Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method starts the trade messaging process. A
        /// top level Akka.NET <see cref="ActorSystem"/> object,
        /// tradingSystem is created. Also, a <see cref="Trade"/> message
        /// is defined. The ActorSystem creates the <see cref="StockBroker"/> to
        /// execute the trade.
        /// NOTICE: The StockBroker uses <see cref="UntypedActor"/>.Ask(message) to
        /// execute the trade. <see cref="UntypedActor"/>.Ask(message) returns the
        /// underlying <see cref="Task"/> doing the asking. We'll Task.Wait() for the
        /// ask to complete. The response <see cref="Trade"/> message of the trade 
        /// will be reflected in the Task.Result
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ticker">The ticker symbol of the stock you want to trade</param>
        /// <param name="shares">The number of shares to trade</param>
        /// <param name="tradeType">Describes the trade to
        /// execute.<see cref="TradeType"/>.Buy or TradeType.Sell.</param>
        /// <returns>The response <see cref="Trade"/> message</returns>
        public static Trade Trade(string ticker, int shares, TradeType tradeType)

            //Create the ActorSystem
            var tradingSystem = ActorSystem.Create("TradingSystem");
            //Create the StockBroker
            var broker = tradingSystem.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new StockBroker()), "MyBroker");
            //Create the Trade message
            var trade = new Messages.Trade(ticker, shares, tradeType,TradeStatus.Open,Guid.NewGuid());
            //Send the Trade message to the broker by way of an Ask(message). We want the underlying Task. 
            //Notice also that in Ask we are providing the Trade message as a generic type. This
            //is how the Task knows how to pass the response Trade message out to the caller.
            var task = broker.Ask<Trade>(trade);
            //Wait for the Task to complete. The task is completed upon the Broker receiving
            //response Trade message.
            //Return the response Trade message.
            return task.Result;
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// This overrideen method provides the behavior a Floor Trader executes
 /// upon receipt of a message. If the number of shares
 /// in the <see cref="Trade"/> message is under the TradingLimit, the Floor
 /// Trader executes the trade, then creates a new Trade message with
 /// a <see cref="TradeStatus"/> = TradeStatus.Success.
 /// Otherwise, a new Trade message is created with a TradeStatus = TradeStatus.Fail.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="message">The message for the Floor Trader to process upon receipt</param>
 protected override void OnReceive(object message)
     var trade = message as Trade;
     if (trade != null)
         Trade responseTrade;
         if (trade.Shares > TradingLimit)
             var msg =
                     "You want to trade {0} Shares. The trade exceeds the trading limit of {1}. The system will not {2} {0} of {3}.",
                     trade.Shares, TradingLimit, trade.TradeType, trade.Ticker);
             responseTrade = new Trade(trade.Ticker, trade.Shares, trade.TradeType, TradeStatus.Fail, trade.TadingSessionId,msg);
             var msg = string.Format("I am {0}ing {1} shares of {2}", trade.TradeType, trade.Shares, trade.Ticker);
             responseTrade = new Trade(trade.Ticker, trade.Shares, trade.TradeType, TradeStatus.Success, trade.TadingSessionId,msg);
         Sender.Tell(responseTrade, Self);