private void bChoose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listBox.SelectedIndex >= 0) { chosenTournament = turns[listBox.SelectedIndex]; Close(); } }
public void syncNames(Tournament tournament, bool interactive, string startRounds) { int count = 0, countNew = 0, SKOK_STOLOW = 100; data d; startRounds = startRounds.Trim(); if (tournament.type == 1) { if (startRounds.Length > 0) { d ="SELECT `Section`, `Table`, NSPair, EWPair FROM RoundData WHERE NSPair>0 AND `Round` in (" + startRounds + ")"); } else { string fromRound = sql.selectOne("SELECT min(`Round`) FROM RoundData WHERE NSPair>0"); d ="SELECT `Section`, `Table`, NSPair, EWPair FROM RoundData WHERE `Round`=" + fromRound); } } else { d ="SELECT `Section`, `Table`, NSPair, EWPair FROM RoundData WHERE `Table`<=100"); } while (d.Read()) { string section = d.GetInt32(0).ToString(); string table = d.GetInt32(1).ToString(); string ns = d.GetInt32(2).ToString(); string ew = d.GetInt32(3).ToString(); StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); if (tournament.type == 1) { query.Append("SELECT CONCAT(SUBSTR(imie,1,1),'.',nazw) name FROM zawodnicy WHERE idp="); query.Append(ns); query.Append(" OR idp="); query.Append(ew); query.Append(" ORDER BY idp "); if (int.Parse(ew) < int.Parse(ns)) query.Append("DESC"); } else { query.Append("SELECT fullname NAME FROM teams WHERE id="); query.Append(ns); query.Append(" UNION ALL SELECT ' ' UNION ALL"); query.Append(" SELECT fullname NAME FROM teams WHERE id="); query.Append(ew); query.Append(" UNION ALL SELECT ' '; "); } mydata n =; try { n.Read(); countNew += updateName(section, table, "N", n.IsDBNull(0) ? "" : n.GetString(0)); if (tournament.type == 2) countNew += updateName(section, (int.Parse(table) + SKOK_STOLOW).ToString(), "E", n.IsDBNull(0) ? "" : n.GetString(0)); n.Read(); countNew += updateName(section, table, "S", n.IsDBNull(0) ? "" : n.GetString(0)); if (tournament.type == 2) countNew += updateName(section, (int.Parse(table) + SKOK_STOLOW).ToString(), "W", n.IsDBNull(0) ? "" : n.GetString(0)); n.Read(); countNew += updateName(section, table, "E", n.IsDBNull(0) ? "" : n.GetString(0)); if (tournament.type == 2) countNew += updateName(section, (int.Parse(table) + SKOK_STOLOW).ToString(), "N", n.IsDBNull(0) ? "" : n.GetString(0)); n.Read(); countNew += updateName(section, table, "W", n.IsDBNull(0) ? "" : n.GetString(0)); if (tournament.type == 2) countNew += updateName(section, (int.Parse(table) + SKOK_STOLOW).ToString(), "S", n.IsDBNull(0) ? "" : n.GetString(0)); if (tournament.type == 1) count += 4; else count += 8; } catch (MySqlException ee) { if (interactive) { if (ee.ErrorCode == -2147467259) { DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show("W bws-ie jest para/team (" + ns + " albo " + ew + "), który nie istnieje w wybranym turnieju. Może to nie ten turniej?", "Zły turniej", MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); if (dr == DialogResult.Abort) return; } else { MessageBox.Show(ee.Message, "Błąd MySQL", MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } } } try { n.Close(); } catch (Exception) { } } if (interactive) { MessageBox.Show("Synchronizacja zakończona!\nPrzejrzanych nazwisk: " + count + "\nZmienionych: " + countNew, "Synchronizacja nazwisk", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (sql.selectOne("SELECT BM2ShowPlayerNames FROM Settings") != "1") MessageBox.Show("Pamiętaj żeby włączyć opcję \"pokazuj nazwiska\"!", "Brakujące ustawienie", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } }
private void bTournament_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { ChooseTournament choose = new ChooseTournament(); choose.ShowDialog(); if (choose.chosenTournament != null) { if ((tournament != null) && (tournament.mysql != null)) tournament.mysql.close(); tournament = choose.chosenTournament; tournament.mysql.connect(); lTournament.Text =; lType.Text = tournament.type == 1 ? "Pary" : "Teamy"; lSections.Text = tournament.getSectionsNum(); lTables.Text = tournament.getTablesNum(); bSync.Enabled = true; bAutoSync.Enabled = true; eInterval.Enabled = true; if (tournament.type == 2) { lSkok.Visible = true; lNazwyTeamow.Visible = true; } else { lSkok.Visible = false; lNazwyTeamow.Visible = false; } } } catch (Exception ee) { MessageBox.Show(ee.Message, "Błąd", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); } }
private void MainForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { status2.Text = "Wersja " + this.version; status3.Text = "Data: " +; string detectedVersion = detectBCSVersion(); if (detectedVersion != null) { lDetectedVersion.Text = detectedVersion; BCSVersion = new Version(detectedVersion); } else { lDetectedVersion.Text = "nie wykryto"; } string filename; string[] args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); if (args.Length > 1) { filename = args[1]; } else if (open.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { filename = open.FileName; } else { Close(); return; } bws = new Bws(filename, this); bws.init(); bws.convert(); labelFilename.Text = filename; labelFilename.ToolTipText = filename; this.shortenFilenameLabel(); this.fillSectionSelector(bws.getSections()); cbNamesSection.Items.Clear(); foreach (object i in cbSettingsSection.Items) { cbNamesSection.Items.Add(i); } // cloning Setting List returned from Bws, because we're going to extend it for version tracking purposes this.bwsSettings = new List <Setting>(bws.initSettings()); this.bwsSettings.Add(new Setting("BM2ShowPlayerNames", this.xShowPlayerNames, bws, new Version(2, 0, 0), new Version(1, 3, 1))); this.bwsSettings.Add(new Setting("BM2GameSummary", this.xShowRecap, bws, new Version(3, 6, 0), new Version(3, 0, 1))); bindSettingChanges(); bws.loadSettings(); this.checkRecordsForSectionGroups(); this.scoringOptionsWarning(); tournament = this.detectTeamyTournament(); if (tournament != null) { updateTournamentInfo(tournament); this.rbIMPTeams.Checked = true; } else { syncToolStrip.Visible = false; namesPanel.Visible = false; } this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; }
public static List<Tournament> getTournaments() { List<Tournament> list = new List<Tournament>(); MySQL c = new MySQL(""); data dbs ="SHOW DATABASES;"); while (dbs.Read()) { Tournament t = new Tournament(dbs.GetString(0)); if (t.type > 0) list.Add(t); t.mysql.close(); } return list; }