public string getMarker()
        StringBuilder bfMarker = new StringBuilder();
        StringBuilder bfMarkerScript = new StringBuilder();
        //bfMarker.AppendFormat("{0}.clearOverlays();", );

            string unitID = Session["unitID"].ToString();
            string deviceID = getDeviceID(unitID);
            string _comID = Session["trkCompany"].ToString();
            GoogleMarker _currentMarker = new GoogleMarker();

            double _lat = 0, _lng = 0;

            DataTable _dt = new DataTable();

            string _strSQL = "SELECT unitName,lat,long,deviceID,city,state,country,CAST(velocity*0.621 AS INT) AS velocity," +
                             "recTimeRevised,recTime,iconName FROM vwUnitRecords WHERE recTime IN " +
                             "(SELECT MAX(recTime) FROM vwUnitRecords WHERE deviceID IN (SELECT deviceID FROM " +
                             "vwUserWiseUnits WHERE uID = " + Session["trkUID"].ToString() + " AND deviceID = " + deviceID +
                             ") GROUP BY deviceID) AND comID = " + _comID + " AND deviceID = " + deviceID + ";";

            ExecuteSQL _exeSQL = new ExecuteSQL();
            _dt = _exeSQL.ExecuteSQLQuery(_strSQL);

            if (_dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                _lat = double.Parse(_dt.Rows[0]["lat"].ToString());
                _lng = double.Parse(_dt.Rows[0]["long"].ToString());
                bfMarker.Append("<script language=\"javascript\">");


                if (_dt.Rows[0]["iconName"].ToString() != "")
                    bfMarkerScript.Append("cPoint=new GPoint(" + JsUtil.Encode(_lng) + "," + JsUtil.Encode(_lat) + ");");
                    bfMarkerScript.Append(" var icon0 = new GIcon();");
                    bfMarker.Append("icon0.image = '../Icon/" + _dt.Rows[0]["iconName"].ToString() + ".png';");
                    bfMarkerScript.Append(" icon0.iconSize = new GSize(" + iconHeight + "," + iconWidth + ");");
                    bfMarkerScript.Append("icon0.iconAnchor = new GPoint(" + iconHeight / 2 + "," + iconWidth / 2 + ");");
                    bfMarkerScript.Append("icon0.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(15, 15);");
                    bfMarkerScript.Append("icon0.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(18, 25);");
                    bfMarkerScript.Append(" var marker=new GMarker(cPoint,icon0);");

                bfMarkerScript.Append("myMap=new GMap2(document.getElementById(\\'map\\'));");
                bfMarkerScript.Append("myMap.setCenter(new GLatLng(" + _lat + "," + _lng + "),5,G_HYBRID_MAP);");

                bfMarkerScript.Append(" myMap.addOverlay(marker);");

                bfMarker.Append(" setTimeout('evalMarker(\"" + bfMarkerScript.ToString() + "\")',100); ");
                Page.RegisterStartupScript("marker", bfMarker.ToString());


        catch (Exception ex)

        return bfMarker.ToString();
    private void loadGeofence(string ID)
        double _lat, _lng;
        string deviceID = getDeviceID(Request.QueryString["unitID"].ToString());
            string _sql = "SELECT lat,long FROM tblGPRS WHERE deviceID = " + deviceID +
                          " AND recTime= (SELECT MAX(recTime) FROM tblGPRS WHERE deviceID = " + deviceID + " AND direction = 0);";

            ExecuteSQL exeSql = new ExecuteSQL();
            DataTable _dt = new DataTable();

            _dt = exeSql.ExecuteSQLQuery(_sql);

            _lng = double.Parse(_dt.Rows[0]["long"].ToString());
            _lat = double.Parse(_dt.Rows[0]["lat"].ToString());

            string _name = "";
            string _Rad = "";

            ProcessSafetyZone _pGeoData = new ProcessSafetyZone();
            Geofence _geoInput = new Geofence();

            _geoInput.ComID = int.Parse(Session["trkCompany"].ToString());
            if (ID != "")
                _geoInput.Id = int.Parse(ID);
            _geoInput.UnitID = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["unitID"].ToString());
            _pGeoData.GeoInfo = _geoInput;

            DataSet _ds = new DataSet();
            _ds = _pGeoData.Ds;

            StringBuilder bfMarker = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder bfMarkerScript = new StringBuilder();

                if (_ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    _name = _ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["name"].ToString();
                    _Rad = _ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["radius"].ToString();
                    _txtEmail.Text = _ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["email"].ToString();

                        _txtPhoneNumber.Text = _ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["phoneNumber"].ToString();
                        bool isSMS = bool.Parse(_ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["isSMS"].ToString());
                        if (isSMS)
                            _ckOnSMS.Checked = true;
                            _chkOffSMS.Checked = false;
                            _ckOnSMS.Checked = false;
                            _chkOffSMS.Checked = true;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (!_ckOnSMS.Checked)
                            _chkOffSMS.Checked = true;

                    if (_ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)

                        if (_ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["isActive"].ToString() == "True")
                            _rdoON.Checked = bool.Parse(_ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["isActive"].ToString());
                            _rdoOFF.Checked = true;

                    _txtZoneName.Text = _name;
                    _lblRadius.Text = _Rad;

                     double _radius = ((double.Parse(_Rad) / 1.60934) * 5280) / 3.2808399;

                    _Radius.Value = _ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Radius"].ToString();
                    _Lat.Value = _ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["centerLat"].ToString();
                    _Long.Value = _ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["centerLng"].ToString();

                    string _imageName = getImageName();

                    bfMarker.Append("<script language=\"javascript\">");

                    bfMarker.Append("   myMap = new GMap2(document.getElementById('map')); ");
                    bfMarker.Append(" var rad = document.getElementById('_Radius');");
                    bfMarker.Append(" var gName = document.getElementById('_txtGeofenceName');");
                    bfMarker.Append(" var _Lat = document.getElementById('_Lat');");
                    bfMarker.Append(" var _Long = document.getElementById('_Long'); ");

                    bfMarker.Append(" myMap.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());");
                    bfMarker.Append(" myMap.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());");
                    bfMarker.Append(" myMap.enableScrollWheelZoom();");
                    bfMarker.Append(" myMap.setCenter(new GLatLng(_Lat.value,_Long.value),15,G_HYBRID_MAP);");
                    bfMarker.Append(" GEvent.addListener(myMap,'click',clickedMap);");

                    bfMarker.Append(" var _radius=((rad.value/1.60934)*5280)/3.2808399;  ");
                    bfMarker.Append(" createCircle(new GLatLng(_Lat.value,_Long.value),_radius);");
                    bfMarker.Append(" clear=true;");

                    bfMarkerScript.Append(" cPoint=new GLatLng(" + _lat + "," + _lng + ");");
                    bfMarkerScript.Append(" var icon0 = new GIcon();");
                    bfMarkerScript.Append(" icon0.image = \\'../Icon/" + _imageName + ".png\\';");
                    bfMarkerScript.Append(" icon0.iconSize = new GSize(" + iconHeight + "," + iconWidth + ");");
                    bfMarkerScript.Append(" icon0.iconAnchor = new GPoint(" + iconHeight / 2 + "," + iconWidth / 2 + ");");
                    bfMarkerScript.Append(" icon0.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(15, 15);");
                    bfMarkerScript.Append(" icon0.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(18, 25);");
                    bfMarkerScript.Append(" var marker=new GMarker(cPoint,icon0);");

                    bfMarkerScript.Append(" myMap.addOverlay(marker,icon0);");

                    bfMarker.Append(" setTimeout('evalMarker(\"" + bfMarkerScript.ToString() + "\")',1000); ");
                    Page.RegisterStartupScript("marker", bfMarker.ToString());


                    string _iconName = getImageName();

                    bfMarker.Append("<script language=\"javascript\">");

                    bfMarker.Append("   myMap = new GMap2(document.getElementById('map')); ");
                    bfMarker.Append(" myMap.addControl(new GSmallMapControl()); ");
                    bfMarker.Append(" myMap.addControl(new GMapTypeControl()); ");
                    bfMarker.Append(" myMap.enableScrollWheelZoom();");
                    bfMarkerScript.Append(" myMap.setCenter(new GLatLng(" + _lat + "," + _lng + "),14,G_HYBRID_MAP);");
                    bfMarker.Append(" GEvent.addListener(myMap,'click',clickedMap);");

                    bfMarkerScript.Append(" cPoint=new GLatLng(" + _lat + "," + _lng + ");");
                    bfMarkerScript.Append(" var icon0 = new GIcon();");
                    bfMarkerScript.Append(" icon0.image = \\'../Icon/" + _iconName + ".png\\';");
                    bfMarkerScript.Append(" icon0.iconSize = new GSize(" + iconHeight + "," + iconWidth + ");");
                    bfMarkerScript.Append(" icon0.iconAnchor = new GPoint(" + iconHeight / 2 + "," + iconWidth / 2 + ");");
                    bfMarkerScript.Append(" icon0.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(15, 15);");
                    bfMarkerScript.Append(" icon0.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(18, 25);");
                    bfMarkerScript.Append(" var marker=new GMarker(cPoint,icon0);");

                    bfMarkerScript.Append(" myMap.addOverlay(marker);");

                    bfMarker.Append(" setTimeout('evalMarker(\"" + bfMarkerScript.ToString() + "\")',100); ");
                    Page.RegisterStartupScript("marker", bfMarker.ToString());


                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception(ex.Message.ToString());

        catch (Exception ex)
            throw new Exception("loadGeofence(): " + ex.Message.ToString());

    private string getImageName()
        string deviceID = getDeviceID(Request.QueryString["unitID"].ToString());
        string _imageName ="";
        string _comID = "";
            _comID = Session["trkCompany"].ToString();

        string _strSQL = "SELECT * FROM unitRecords WHERE deviceID=" + deviceID +
                         " AND recTime = (SELECT MAX(recTime) FROM unitRecords" +
                         " WHERE deviceID = " + deviceID + ") AND comID =" + _comID + ";";

        DataTable table = new DataTable();
        ExecuteSQL exSQl = new ExecuteSQL();

        table = exSQl.ExecuteSQLQuery(_strSQL);
             _imageName = table.Rows[0]["iconName"].ToString();
        catch (Exception ex)
            return _imageName;

        return _imageName;
    private string GetMarkerText()
        string _iconName = "";
        double _lat, _lng;
        StringBuilder _bfMarkerScript = new StringBuilder();
        string _deviceID = getDeviceID(Request.QueryString["unitID"].ToString());

            string _sql = "SELECT lat,long FROM tblGPRS WHERE deviceID =" + _deviceID + "";
            _sql += "AND recTime= (SELECT MAX(recTime) FROM tblGPRS WHERE deviceID = " + _deviceID + ");";

            ExecuteSQL _exeSql = new ExecuteSQL();
            DataTable _dt = new DataTable();

            _dt = _exeSql.ExecuteSQLQuery(_sql);

            if (_dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                _lng = double.Parse(_dt.Rows[0]["long"].ToString());
                _lat = double.Parse(_dt.Rows[0]["lat"].ToString());
                _iconName = getImageName();

                _bfMarkerScript.Append(" myMap.clearOverlays(); ");
                _bfMarkerScript.Append(" cPoint=new GPoint(" + _lng + "," + _lat + ");");
                _bfMarkerScript.Append(" var icon0 = new GIcon();");
                _bfMarkerScript.Append("icon0.image = \'../Icon/" + _iconName + ".png\';");
                _bfMarkerScript.Append(" icon0.iconSize = new GSize(" + iconHeight + "," + iconWidth + ");");
                _bfMarkerScript.Append("icon0.iconAnchor = new GPoint(" + iconHeight / 2 + "," + iconWidth / 2 + ");");
                _bfMarkerScript.Append("icon0.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(15, 15);");
                _bfMarkerScript.Append("icon0.infoShadowAnchor = new GPoint(18, 25);");
                _bfMarkerScript.Append(" var marker=new GMarker(cPoint,icon0);");
                _bfMarkerScript.Append(" myMap.addOverlay(marker,icon0);");

                return _bfMarkerScript.ToString();

        catch (Exception ex)
            throw new Exception(ex.Message.ToString());

        return " myMap.clearOverlays(); ";
    private string getDeviceID(string unitID)
            string _strSQL = "SELECT deviceID FROM tblUnits WHERE unitID = " + unitID + ";";
            DataTable _dt = new DataTable();
            //Database _db = new Database();

            ExecuteSQL _exSQl = new ExecuteSQL();
            _dt=  _exSQl.ExecuteSQLQuery(_strSQL);

            if (_dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                return _dt.Rows[0]["deviceID"].ToString();
                return "";
        catch (Exception ex)
            return "";