//TODO: When top most layer textview increases in length, the edit text gets pushed public void clonedImageView_Touch(object sender, View.LongClickEventArgs e) { var touchedImageView = (sender) as AlgeTilesTextView; ViewGroup vg = (ViewGroup)touchedImageView.Parent; if (a.removeToggle.Checked) { Log.Debug(TAG, "Switch: Remove"); TileUtilities.checkIfUserDropsOnRect(vg.Id, touchedImageView.getTileType(), touchedImageView.Left + 10, touchedImageView.Top + 10, Constants.SUBTRACT, a.rectTileListList); vg.RemoveView(touchedImageView); touchedImageView.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; Vibrator vibrator = (Vibrator)a.GetSystemService(Context.VibratorService); vibrator.Vibrate(30); int id = touchedImageView.Id; TileUtilities.checkWhichParentAndUpdate(vg.Id, touchedImageView.getTileType(), Constants.SUBTRACT, a.gridValueList); } if (a.dragToggle.Checked) { Log.Debug(TAG, "Switch: Drag"); } //TODO: Not working if (a.rotateToggle.Checked) { Log.Debug(TAG, "Switch: Rotate"); touchedImageView.Rotation = touchedImageView.Rotation - 90; } }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); Window.AddFlags(WindowManagerFlags.Fullscreen); Window.ClearFlags(WindowManagerFlags.ForceNotFullscreen); ActionBar.Hide(); numberOfVariables = Intent.GetIntExtra(Constants.VARIABLE_COUNT, 0); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.MultiplyTwoVar); // Create your application here activityType = Constants.MULTIPLY; listeners = new Listeners(this); result = (TextView)FindViewById(Resource.Id.result); tile_1 = (AlgeTilesTextView)FindViewById(Resource.Id.tile_1); x_tile = (AlgeTilesTextView)FindViewById(Resource.Id.x_tile); y_tile = (AlgeTilesTextView)FindViewById(Resource.Id.y_tile); xy_tile = (AlgeTilesTextView)FindViewById(Resource.Id.xy_tile); x2_tile = (AlgeTilesTextView)FindViewById(Resource.Id.x2_tile); y2_tile = (AlgeTilesTextView)FindViewById(Resource.Id.y2_tile); tile_1.LongClick += listeners.tile_LongClick; x_tile.LongClick += listeners.tile_LongClick; y_tile.LongClick += listeners.tile_LongClick; x2_tile.LongClick += listeners.tile_LongClick; y2_tile.LongClick += listeners.tile_LongClick; xy_tile.LongClick += listeners.tile_LongClick; upperLeftGrid = FindViewById <AlgeTilesRelativeLayout>(Resource.Id.upperLeft); upperRightGrid = FindViewById <AlgeTilesRelativeLayout>(Resource.Id.upperRight); lowerLeftGrid = FindViewById <AlgeTilesRelativeLayout>(Resource.Id.lowerLeft); lowerRightGrid = FindViewById <AlgeTilesRelativeLayout>(Resource.Id.lowerRight); upperMiddleGrid = FindViewById <GridLayout>(Resource.Id.upperMiddle); middleLeftGrid = FindViewById <GridLayout>(Resource.Id.middleLeft); middleRightGrid = FindViewById <GridLayout>(Resource.Id.middleRight); lowerMiddleGrid = FindViewById <GridLayout>(Resource.Id.lowerMiddle); ViewTreeObserver vto2 = upperLeftGrid.ViewTreeObserver; vto2.GlobalLayout += (sender, e) => { if (!isFirstTime) { heightInPx = upperLeftGrid.Height; widthInPx = upperLeftGrid.Width; upperLeftGrid.SetMinimumHeight(0); upperLeftGrid.SetMinimumWidth(0); isFirstTime = true; LinearLayout.LayoutParams par_1 = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams)tile_1.LayoutParameters; TileUtilities.TileFactor tF = TileUtilities.getTileFactors(tile_1.getTileType()); par_1.Height = (int)(heightInPx / 7); par_1.Width = (int)(heightInPx / 7); tile_1.SetBackgroundResource(tF.id); tile_1.Text = tF.text; tile_1.LayoutParameters = par_1; LinearLayout.LayoutParams par_x = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams)x_tile.LayoutParameters; tF = TileUtilities.getTileFactors(x_tile.getTileType()); par_x.Height = (int)(heightInPx / tF.heightFactor); par_x.Width = (int)(heightInPx / 7); x_tile.SetBackgroundResource(tF.id); x_tile.Text = tF.text; x_tile.LayoutParameters = par_x; LinearLayout.LayoutParams par_y = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams)y_tile.LayoutParameters; tF = TileUtilities.getTileFactors(y_tile.getTileType()); par_y.Height = (int)(heightInPx / tF.heightFactor); par_y.Width = (int)(heightInPx / 7); y_tile.SetBackgroundResource(tF.id); y_tile.Text = tF.text; y_tile.LayoutParameters = par_y; LinearLayout.LayoutParams par_x2 = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams)x2_tile.LayoutParameters; tF = TileUtilities.getTileFactors(x2_tile.getTileType()); par_x2.Height = (int)(heightInPx / tF.heightFactor); par_x2.Width = (int)(heightInPx / tF.widthFactor); x2_tile.SetBackgroundResource(tF.id); if (tF.text.Length > 1 && !tF.text.Equals("xy")) { var cs = new SpannableStringBuilder(tF.text); cs.SetSpan(new SuperscriptSpan(), 1, 2, SpanTypes.ExclusiveExclusive); cs.SetSpan(new RelativeSizeSpan(0.75f), 1, 2, SpanTypes.ExclusiveExclusive); x2_tile.TextFormatted = cs; } else { x2_tile.Text = tF.text; } x2_tile.LayoutParameters = par_x2; LinearLayout.LayoutParams par_y2 = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams)y2_tile.LayoutParameters; tF = TileUtilities.getTileFactors(y2_tile.getTileType()); par_y2.Height = (int)(heightInPx / tF.heightFactor); par_y2.Width = (int)(heightInPx / tF.widthFactor); y2_tile.SetBackgroundResource(tF.id); if (tF.text.Length > 1 && !tF.text.Equals("xy")) { var cs = new SpannableStringBuilder(tF.text); cs.SetSpan(new SuperscriptSpan(), 1, 2, SpanTypes.ExclusiveExclusive); cs.SetSpan(new RelativeSizeSpan(0.75f), 1, 2, SpanTypes.ExclusiveExclusive); y2_tile.TextFormatted = cs; } else { y2_tile.Text = tF.text; } y2_tile.LayoutParameters = par_y2; LinearLayout.LayoutParams par_xy = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams)xy_tile.LayoutParameters; tF = TileUtilities.getTileFactors(xy_tile.getTileType()); par_xy.Height = (int)(heightInPx / tF.heightFactor); par_xy.Width = (int)(heightInPx / tF.widthFactor); xy_tile.SetBackgroundResource(tF.id); if (tF.text.Length > 1 && !tF.text.Equals("xy")) { var cs = new SpannableStringBuilder(tF.text); cs.SetSpan(new SuperscriptSpan(), 1, 2, SpanTypes.ExclusiveExclusive); cs.SetSpan(new RelativeSizeSpan(0.75f), 1, 2, SpanTypes.ExclusiveExclusive); xy_tile.TextFormatted = cs; } else { xy_tile.Text = tF.text; } xy_tile.LayoutParameters = par_xy; } }; outerGridLayoutList.Add(upperLeftGrid); outerGridLayoutList.Add(upperRightGrid); outerGridLayoutList.Add(lowerLeftGrid); outerGridLayoutList.Add(lowerRightGrid); innerGridLayoutList.Add(upperMiddleGrid); innerGridLayoutList.Add(middleLeftGrid); innerGridLayoutList.Add(middleRightGrid); innerGridLayoutList.Add(lowerMiddleGrid); //For multiply this is the initial grid available //Together form one Part of the formula upperMiddleGrid.Drag += listeners.GridLayout_Drag; lowerMiddleGrid.Drag += listeners.GridLayout_Drag; //Together form one Part of the formula middleLeftGrid.Drag += listeners.GridLayout_Drag; middleRightGrid.Drag += listeners.GridLayout_Drag; //Shade red the other grids for (int i = 0; i < outerGridLayoutList.Count; ++i) { outerGridLayoutList[i].SetBackgroundResource(Resource.Drawable.unavailable); } removeToggle = (ToggleButton)FindViewById(Resource.Id.remove); dragToggle = (ToggleButton)FindViewById(Resource.Id.drag); rotateToggle = (ToggleButton)FindViewById(Resource.Id.rotate); muteToggle = (ToggleButton)FindViewById(Resource.Id.mute); removeToggle.Click += listeners.toggle_click; dragToggle.Click += listeners.toggle_click; rotateToggle.Click += listeners.toggle_click; muteToggle.Click += listeners.toggle_click; tutorialButton = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.tutorial); tutorialButton.Click += listeners.toggle_click; prefs = PreferenceManager.GetDefaultSharedPreferences(this); muteToggle.Checked = prefs.GetBoolean(Constants.MUTE, false); newQuestionButton = (Button)FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.new_question_button); refreshButton = (Button)FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.refresh_button); checkButton = (Button)FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.check_button); newQuestionButton.Click += button_click; refreshButton.Click += button_click; checkButton.Click += button_click; upperLeftGV = new GridValue(); upperRightGV = new GridValue(); lowerLeftGV = new GridValue(); lowerRightGV = new GridValue(); midUpGV = new GridValue(); midLowGV = new GridValue(); midLeftGV = new GridValue(); midRightGV = new GridValue(); gridValueList.Add(upperLeftGV); gridValueList.Add(upperRightGV); gridValueList.Add(lowerLeftGV); gridValueList.Add(lowerRightGV); gridValueList.Add(midUpGV); gridValueList.Add(midLowGV); gridValueList.Add(midLeftGV); gridValueList.Add(midRightGV); setupNewQuestion(); correct = MediaPlayer.Create(this, Resource.Raw.correct); incorrect = MediaPlayer.Create(this, Resource.Raw.wrong); x2ET = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.x2_value); y2ET = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.y2_value); xyET = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.xy_value); xET = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.x_value); yET = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.y_value); oneET = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.one_value); editTextList.Add(x2ET); editTextList.Add(y2ET); editTextList.Add(xyET); editTextList.Add(xET); editTextList.Add(yET); editTextList.Add(oneET); sv = FindViewById <ScrollView>(Resource.Id.sv); refreshScreen(Constants.MULTIPLY, gridValueList, innerGridLayoutList, outerGridLayoutList); rectTileListList.Add(upperRightRectTileList); rectTileListList.Add(upperLeftRectTileList); rectTileListList.Add(lowerLeftRectTileList); rectTileListList.Add(lowerRightRectTileList); settingsDialog = new Dialog(this); settingsDialog.Window.RequestFeature(WindowFeatures.NoTitle); }
public async void checkAnswers() { if (!isFirstAnswerCorrect) { GridValue[] gvArr = { midUpGV, midLowGV, midLeftGV, midRightGV }; if (AlgorithmUtilities.isFirstAnswerCorrect(vars, gvArr, numberOfVariables)) { isFirstAnswerCorrect = true; //Change color of draggable areas to signify "Done/Correct" upperLeftGrid.Drag += listeners.GridLayout_Drag; upperRightGrid.Drag += listeners.GridLayout_Drag; lowerLeftGrid.Drag += listeners.GridLayout_Drag; lowerRightGrid.Drag += listeners.GridLayout_Drag; //Shade red the other grids for (int i = 0; i < outerGridLayoutList.Count; ++i) { outerGridLayoutList[i].SetBackgroundResource(Resource.Drawable.shape); } for (int i = 0; i < innerGridLayoutList.Count; ++i) { innerGridLayoutList[i].SetBackgroundResource(Resource.Drawable.ok); innerGridLayoutList[i].Drag -= listeners.GridLayout_Drag; for (int j = 0; j < innerGridLayoutList[i].ChildCount; ++j) { var iv = innerGridLayoutList[i].GetChildAt(j) as AlgeTilesTextView; iv.LongClick -= listeners.clonedImageView_Touch; //iv.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; } } expandedVars = AlgorithmUtilities.expandingVars(vars); foreach (var i in expandedVars) { Log.Debug(TAG, "Expanded in activity: " + i); } Toast.MakeText(Application.Context, "1:correct", ToastLength.Short).Show(); if (Constants.ONE_VAR == numberOfVariables) { x2ET.Enabled = true; xET.Enabled = true; oneET.Enabled = true; } else { x2ET.Enabled = true; y2ET.Enabled = true; xyET.Enabled = true; xET.Enabled = true; yET.Enabled = true; oneET.Enabled = true; } if (!muteToggle.Checked) { correct.Start(); } TileUtilities.generateInnerLayoutTileArrays(heightInPx, widthInPx, innerGridLayoutList, rectTileListList); upperRightGrid.drawRects(upperRightRectTileList); upperLeftGrid.drawRects(upperLeftRectTileList); lowerRightGrid.drawRects(lowerRightRectTileList); lowerLeftGrid.drawRects(lowerLeftRectTileList); } else { for (int i = 0; i < outerGridLayoutList.Count; ++i) { outerGridLayoutList[i].Drag -= listeners.GridLayout_Drag; } incorrectPrompt(innerGridLayoutList); Toast.MakeText(Application.Context, "1:incorrect", ToastLength.Short).Show(); } } else if (!isSecondAnswerCorrect) { Log.Debug(TAG, "isSecondAnswerCorrect branch"); GridValue[] gvArr = { upperLeftGV, upperRightGV, lowerLeftGV, lowerRightGV }; for (int i = 0; i < gvArr.Length; ++i) { Log.Debug(TAG, gvArr[i].ToString()); } if (AlgorithmUtilities.isSecondAnswerCorrect(expandedVars, gvArr, numberOfVariables)) { //Cancelling out int posX = 0; ViewGroup posXVG = null; if (upperRightGV.xVal != 0) { posX = upperRightGV.xVal; posXVG = upperRightGrid; } else { if (lowerLeftGV.xVal != 0) { posX = lowerLeftGV.xVal; posXVG = lowerLeftGrid; } } int posY = 0; ViewGroup posYVG = null; if (upperRightGV.yVal != 0) { posY = upperRightGV.yVal; posYVG = upperRightGrid; } else { if (lowerLeftGV.yVal != 0) { posY = lowerLeftGV.yVal; posYVG = lowerLeftGrid; } } int posXY = 0; ViewGroup posXYVG = null; if (upperRightGV.xyVal != 0) { posXY = upperRightGV.xyVal; posXYVG = upperRightGrid; } else { if (lowerLeftGV.xyVal != 0) { posXY = lowerLeftGV.xyVal; posXYVG = lowerLeftGrid; } } int negX = 0; ViewGroup negXVG = null; if (upperLeftGV.xVal != 0) { negX = upperLeftGV.xVal; negXVG = upperLeftGrid; } else { if (lowerRightGV.xVal != 0) { negX = lowerRightGV.xVal; negXVG = lowerRightGrid; } } int negY = 0; ViewGroup negYVG = null; if (upperLeftGV.yVal != 0) { negY = upperLeftGV.yVal; negYVG = upperLeftGrid; } else { if (lowerRightGV.yVal != 0) { negY = lowerRightGV.yVal; negYVG = lowerRightGrid; } } int negXY = 0; ViewGroup negXYVG = null; if (upperLeftGV.xyVal != 0) { negXY = upperLeftGV.xyVal; negXYVG = upperLeftGrid; } else { if (lowerRightGV.xyVal != 0) { negXY = lowerRightGV.xyVal; negXYVG = lowerRightGrid; } } int xToRemove = posX > negX ? negX : posX; List <AlgeTilesTextView> tobeRemovedX = new List <AlgeTilesTextView>(); List <AlgeTilesTextView> negTobeRemovedX = new List <AlgeTilesTextView>(); if (posX != 0 && negX != 0) { Log.Debug(TAG, "Cancelling out: " + posX + ", " + negX); Log.Debug(TAG, "To remove: " + xToRemove); for (int j = 0; j < posXVG.ChildCount; ++j) { AlgeTilesTextView alIV = posXVG.GetChildAt(j) as AlgeTilesTextView; if (alIV.getTileType().Equals(Constants.X_TILE) || alIV.getTileType().Equals(Constants.X_TILE_ROT)) { tobeRemovedX.Add(alIV); } } for (int j = 0; j < negXVG.ChildCount; ++j) { AlgeTilesTextView negalIV = negXVG.GetChildAt(j) as AlgeTilesTextView; if (negalIV.getTileType().Equals(Constants.X_TILE) || negalIV.getTileType().Equals(Constants.X_TILE_ROT)) { negTobeRemovedX.Add(negalIV); } } } int yToRemove = posY > negY ? negY : posY; List <AlgeTilesTextView> tobeRemovedY = new List <AlgeTilesTextView>(); List <AlgeTilesTextView> negTobeRemovedY = new List <AlgeTilesTextView>(); if (posY != 0 && negY != 0) { Log.Debug(TAG, "Cancelling out: " + posY + ", " + negY); Log.Debug(TAG, "To remove: " + yToRemove); for (int j = 0; j < posYVG.ChildCount; ++j) { AlgeTilesTextView alIV = posYVG.GetChildAt(j) as AlgeTilesTextView; if (alIV.getTileType().Equals(Constants.Y_TILE) || alIV.getTileType().Equals(Constants.Y_TILE_ROT)) { tobeRemovedY.Add(alIV); } } for (int j = 0; j < negYVG.ChildCount; ++j) { AlgeTilesTextView negalIV = negYVG.GetChildAt(j) as AlgeTilesTextView; if (negalIV.getTileType().Equals(Constants.Y_TILE) || negalIV.getTileType().Equals(Constants.Y_TILE_ROT)) { negTobeRemovedY.Add(negalIV); } } } int xyToRemove = posXY > negXY ? negXY : posXY; List <AlgeTilesTextView> tobeRemovedXY = new List <AlgeTilesTextView>(); List <AlgeTilesTextView> negTobeRemovedXY = new List <AlgeTilesTextView>(); if (posXY != 0 && negXY != 0) { Log.Debug(TAG, "Cancelling out: " + posXY + ", " + negXY); Log.Debug(TAG, "To remove: " + xyToRemove); for (int j = 0; j < posXYVG.ChildCount; ++j) { AlgeTilesTextView alIV = posXYVG.GetChildAt(j) as AlgeTilesTextView; if (alIV.getTileType().Equals(Constants.XY_TILE) || alIV.getTileType().Equals(Constants.XY_TILE_ROT)) { tobeRemovedXY.Add(alIV); } } for (int j = 0; j < negXYVG.ChildCount; ++j) { AlgeTilesTextView negalIV = negXYVG.GetChildAt(j) as AlgeTilesTextView; if (negalIV.getTileType().Equals(Constants.XY_TILE) || negalIV.getTileType().Equals(Constants.XY_TILE_ROT)) { negTobeRemovedXY.Add(negalIV); } } } //Added changing color of tiles to be cancelled and 2 second delay before cancelling out for (int j = 0; j < xToRemove; ++j) { tobeRemovedX[j].SetBackgroundResource(Resource.Drawable.cancelling); negTobeRemovedX[j].SetBackgroundResource(Resource.Drawable.cancelling); } for (int j = 0; j < yToRemove; ++j) { tobeRemovedY[j].SetBackgroundResource(Resource.Drawable.cancelling); negTobeRemovedY[j].SetBackgroundResource(Resource.Drawable.cancelling); } for (int j = 0; j < xyToRemove; ++j) { tobeRemovedXY[j].SetBackgroundResource(Resource.Drawable.cancelling); negTobeRemovedXY[j].SetBackgroundResource(Resource.Drawable.cancelling); } if (xToRemove + yToRemove + xyToRemove > 0) { await Task.Delay(Constants.CANCELOUT_DELAY); } for (int j = 0; j < xToRemove; ++j) { posXVG.RemoveView(tobeRemovedX[j]); negXVG.RemoveView(negTobeRemovedX[j]); } for (int j = 0; j < yToRemove; ++j) { posYVG.RemoveView(tobeRemovedY[j]); negYVG.RemoveView(negTobeRemovedY[j]); } for (int j = 0; j < xyToRemove; ++j) { posXYVG.RemoveView(tobeRemovedXY[j]); negXYVG.RemoveView(negTobeRemovedXY[j]); } //End Cancelling out Toast.MakeText(Application.Context, "2:correct", ToastLength.Short).Show(); if (!muteToggle.Checked) { correct.Start(); } //Loop through inner and prevent deletions by removing: listeners.clonedImageView_Touch for (int i = 0; i < outerGridLayoutList.Count; ++i) { outerGridLayoutList[i].SetBackgroundResource(Resource.Drawable.ok); outerGridLayoutList[i].Drag -= listeners.GridLayout_Drag; for (int j = 0; j < outerGridLayoutList[i].ChildCount; ++j) { var iv = outerGridLayoutList[i].GetChildAt(j) as AlgeTilesTextView; iv.LongClick -= listeners.clonedImageView_Touch; } } //Removing outer grid after 2nd correct (10-28-2016) upperRightGrid.clearRects(heightInPx, widthInPx); upperLeftGrid.clearRects(heightInPx, widthInPx); lowerRightGrid.clearRects(heightInPx, widthInPx); lowerLeftGrid.clearRects(heightInPx, widthInPx); upperRightRectTileList.Clear(); upperLeftRectTileList.Clear(); lowerRightRectTileList.Clear(); lowerLeftRectTileList.Clear(); isSecondAnswerCorrect = true; } else { Toast.MakeText(Application.Context, "2:incorrect", ToastLength.Short).Show(); incorrectPrompt(outerGridLayoutList); } } else if (!isThirdAnswerCorrect) { //TODO: Accomodate for two variables if (Constants.ONE_VAR == numberOfVariables) { int[] answer = new int[3]; int temp = 0; answer[0] = int.TryParse(x2ET.Text, out temp) ? temp : 0; answer[1] = int.TryParse(xET.Text, out temp) ? temp : 0; answer[2] = int.TryParse(oneET.Text, out temp) ? temp : 0; if ((Math.Abs(answer[0]) + Math.Abs(answer[1]) + Math.Abs(answer[2])) == 0) { isThirdAnswerCorrect = false; } else { if (expandedVars[0] == answer[0] && expandedVars[1] == answer[1] && expandedVars[2] == answer[2]) { isThirdAnswerCorrect = true; } } } else { int[] answer = new int[6]; int temp = 0; answer[0] = int.TryParse(x2ET.Text, out temp) ? temp : 0; answer[1] = int.TryParse(y2ET.Text, out temp) ? temp : 0; answer[2] = int.TryParse(xyET.Text, out temp) ? temp : 0; answer[3] = int.TryParse(xET.Text, out temp) ? temp : 0; answer[4] = int.TryParse(yET.Text, out temp) ? temp : 0; answer[5] = int.TryParse(oneET.Text, out temp) ? temp : 0; foreach (int i in answer) { Log.Debug(TAG, "answer:" + i); } foreach (int i in expandedVars) { Log.Debug(TAG, "expandedVars:" + i); } if ((Math.Abs(answer[0]) + Math.Abs(answer[1]) + Math.Abs(answer[2]) + Math.Abs(answer[3]) + Math.Abs(answer[4]) + Math.Abs(answer[5])) == 0) { isThirdAnswerCorrect = false; } else { if (expandedVars[0] == answer[0] && expandedVars[1] == answer[1] && expandedVars[2] == answer[2] && expandedVars[3] == answer[3] && expandedVars[4] == answer[4] && expandedVars[5] == answer[5]) { isThirdAnswerCorrect = true; } } } if (isThirdAnswerCorrect) { Toast.MakeText(Application.Context, "3:correct", ToastLength.Short).Show(); for (int i = 0; i < editTextList.Count; ++i) { editTextList[i].SetBackgroundResource(Resource.Drawable.ok); editTextList[i].Enabled = false; } if (!muteToggle.Checked) { correct.Start(); } } else { Toast.MakeText(Application.Context, "3:incorrect", ToastLength.Short).Show(); incorrectPrompt(editTextList); } } }
public void GridLayout_Drag(object sender, Android.Views.View.DragEventArgs e) { var v = (ViewGroup)sender; View view = (View)e.Event.LocalState; //can just get currentButtonType from view.getTileType() var drag_data = e.Event.ClipData; bool isDroppedAtCenter = false; float x = 0.0f; float y = 0.0f; switch (e.Event.Action) { case DragAction.Started: a.hasButtonBeenDroppedInCorrectzone = false; AlgeTilesTextView aTv = (AlgeTilesTextView)view; a.currentButtonType = aTv.getTileType(); //if (null != drag_data) //{ // a.currentButtonType = drag_data.GetItemAt(0).Text; //} break; case DragAction.Entered: v.SetBackgroundResource(Resource.Drawable.shape_droptarget); break; case DragAction.Exited: a.currentOwner = (ViewGroup)view.Parent; a.hasButtonBeenDroppedInCorrectzone = false; v.SetBackgroundResource(Resource.Drawable.shape); break; case DragAction.Location: x = e.Event.GetX(); //width y = e.Event.GetY(); //height break; case DragAction.Drop: if (null != drag_data) { a.currentButtonType = drag_data.GetItemAt(0).Text; } Log.Debug(TAG, "Dropped: " + a.currentButtonType); AlgeTilesTextView algeTilesIV = new AlgeTilesTextView(a); Boolean wasImageDropped = false; if (a.activityType.Equals(Constants.MULTIPLY)) { if (!a.isFirstAnswerCorrect && (a.currentButtonType.Equals(Constants.X_TILE) || a.currentButtonType.Equals(Constants.Y_TILE) || a.currentButtonType.Equals(Constants.ONE_TILE))) { if (v.Id == Resource.Id.middleLeft) { algeTilesIV.RotationY = 180; } if (v.Id == Resource.Id.upperMiddle) { algeTilesIV.RotationX = 180; } wasImageDropped = true; isDroppedAtCenter = true; } else if (a.isFirstAnswerCorrect) { wasImageDropped = true; } } else { if (a.isFirstAnswerCorrect && (a.currentButtonType.Equals(Constants.X_TILE) || a.currentButtonType.Equals(Constants.Y_TILE) || a.currentButtonType.Equals(Constants.ONE_TILE))) { if (v.Id == Resource.Id.middleLeft) { algeTilesIV.RotationY = 180; } if (v.Id == Resource.Id.upperMiddle) { algeTilesIV.RotationX = 180; } wasImageDropped = true; isDroppedAtCenter = true; } else if (!a.isFirstAnswerCorrect) { wasImageDropped = true; } } algeTilesIV.setTileType(a.currentButtonType); if (wasImageDropped) { ViewGroup container = (ViewGroup)v; Log.Debug(TAG, a.currentButtonType); double heightFactor = 0; double widthFactor = 0; TileUtilities.TileFactor tF = TileUtilities.getTileFactors(a.currentButtonType); algeTilesIV.SetBackgroundResource(tF.id); if (tF.text.Length > 1 && !tF.text.Equals("xy")) { var cs = new SpannableStringBuilder(tF.text); cs.SetSpan(new SuperscriptSpan(), 1, 2, SpanTypes.ExclusiveExclusive); cs.SetSpan(new RelativeSizeSpan(0.75f), 1, 2, SpanTypes.ExclusiveExclusive); algeTilesIV.TextFormatted = cs; } else { algeTilesIV.Text = tF.text; } heightFactor = tF.heightFactor; widthFactor = tF.widthFactor; x = e.Event.GetX(); y = e.Event.GetY(); if (!isDroppedAtCenter) { Rect r = TileUtilities.checkIfUserDropsOnRect(v.Id, a.currentButtonType, x, y, Constants.ADD, a.rectTileListList); if (null != r) { RelativeLayout.LayoutParams par = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams( ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WrapContent, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WrapContent); par.Height = r.Height(); par.Width = r.Width(); par.TopMargin = r.Top; par.LeftMargin = r.Left; algeTilesIV.LayoutParameters = par; algeTilesIV.LongClick += a.listeners.clonedImageView_Touch; container.AddView(algeTilesIV); TileUtilities.checkWhichParentAndUpdate(v.Id, a.currentButtonType, Constants.ADD, a.gridValueList); a.hasButtonBeenDroppedInCorrectzone = true; //algeTilesIV.setDimensions(par.Height, par.Width); } } else { GridLayout.LayoutParams gParms = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(); if (v.Id == Resource.Id.middleLeft || v.Id == Resource.Id.middleRight) { gParms.SetGravity(GravityFlags.Center); gParms.Height = (int)(a.heightInPx / widthFactor); gParms.Width = (int)(a.heightInPx / heightFactor); } else { gParms.SetGravity(GravityFlags.Center); gParms.Height = (int)(a.heightInPx / heightFactor); gParms.Width = (int)(a.heightInPx / widthFactor); } //algeTilesIV.setDimensions(gParms.Height, gParms.Width); algeTilesIV.LayoutParameters = gParms; algeTilesIV.LongClick += a.listeners.clonedImageView_Touch; container.AddView(algeTilesIV); TileUtilities.checkWhichParentAndUpdate(v.Id, a.currentButtonType, Constants.ADD, a.gridValueList); //Auto re-arrange of center tiles List <AlgeTilesTextView> centerTileList = new List <AlgeTilesTextView>(); for (int i = 0; i < container.ChildCount; ++i) { AlgeTilesTextView a = (AlgeTilesTextView)container.GetChildAt(i); centerTileList.Add(a); } container.RemoveAllViews(); List <AlgeTilesTextView> sortedList = centerTileList.OrderByDescending(o => o.getTileType()).ToList(); for (int i = 0; i < sortedList.Count; ++i) { container.AddView(sortedList[i]); } //End of auto re-arrange } view.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; v.SetBackgroundResource(Resource.Drawable.shape); } break; case DragAction.Ended: v.SetBackgroundResource(Resource.Drawable.shape); if (!a.hasButtonBeenDroppedInCorrectzone && a.currentButtonType.Equals(Constants.CLONED_BUTTON)) { a.currentOwner.RemoveView(view); } else { view.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; } break; default: break; } }