public List <Vector> combineBorderVectorsForPolygon(List <Vector> lstVectors1, List <Vector> lstVectors2)
            // input: two vectors for channel borderlines
            // check if they have the same orientation
            // if yes: invert lstvector2, else do nothing
            // append to lstvector1, then add first point of lstVectors1

            List <Vector> lstVct = new List <Vector>();

            if (GeoData.GetDist(lstVectors1[0], lstVectors2[0]) < GeoData.GetDist(lstVectors1[0], lstVectors2[lstVectors2.Count - 1]))
                //same orientation, so must reverse lstVector2

        public void generateParcour(List <List <Vector> > listOfRoutes, List <string> ListOfRouteNames, List <List <Vector> > listOfNBL, List <string> listOfNBLNames, bool hasMarkers, bool showForbiddenArea, bool isStandardOrder, double channelWidth, double altitude, bool hasRoundedCorners)
            string[] styleNames = { @"PolygonAndLine", @"PolygonAndLineNoFill" };

            // Document document = new Document();
            KMLPolygonStyle.AddStylesForPolygon(document, styleNames);

            GeoData        gc = new GeoData();
            List <Feature> lstFeaturesPROHPolygon = new List <Feature>();
            List <Feature> lstFeaturesSP          = new List <Feature>();
            List <Feature> lstFeaturesFP          = new List <Feature>();
            List <Feature> lstFeaturesNBLine      = new List <Feature>();
            List <Feature> lstFeaturesChannel     = new List <Feature>();

            Folder folderGeneral = new Folder();

            folderGeneral.Name = "General";

            Folder folderTKOFLines = new Folder();

            folderTKOFLines.Name = "TakeOffLines";
            // add a description
            SharpKml.Dom.Description descr = new SharpKml.Dom.Description();
            descr.Text = "Add manually one or multiple take-off line(s) for your airfield<br/>into this folder for later use/import. Read more...<br/><b>Naming convention:</b>Take-off line names must start with the word <b>TKOF</b>.<br/><b>Examples:</b>TKOF_RWY21, TKOF_WEST";
            folderTKOFLines.Description = descr;

            Folder folderLiveTracking = new Folder();

            folderLiveTracking.Name = "LiveTracking";
            // folderLiveTracking.Description = "This folder can be used for LiveTracking. Andjust the PROH areas manually.</br> Then (using a text editor) set 'clampToGround' to 'relativeToGround'.</br>";

            List <Vector> lstOldRightBorder = new List <Vector>();

            for (int j = 0; j < listOfRoutes.Count(); j++)
                List <Vector> routePoints     = listOfRoutes[j];
                List <Vector> lstOrigNBLine   = new List <Vector>();
                Vector        NBLPointOnRoute = new Vector();
                string        routeName       = ListOfRouteNames[j];
                Folder        folderBorders   = new Folder();
                folderBorders.Name = routeName + "_RouteBorders";

                // calculate headings and left/right borders
                List <double> lstHeadings       = gc.CalculateHeadings(routePoints);
                List <Vector> lstLeftBorder     = gc.CalculateCurvePoint(routePoints, lstHeadings, channelWidth, false, 1, hasRoundedCorners);
                List <Vector> lstRightBorder    = gc.CalculateCurvePoint(routePoints, lstHeadings, channelWidth, true, 1, hasRoundedCorners);
                List <Vector> lstRightBorderMod = lstRightBorder; // used in PROH area calcs
                List <Vector> lstChannel        = combineBorderVectorsForPolygon(lstLeftBorder, lstRightBorder);
                if (lstChannel.Count > 1)
                {  // remove duplicate point at the end
                    lstChannel.RemoveAt(lstChannel.Count - 1);
                setAltitude(lstChannel, altitude);

                // shift start and end points of border inwards
                lstLeftBorder  = gc.BorderModification(lstLeftBorder, SHIFT_DIST);
                lstRightBorder = gc.BorderModification(lstRightBorder, SHIFT_DIST);

                // calculate the gate points for start and end point gate. Fixed width 0.6 NM
                // we will use later on only the first two/ last two points
                List <Vector> lstGateLeft  = gc.CalculateCurvePoint(routePoints, lstHeadings, GATE_WIDTH, false, 1, false);
                List <Vector> lstGateRight = gc.CalculateCurvePoint(routePoints, lstHeadings, GATE_WIDTH, true, 1, false);

                // SP line and FP line (use first/last points of left/right borders)
                List <Vector> lstSP, lstFP, lstNBLine;
                lstSP = new List <Vector>();
                lstSP.Add(new Vector(lstGateRight[0].Latitude, lstGateRight[0].Longitude, altitude));
                lstSP.Add(new Vector(lstGateLeft[0].Latitude, lstGateLeft[0].Longitude, altitude));
                lstFP = new List <Vector>();
                lstFP.Add(new Vector(lstGateRight[lstGateRight.Count - 1].Latitude, lstGateRight[lstGateRight.Count - 1].Longitude, altitude));
                lstFP.Add(new Vector(lstGateLeft[lstGateLeft.Count - 1].Latitude, lstGateLeft[lstGateLeft.Count - 1].Longitude, altitude));

                lstNBLine = new List <Vector>();
                // check if we have a NBLINE for this route
                if (listOfNBLNames.IndexOf(String.Format("NBLINE-{0}", routeName)) >= 0)
                    int idx = listOfNBLNames.IndexOf(String.Format("NBLINE-{0}", routeName));
                    int idxRoutePointBeforeNBL = -1;
                    lstOrigNBLine   = listOfNBL[idx];
                    NBLPointOnRoute = gc.NBLPointOnRouteLine(routePoints, lstOrigNBLine, out idxRoutePointBeforeNBL);
                    if (idxRoutePointBeforeNBL > -1)
                        List <Vector> lstNBLSegm = new List <Vector>();
                        // create a short segment with the NBL point on the route line, and  the first route point after the NBL point
                        lstNBLSegm.Add(routePoints[idxRoutePointBeforeNBL + 1]);

                        // calculate borders
                        List <double> lstNBLHdg       = gc.CalculateHeadings(lstNBLSegm);
                        List <Vector> lstNBLGateLeft  = gc.CalculateCurvePoint(lstNBLSegm, lstNBLHdg, channelWidth, false, 1, false);
                        List <Vector> lstNBLGateRight = gc.CalculateCurvePoint(lstNBLSegm, lstNBLHdg, channelWidth, true, 1, false);
                        lstNBLine.Add(new Vector(lstNBLGateRight[0].Latitude, lstNBLGateRight[0].Longitude, altitude));
                        lstNBLine.Add(new Vector(lstNBLGateLeft[0].Latitude, lstNBLGateLeft[0].Longitude, altitude));

                List <Vector> lstLeftBorderForbiddenArea  = new List <Vector>();
                List <Vector> lstRightBorderForbiddenArea = new List <Vector>();

                if (isStandardOrder)
                    if (j == 0)
                        // calculate LeftBorder PROH for first route
                        List <Vector> lstLeftBorderPROH = gc.CalculateCurvePoint(routePoints, lstHeadings, channelWidth * 10, false, 1, false);
                        //TODO: add Gate Point as first/last point to lstLeftBorderPROH
                        lstLeftBorderPROH.Insert(0, lstGateLeft[0]);
                        lstLeftBorderPROH.Add(lstGateLeft[lstGateLeft.Count - 1]);
                        lstLeftBorderForbiddenArea = combineBorderVectorsForPolygon(lstLeftBorderPROH, lstLeftBorder);
                        setAltitude(lstLeftBorderForbiddenArea, altitude);

                        //TODO: add Gate Point as first/last point to lstRightBorderMod
                        lstRightBorderMod.Insert(0, lstGateRight[lstGateRight.Count - 1]);
                        // calculate LeftBorder PROH area from LeftBorder[j] and RightBorder[j-1]
                        lstOldRightBorder.Insert(0, lstGateLeft[lstGateLeft.Count - 1]);
                        lstLeftBorderForbiddenArea = combineBorderVectorsForPolygon(lstOldRightBorder, lstLeftBorder);
                        setAltitude(lstLeftBorderForbiddenArea, altitude);

                    // for the last route, also calculate right border PROH
                    if (j == listOfRoutes.Count - 1)
                        List <Vector> lstRightBorderPROH = gc.CalculateCurvePoint(routePoints, lstHeadings, channelWidth * 10, true, 1, false);
                        //TODO: add Gate Point as first/last point to lstRightBorderPROH
                        lstRightBorderPROH.Insert(0, lstGateRight[0]);
                        lstRightBorderPROH.Add(lstGateRight[lstGateRight.Count - 1]);
                        lstRightBorderForbiddenArea = combineBorderVectorsForPolygon(lstRightBorderPROH, lstRightBorder);
                        setAltitude(lstRightBorderForbiddenArea, altitude);
                {   // not standard order, calculate right and left PROH areas for each channel
                    List <Vector> lstLeftBorderPROH  = gc.CalculateCurvePoint(routePoints, lstHeadings, channelWidth * 10, false, 1, false);
                    List <Vector> lstRightBorderPROH = gc.CalculateCurvePoint(routePoints, lstHeadings, channelWidth * 10, true, 1, false);
                    lstLeftBorderForbiddenArea  = combineBorderVectorsForPolygon(lstLeftBorderPROH, lstLeftBorder);
                    lstRightBorderForbiddenArea = combineBorderVectorsForPolygon(lstRightBorderPROH, lstRightBorder);
                    setAltitude(lstLeftBorderForbiddenArea, altitude);
                    setAltitude(lstRightBorderForbiddenArea, altitude);

                lstOldRightBorder = lstRightBorderMod;

                #region Creation of KML objects

                var lineStrRoute       = new SharpKml.Dom.LineString();
                var lineStrRightBorder = new SharpKml.Dom.LineString();
                var lineStrLeftBorder  = new SharpKml.Dom.LineString();
                var lineStrSP          = new SharpKml.Dom.LineString();
                var lineStrFP          = new SharpKml.Dom.LineString();
                var lineStrNBLine      = new SharpKml.Dom.LineString();
                var lineStrOrigNBLine  = new SharpKml.Dom.LineString();
                var lineStrChannel     = new SharpKml.Dom.LineString();

                lineStrRoute.Coordinates       = new CoordinateCollection(routePoints);
                lineStrRoute.Tessellate        = true;
                lineStrRightBorder.Coordinates = new CoordinateCollection(lstRightBorder);
                lineStrLeftBorder.Coordinates  = new CoordinateCollection(lstLeftBorder);
                lineStrSP.Coordinates          = new CoordinateCollection(lstSP);
                lineStrFP.Coordinates          = new CoordinateCollection(lstFP);
                lineStrNBLine.Coordinates      = new CoordinateCollection(lstNBLine);
                lineStrOrigNBLine.Coordinates  = new CoordinateCollection(lstOrigNBLine);
                lineStrChannel.Coordinates     = new CoordinateCollection(lstChannel);

                var polygLeftBorderForbiddenArea  = makeSimplePolygon(lstLeftBorderForbiddenArea, AltitudeMode.ClampToGround);
                var polygRightBorderForbiddenArea = makeSimplePolygon(lstRightBorderForbiddenArea, AltitudeMode.ClampToGround);
                var polySP      = makeSimplePolygon(lineStrSP, AltitudeMode.RelativeToGround);
                var polyFP      = makeSimplePolygon(lineStrFP, AltitudeMode.RelativeToGround);
                var polyChannel = makeSimplePolygon(lineStrChannel, AltitudeMode.ClampToGround);
                var polyNBLine  = new Polygon();

                if (lstNBLine.Count > 0)
                    polyNBLine = makeSimplePolygon(lineStrNBLine, AltitudeMode.RelativeToGround);

                // Route itself
                var plm = new SharpKml.Dom.Placemark();
                plm = makeSimplePlacemark(lineStrRoute, routeName);

                plm = makeSimplePlacemark(polyChannel, "CHANNEL-" + routeName, styleNames[1]);

                // original hand-made NBLine
                if (lstNBLine.Count > 0)
                    plm = new SharpKml.Dom.Placemark();
                    plm = makeSimplePlacemark(lineStrOrigNBLine, "NBLINE-" + routeName + " (orig)");

                // Right border line
                plm = makeSimplePlacemark(lineStrRightBorder, routeName + "_RightBorder");

                // Left border line
                plm = makeSimplePlacemark(lineStrLeftBorder, routeName + "_LeftBorder");

                // SP line
                plm = makeSimplePlacemark(lineStrSP, "STARTPOINT-" + routeName);

                // FP line
                plm = makeSimplePlacemark(lineStrFP, "ENDPOINT-" + routeName);

                // calculated NB line
                if (lstNBLine.Count > 0)
                    plm = makeSimplePlacemark(lineStrNBLine, "NBLINE-" + routeName);

                plm = makeSimplePlacemark(polySP, "STARTPOINT-" + routeName, styleNames[0]);

                plm = makeSimplePlacemark(polyFP, "ENDPOINT-" + routeName, styleNames[0]);

                if (lstNBLine.Count > 0)
                    plm = makeSimplePlacemark(polyNBLine, "NBLINE-" + routeName, styleNames[0]);


                if (showForbiddenArea)
                    //Folder folder = new Folder();
                    //folder.Name = "PROH-Areas " + routeName;

                    // add forbidden Area (Polygon area)
                    if (lstRightBorderForbiddenArea.Count > 0)
                        var placemarkPolyg = makeSimplePlacemark(polygRightBorderForbiddenArea, "PROH " + routeName + " Right", styleNames[0]);

                    if (lstLeftBorderForbiddenArea.Count > 0)
                        var placemarkPolyg = makeSimplePlacemark(polygLeftBorderForbiddenArea, "PROH " + routeName + " Left", styleNames[0]);

                if (hasMarkers)
                    // OPTIONAL: add markers if required for all route points
                    Folder folder = new Folder();
                    folder.Name = routeName + "_RouteMarkers";
                    for (int i = 0; i < routePoints.Count; i++)
                        Placemark          pm = new Placemark();
                        SharpKml.Dom.Point pt = new SharpKml.Dom.Point();
                        pt.Coordinate = new Vector(routePoints[i].Latitude, routePoints[i].Longitude);
                        pm.Geometry   = pt;
                        pm.Name       = String.Format("TP_{0}_{1}", i.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'), routeName);
                        if (i == 0)
                            pm.Name = String.Format("SP_{0}", routeName);
                        if (i == routePoints.Count - 1)
                            pm.Name = String.Format("FP_{0}", routeName);
                    if (lstNBLine.Count > 0)
                        Placemark          pm = new Placemark();
                        SharpKml.Dom.Point pt = new SharpKml.Dom.Point();
                        pt.Coordinate = new Vector(NBLPointOnRoute.Latitude, NBLPointOnRoute.Longitude);
                        pm.Geometry   = pt;
                        pm.Name       = String.Format("NBLINE_{0}", routeName);


            #region Create Kml document

            for (int i = 0; i < lstFeaturesPROHPolygon.Count; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < lstFeaturesSP.Count; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < lstFeaturesFP.Count; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < lstFeaturesChannel.Count; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < lstFeaturesNBLine.Count; i++)
