public static void TestClosestPairOfPoints()
            Point[]             allPoints = new Point[] { new Point(2, 3), new Point(12, 30), new Point(40, 50), new Point(5, 1), new Point(12, 10), new Point(3, 4) };
            ClosestPairOfPoints cp        = new ClosestPairOfPoints();
            PairOfPoints        pair      = cp.GetTheClosestPoint(allPoints);

            Console.WriteLine("The closest pair of points are {0} and {1} and the minDistance is {2}", pair.PointA.ToString(), pair.PointB.ToString(), pair.Distance);
 /// <summary>
 /// this the merge subroutine of the divide and conquer approach
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pointsInStrip">this is the points present in the strip. These points are sorted wrt y axis</param>
 /// <param name="min">the current pair of points with minimum distance</param>
 /// <returns>pair of points with minimum distance after merging the 2 space</returns>
 private PairOfPoints Combine(List <Point> pointsInStrip, PairOfPoints min)
     // Note this operations should take O(n) running time
     // it can be geometrically proven that each point in the strip needs to be compared with atmost 6 other points
     for (int i = 0; i < pointsInStrip.Count; i++)
         for (int j = i + 1; j < pointsInStrip.Count; j++)
             if (pointsInStrip[j].Ycoordinate - pointsInStrip[i].Ycoordinate > min.Distance)
                 // there is no point in checking more than j cause the distance will always ne greater than min.Distance
             PairOfPoints currentPair = new PairOfPoints(pointsInStrip[i], pointsInStrip[j]);
             if (currentPair.Distance < min.Distance)
                 min = currentPair;
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the divide subroutine in divide and conquer approach
        /// Here we divide the space into left and right and get the pair of points with minimum distance
        /// and then call the combine subroutine and return the pair of points with minimum distance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ptsSortedByX">points sorted wrt x axis</param>
        /// <param name="ptsSortedByY">points sorted wrt y axis</param>
        /// <returns>pair of points with minimum distance</returns>
        private PairOfPoints GetClosestPointsSubroutine(Point[] ptsSortedByX, Point[] ptsSortedByY)
            //Base case
            if (ptsSortedByX.Length < 2)
                return(new PairOfPoints());
            else if (ptsSortedByX.Length == 2)
                return(new PairOfPoints(ptsSortedByX[0], ptsSortedByX[1]));

            int midIndex = ptsSortedByX.Length / 2;

            Point[] pointsOnLeftSideSortedByY  = new Point[midIndex];
            Point[] pointsOnRightSideSortedByY = new Point[ptsSortedByX.Length - (midIndex)]; // Element at the midIndex will lie on the right side

            Point[] pointsOnLeftSideSortedByX  = new Point[midIndex];
            Point[] pointsOnRightSideSortedByX = new Point[ptsSortedByX.Length - (midIndex)]; // Element at the midIndex will lie on the right side

            int leftIndex  = 0;
            int rightIndex = 0;

            // Divide the ptsSortedByY into left and right of the line perpendicular to the x-axis and passing from the midIndex
            for (int i = 0; i < ptsSortedByY.Length; i++)
                if (ptsSortedByY[i].Xcoordinate <= ptsSortedByX[midIndex].Xcoordinate && leftIndex < midIndex)
                    // this condition is used in case where there are duplicate Points with same Xcoordinates
                    // and one point is the one in midIndex
                    pointsOnLeftSideSortedByY[leftIndex++] = ptsSortedByY[i];
                    pointsOnRightSideSortedByY[rightIndex++] = ptsSortedByY[i];

                if (i < midIndex)
                    pointsOnLeftSideSortedByX[i] = ptsSortedByX[i];
                    pointsOnRightSideSortedByX[i - midIndex] = ptsSortedByX[i];

            // Now solve the subproblem
            PairOfPoints leftMinPair  = GetClosestPointsSubroutine(pointsOnLeftSideSortedByX, pointsOnLeftSideSortedByY);
            PairOfPoints rightMinPair = GetClosestPointsSubroutine(pointsOnRightSideSortedByX, pointsOnRightSideSortedByY);

            //get the min
            PairOfPoints min = leftMinPair;

            if (min.Distance > rightMinPair.Distance)
                min = rightMinPair;

            //Create the list with all the points in the strip
            List <Point> pointsInStrip = new List <Point>();

            for (int i = 0; i < ptsSortedByY.Length; i++)
                if (Math.Abs(ptsSortedByX[midIndex].Xcoordinate - ptsSortedByY[i].Xcoordinate) <= min.Distance)
            //Combine the left and right
            return(Combine(pointsInStrip, min));