public void TearDown() { _client.Disconnect(); _server.Stop(); _client = null; _server = null; }
public AlchemyClientCS() { string _address = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Server) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Port)) { _address = "ws://"; } else { _address = string.Format("ws://{0}:{1}/", Server, Port); } //client = new WebSocketClient(_address); //client.OnConnect = new OnEventDelegate(OnConnect); //client.OnConnected = new OnEventDelegate(OnConnected); //client.OnSend = new OnEventDelegate(OnSend); //client.OnReceive = new OnEventDelegate(OnReceive); //client.OnDisconnect = new OnEventDelegate(OnDisconnect); client = new WebSocketClient(_address) { OnConnect = OnConnect, OnConnected = OnConnected, OnSend = OnSend, OnReceive = OnReceive, OnDisconnect = OnDisconnect }; //client.Connect(); }
public void Dispose() { _client.Disconnect(); _server.Stop(); _client = null; _server = null; }
public void ClientSendDataConcurrent() { _forever = true; if (_client.Connected) { var client2 = new WebSocketClient("ws://") { OnReceive = OnClientReceive }; client2.Connect(); if (client2.Connected) { _client.Send("Test"); client2.Send("Test"); } else { _clientDataPass = false; } Thread.Sleep(5000); } else { _clientDataPass = false; } Assert.IsTrue(_clientDataPass); }
public void SetUp() { _server = new WebSocketServer(54321, IPAddress.Loopback) {OnReceive = OnServerReceive}; _server.Start(); _client = new WebSocketClient("ws://") { Origin = "localhost", OnReceive = OnClientReceive }; _client.Connect(); }
public void ClientCanCheckIfServerIsNotAvailable() { _hasDisconnected = false; var client2 = new WebSocketClient("ws://") { OnFailedConnection = OnClientDisconnect, ConnectTimeout = new System.TimeSpan(0,0,0,1) }; client2.Connect(); Thread.Sleep(3000); Assert.IsTrue(_hasDisconnected); }
public void connect() { Console.WriteLine ("Will connect to GraphWalker server..."); ws = new WebSocketClient ("ws://localhost:8887/") { OnReceive = OnReceive, OnConnected = OnConnected }; ws.Connect (); }
public void ClientShouldNotConnectWithInvalidProtocol() { _server = new WebSocketServer(54321, IPAddress.Loopback); _server.Start(); _client = new WebSocketClient("ws://") {Origin = "localhost", SubProtocols = new[] {"test", "test2"}}; _client.Connect(); }
public void ClientShoulConnectWithValidProtocol() { _server = new WebSocketServer(54321, IPAddress.Loopback) { SubProtocols = new[] { "test" }}; _server.Start(); _client = new WebSocketClient("ws://") { Origin = "localhost", SubProtocols = new[] { "test", "test2" } }; _client.Connect(); Assert.IsTrue(_client.IsAuthenticated); Assert.AreEqual("test", _client.CurrentProtocol); }
///<summary> /// Class Constructor that handles the Gazetracker client and the WebSocket connections. /// </summary> /// <param name="address">The server address: ws://address:port/</param> public WSClient(string address) { createXml(); wsClient = new WebSocketClient(address) { OnConnected = OnConnected, OnDisconnect = OnDisconnect, OnFailedConnection = OnFailedConnection, OnReceive = OnReceive }; gtClient = new GazeTrackerClient.Client(); }
public void ClientShoulConnectWithValidProtocol() { _server = new WebSocketServer(54321, IPAddress.Loopback) { SubProtocols = new[] { "test" } }; _server.Start(); _client = new WebSocketClient("ws://") { Origin = "localhost", SubProtocols = new[] { "test", "test2" } }; _client.Connect(); Assert.IsTrue(_client.IsAuthenticated); Assert.AreEqual("test", _client.CurrentProtocol); }
///<summary> /// Class Constructor that handles the Gazetracker client and the WebSocket connections. /// </summary> public WSClient() { createXml(); wsClient = new WebSocketClient("ws://") { OnConnected = OnConnected, OnDisconnect = OnDisconnect, OnFailedConnection = OnFailedConnection, OnReceive = OnReceive }; gtClient = new GazeTrackerClient.Client(); gtClient.ErrorOccured += OnErrorOccured; gtClient.Calibration.OnPointChange += new GazeTrackerClient.Calibration.PointChangeHandler(OnCalibrationPointChange); gtClient.Calibration.OnEnd += new GazeTrackerClient.Calibration.EndHandler(OnCalibrationEnd); gtClient.GazeData.OnGazeData += new GazeTrackerClient.GazeData.GazeDataHandler(OnGazeData); }
public void Dispose() { if (client != null) { this.Disconnect(); client = null; } if (_timer != null) { _timer.Stop(); _timer.Enabled = false; _timer.Close(); _timer.Dispose(); _timer = null; } }
public Task<ConnectionResult> Connect(string ip, int port, int custid, string username, string shortname, string password) { _name = username; _shortname = shortname; _password = password; _custid = custid; _subSessionId = Connection.Instance.SubSessionId.GetValueOrDefault(); _state = new SyncState(_subSessionId); _address = string.Format("{0}:{1}", ip, port); string path = string.Format("ws://{0}/channel", _address); var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<ConnectionResult>(); try { // Create new websocket _client = new WebSocketClient(path); _client.ConnectTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 10, 0); // Handle connection events _client.OnConnected += OnConnected; _client.OnDisconnect += context => OnServerDisconnected(); // Handle received event _client.OnReceive += context => OnReceive(context, tcs); // Connect and wait for connected event _client.Connect(); } catch (Exception ex) { this.ResetStatus(); tcs.SetResult(new ConnectionResult { Success = false, Message = "Unknown error during connection: " + ex.Message }); } return tcs.Task; }
public void Disconnect() { try { if (_client != null) _client.Disconnect(); } finally { _client = null; } this.ResetStatus(); this.OnDisconnected(); }
protected override void OnStart(string[] args) { try { string wsServer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ws-server"]; string stanox = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["stanox"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wsServer) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(stanox)) throw new ArgumentNullException("", "both ws-server and stanox must be set in app.config"); _statistics = Delays.Load(); if (_statistics.Created.Date < DateTime.Now.Date) { const string start = "Early Departures for {0:dd-MM-yy}:"; var statsByMinute = _statistics.EarlyDepartures.GroupBy(v => v); ICollection<string> values = new List<string>(statsByMinute.Count()); const string format = "{0} mins early:{1}"; foreach (var minutes in statsByMinute) { values.Add(string.Format(format, minutes.Key, minutes.Count())); } SendTweet(string.Concat(string.Format(start, _statistics.Created), string.Join(",", values.ToArray()))); _statistics = Delays.NewInstance(); _statistics.Save(); } double lat, lng; if (double.TryParse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Lat"], out lat) && double.TryParse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Lng"], out lng)) { Latitude = lat; Longitude = lng; } Trace.TraceInformation("Connecting to server on {0}", wsServer); _wsClient = new WebSocketClient(wsServer) { OnReceive = OnReceive, OnDisconnect = OnDisconnect }; _wsClient.Connect(); Trace.TraceInformation("Subscribing to stanox {0}", stanox); _wsClient.Send(string.Format("substanox:{0}", stanox)); } catch (Exception e) { Trace.TraceError("Error starting service: {0}", e); throw; } }