComposer = "")
            // Update the filenames
            m_Config.UpdateFileName(resolution, time);

            // Parse symbols etc.
            resolution.m_FileName = resolution.m_FileName.Replace("{layer}", currentCamera);
            resolution.m_FileName = resolution.m_FileName.Replace("{batch}", currentBatch);
            resolution.m_FileName = resolution.m_FileName.Replace("{composer}", currentComposer);

            if (!m_Config.m_OverrideFiles)
                resolution.m_FileName = ScreenshotNameParser.PreventOverride(resolution.m_FileName);
        protected string ParseNameSymbols(string name, ScreenshotResolution resolution)
            // Add a 0 before numbers if < 10
            if (System.DateTime.Now.Month < 10)
                name = name.Replace("{month}", "0{month}");
            if (System.DateTime.Now.Day < 10)
                name = name.Replace("{day}", "0{day}");
            if (System.DateTime.Now.Hour < 10)
                name = name.Replace("{hour}", "0{hour}");
            if (System.DateTime.Now.Minute < 10)
                name = name.Replace("{minute}", "0{minute}");
            if (System.DateTime.Now.Second < 10)
                name = name.Replace("{second}", "0{second}");

            // Date
            name = name.Replace("{year}", System.DateTime.Now.Year.ToString());
            name = name.Replace("{month}", System.DateTime.Now.Month.ToString());
            name = name.Replace("{day}", System.DateTime.Now.Day.ToString());
            name = name.Replace("{hour}", System.DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString());
            name = name.Replace("{minute}", System.DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString());
            name = name.Replace("{second}", System.DateTime.Now.Second.ToString());

            // Dimensions
            name = name.Replace("{width}", resolution.m_Width.ToString());
            name = name.Replace("{height}", resolution.m_Height.ToString());
            name = name.Replace("{scale}", resolution.m_Scale.ToString());
            name = name.Replace("{ratio}", resolution.m_Ratio).Replace(":", "_");

            // Resolution
            name = name.Replace("{orientation}", resolution.m_Orientation.ToString());
            name = name.Replace("{name}", resolution.m_ResolutionName);
            name = name.Replace("{ppi}", resolution.m_PPI.ToString());
            name = name.Replace("{category}", resolution.m_Category);
            name = name.Replace("{percent}", resolution.m_Stats.ToString());

Example #15
        public virtual IEnumerator CaptureInnerTextureCoroutine(RawImage texture, ScreenshotResolution desiredCaptureResolution, List <ScreenshotCamera> cameras, List <ScreenshotOverlay> overlays,
                                                                ScreenshotTaker.CaptureMode captureMode, int antiAliasing = 8, bool captureGameUI = true,
                                                                ScreenshotTaker.ColorFormat colorFormat = ScreenshotTaker.ColorFormat.RGB, bool recomputeAlphaMask = false, bool stopTime = false, bool restore = true)
            // Compute the texture resolution
            ScreenshotResolution tempRes = new ScreenshotResolution();

            yield return(m_ScreenshotTaker.StartCoroutine(ComputeInnerTextureSizeCoroutine(texture, desiredCaptureResolution.ComputeTargetWidth(), desiredCaptureResolution.ComputeTargetHeight(), tempRes)));

            // Capture the game view at the raw image resolution
            yield return(m_ScreenshotTaker.StartCoroutine(m_ScreenshotTaker.CaptureAllCoroutine(new List <ScreenshotResolution> {
                                                                                                cameras, overlays, captureMode, antiAliasing, captureGameUI, colorFormat, recomputeAlphaMask, stopTime)));

            // Set raw image texture using the previously captured texture
            texture.texture = tempRes.m_Texture;
        void CropTexture(ScreenshotResolution res)
            // Get the selection image coordinates
            Vector3[] corners = new Vector3[4];

            // Create cropped texture
            int       x0      = (int)corners [0].x + m_CropBorder;
            int       y0      = (int)corners [0].y + m_CropBorder;
            int       width   = (int)(corners [2].x - corners [0].x) - 2 * m_CropBorder;
            int       height  = (int)(corners [1].y - corners [0].y) - 2 * m_CropBorder;
            Texture2D cropped = new Texture2D(width, height, res.m_Texture.format, false);

            if (width <= 2 || height <= 2)

            // Copy the content
            Color col;

            for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
                    if (x0 + x >= 0 && x0 + x < res.m_Texture.width &&
                        y0 + y >= 0 && y0 + y < res.m_Texture.height)
                        col = res.m_Texture.GetPixel(x0 + x, y0 + y);
                        col =;
                    cropped.SetPixel(x, y, col);

            Debug.Log("Screenshot cropped to (" + x0 + ", " + y0 + ", " + (x0 + width - 1) + ", " + (y0 + height - 1) + ")");

            // Replace the texture
            res.m_Texture = cropped;
        RenderTexture GetOrCreateRenderTexture(ScreenshotResolution resolution, int antiAliasing = 0, int depth = 32)
            // Compute real resolutions
            int width  = resolution.ComputeTargetWidth();
            int height = resolution.ComputeTargetHeight();

            // Get from cache
            RenderTexture rt = null;

            if (m_RenderTextureCache.ContainsKey(resolution))
                rt = m_RenderTextureCache[resolution];
            // Create render texture if needed
            GetOrCreateRenderTexture(ref rt, width, height, antiAliasing, depth);
            // Save to cache
            m_RenderTextureCache[resolution] = rt;

Example #18
        public IEnumerator CaptureResolutionCoroutine(ScreenshotResolution captureResolution,
                                                      List <Camera> cameras = null,
                                                      List <Canvas> canvas  = null,
                                                      ScreenshotTaker.CaptureMode captureMode = ScreenshotTaker.CaptureMode.RENDER_TO_TEXTURE,
                                                      int antiAliasing   = 8,
                                                      bool captureGameUI = true,
                                                      ScreenshotTaker.ColorFormat colorFormat = ScreenshotTaker.ColorFormat.RGB,
                                                      bool recomputeAlphaMask = false)
            // Create camera items
            List <ScreenshotCamera> screenshotCameras = new List <ScreenshotCamera>();

            if (cameras != null)
                foreach (Camera camera in cameras)
                    ScreenshotCamera scamera = new ScreenshotCamera(camera);

            // Create the overlays items
            List <ScreenshotOverlay> screenshotCanvas = new List <ScreenshotOverlay>();

            if (canvas != null)
                foreach (Canvas c in canvas)
                    ScreenshotOverlay scanvas = new ScreenshotOverlay(c);

            yield return(StartCoroutine(CaptureAllCoroutine(new List <ScreenshotResolution> {
                                                            screenshotCameras, screenshotCanvas,
                                                            captureMode, antiAliasing, captureGameUI, colorFormat, recomputeAlphaMask)));
        public ScreenshotResolution(ScreenshotResolution res)
            m_Active = res.m_Active;
            m_Width  = res.m_Width;
            m_Height = res.m_Height;
            m_Scale  = res.m_Scale;

            m_Orientation = res.m_Orientation;

            m_ResolutionName = res.m_ResolutionName;
            m_Category       = res.m_Category;

            m_PPI            = res.m_PPI;
            m_ForcedUnityPPI = res.m_ForcedUnityPPI;

            m_Ratio = res.m_Ratio;
//			m_Stats = res.m_Stats;

            m_DeviceCanvas = res.m_DeviceCanvas;

            m_FileName = res.m_FileName;
Example #20
        public virtual IEnumerator CaptureCoroutine(ScreenshotResolution desiredCaptureResolution,
                                                    List <ScreenshotCamera> cameras,
                                                    List <ScreenshotOverlay> overlays,
                                                    ScreenshotTaker.CaptureMode captureMode,
                                                    int antiAliasing   = 8,
                                                    bool captureGameUI = true,
                                                    ScreenshotTaker.ColorFormat colorFormat = ScreenshotTaker.ColorFormat.RGB,
                                                    bool recomputeAlphaMask = false,
                                                    bool stopTime           = false,
                                                    bool restore            = true)
            m_ScreenshotTaker = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <ScreenshotTaker> ();

            // Capture all inner textures
            foreach (RawImage texture in m_Textures)
                yield return(m_ScreenshotTaker.StartCoroutine(CaptureInnerTextureCoroutine(texture, desiredCaptureResolution, cameras, overlays, captureMode, antiAliasing, captureGameUI, colorFormat, recomputeAlphaMask, stopTime)));

            // Capture the composition at the desired resolution size
            yield return(m_ScreenshotTaker.StartCoroutine(CaptureCompositionCoroutine(desiredCaptureResolution)));
        public static void LoadCollections()
            List <PresetCollectionAsset> collections = AssetUtils.LoadAll <PresetCollectionAsset> ();

            foreach (PresetCollectionAsset collection in collections)
                foreach (var preset in collection.m_Presets)
                    if (preset == null)
                    if (preset.m_Resolution == null)
                    var res = new ScreenshotResolution(preset.m_Resolution);
                    res.m_ResolutionName =".asset", "");
                    res.m_Category       = "Collections/" +;
        public static void LoadPopularityPresets()
            List <PopularityPresetAsset> popularities = AssetUtils.LoadAll <PopularityPresetAsset> ();

            foreach (PopularityPresetAsset popularity in popularities)
                foreach (var stat in popularity.m_Stats)
                    if (stat == null)
                    if (stat.m_Resolution == null)
                    var res = new ScreenshotResolution(stat.m_Resolution.m_Resolution);
                    res.m_ResolutionName = stat.m_Frequency + "%   " +;
                    res.m_Category       = "Popularity/" +;
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Captures the game with the specified width, height.
        /// The texture will be resized if needed to match the capture settings.
        /// </summary>
        public IEnumerator CaptureToTextureCoroutine(Texture2D texture, int width, int height,
                                                     List <Camera> cameras = null,
                                                     List <Canvas> canvas  = null,
                                                     ScreenshotTaker.CaptureMode captureMode = ScreenshotTaker.CaptureMode.RENDER_TO_TEXTURE,
                                                     int antiAliasing   = 8,
                                                     bool captureGameUI = true,
                                                     ScreenshotTaker.ColorFormat colorFormat = ScreenshotTaker.ColorFormat.RGB,
                                                     bool recomputeAlphaMask = false)
            // Check texture
            if (texture == null)
                Debug.LogError("The texture can not be null. You must provide a texture initialized with any width and height.");
                yield break;

            // Update resolution item
            ScreenshotResolution captureResolution = new ScreenshotResolution(width, height);

            captureResolution.m_Texture = texture;

            yield return(StartCoroutine(CaptureResolutionCoroutine(captureResolution, cameras, canvas, captureMode, antiAliasing, captureGameUI, colorFormat, recomputeAlphaMask)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the parsed screenshot filename using the symbols, extensions and special folders.
        /// </summary>
        public static string ParseFileName(string screenshotName, ScreenshotResolution resolution, DestinationFolder destination, string customPath, TextureExporter.ImageFileFormat format, bool overwriteFiles, System.DateTime time)
            string filename = "";

            // Destination Folder can not be parsed in webgl
            filename += ParsePath(destination, customPath);

            // File name
            filename += ParseSymbols(screenshotName, resolution, time);

            // Get the file extension
            filename += ParseExtension(format);

            // Increment the file number if a file already exist
            if (!overwriteFiles)

Example #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Captures the resolution texture.
        /// </summary>
        IEnumerator CaptureResolutionTextureCoroutine(ScreenshotResolution resolution, CaptureMode captureMode, int antiAliasing, ColorFormat colorFormat)
            // Init texture
            m_Texture = GetOrCreateTexture(resolution, colorFormat, captureMode == CaptureMode.FIXED_GAMEVIEW ? true : false);

            if (captureMode == CaptureMode.GAMEVIEW_RESIZING)
                //				Debug.Log ("Resize ");

                // Force screen size change
                GameViewController.SetGameViewSize(m_Texture.width, m_Texture.height);
                yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

                // Force wait
                if (!Application.isPlaying)
                    // Useless texture update in editor mode when game is not running,
                    // that takes some computational times to be sure that the UI is updated at least one time before the capture
                    if (MultiDisplayUtils.IsMultiDisplay())
                        yield return(MultiDisplayCopyRenderBufferToTextureCoroutine(m_Texture));

                // Delegate call to notify screen is resized

                // Wait several frames
                // Particularly needed for special effects using several frame to compute their effects, like temporal anti aliasing
                if (m_GameViewResizingWaitingMode == GameViewResizingWaitingMode.FRAMES || !Application.isPlaying)
                    for (int i = 0; i < m_GameViewResizingWaitingFrames; ++i)
                        //						Debug.Log ("Wait " + i);
                        //GameViewController.SetGameViewSize(m_Texture.width, m_Texture.height);
                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
                        if (!Application.isPlaying)
                        yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
                        if (!Application.isPlaying && i < 2)
                            CopyScreenToTexture(m_Texture); // Useless update to force waiting for the gamview to be correctly updated
                        //						Debug.Log ("Wait " + i + " end");
#if (UNITY_5_4_OR_NEWER)
                    yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(m_GameViewResizingWaitingTime));
                    if (Time.timeScale > 0f)
                        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(m_GameViewResizingWaitingTime));
                    yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

                //				Debug.Log ("Capture");

                // Capture the screen content
                if (MultiDisplayUtils.IsMultiDisplay())
                    yield return(MultiDisplayCopyRenderBufferToTextureCoroutine(m_Texture));

                //				Debug.Log ("End Capture");
            else if (captureMode == CaptureMode.RENDER_TO_TEXTURE)
                // Wait for the end of rendering
                yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

                 #if UNITY_EDITOR
                 *              if (Application.isPlaying) {
                 *                      yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame ();
                 *              } else {
                 *                      // We need to force a gameview repaint
                 *                      Vector2 current = GameViewController.GetCurrentGameViewSize ();
                 *                      GameViewController.SetGameViewSize ((int)current.x, (int)current.y);
                 *                      yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame ();
                 *              }

                // Do not need to wait anything, just capture the cameras
                RenderTexture renderTexture = GetOrCreateRenderTexture(resolution, antiAliasing);
                RenderCamerasToTexture(m_Cameras, m_Texture, renderTexture);
            else if (captureMode == CaptureMode.FIXED_GAMEVIEW)
                #if UNITY_EDITOR
                // Force repaint in case the gameview is not focus to prevent a lock
                if (!Application.isPlaying)

                // Wait for the end of rendering
                yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

                // Capture the screen content
                if (MultiDisplayUtils.IsMultiDisplay())
                    yield return(MultiDisplayCopyRenderBufferToTextureCoroutine(m_Texture));

            // Alpha mask
            // if (colorFormat == ColorFormat.RGBA && recomputeAlphaMask)
            // {
            //     // Capture the screen content
            //     yield return StartCoroutine(RecomputeAlphaMask(resolution, m_Cameras, captureMode));
            // }
Example #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Override that coroutine if you want to create a process requiring several frames.
 /// Note that in editor mode, if the game is not playing, you may have to force a gameview repaint with ForceGameViewRepaint() or the coroutine will be stuck.
 /// Time related coroutines will not work if the game is not playing. It is advised to have a fallback with ForceGameViewRepaint() or the coroutine will be stuck.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual IEnumerator ProcessCoroutine(ScreenshotResolution res)
     yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());
Example #27
        IEnumerator CaptureAlphaMaskCoroutine(ScreenshotResolution resolution, CaptureMode captureMode, int antiAliasing, ColorFormat colorFormat)
            // Backup first camera clear mode
            var firstCamera = GetFirstActiveCamera();
            var clearMode   = firstCamera.clearFlags;
            var clearColor  = firstCamera.backgroundColor;

            // Set clear white alpha
            firstCamera.clearFlags      = CameraClearFlags.Color;
            firstCamera.backgroundColor = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.1f);

            // Capture the texture
            yield return(StartCoroutine(CaptureResolutionTextureCoroutine(resolution, captureMode, antiAliasing, colorFormat)));

            // Copy white texture
            Texture2D whiteTexture = new Texture2D(resolution.m_Texture.width, resolution.m_Texture.height, resolution.m_Texture.format, false, false);

            CopyTexture(resolution.m_Texture, whiteTexture);

            // Set clear black alpha
            firstCamera.clearFlags      = CameraClearFlags.Color;
            firstCamera.backgroundColor = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0.1f);

            // Capture the texture, again
            yield return(StartCoroutine(CaptureResolutionTextureCoroutine(resolution, captureMode, antiAliasing, colorFormat)));

            // Copy black texture
            Texture2D blackTexture = new Texture2D(resolution.m_Texture.width, resolution.m_Texture.height, resolution.m_Texture.format, false, false);

            CopyTexture(resolution.m_Texture, blackTexture);

            // Compute diff
            Color color;

            for (int x = 0; x < resolution.m_Texture.width; ++x)
                for (int y = 0; y < resolution.m_Texture.height; ++y)
                    var alpha = whiteTexture.GetPixel(x, y).r - blackTexture.GetPixel(x, y).r;
                    alpha = 1f - alpha;
                    if (alpha == 0)
                        color = Color.clear;
                        // color = whiteTexture.GetPixel(x, y) / alpha;
                        color = whiteTexture.GetPixel(x, y);
                    color.a = alpha;
                    resolution.m_Texture.SetPixel(x, y, color);

            // Clean

            // Restore clear settings
            firstCamera.clearFlags      = clearMode;
            firstCamera.backgroundColor = clearColor;
Example #28
        public string ParseFileName(ScreenshotResolution resolution, System.DateTime time)
            string path = m_DestinationFolder == ScreenshotNameParser.DestinationFolder.CUSTOM_FOLDER ? m_RootedPath : m_RelativePath;

            return(ScreenshotNameParser.ParseFileName(m_FileName, resolution, m_DestinationFolder, path, m_FileFormat, m_OverwriteFiles, time));
Example #29
 public void UpdateFileName(ScreenshotResolution resolution, System.DateTime time)
     resolution.m_FileName = ParseFileName(resolution, time);
        //		public ScreenshotResolution (ScreenshotResolutionAsset preset)
        //		{
        //			m_Preset = preset;
        //			Copy (m_Preset.m_Resolution);
        //		}

        public ScreenshotResolution(ScreenshotResolution res)