Example #1
 private static void AssertNextToken(nsCSSScanner lex, nsCSSTokenType type, Func<nsCSSToken, bool> condition)
     var token = new nsCSSToken();
     Assert.IsTrue(lex.Next(token, true), "Unexpected EOF");
     Assert.AreEqual(type, token.mType);
     Assert.IsTrue(condition(token), "Condition for token {0} failed".Fmt(token.mType));
Example #2
 public IEnumerable<string> GetUris(string aInput)
     var lexer = new nsCSSScanner(aInput, 1);
     var token = new nsCSSToken();
     while (lexer.Next(token, true))
         if (token.mType == nsCSSTokenType.URL)
             yield return token.mIdentStr;
Example #3
 internal void ReportUnexpected(string aMessage, nsCSSToken aToken, char aChar)
     AddToError(CssResources.FormatString(aMessage, aToken, aChar));
Example #4
 internal void ReportUnexpected(string aMessage, nsCSSToken aToken)
     var sbToken = new StringBuilder();
     AddToError(CssResources.FormatString(aMessage, sbToken.ToString()));
Example #5
 private static void AssertNextTokenEnd(nsCSSScanner lex)
     var token = new nsCSSToken();
     Assert.IsFalse(lex.Next(token, true), "Expected EOF");
Example #6
         * Scan a unicode-range token.  These match the regular expression
         *     u\+[0-9a-f?]{1,6}(-[0-9a-f]{1,6})?
         * However, some such tokens are "invalid".  There are three valid forms:
         *     u+[0-9a-f]{x}              1 <= x <= 6
         *     u+[0-9a-f]{x}\?{y}         1 <= x+y <= 6
         *     u+[0-9a-f]{x}-[0-9a-f]{y}  1 <= x <= 6, 1 <= y <= 6
         * All unicode-range tokens have their text recorded in mIdent; valid ones
         * are also decoded into mInteger and mInteger2, and mIntegerValid is set.
         * Note that this does not validate the numeric range, only the syntactic
         * form.
        internal bool ScanURange(nsCSSToken aResult)
            int32_t intro1 = Peek();
              int32_t intro2 = Peek(1);
              int32_t ch = Peek(2);

              Debug.Assert((intro1 == 'u' || intro1 == 'U') &&
                     intro2 == '+' &&
                     (IsHexDigit(ch) || ch == '?'),
                     "should not have been called");


              bool valid = true;
              bool haveQues = false;
              uint32_t low = 0;
              uint32_t high = 0;
              int i = 0;

              do {
            if (IsHexDigit(ch)) {
              if (haveQues) {
                valid = false; // All question marks should be at the end.
              low = low*16 + HexDigitValue(ch);
              high = high*16 + HexDigitValue(ch);
            } else {
              haveQues = true;
              low = low*16 + 0x0;
              high = high*16 + 0xF;

            ch = Peek();
              } while (i < 6 && (IsHexDigit(ch) || ch == '?'));

              if (ch == '-' && IsHexDigit(Peek(1))) {
            if (haveQues) {
              valid = false;

            ch = Peek();
            high = 0;
            i = 0;
            do {
              high = high*16 + HexDigitValue(ch);

              ch = Peek();
            } while (i < 6 && IsHexDigit(ch));

              aResult.mInteger = low;
              aResult.mInteger2 = high;
              aResult.mIntegerValid = valid;
              aResult.mType = nsCSSTokenType.URange;
              return true;
Example #7
         * Scan a Number, Percentage, or Dimension token (all of which begin
         * like a Number).  Can produce a Symbol when a '.' is not followed by
         * digits, or when '+' or '-' are not followed by either a digit or a
         * '.' and then a digit.  Can also produce a HTMLComment when it
         * encounters '-.'.
        internal bool ScanNumber(nsCSSToken aToken)
            int32_t c = Peek();
            #if DEBUG
            int32_t c2 = Peek(1);
            int32_t c3 = Peek(2);
            Debug.Assert(IsDigit(c) ||
                       (IsDigit(c2) && (c == '.' || c == '+' || c == '-')) ||
                       (IsDigit(c3) && (c == '+' || c == '-') && c2 == '.'),
                       "should not have been called");

              // Sign of the mantissa (-1 or 1).
              int32_t sign = c == '-' ? -1 : 1;
              // Absolute value of the integer part of the mantissa.  This is a double so
              // we don't run into overflow issues for consumers that only care about our
              // floating-point value while still being able to express the full int32_t
              // range for consumers who want integers.
              double intPart = 0;
              // Fractional part of the mantissa.  This is a double so that when we convert
              // to float at the end we'll end up rounding to nearest float instead of
              // truncating down (as we would if fracPart were a float and we just
              // effectively lost the last several digits).
              double fracPart = 0;
              // Absolute value of the Math.Power of 10 that we should multiply by (only
              // relevant for numbers in scientific notation).  Has to be a signed integer,
              // because multiplication of signed by unsigned converts the unsigned to
              // signed, so if we plan to actually multiply by expSign...
              int32_t exponent = 0;
              // Sign of the exponent.
              int32_t expSign = 1;

              aToken.mHasSign = (c == '+' || c == '-');
              if (aToken.mHasSign) {
            c = Peek();

              bool gotDot = (c == '.');

              if (!gotDot) {
            // Scan the integer part of the mantissa.
            Debug.Assert(IsDigit(c), "should have been excluded by logic above");
            do {
              intPart = 10*intPart + DecimalDigitValue(c);
              c = Peek();
            } while (IsDigit(c));

            gotDot = (c == '.') && IsDigit(Peek(1));

              if (gotDot) {
            // Scan the fractional part of the mantissa.
            c = Peek();
            Debug.Assert(IsDigit(c), "should have been excluded by logic above");
            // Power of ten by which we need to divide our next digit
            double divisor = 10;
            do {
              fracPart += DecimalDigitValue(c) / divisor;
              divisor *= 10;
              c = Peek();
            } while (IsDigit(c));

              bool gotE = false;
              if (IsSVGMode() && (c == 'e' || c == 'E')) {
            int32_t expSignChar = Peek(1);
            int32_t nextChar = Peek(2);
            if (IsDigit(expSignChar) ||
                ((expSignChar == '-' || expSignChar == '+') && IsDigit(nextChar))) {
              gotE = true;
              if (expSignChar == '-') {
                expSign = -1;
              Advance(); // consumes the E
              if (expSignChar == '-' || expSignChar == '+') {
                c = nextChar;
              } else {
                c = expSignChar;
              Debug.Assert(IsDigit(c), "should have been excluded by logic above");
              do {
                exponent = 10*exponent + DecimalDigitValue(c);
                c = Peek();
              } while (IsDigit(c));

              nsCSSTokenType type = nsCSSTokenType.Number;

              // Set mIntegerValid for all cases (except %, below) because we need
              // it for the "2n" in :nth-child(2n).
              aToken.mIntegerValid = false;

              // Time to reassemble our number.
              // Do all the math in double precision so it's truncated only once.
              double value = sign * (intPart + fracPart);
              if (gotE) {
            // Explicitly cast expSign*exponent to double to avoid issues with
            // overloaded Math.Pow() on Windows.
            value *= Math.Pow(10.0, ((double)(expSign * exponent)));
              } else if (!gotDot) {
            // Clamp values outside of integer range.
            if (sign > 0) {
              aToken.mInteger = ((int32_t)(Math.Min(intPart, ((double)(Int32.MaxValue)))));
            } else {
              aToken.mInteger = ((int32_t)(Math.Max(-intPart, ((double)(Int32.MinValue)))));
            aToken.mIntegerValid = true;

              StringBuilder ident = aToken.mIdent;

              // Check for Dimension and Percentage tokens.
              if (c >= 0) {
            if (StartsIdent(c, Peek(1))) {
              if (GatherText(IS_IDCHAR, ident)) {
                type = nsCSSTokenType.Dimension;
            } else if (c == '%') {
              type = nsCSSTokenType.Percentage;
              value = value / 100.0f;
              aToken.mIntegerValid = false;
              aToken.mNumber = (float)value;
              aToken.mType = type;
              return true;
Example #8
         * Scan a string constant ('foo' or "foo").  Will always produce
         * either a String or a Bad_String token; the latter occurs when the
         * close quote is missing.  Always returns true (for convenience in Next()).
        internal bool ScanString(nsCSSToken aToken)
            int32_t aStop = Peek();
              Debug.Assert(aStop == '"' || aStop == '\'', "should not have been called");
              aToken.mType = nsCSSTokenType.String;
              aToken.mSymbol = ((PRUnichar)(aStop)); // Remember how it's quoted.

              for (;;) {
            GatherText(IS_STRING, aToken.mIdent);

            int32_t ch = Peek();
            if (ch == -1) {
              break; // EOF ends a string token with no error.
            if (ch == aStop) {
            // Both " and ' are excluded from IS_STRING.
            if (ch == '"' || ch == '\'') {

            aToken.mType = nsCSSTokenType.Bad_String;
            mReporter.ReportUnexpected("SEUnterminatedString", aToken);
              return true;
Example #9
         * Scan an Ident token.  This also handles Function and URL tokens,
         * both of which begin indistinguishably from an identifier.  It can
         * produce a Symbol token when an apparent identifier actually led
         * into an invalid escape sequence.
        internal bool ScanIdent(nsCSSToken aToken)
            if (!GatherText(IS_IDCHAR, aToken.mIdent)) {
            aToken.mSymbol = (char)Peek();
            return true;

              if (Peek() != '(') {
            aToken.mType = nsCSSTokenType.Ident;
            return true;

              aToken.mType = nsCSSTokenType.Function;
              if (aToken.mIdent.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("url")) {
              return true;
Example #10
         * Scan a Hash token.  Handles the distinction between nsCSSTokenType.ID
         * and nsCSSTokenType.Hash, and handles production of Symbol when a '#'
         * is not followed by identifier characters.
        internal bool ScanHash(nsCSSToken aToken)
            Debug.Assert(Peek() == '#', "should not have been called");

              // Fall back for when '#' isn't followed by identifier characters.
              aToken.mSymbol = '#';

              int32_t ch = Peek();
              if (IsIdentChar(ch) || ch == '\\') {
            nsCSSTokenType type =
              StartsIdent(ch, Peek(1)) ? nsCSSTokenType.ID : nsCSSTokenType.Hash;
            if (GatherText(IS_IDCHAR, aToken.mIdent)) {
              aToken.mType = type;

              return true;
Example #11
         * Scan an AtKeyword token.  Also handles production of Symbol when
         * an '@' is not followed by an identifier.
        internal bool ScanAtKeyword(nsCSSToken aToken)
            Debug.Assert(Peek() == '@', "should not have been called");

              // Fall back for when '@' isn't followed by an identifier.
              aToken.mSymbol = '@';

              int32_t ch = Peek();
              if (StartsIdent(ch, Peek(1))) {
            if (GatherText(IS_IDCHAR, aToken.mIdent)) {
               aToken.mType = nsCSSTokenType.AtKeyword;
              return true;
Example #12
         * Consume the part of an URL token after the initial 'url('.  Caller
         * is assumed to have consumed 'url(' already.  Will always produce
         * either an URL or a Bad_URL token.
         * Exposed for use by nsCSSParser.ParseMozDocumentRule, which applies
         * the special lexical rules for URL tokens in a nonstandard context.
        internal bool NextURL(nsCSSToken aToken)

              int32_t ch = Peek();
              if (ch < 0) {
            return false;

              // aToken.mIdent may be "url" at this point; clear that out

              // Do we have a string?
              if (ch == '"' || ch == '\'') {
            if (aToken.mType == nsCSSTokenType.Bad_String) {
              aToken.mType = nsCSSTokenType.Bad_URL;
              return true;
            Debug.Assert(aToken.mType == nsCSSTokenType.String, "unexpected token type");

              } else {
            // Otherwise, this is the start of a non-quoted url (which may be empty).
            aToken.mSymbol = ((PRUnichar)(0));
            GatherText(IS_URL_CHAR, aToken.mIdent);

              // Consume trailing whitespace and then look for a close parenthesis.
              ch = Peek();
              if (ch < 0 || ch == ')') {
            aToken.mType = nsCSSTokenType.URL;
              } else {
            aToken.mType = nsCSSTokenType.Bad_URL;
              return true;
Example #13
         * Primary scanner entry point.  Consume one token and fill in
         * |aToken| accordingly.  Will skip over any number of comments first,
         * and will also skip over rather than return whitespace tokens if
         * |aSkipWS| is true.
         * Returns true if it successfully consumed a token, false if EOF has
         * been reached.  Will always advance the current read position by at
         * least one character unless called when already at EOF.
        internal bool Next(nsCSSToken aToken, bool aSkipWS)
            int32_t ch;

              // do this here so we don't have to do it in dozens of other places
              aToken.mType = nsCSSTokenType.Symbol;

              for (;;) {
            // Consume any number of comments, and possibly also whitespace tokens,
            // in between other tokens.
            mTokenOffset = mOffset;
            mTokenLineOffset = mLineOffset;
            mTokenLineNumber = mLineNumber;

            ch = Peek();
            if (IsWhitespace(ch)) {
              if (!aSkipWS) {
                aToken.mType = nsCSSTokenType.Whitespace;
                return true;
              continue; // start again at the beginning
            if (ch == '/' && !IsSVGMode() && Peek(1) == '*') {
              // FIXME: Editor wants comments to be preserved (bug 60290).
              continue; // start again at the beginning

              // EOF
              if (ch < 0) {
            return false;

              // 'u' could be UNICODE-RANGE or an identifier-family token
              if (ch == 'u' || ch == 'U') {
            int32_t c2 = Peek(1);
            int32_t c3 = Peek(2);
            if (c2 == '+' && (IsHexDigit(c3) || c3 == '?')) {
              return ScanURange(aToken);
            return ScanIdent(aToken);

              // identifier family
              if (IsIdentStart(ch)) {
            return ScanIdent(aToken);

              // number family
              if (IsDigit(ch)) {
            return ScanNumber(aToken);

              if (ch == '.' && IsDigit(Peek(1))) {
            return ScanNumber(aToken);

              if (ch == '+') {
            int32_t c2 = Peek(1);
            if (IsDigit(c2) || (c2 == '.' && IsDigit(Peek(2)))) {
              return ScanNumber(aToken);

              // '-' can start an identifier-family token, a number-family token,
              // or an HTML-comment
              if (ch == '-') {
            int32_t c2 = Peek(1);
            int32_t c3 = Peek(2);
            if (IsIdentStart(c2)) {
              return ScanIdent(aToken);
            if (IsDigit(c2) || (c2 == '.' && IsDigit(c3))) {
              return ScanNumber(aToken);
            if (c2 == '-' && c3 == '>') {
              aToken.mType = nsCSSTokenType.HTMLComment;
              return true;

              // the other HTML-comment token
              if (ch == '<' && Peek(1) == '!' && Peek(2) == '-' && Peek(3) == '-') {
            aToken.mType = nsCSSTokenType.HTMLComment;
            return true;

              // AT_KEYWORD
              if (ch == '@') {
            return ScanAtKeyword(aToken);

              // HASH
              if (ch == '#') {
            return ScanHash(aToken);

              // STRING
              if (ch == '"' || ch == '\'') {
            return ScanString(aToken);

              // Match operators: ~= |= ^= $= *=
              nsCSSTokenType opType = MatchOperatorType(ch);
              if (opType != nsCSSTokenType.Symbol && Peek(1) == '=') {
            aToken.mType = opType;
            return true;

              // Otherwise, a symbol (DELIM).
              aToken.mSymbol = (char)ch;
              return true;