public void SetMaterialUnknowns(int idx, int unknown1, string unknown2) { remMaterial mat = Parser.MATC[idx]; mat.unk_or_flag = unknown1; mat.unknown = new remId(unknown2); }
public remBone Clone(bool mesh, bool childFrames, remParser parser, List <remMaterial> clonedMaterials, List <remMesh> clonedMeshes, List <remSkin> clonedSkins) { remBone frame = new remBone(Count); = name; frame.matrix = matrix; if (mesh) { remMesh remMesh = rem.FindMesh(this, parser.MESC); if (remMesh != null) { foreach (remId matId in remMesh.materials) { remMaterial mat = rem.FindMaterial(matId, parser.MATC); if (!clonedMaterials.Contains(mat)) { clonedMaterials.Add(mat.Clone()); } } remMesh clone = remMesh.Clone(true, true, parser, clonedSkins); clone.frame =; clonedMeshes.Add(clone); } } if (childFrames) { for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { frame.AddChild(this[i].Clone(mesh, true, parser, clonedMaterials, clonedMeshes, clonedSkins)); } } return(frame); }
public void CopyMaterial(int idx) { remMaterial clone = Parser.MATC[idx].Clone(); = new remId( + "_copy"); Parser.MATC.AddChild(clone); }
public static void ReplaceMaterial(remParser parser, ImportedMaterial material) { remMaterial mat = CreateMaterial(material); bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < parser.MATC.Count; i++) { if (parser.MATC[i].name == material.Name) { remMaterial original = parser.MATC[i]; CopyUnknown(original, mat); parser.MATC.RemoveChild(i); parser.MATC.InsertChild(i, mat); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { CreateUnknown(mat); parser.MATC.AddChild(mat); } }
public void SetMaterialPhong(int idx, object[] diffuse, object[] ambient, object[] specular, object[] emissive, int shininess) { remMaterial mat = Parser.MATC[idx]; mat.diffuse = new Color3((float)(double)diffuse[0], (float)(double)diffuse[1], (float)(double)diffuse[2]); mat.ambient = new Color3((float)(double)ambient[0], (float)(double)ambient[1], (float)(double)ambient[2]); mat.specular = new Color3((float)(double)specular[0], (float)(double)specular[1], (float)(double)specular[2]); mat.emissive = new Color3((float)(double)emissive[0], (float)(double)emissive[1], (float)(double)emissive[2]); mat.specularPower = shininess; }
private void PullNewMaterials(List <remMaterial> materialClones) { for (int i = 0; i < materialClones.Count; i++) { remMaterial mat = materialClones[i]; if (rem.FindMaterial(, Parser.MATC) != null) { materialClones.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } Parser.MATC.ChildList.AddRange(materialClones); }
public static remMaterial CreateMaterial(ImportedMaterial impMat) { remMaterial remMat = new remMaterial(); = new remId(impMat.Name); remMat.diffuse = new Color3(impMat.Diffuse.Red, impMat.Diffuse.Green, impMat.Diffuse.Blue); remMat.ambient = new Color3(impMat.Ambient.Red, impMat.Ambient.Green, impMat.Ambient.Blue); remMat.specular = new Color3(impMat.Specular.Red, impMat.Specular.Green, impMat.Specular.Blue); remMat.emissive = new Color3(impMat.Emissive.Red, impMat.Emissive.Green, impMat.Emissive.Blue); remMat.specularPower = (int)impMat.Power; remMat.texture = new remId(impMat.Textures[0]); return(remMat); }
public remMaterial Clone() { remMaterial mat = new remMaterial(); = new remId(name); for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++) {[i] = properties[i]; } mat.specularPower = specularPower; rem.CopyUnknown(this, mat); mat.texture = new remId(texture); return(mat); }
public void RemoveMaterial(int idx) { remMaterial mat = Parser.MATC[idx]; for (int i = 0; i < Parser.MESC.Count; i++) { remMesh mesh = Parser.MESC[i]; for (int j = 0; j < mesh.numMats; j++) { remId matId = mesh.materials[j]; if (matId == { mesh.materials[j] = null; } } } Parser.MATC.RemoveChild(idx); }
private static remMATCsection ReadMaterials(string sectionName, int sectionLength, int numMaterials, byte[] sectionBuffer) { remMATCsection matSec = new remMATCsection(numMaterials); int secBufIdx = 0; for (int subSection = 0; subSection < numMaterials; subSection++) { byte[] type = new byte[4] { sectionBuffer[secBufIdx + 0], sectionBuffer[secBufIdx + 1], sectionBuffer[secBufIdx + 2], sectionBuffer[secBufIdx + 3] }; int length = BitConverter.ToInt32(sectionBuffer, secBufIdx + 4); remMaterial mat = new remMaterial(); Trace.Assert(TypeCheck(remMaterial.ClassType, type)); = GetIdentifier(sectionBuffer, secBufIdx + 8); for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { mat[i] = BitConverter.ToSingle(sectionBuffer, secBufIdx + 8 + 256 + i * 4); } mat.specularPower = BitConverter.ToInt32(sectionBuffer, secBufIdx + 8 + 256 + 12 * 4); mat.unk_or_flag = BitConverter.ToInt32(sectionBuffer, secBufIdx + 8 + 256 + 12 * 4 + 4); mat.unknown = GetIdentifier(sectionBuffer, secBufIdx + 8 + 256 + 12 * 4 + 4 + 4); if (length >= 0x240 + 256) { mat.texture = GetIdentifier(sectionBuffer, secBufIdx + 0x240); } matSec.AddChild(mat); secBufIdx += length; } if (secBufIdx != sectionLength) { Report.ReportLog("Warning! MATC section has wrong length."); } return(matSec); }
public void MergeMaterial(remMaterial mat) { var newMat = mat.Clone(); bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < Parser.MATC.Count; i++) { var oldMat = Parser.MATC[i]; if ( == { Parser.MATC.ChildList.RemoveAt(i); Parser.MATC.ChildList.Insert(i, newMat); found = true; break; } } if (!found) { Parser.MATC.AddChild(newMat); } InitTextures(false, false); }
private static List <string> Export(string dest, remParser parser, List <remMesh> meshes, bool worldCoords) { List <string> usedTextures = new List <string>(parser.MATC.Count); DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(dest)); if (!dir.Exists) { dir.Create(); } List <rem.Mesh> convertedMeshes = new List <rem.Mesh>(meshes.Count); List <int> materialList = new List <int>(parser.MATC.Count); using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(dest, false)) { for (int i = 0; i < meshes.Count; i++) { rem.Mesh meshListSome = new rem.Mesh(meshes[i], null); convertedMeshes.Add(meshListSome); for (int j = 0; j < meshListSome.Count; j++) { rem.Submesh meshObj = meshListSome[j]; remMaterial mat = rem.FindMaterial(meshObj.MaterialName, parser.MATC); if (mat != null) { int meshObjMatIdx = parser.MATC.IndexOf(mat); if (!materialList.Contains(meshObjMatIdx)) { materialList.Add(meshObjMatIdx); } } else { Report.ReportLog("Warning: Mesh " + meshes[i].name + " Object " + j + " has an invalid material"); } } } writer.WriteLine("Metasequoia Document"); writer.WriteLine("Format Text Ver 1.0"); writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine("Material " + materialList.Count + " {"); foreach (int matIdx in materialList) { remMaterial mat = parser.MATC[matIdx]; string s = "\t\"" + + "\" col(0.800 0.800 0.800 1.000) dif(0.500) amb(0.100) emi(0.500) spc(0.100) power(30.00)"; string matTexName = mat.texture; if (matTexName != null) { s += " tex(\"" + Path.GetFileName(matTexName) + "\")"; } writer.WriteLine(s); } writer.WriteLine("}"); Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < meshes.Count; i++) { remBone parent = rem.FindFrame(meshes[i].frame, parser.BONC.rootFrame); float scale = Math.Abs(parent.matrix.M11); Matrix transform = Matrix.Scaling(-1f, 1f, 1f); if (worldCoords) { while (parent != parser.BONC.rootFrame) { transform *= parent.matrix; parent = parent.Parent as remBone; } } string meshName = meshes[i].name; if (scale != 1f) { meshName += "(Scale=" + scale.ToString() + ")"; } rem.Mesh meshListSome = convertedMeshes[i]; for (int j = 0; j < meshListSome.Count; j++) { rem.Submesh meshObj = meshListSome[j]; remMaterial mat = rem.FindMaterial(meshObj.MaterialName, parser.MATC); int mqoMatIdx = -1; if (mat != null) { int meshObjMatIdx = parser.MATC.IndexOf(mat); mqoMatIdx = materialList.IndexOf(meshObjMatIdx); } float[] color = new float[3]; for (int k = 0; k < color.Length; k++) { color[k] = (float)((rand.NextDouble() / 2) + 0.5); } string mqoName = meshName + "[" + j + "]"; if (worldCoords) { mqoName += "[W]"; } writer.WriteLine("Object \"" + mqoName + "\" {"); writer.WriteLine("\tshading 1"); writer.WriteLine("\tcolor " + color[0].ToFloatString() + " " + color[1].ToFloatString() + " " + color[2].ToFloatString()); writer.WriteLine("\tcolor_type 1"); List <ImportedVertex> vertList = worldCoords ? rem.ImportedVertexListUnskinnedWorld(meshObj.VertexList, transform) : rem.ImportedVertexListUnskinned(meshObj.VertexList, scale); List <ImportedFace> faceList = rem.ImportedFaceList(meshObj.FaceList); SB3Utility.Mqo.ExporterCommon.WriteMeshObject(writer, vertList, faceList, mqoMatIdx, null); writer.WriteLine("}"); } } writer.WriteLine("Eof"); } foreach (int matIdx in materialList) { remMaterial mat = parser.MATC[matIdx]; string matTexName = mat.texture; if (matTexName != null && !usedTextures.Contains(matTexName)) { usedTextures.Add(matTexName); } } return(usedTextures); }
public static void remMaterial(remMaterial mat) { mat.unk_or_flag = 0; mat.unknown = new remId(null); }
private void ConvertMeshes(List <remMesh> meshes, remParser parser) { MeshList = new List <ImportedMesh>(meshes.Count); MaterialList = new List <ImportedMaterial>(meshes.Count); TextureList = new List <ImportedTexture>(parser.MATC.Count); foreach (remMesh mesh in meshes) { ImportedMesh iMesh = new ImportedMesh(); MeshList.Add(iMesh); iMesh.BoneList = new List <ImportedBone>(); Dictionary <remId, byte> boneDic = new Dictionary <remId, byte>(); remSkin skin = rem.FindSkin(, parser.SKIC); rem.Mesh convertedMesh = new rem.Mesh(mesh, skin); iMesh.SubmeshList = new List <ImportedSubmesh>(convertedMesh.Count); remBone meshFrame = rem.FindFrame(mesh.frame, parser.BONC.rootFrame); ImportedFrame iFrame = ImportedHelpers.FindFrame(mesh.frame, FrameList[0]); float s = (float)Math.Round(Math.Abs(meshFrame.matrix.M11), 5); iFrame.Name = iMesh.Name = + (s != 1f ? "(Scale=" + s.ToString() + ")" : String.Empty); foreach (rem.Submesh submesh in convertedMesh) { ImportedSubmesh iSubmesh = new ImportedSubmesh(); iMesh.SubmeshList.Add(iSubmesh); remMaterial mat = rem.FindMaterial(submesh.MaterialName, parser.MATC); if (mat != null) { iSubmesh.Material =; ImportedMaterial iMat = ImportedHelpers.FindMaterial(iSubmesh.Material, MaterialList); if (iMat == null) { iMat = new ImportedMaterial(); MaterialList.Add(iMat); iMat.Name = iSubmesh.Material; iMat.Diffuse = new Color4(mat.diffuse); iMat.Ambient = new Color4(mat.ambient); iMat.Specular = new Color4(mat.specular); iMat.Emissive = new Color4(mat.emissive); iMat.Power = mat.specularPower; iMat.Textures = new string[4] { String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty, String.Empty }; if (mat.texture != null) { iMat.Textures[0] = mat.texture; if (ImportedHelpers.FindTexture(iMat.Textures[0], TextureList) == null) { try { ImportedTexture iTex = rem.ImportedTexture(mat.texture, parser.RemPath, true); TextureList.Add(iTex); } catch { Report.ReportLog("cant read texture " + iMat.Textures[0]); } } } } } List <Tuple <byte, float> >[] iSkin = new List <Tuple <byte, float> > [submesh.numVertices]; for (int i = 0; i < submesh.numVertices; i++) { iSkin[i] = new List <Tuple <byte, float> >(4); } List <remBoneWeights> boneList = submesh.BoneList; if (boneList != null) { if (iMesh.BoneList.Capacity < boneList.Count) { iMesh.BoneList.Capacity += boneList.Count; } foreach (remBoneWeights boneWeights in boneList) { byte idx; if (!boneDic.TryGetValue(boneWeights.bone, out idx)) { ImportedBone iBone = new ImportedBone(); iMesh.BoneList.Add(iBone); iBone.Name = boneWeights.bone; Vector3 scale, translate; Quaternion rotate; meshFrame.matrix.Decompose(out scale, out rotate, out translate); scale.X = Math.Abs(scale.X); scale.Y = Math.Abs(scale.Y); scale.Z = Math.Abs(scale.Z); iBone.Matrix = Matrix.Scaling(1f, 1f, -1f) * Matrix.Invert(meshFrame.matrix) * Matrix.Scaling(scale) * boneWeights.matrix; boneDic.Add(boneWeights.bone, idx = (byte)boneDic.Count); } for (int i = 0; i < boneWeights.numVertIdxWts; i++) { iSkin[boneWeights.vertexIndices[i]].Add(new Tuple <byte, float>(idx, boneWeights.vertexWeights[i])); } } } iSubmesh.VertexList = new List <ImportedVertex>(submesh.numVertices); for (int i = 0; i < submesh.numVertices; i++) { remVertex vert = submesh.VertexList[i]; ImportedVertex iVert = new ImportedVertex(); iSubmesh.VertexList.Add(iVert); iVert.Position = new Vector3(vert.Position.X, vert.Position.Z, -vert.Position.Y); iVert.Normal = new Vector3(vert.Normal.X, vert.Normal.Z, -vert.Normal.Y); iVert.UV = new float[] { vert.UV[0], vert.UV[1] }; iVert.BoneIndices = new byte[4]; iVert.Weights = new float[4]; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (j < iSkin[i].Count) { Tuple <byte, float> vertIdxWeight = iSkin[i][j]; iVert.BoneIndices[j] = vertIdxWeight.Item1; iVert.Weights[j] = vertIdxWeight.Item2; } else { iVert.BoneIndices[j] = 0xFF; } } } iSubmesh.FaceList = rem.ImportedFaceList(submesh.FaceList); } } }
public static void ReplaceMesh(remBone frame, remParser parser, WorkspaceMesh mesh, List <ImportedMaterial> materials, List <ImportedTexture> textures, bool merge, CopyMeshMethod normalsMethod, CopyMeshMethod bonesMethod, bool meshFrameCorrection) { remMesh frameREMMesh = rem.FindMesh(frame, parser.MESC); int startPos = 0; if (meshFrameCorrection) { // frame.matrix = Matrix.Scaling(-1f, 1f, 1f) * Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(0f, (float)(Math.PI / 2), (float)Math.PI); frame.matrix = Matrix.Identity; frame.matrix.M22 = frame.matrix.M33 = 0f; frame.matrix.M23 = frame.matrix.M32 = 1f; startPos = mesh.Name.IndexOf("(Scale"); if (startPos > 0) { int endPos = mesh.Name.IndexOf(')'); float scale; if (Single.TryParse(mesh.Name.Substring(startPos + 7, endPos - startPos - 7), out scale)) { frame.matrix *= Matrix.Scaling(new Vector3(scale)); } remId newFrameName = new remId(mesh.Name.Substring(0, startPos)); if (newFrameName != { if (rem.FindFrame(newFrameName, parser.BONC.rootFrame) == null) { = newFrameName; } else { Report.ReportLog("Warning! Cant rename frame (and mesh) " + mesh.Name + " automatically to " + newFrameName + "."); } } } } Matrix transform = Matrix.Scaling(-1f, 1f, 1f); remBone transformFrame = frame; while (transformFrame != parser.BONC.rootFrame) { transform *= transformFrame.matrix; transformFrame = transformFrame.Parent as remBone; } transform.Invert(); string[] materialNames; int[] indices; bool[] worldCoords; bool[] replaceSubmeshesOption; remMesh newREMMesh = CreateMesh(mesh, out materialNames, out indices, out worldCoords, out replaceSubmeshesOption); if (startPos > 0) { =; } Mesh newMesh = new Mesh(newREMMesh, CreateBoneList(mesh, transform)); remSkin frameMeshSkin = null; Mesh frameMesh = null; if (frameREMMesh != null) { =; frameMeshSkin = rem.FindSkin(, parser.SKIC); frameMesh = new Mesh(frameREMMesh, frameMeshSkin); } Submesh[] replaceSubmeshes = frameMesh != null ? new Submesh[frameMesh.Count] : null; List <Submesh> addSubmeshes = new List <Submesh>(newMesh.Count); for (int i = 0; i < newMesh.Count; i++) { remMaterial mat = rem.FindMaterial(new remId(materialNames[i]), parser.MATC); if (materials != null) { if (mat == null) { mat = CreateMaterial(ImportedHelpers.FindMaterial(materialNames[i], materials)); parser.MATC.AddChild(mat); } /* if (textures != null) * { * string texName = materials[i].Textures[0]; * remMaterial texMat = rem.FindMaterial(parser.MATC, new remId(texName)); * if (texMat == null) * { * for (int k = 0; k < textures.Count; k++) * { * if (textures[k].Name == texName) * { * // texMat = CreateTexture(textures[k], Path.GetDirectoryName(parser.ODFPath)); * break; * } * } * } * }*/ } Submesh newSubmesh = newMesh[i]; if (mat != null) { newSubmesh.MaterialName =; } if (worldCoords[i]) { List <remVertex> newVertexList = newSubmesh.VertexList; for (int j = 0; j < newVertexList.Count; j++) { newVertexList[j].Position = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(newVertexList[j].Position, transform); } } Submesh baseSubmesh = null; List <remBoneWeights> newBones = null; int idx = indices[i]; if ((frameMesh != null) && (idx >= 0) && (idx < frameMesh.Count)) { baseSubmesh = frameMesh[idx]; if ((bonesMethod == CopyMeshMethod.CopyOrder) || (bonesMethod == CopyMeshMethod.CopyNear)) { List <remBoneWeights> baseBones = baseSubmesh.BoneList; if (baseBones != null) { newBones = new List <remBoneWeights>(baseBones.Count); foreach (remBoneWeights boneWeights in baseBones) { remBoneWeights copy = boneWeights.Clone(); newBones.Add(copy); } newSubmesh.BoneList = newBones; } } else if (bonesMethod == CopyMeshMethod.Replace) { newBones = newSubmesh.BoneList; } } else { newBones = newSubmesh.BoneList; } if (baseSubmesh != null) { if (normalsMethod == CopyMeshMethod.CopyOrder) { rem.CopyNormalsOrder(baseSubmesh.VertexList, newSubmesh.VertexList); } else if (normalsMethod == CopyMeshMethod.CopyNear) { rem.CopyNormalsNear(baseSubmesh.VertexList, newSubmesh.VertexList); } if (bonesMethod == CopyMeshMethod.CopyOrder) { rem.CopyBonesOrder(baseSubmesh.VertexList, newSubmesh.VertexList, newBones); } else if (bonesMethod == CopyMeshMethod.CopyNear) { rem.CopyBonesNear(baseSubmesh.VertexList, newSubmesh.VertexList, newBones); } } if ((baseSubmesh != null) && merge && replaceSubmeshesOption[i]) { replaceSubmeshes[idx] = newSubmesh; } else { addSubmeshes.Add(newSubmesh); } } if ((frameMesh != null) && merge) { newMesh.ChildList.Clear(); newMesh.ChildList.Capacity = replaceSubmeshes.Length + addSubmeshes.Count; for (int i = 0, submeshesRemoved = 0; i < replaceSubmeshes.Length; i++) { if (replaceSubmeshes[i] == null) { Submesh newSubmesh = frameMesh[i - submeshesRemoved++]; newMesh.AddChild(newSubmesh); } else { newMesh.AddChild(replaceSubmeshes[i]); } } newMesh.ChildList.AddRange(addSubmeshes); } remSkin skin; newREMMesh = newMesh.CreateMesh(out skin); newREMMesh.frame =; if (frameREMMesh != null) { CopyUnknowns(frameREMMesh, newREMMesh); parser.MESC.InsertChild(parser.MESC.IndexOf(frameREMMesh), newREMMesh); RemoveMesh(parser, frameREMMesh); } else { CreateUnknowns(newREMMesh); parser.MESC.AddChild(newREMMesh); } if (skin.Count > 0) { parser.SKIC.AddChild(skin); } }
public static void CreateUnknown(remMaterial material) { UnknownDefaults.remMaterial(material); }
public static void CopyUnknown(remMaterial srcMat, remMaterial dstMat) { dstMat.unk_or_flag = srcMat.unk_or_flag; dstMat.unknown = srcMat.unknown; }
private AnimationFrame CreateFrame(remBone frame, remParser parser, HashSet <string> extractFrames, remMesh mesh, Device device, Matrix combinedParent, List <AnimationFrame> meshFrames) { AnimationFrame animationFrame = new AnimationFrame(); animationFrame.Name =; animationFrame.TransformationMatrix = frame.matrix; animationFrame.OriginalTransform = animationFrame.TransformationMatrix; animationFrame.CombinedTransform = combinedParent * animationFrame.TransformationMatrix; if ( == mesh.frame) { ExtendedMaterial[] materials = new ExtendedMaterial[mesh.numMats]; List <List <remVertex> > submeshVertLists = new List <List <remVertex> >(mesh.numMats); List <List <ushort> > submeshFaceLists = new List <List <ushort> >(mesh.numMats); List <int[]> submeshVertIndices = new List <int[]>(mesh.numMats); SplitMesh(mesh, submeshVertLists, submeshFaceLists, submeshVertIndices); remSkin boneList = rem.FindSkin(, parser.SKIC); bool skinned = boneList != null; int numBones = skinned ? boneList.Count : 0; List <string> boneNamesList = new List <string>(numBones); List <Matrix> boneOffsetsList = new List <Matrix>(numBones); for (int boneIdx = 0; boneIdx < numBones; boneIdx++) { boneNamesList.Add(boneList[boneIdx].bone.ToString()); boneOffsetsList.Add(boneList[boneIdx].matrix); } List <string> boneFrameParentNames = new List <string>(numBones); List <Matrix> boneFrameParentMatrices = new List <Matrix>(numBones); for (int boneIdx = 0; boneIdx < numBones; boneIdx++) { remBone boneFrame = rem.FindFrame(boneList[boneIdx].bone, parser.BONC.rootFrame); if (boneFrame == null) { continue; } remBone boneFrameParent = boneFrame.Parent; if (!boneNamesList.Contains( && !boneFrameParentNames.Contains( { boneFrameParentNames.Add(; Matrix incompleteMeshFrameCorrection = Matrix.Invert(frame.matrix); boneFrameParentMatrices.Add(incompleteMeshFrameCorrection * Matrix.Invert(boneFrame.matrix) * boneList[boneIdx].matrix); } } boneNamesList.AddRange(boneFrameParentNames); string[] boneNames = boneNamesList.ToArray(); boneOffsetsList.AddRange(boneFrameParentMatrices); Matrix[] boneOffsets = boneOffsetsList.ToArray(); AnimationMeshContainer[] meshContainers = new AnimationMeshContainer[submeshFaceLists.Count]; Vector3 min = new Vector3(Single.MaxValue); Vector3 max = new Vector3(Single.MinValue); for (int i = 0; i < submeshFaceLists.Count; i++) { List <ushort> faceList = submeshFaceLists[i]; List <remVertex> vertexList = submeshVertLists[i]; Mesh animationMesh = new Mesh(device, faceList.Count, vertexList.Count, MeshFlags.Managed, PositionBlendWeightsIndexedNormalTexturedColoured.Format); using (DataStream indexStream = animationMesh.LockIndexBuffer(LockFlags.None)) { for (int j = 0; j < faceList.Count; j++) { indexStream.Write(faceList[j]); } animationMesh.UnlockIndexBuffer(); } byte[][] vertexBoneIndices = null; float[][] vertexWeights = ConvertVertexWeights(vertexList, submeshVertIndices[i], boneList, out vertexBoneIndices); FillVertexBuffer(animationMesh, vertexList, vertexWeights, vertexBoneIndices, -1); var normalLines = new PositionBlendWeightsIndexedColored[vertexList.Count * 2]; for (int j = 0; j < vertexList.Count; j++) { remVertex vertex = vertexList[j]; Vector3 position = vertex.Position; Vector3 normal = vertex.Normal; float[] boneWeights = vertexWeights[j]; normalLines[j * 2] = new PositionBlendWeightsIndexedColored(position, boneWeights, vertexBoneIndices[j], Color.Coral.ToArgb()); normalLines[(j * 2) + 1] = new PositionBlendWeightsIndexedColored(position + normal, boneWeights, vertexBoneIndices[j], Color.Blue.ToArgb()); #if !DONT_MIRROR position.Z *= -1f; #endif min = Vector3.Minimize(min, position); max = Vector3.Maximize(max, position); } AnimationMeshContainer meshContainer = new AnimationMeshContainer(); meshContainer.Name = animationFrame.Name; meshContainer.MeshData = new MeshData(animationMesh); meshContainer.NormalLines = normalLines; meshContainer.BoneNames = boneNames; meshContainer.BoneOffsets = boneOffsets; meshContainers[i] = meshContainer; remMaterial mat = rem.FindMaterial(mesh.materials[i], parser.MATC); if (mat != null) { Material material3D = new Material(); material3D.Ambient = new Color4(mat.ambient); material3D.Diffuse = new Color4(mat.diffuse); material3D.Emissive = new Color4(mat.emissive); material3D.Specular = new Color4(mat.specular); material3D.Power = mat.specularPower; int matIdx = parser.MATC.IndexOf(mat); Materials[matIdx] = material3D; meshContainer.MaterialIndex = matIdx; int texIdx = 0; if (mat.texture != null && !TextureDic.TryGetValue(mat.texture.ToString(), out texIdx)) { ImportedTexture importedTex = null; if (!ImportedTextures.TryGetValue(mat.texture.ToString(), out importedTex)) { importedTex = rem.ImportedTexture(mat.texture, parser.RemPath, true); if (importedTex == null) { Report.ReportLog("Export textures of TEXH.FPK!"); continue; } ImportedTextures.Add(mat.texture.ToString(), importedTex); } Texture memTex = Texture.FromMemory(device, importedTex.Data); texIdx = TextureDic.Count; TextureDic.Add(mat.texture.ToString(), texIdx); Textures.Add(memTex); } meshContainer.TextureIndex = texIdx; } } for (int i = 0; i < (meshContainers.Length - 1); i++) { meshContainers[i].NextMeshContainer = meshContainers[i + 1]; } min = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(min, animationFrame.CombinedTransform); max = Vector3.TransformCoordinate(max, animationFrame.CombinedTransform); animationFrame.Bounds = new BoundingBox(min, max); animationFrame.MeshContainer = meshContainers[0]; meshFrames.Add(animationFrame); } for (int i = 0; i < frame.Count; i++) { remBone child = frame[i]; if (extractFrames.Contains( { AnimationFrame childAnimationFrame = CreateFrame(child, parser, extractFrames, mesh, device, animationFrame.CombinedTransform, meshFrames); childAnimationFrame.Parent = animationFrame; animationFrame.AppendChild(childAnimationFrame); } } numFrames++; return(animationFrame); }