public void Process()
                if (_parent != null && _parent._cache.AsyncEventHandler != null)
                    _stats = new UsageStats();
                    _parent._cache.EventListener.OnCustomUpdateCallback(_callBackId, _key, _notifyAsync, _item, _oldItem, _flag,_dataFilter);

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (_parent.Logger.IsErrorLogsEnabled) _parent.Logger.NCacheLog.Error("Item Updated Callback Task.Process", ex.ToString());
Example #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes the counter instances and category.
		/// </summary>
        public void InitializePerfCounters(bool inproc)
                if (!UserHasAccessRights)

                lock (this)
                    int ncounter = 1;
                    string instname = _instanceName;

                    if (inproc)
                        int processid = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id;
                        while (PerformanceCounterCategory.InstanceExists(instname, PC_CATEGORY))
                            instname = _instanceName + ":" + ncounter.ToString() + " - " + processid.ToString() + _port;
                        _instanceName = instname;

                    _pcCount = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Count", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcCachelastAccessCount = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "CacheLastAccessCount", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcHitsPerSec = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Hits/sec", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcMissPerSec = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Misses/sec", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcHitsRatioSec = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Hits ratio/sec (%)", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcHitsRatioSecBase = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Hits ratio/sec base", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcAddPerSec = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Additions/sec", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcGetPerSec = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Fetches/sec", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcUpdPerSec = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Updates/sec", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcDelPerSec = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Deletes/sec", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcEvictPerSec = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Evictions/sec", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcExpiryPerSec = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Expirations/sec", _instanceName, false);

                    _pcCacheSize = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Cache Size", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcQueryIndexSize = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Query Index Size", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcEvictionIndexSize = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Eviction Index Size", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcExpirationIndexSize = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Expiration Index Size", _instanceName, false);                    
                    _pcQueryPerSec = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Queries/sec", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcAvgQueryExecutionTime = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average µs/Query Execution", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcAvgQueryExecutionTimeBase = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average µs/Query Execution base", _instanceName, false);
                    _usMsecPerQueryExecution = new UsageStats();
                    _pcAvgQuerySize = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average Query Size", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcAvgQuerySizeBase = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average Query Size base", _instanceName, false);                                     

                    _pcMsecPerGetAvg = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average µs/fetch", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcMsecPerGetBase = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average µs/fetch base", _instanceName, false);
                    _usMsecPerGet = new UsageStats();
                    _pcMsecPerAddAvg = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average µs/add", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcMsecPerAddBase = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average µs/add base", _instanceName, false);
                    _usMsecPerAdd = new UsageStats();
                    _pcMsecPerUpdAvg = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average µs/insert", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcMsecPerUpdBase = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average µs/insert base", _instanceName, false);
                    _usMsecPerUpd = new UsageStats();
                    _pcMsecPerDelAvg = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average µs/remove", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcMsecPerDelBase = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average µss/remove base", _instanceName, false);
                    _usMsecPerDel = new UsageStats();
                    _pcStateTxfrPerSec = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "State transfer/sec", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcMirrorQueueSize = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Mirror queue size", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcSlidingIndexQueueSize = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Sliding Index queue size", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcDataBalPerSec = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Data balance/sec", _instanceName, false);

                    _usMsecPerDel = new UsageStats();
            catch (Exception e)
                NCacheLog.Error("PerfStatsCollector.PerfStatsCollector()", e.Message);

Example #3
        internal virtual object SafeSerialize(object serializableObject, string serializationContext, ref BitSet flag, ref long size)
            object serializedObject = null;

            if (_cacheImpl == null)
                throw new OperationFailedException("Cache is not initialized");

            if (serializableObject != null)
                UsageStats statsSerialization = new UsageStats();
                serializedObject = _cacheImpl.SafeSerialize(serializableObject, serializationContext, ref flag, _cacheImpl, ref size);
                if (_perfStatsCollector != null)

            return serializedObject;
Example #4
        internal virtual object Remove(string key, LockHandle lockHandle, LockAccessType accessType)
            if (_cacheImpl == null) throw new OperationFailedException("Cache is not initialized");

            if (key == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
            if (key == string.Empty) throw new ArgumentException("key cannot be empty string");
            long objectSize = 0;

                UsageStats stats = new UsageStats();
                object lockId = (lockHandle == null) ? null : lockHandle.LockId;
                BitSet flagMap = new BitSet();
                short dsItemRemovedCallbackId = -1;

                CompressedValueEntry result = _cacheImpl.Remove(key, flagMap, lockId,  accessType);
                if (result != null && result.Value != null)
                    if (result.Value != null && result.Value is CallbackEntry)
                        result.Value = ((CallbackEntry)result.Value).Value;
                    if (DebugAPIConfiguraions.LoggingEnabled)
                        objectSize = result.Value is byte[] ? ((byte[])result.Value).Length : 0;
                    result.Value = SafeDeserialize(result.Value, _serializationContext, result.Flag);
                    if (_perfStatsCollector != null)
                    if (DebugAPIConfiguraions.LoggingEnabled)
                        LogSizeInfo(false, objectSize);
                    return result.Value;
                    if (_perfStatsCollector != null)

            catch (Exception)
                if (ExceptionsEnabled) throw;
            return null;
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Function that choose the appropriate function of NCache's Cache, that need to be called
        /// according to the data provided to it.</summary>
        internal virtual void InsertOperation(string key, object value, DateTime absoluteExpiration,
            TimeSpan slidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority priority,
            LockHandle lockHandle, LockAccessType accessType, CacheDataNotificationCallback cacheItemUdpatedCallback,
            CacheDataNotificationCallback cacheItemRemovedCallaback, EventDataFilter itemUpdateDataFilter, EventDataFilter itemRemovedDataFilter, ref long size, bool allowQueryTags)
            if (_cacheImpl == null) throw new OperationFailedException("Cache is not initialized");

            ValidateKeyValue(key, value);
            UsageStats stats = new UsageStats();
            Hashtable queryInfo = new Hashtable();
            object lockId = (lockHandle == null) ? null : lockHandle.LockId;

            if (allowQueryTags)
                queryInfo["query-info"] = GetQueryInfo(value);
            short removeCallbackId = -1;
            short updateCallbackId = -1;
            short dsItemUpdateCallbackId = -1;

            BitSet flagMap = new BitSet();
                value = SafeSerialize(value, _serializationContext, ref flagMap, ref size);

                long objectSize = 0;
                if (DebugAPIConfiguraions.LoggingEnabled)
                    objectSize = value is byte[] ? ((byte[])value).Length : 0;
                if (_perfStatsCollector != null && value != null && value is byte[])

                if (cacheItemRemovedCallaback != null)
                    short[] callabackIds = _eventManager.RegisterSelectiveEvent(cacheItemRemovedCallaback, EventType.ItemRemoved, itemRemovedDataFilter);
                    removeCallbackId = callabackIds[1];

                if (cacheItemUdpatedCallback != null)
                    short[] callabackIds = _eventManager.RegisterSelectiveEvent(cacheItemUdpatedCallback, EventType.ItemUpdated, itemUpdateDataFilter);
                    updateCallbackId = callabackIds[0];

                if (lockId != null && ((string)lockId) != string.Empty)

                absoluteExpiration = ToUTC(absoluteExpiration);

                _cacheImpl.Insert(key, value, absoluteExpiration, slidingExpiration, priority, removeCallbackId, updateCallbackId, queryInfo, flagMap, lockId, accessType, itemUpdateDataFilter, itemRemovedDataFilter, size);

                if (_perfStatsCollector != null)
            catch (Exception)
                if (ExceptionsEnabled) throw;
Example #6
        internal virtual object GetInternal(string key,  LockAccessType accessType, TimeSpan lockTimeout, ref LockHandle lockHandle)
            if (_cacheImpl == null) throw new OperationFailedException("Cache is not initialized");

            if (key == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
            if (key == string.Empty) throw new ArgumentException("key cannot be empty string");
            long objectSize = 0;

            CompressedValueEntry result = null;
                BitSet flagMap = new BitSet();
                UsageStats stats = new UsageStats();
                result = _cacheImpl.Get(key, flagMap, ref lockHandle, lockTimeout, accessType);
                if (_perfStatsCollector != null)
                if (result != null && result.Value != null)
                    if (result.Value is CallbackEntry)
                        CallbackEntry e = result.Value as CallbackEntry;
                        result.Value = e.Value;
                    if (DebugAPIConfiguraions.LoggingEnabled)
                        objectSize = result.Value is byte[] ? ((byte[])result.Value).Length : 0;

                    result.Value = SafeDeserialize(result.Value, _serializationContext, result.Flag);
                    if (DebugAPIConfiguraions.LoggingEnabled)
                        LogSizeInfo(false, objectSize);
                    return result.Value;
            catch (Exception)
                if (ExceptionsEnabled) throw;
                else return null;
            return null;
Example #7
        internal virtual void Delete(string key, LockHandle lockHandle,  LockAccessType accessType)
            if (_cacheImpl == null) throw new OperationFailedException("Cache is not initialized");

            if (key == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
            if (key == string.Empty) throw new ArgumentException("key cannot be empty string");
                UsageStats stats = new UsageStats();
                object lockId = (lockHandle == null) ? null : lockHandle.LockId;
                BitSet flagMap = new BitSet();

                _cacheImpl.Delete(key, flagMap, lockId, accessType);
            catch (Exception)
                if (ExceptionsEnabled) throw;
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Function that choose the appropriate function of NCache's Cache, that need to be called
        /// according to the data provided to it.</summary>
        internal virtual object AddOperation(string key, object value, DateTime absoluteExpiration,
            TimeSpan slidingExpiration, CacheItemPriority priority, 
            CacheDataNotificationCallback cacheItemUdpatedCallback, CacheDataNotificationCallback cacheItemRemovedCallaback,
            EventDataFilter itemUpdateDataFilter, EventDataFilter itemRemovedDataFilter, ref long size, bool allowQueryTags)
            if (_cacheImpl == null) throw new OperationFailedException("Cache is not initialized");
            ValidateKeyValue(key, value);
            UsageStats stats = new UsageStats();

            Hashtable queryInfo = new Hashtable();
            if (allowQueryTags)
                queryInfo["query-info"] = GetQueryInfo(value);
            BitSet flagMap = new BitSet();
                long objectSize = 0;
                value = SafeSerialize(value, _serializationContext, ref flagMap, ref size);

                if (DebugAPIConfiguraions.LoggingEnabled)
                    objectSize = value is byte[] ? ((byte[])value).Length : 0;
                if (_perfStatsCollector != null && value != null && value is byte[])
                if (DebugAPIConfiguraions.LoggingEnabled)
                    LogSizeInfo(false, objectSize);

                short removeCallbackID = -1;
                short updateCallbackID = -1;
                if (cacheItemRemovedCallaback != null)
                    short[] callabackIds = _eventManager.RegisterSelectiveEvent(cacheItemRemovedCallaback, EventType.ItemRemoved, itemRemovedDataFilter);
                    removeCallbackID = callabackIds[1];

                if (cacheItemUdpatedCallback != null)
                    short[] callabackIds = _eventManager.RegisterSelectiveEvent(cacheItemUdpatedCallback, EventType.ItemUpdated, itemUpdateDataFilter);
                    updateCallbackID = callabackIds[0];

                absoluteExpiration = ToUTC(absoluteExpiration);

                _cacheImpl.Add(key, value, absoluteExpiration, slidingExpiration, priority, removeCallbackID, updateCallbackID, queryInfo, flagMap, itemUpdateDataFilter, itemRemovedDataFilter, size);

                if (_perfStatsCollector != null)
                return value;
            catch (Exception)
                if (ExceptionsEnabled) throw;
            return null;
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the counter instances and category.
        /// </summary>
        public void InitializePerfCounters()
                if (!UserHasAccessRights)

                lock (this)
                    _pcRequestsPerSec = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Requests/sec", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcResponsesPerSec = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Responses/sec", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcClientBytesSentPerSec = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Client bytes sent/sec", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcClientBytesReceiedPerSec = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Client bytes received/sec", _instanceName, false);

                    _pcMsecPerCacheOperation = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average �s/cache operation", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcMsecPerCacheOperationBase = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average �s/cache operation base", _instanceName, false);

                    _usMsecPerCacheOperation = new UsageStats();
                    _nsMsecPerCacheOperation = new NanoSecTimeStats();

                    _generalNotificationQueueSize = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "General Notifications Queue Size", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcResponseQueueCount = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Response Queue Count", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcResponseQueueSize = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Response Queue Size", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcEventQueueCount = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Event Queue Count", _instanceName, false);

            catch (Exception e)
                AppUtil.LogEvent("NCache", "An error occurred while initializing counters for NCache Server. " + e.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Error, EventCategories.Error, EventID.GeneralError);
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the counter instances and category.
        /// </summary>
        public void InitializePerfCounters(bool inproc)
                if (!UserHasAccessRights)

                lock (this)
                    int ncounter = 1;
                    string instname = _instanceName;

                    _pcAddPerSec = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Additions/sec", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcGetPerSec = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Fetches/sec", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcUpdPerSec = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Updates/sec", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcDelPerSec = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Deletes/sec", _instanceName, false);

                    _pcEventTriggeredPerSec = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Events Triggered/sec", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcEventProcesedPerSec = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Events Proccesed/sec", _instanceName, false);

                    _pcMsecPerGetAvg = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average µs/fetch", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcMsecPerGetBase = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average µs/fetch base", _instanceName, false);
                    _usMsecPerGet = new UsageStats();
                    _pcMsecPerAddAvg = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average µs/add", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcMsecPerAddBase = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average µs/add base", _instanceName, false);
                    _usMsecPerAdd = new UsageStats();
                    _pcMsecPerUpdAvg = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average µs/insert", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcMsecPerUpdBase = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average µs/insert base", _instanceName, false);
                    _usMsecPerUpd = new UsageStats();
                    _pcMsecPerDelAvg = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average µs/remove", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcMsecPerDelBase = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average µs/remove base", _instanceName, false);
                    _usMsecPerDel = new UsageStats();

                    _pcReqrQueueSize = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Request queue size", _instanceName, false);

                    _pcMsecPerEventAvg = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average µs/event", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcMsecPerEventBase = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average µs/event base", _instanceName, false);
                    _usMsecPerEvent = new UsageStats();

                    _usMsecPerDel = new UsageStats();

                    _pcMsecPerSerializationAvg = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average µs/serialization", _instanceName, false);
                    _pcMsecPerSerializationAvgBase = new PerformanceCounter(PC_CATEGORY, "Average µs/serialization base", _instanceName, false);

            catch (Exception e)