public static ByteVectorCollection Split(ByteVector vector, ByteVector pattern, int alignment, int maximum)
            if (vector != null)
                if (pattern != null)
                    ByteVectorCollection list = new ByteVectorCollection();
                    int previousOffset        = 0;
                    for (int offset = vector.Find(pattern, 0, alignment);
                         offset != -1 && (maximum == 0 || maximum > list.Count + 1);
                         offset = vector.Find(pattern, offset + pattern.Count, alignment))
                        list.Add(vector.Mid(previousOffset, offset - previousOffset));
                        previousOffset = offset + pattern.Count;

                    if (previousOffset < vector.Count)
                        list.Add(vector.Mid(previousOffset, vector.Count - previousOffset));

                    throw new ArgumentNullException("pattern");
                throw new ArgumentNullException("vector");
Example #2
        // Set the data with the given box type, strings, and flags.
        public void SetText(ByteVector type, string[] text)
            // Remove empty data and return.
            if (text == null)

            // Create a text...
            ByteVectorCollection data = new ByteVectorCollection();

            // and populate it with the ByteVectorized strings.
            foreach (string value in text)
                data.Add(ByteVector.FromString(value, StringType.UTF8));

            // Send our final byte vectors to SetData
            SetData(type, data, (uint)Mpeg4ContentType.ContainsText);
Example #3
        private void WritePageGroup(IntCollection page_group)
            if (page_group.IsEmpty)

            ByteVectorCollection packets = new ByteVectorCollection();

            // If the first page of the group isn'type dirty, append its partial content here.

            if (!dirtyPages.Contains(((OggPage)this.pages[page_group[0]]).FirstPacketIndex))

            int previous_packet = -1;
            int original_size   = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < page_group.Count; i++)
                int page = page_group[i];

                uint first_packet = (uint)((OggPage)this.pages[page]).FirstPacketIndex;
                uint last_packet  = first_packet + ((OggPage)this.pages[page]).PacketCount - 1;

                for (uint j = first_packet; j <= last_packet; j++)
                    if (i == page_group.Count - 1 && j == last_packet && !dirtyPages.Contains((int)j))
                        packets.Add(((OggPage)this.pages[page]).Packets[((OggPage)this.pages[page]).Packets.Count - 1]);
                    else if ((int)j != previous_packet)
                        previous_packet = (int)j;
                original_size += ((OggPage)this.pages[page]).Size;

            bool continued = ((OggPage)this.pages[page_group[0]]).Header.FirstPacketContinued;
            bool completed = ((OggPage)this.pages[page_group[page_group.Count - 1]]).Header.LastPacketCompleted;

            // TODO: This pagination method isn'type accurate for what'field being done here.
            // This should account for real possibilities like non-aligned packets and such.

            OggPage[] pages = OggPage.Paginate(packets, PaginationStrategy.SinglePagePerGroup,
                                               streamSerialNumber, page_group[0],
                                               continued, completed);

            ByteVector data = new ByteVector();

            foreach (OggPage p in pages)

            // The insertion algorithms could also be improve to queue and prioritize data
            // on the way out.  Currently it requires rewriting the file for every page
            // group rather than just once; however, for tagging applications there will
            // generally only be one page group, so it'field not worth the time for the
            // optimization at the moment.

            Insert(data, ((OggPage)this.pages[page_group[0]]).FileOffset, original_size);

            // Update the page index to include the pages we just created and to delete the
            // old pages.

            foreach (OggPage p in pages)
                int index = p.Header.PageSequenceNumber;
                this.pages[index] = p;