public static void PreRegister(Dictionary <string, GameObject> list, string name) { foreach (var item in list) { odbRegList.Add(item.Key.GetStableHashCode(), item.Value); } DBG.blogWarning("Register " + name + " for ODB"); }
public static T CopyBroComponet <T, TU>(this Component comp, TU other) where T : Component { Type btype = comp.GetType().BaseType; IEnumerable <FieldInfo> finfos = btype.GetFields(bindingFlags); foreach (var finfo in finfos) { finfo.SetValue(comp, finfo.GetValue(other)); DBG.blogWarning(finfo + " , " + finfo.GetType() + " , " + finfo.Name); } return(comp as T); }
public static void Init() { zns = ZNetScene.instance; wtame = zns.GetPrefab("Wolf").GetComponent <Tameable>(); if (Plugin.HatchingEgg.Value) { InitDrakeEgg(); } var list = Plugin.cfgList; foreach (var obj in list) { string name = obj.Key; if (zns.GetPrefab(name) == null) { DBG.blogWarning("Cant find Prefab Check your name : " + name); Plugin.configManager.debugInfo += " Cant find Prefab Check your name : " + name; } AddTame(zns.GetPrefab(name), obj.Value); } isInit = true; }
private static void AddTame(GameObject go, Plugin.TameTable tb) { if (go.GetComponent <MonsterAI>() == null) { DBG.blogWarning( + " can't be added,Remove it in your cfg"); Plugin.configManager.debugInfo += + " can't be added,Remove it in your cfg "; return; } Tameable tame; if (!go.TryGetComponent <Tameable>(out tame)) { tame = go.AddComponent <Tameable>(); } var ma = go.GetComponent <MonsterAI>(); tame.m_petEffect = wtame.m_petEffect; tame.m_sootheEffect = wtame.m_sootheEffect; tame.m_petEffect = wtame.m_petEffect; tame.m_commandable = tb.commandable; tame.m_tamingTime = tb.tamingTime; tame.m_fedDuration = tb.fedDuration; ma.m_consumeRange = tb.consumeRange; ma.m_consumeSearchInterval = tb.consumeSearchInterval; ma.m_consumeHeal = tb.consumeHeal; ma.m_consumeSearchRange = tb.consumeSearchRange; var consumeItems = new List <string>(); var cis = tb.consumeItems.Split(new char[] { ':' }); foreach (var ci in cis) { consumeItems.Add(ci); } foreach (var itm in consumeItems) { var a = ObjectDB.instance.GetItemPrefab(itm); if (a == null) { DBG.blogWarning("Wrong food name :" + itm); Plugin.configManager.debugInfo += " Wrong food name :" + itm; } else { //--DBG.blogInfo("add " + itm + " to " +; ma.m_consumeItems.Add(a.GetComponent <ItemDrop>()); } } if (tb.procretion) { bool vanilla = true; Procreation pc; if (!go.TryGetComponent <Procreation>(out pc)) { pc = go.AddComponent <Procreation>(); vanilla = false; } pc.m_maxCreatures = tb.maxCreatures * 2; pc.m_pregnancyChance = tb.pregnancyChance; pc.m_pregnancyDuration = tb.pregnancyDuration; pc.m_partnerCheckRange = 30; pc.m_totalCheckRange = 30; if (vanilla && pc.m_offspring != null) { var gu = pc.m_offspring.GetComponent <Growup>(); gu.m_growTime = tb.growTime; return; } if ( == "Hatchling" && Plugin.HatchingEgg.Value) { pc.m_offspring = DragonEgg; return; //!MiniDrake add here } else { pc.m_offspring = SpawnMini(go); } } }
public bool initCfg() { if (cfg.Value == "") { DBG.blogWarning("CFG is empty"); return(false); } string[] list = cfg.Value.Split(new char[] { ';' }); foreach (string tt in list) { string[] set = tt.Split(new char[] { ',' }); if (set.Length == 8 || set.Length == 9) { DBG.blogWarning("Upadate your cfg : " + tt); return(false); } if (set.Length != 15) { DBG.blogWarning("Not enought args : " + tt); return(false); } TameTable table = new TameTable(); string name = set[0]; if (set[1] == "true") { table.commandable = true; } else { table.commandable = false; } try { table.tamingTime = float.Parse(set[2]); table.fedDuration = float.Parse(set[3]); table.consumeRange = float.Parse(set[4]); table.consumeSearchInterval = float.Parse(set[5]); table.consumeHeal = float.Parse(set[6]); table.consumeSearchRange = float.Parse(set[7]); } catch (Exception e) { DBG.blogWarning("wrong syntax : " + tt); logger.LogError(e); return(false); } table.consumeItems = set[8]; if (set[9] == "true") { table.changeFaction = true; } if (set[10] == "true") { table.procretion = true; } try { float a = 0.33f; table.maxCreatures = int.Parse(set[11]); if (Single.TryParse(set[12], out a)) { table.pregnancyChance = a; } table.pregnancyDuration = Single.Parse(set[13]); table.growTime = Single.Parse(set[14]); } catch (Exception e) { DBG.blogWarning("wrong syntax : " + tt); logger.LogError(e); return(false); } cfgList.Add(name, table); } DBG.blogInfo("TameTable Loaded :" + cfgList.Count); return(true); }