private void btnLisaa_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string UusiHSuku = tbSukunimi.Text; string UusiHEtu = tbEtunimi.Text; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(UusiHSuku) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(UusiHEtu) || !cbKayttoehdot.Checked) { MessageBox.Show("Anna vähintään etu- ja sukunimi sekä hyväksy käyttöehdot\nja valitse osallistuminen"); } else { // Add New person to database string Email = tbEmail.Text; string City = tbCity.Text; string Club = tbClub.Text; // first create new object objConnect = new DatabaseConnection(); // then give SQL as a parameter objConnect.Sql = "INSERT INTO Person (EventID, LastName, FirstName, Email, City, Acceptance, Club)" + " VALUES ('" + EventID + "', '" + UusiHSuku + "', '" + UusiHEtu + "', '" + Email + "', '" + City + "', '1', '" + Club + "')"; // Run ds = objConnect.GetConnection; // Get PersonID // Call DatabaseConnection Class // first create new object objConnect = new DatabaseConnection(); // then give SQL as a parameter objConnect.Sql = "SELECT MAX(PersonID) AS PersonID From Person"; ds = objConnect.GetConnection; dt = new DataTable(); dt = ds.Tables["Table"]; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { PersonID = dr["PersonID"].ToString(); } Osallistuminen t = new Osallistuminen(PersonID, UusiHSuku, UusiHEtu, EventID); t.FormClosed += (s, args) => this.Close(); t.ShowDialog(); } } catch (Exception err) { MessageBox.Show(err.Message); } }
private void btnRemoveParti_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (lbListPersons.SelectedIndex == -1) { // Do nothing - nothing selected } else { string toRemove = lbListPersons.SelectedItem.ToString(); string LastName = toRemove.Split(',')[0]; string FirstName = toRemove.Split(',')[1]; string PersonID = ""; FirstName = FirstName.TrimStart(); // first create new object objConnect = new DatabaseConnection(); // then give SQL as a parameter - Device table fist objConnect.Sql = "SELECT * FROM Person WHERE LastName = '" + LastName + "' AND FirstName = '" + FirstName + "' AND EventID = '" + EventID + "'"; ds = objConnect.GetConnection; dt = new DataTable(); dt = ds.Tables["Table"]; // Update params and call Osallistuminen form foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { PersonID = dr["PersonID"].ToString(); } // Form calling Osallistuminen t = new Osallistuminen(PersonID, LastName, FirstName, EventID); t.ShowDialog(); } } catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show(exc.Message); } }