Example #1
		public Int32 OpenJob( Connection NewOwner, AgentGuid NewJobGuid )
			// Create the bi-directional link between the job and its owner
			NewOwner.Job = this;
			Owner = NewOwner;
			// Determine if the owner is the Instigator, and if so, perform
			// any additional work necessary
			if( NewOwner is LocalConnection )
				OwnerIsInstigator = true;

				// If the owner of the job is the Instigator, set the current working
				// directory to be where the Instigator process is executing
				LocalConnection LocalNewOwner = NewOwner as LocalConnection;
				Manager.SetCurrentDirectoryByProcessID( LocalNewOwner.ProcessID );

				// Update the visualizer
				AgentApplication.UpdateMachineState( Environment.MachineName, -1, EProgressionState.InstigatorConnected );

			// Add to the Agent-wide list of active jobs
			JobGuid = NewJobGuid;
			Manager.ActiveJobs.Add( NewJobGuid, this );

			return Constants.SUCCESS;
Example #2
         * Flush the message queue - note this does not assure that it's empty, it just
         * makes sure that all messages that are in the queue at the time of this method
         * call are processed. This call is blocking.
        public bool FlushMessageQueue( Connection RequestingConnection, bool WithDisconnect )
            Log( EVerbosityLevel.ExtraVerbose, ELogColour.Green, String.Format( "[FlushMessageQueue] Draining message queue for {0:X8}", RequestingConnection.Handle ) );

            // This special call will act as a "writer" since we only want to
            // allow one of these to act at a time. By doing this, we ensure
            // that all "readers" that use this lock are finished.
            SendMessageLock.AcquireWriterLock( Timeout.Infinite );
            Log( EVerbosityLevel.ExtraVerbose, ELogColour.Green, String.Format( "[FlushMessageQueue] Lock acquired for {0:X8}", RequestingConnection.Handle ) );

            // Flush the message queue with a signal message, optionally with a disconnection event
            AgentSignalMessage SignalMessage;
            if( WithDisconnect )
                SignalMessage = new DisconnectionSignalMessage( RequestingConnection );
                SignalMessage = new AgentSignalMessage();
            Int32 SignalMessageSent = SendMessageInternal( RequestingConnection, SignalMessage );

            // Release our "writer" lock
            Log( EVerbosityLevel.ExtraVerbose, ELogColour.Green, String.Format( "[FlushMessageQueue] Lock released for {0:X8}", RequestingConnection.Handle ) );

            if( SignalMessageSent == Constants.SUCCESS )
                SignalMessage.ResetEvent.WaitOne( Timeout.Infinite );
                Log( EVerbosityLevel.ExtraVerbose, ELogColour.Green, String.Format( "[FlushMessageQueue] Drain complete for {0:X8}", RequestingConnection.Handle ) );
                return true;
                Log( EVerbosityLevel.ExtraVerbose, ELogColour.Green, "[FlushMessageQueue] Drain failed because of an error sending the signal message" );
                return false;
Example #3
        private Int32 SetChannelHandleAndAdd( Connection ConnectionThatOwnsChannel, Channel NewChannel )
            Int32 NewHandleValue;
            lock( SetChannelHandleAndAddLock )
                // Generate a new random value for the handle
                    NewHandleValue = SetChannelHandleAndAddGenerator.Next();
                // Keep generating new values until we find one not already in use
                while( ConnectionThatOwnsChannel.OpenChannels.ContainsKey( NewHandleValue ) );

                // Now set the new handle value and add to the set
                NewChannel.SetHandle( NewHandleValue );
                ConnectionThatOwnsChannel.OpenChannels.Add( NewHandleValue, NewChannel );
            return NewHandleValue;
Example #4
		private bool RequestTaskFiles( Connection RequestingConnection, AgentTaskSpecification TaskSpecification )
			// Check for and possibly request each dependency
			if( TaskSpecification.Dependencies != null )
				foreach( string Dependency in TaskSpecification.Dependencies )
					if( !RequestDependency( RequestingConnection, Dependency, true ) )
						return false;
			return true;
Example #5
		private bool RequestJobFiles( Connection RequestingConnection, AgentJobSpecification JobSpecification )
			// Check for and possibly request the executable
			if( !RequestDependency( RequestingConnection, JobSpecification.ExecutableName, true ) )
				return false;
			// Check for and possibly request each dependency
			if( JobSpecification.RequiredDependencies != null )
				foreach( string Dependency in JobSpecification.RequiredDependencies )
					if( !RequestDependency( RequestingConnection, Dependency, true ) )
						return false;
			if( JobSpecification.OptionalDependencies != null )
				foreach( string Dependency in JobSpecification.OptionalDependencies )
					if( !RequestDependency( RequestingConnection, Dependency, false ) )
						return false;
			return true;
Example #6
		public void CancelReservations( Connection ReservationHolder )
			// We need the state to not change while we're in here
			lock( CurrentStateLock )
				TaskReservationCount -= ReservationHolder.ReservationCount;
				ReservationHolder.ReservationCount = 0;
Example #7
		public AgentTaskRequestResponse GetNextTask( Connection RequestingConnection )
			// We need the state to not change while we're in here
			lock( CurrentStateLock )
				// Take the next Task off of the Pending list and add it to the Active list
				if( CurrentState == JobState.AGENT_JOB_RUNNING )
					lock( PendingTasks )
						AgentTask NextTask = null;

						// Check for whether we're running in deterministic mode
						if( DeterministicModeEnabled )
							// If so, look up the requesting connection's task queue
							Queue<AgentTask> TaskQueue;
							string RequestorName = Manager.MachineNameFromConnection( RequestingConnection );
							if( Manager.LastSuccessfulJobRecord.AgentToTaskQueueMapping.TryGetValue( RequestorName, out TaskQueue ) )
								if( TaskQueue.Count > 0 )
									// Grab the next pending task
									NextTask = TaskQueue.Dequeue();
						// Otherwise, we're in a standard distribution mode, see if there
						// are tasks available to hand out
						else if( PendingTasks.Count > 0 )
							// Check to see if should avoid the next task
							if( !AvoidNextTask( RequestingConnection ) )
								NextTask = PendingTasks.Pop();

						if( NextTask != null )
							// Assign the new owner and add the task to the running sets
							NextTask.CurrentOwner = RequestingConnection;
							// Set the assign time of the task as well as the start time,
							// in case they don't send back a RUNNING message, which will
							// set the proper start time
							NextTask.AssignTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
							NextTask.StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

							// Update additional stats
							if( RequestingConnection is RemoteConnection )

							AgentTaskSpecification TaskSpecification = NextTask.Specification;
							RequestingConnection.RunningTasks.Add( TaskSpecification.TaskGuid, NextTask );
							RunningTasks.Add( TaskSpecification.TaskGuid, NextTask );

							// Send back the now ready task specification
							return TaskSpecification;
						// If we're not the final authority of this job, then we'll send back a
						// reservation and allow the Instigator send the real answer later.
						// Alternately, if the owner is the Instigator, we also need to send
						// back a reservation to make sure the local job application runs until
						// the job is done.
						else if( ( OwnerIsInstigator == false ) ||
								 ( RequestingConnection is LocalConnection ) )
							// Always track outstanding reservations

							// For local connections, send a RESERVATION response which indicates that we
							// have no work currently to hand out, but we might in the future, so sit
							// tight. For remote connections, we only need to track the reservation
							if( RequestingConnection is LocalConnection )
								return ( new AgentTaskRequestResponse( JobGuid,
																	   ETaskRequestResponseType.RESERVATION ) );
						// Otherwise, we're all out of tasks, so release the worker
							// No more distributed tasks to hand out, send back a release
							return ( new AgentTaskRequestResponse( JobGuid,
																   ETaskRequestResponseType.RELEASE ) );
				else if( CurrentState == JobState.AGENT_JOB_CLOSED )
					// No more distributed tasks to hand out, send back a release
					return ( new AgentTaskRequestResponse( JobGuid,
														   ETaskRequestResponseType.RELEASE ) );
			return null;
Example #8
		private bool AvoidNextTask( Connection RequestingConection )
			Debug.Assert( RequestingConection.Job != null );
			bool SafeToAvoidNextTask =
				( AgentApplication.Options.AvoidLocalExecution ) &&
				( RequestingConection is LocalConnection ) &&
				( RequestingConection.Job.Owner.RemoteChildren.Count > 0 );

			return SafeToAvoidNextTask;
Example #9
		private bool RequestDependency(Connection RequestingConnection, string Dependency, bool bIsRequired)
			Hashtable InParameters = new Hashtable();
			InParameters["Version"] = ESwarmVersionValue.VER_1_0;
			InParameters["ChannelName"] = Dependency;
			Hashtable OutParameters = null;
			if (Manager.TestChannel(RequestingConnection.Handle, InParameters, ref OutParameters) < 0)
				if (RequestingConnection is RemoteConnection)
					// For remote connection misses, try to pull the file from the instigator
					Manager.Log(EVerbosityLevel.Verbose, ELogColour.Green, "[Job] Attempting to pull file from remote Agent: " + Dependency);
					if (Manager.PullChannel(RequestingConnection as RemoteConnection, Dependency, null, 5) == false)
						if (bIsRequired)
							Manager.Log(EVerbosityLevel.Informative, ELogColour.Red, "[Job] Error: Failed to pull a required file from remote Agent: " + Dependency);
							return false;
							Manager.Log(EVerbosityLevel.Verbose, ELogColour.Orange, "[Job] Warning: Failed to pull an optional file from remote Agent: " + Dependency);
					Debug.Assert(RequestingConnection is LocalConnection);

					if (bIsRequired)
						// Always fail on local connection misses
						Manager.Log(EVerbosityLevel.Informative, ELogColour.Red, "[Job] Error: Failed to find required file: " + Dependency);
						return false;
						Manager.Log(EVerbosityLevel.Verbose, ELogColour.Orange, "[Job] Warning: Failed to find an optional file: " + Dependency);
			return true;
Example #10
         * Get the machine IP address from the connection structure
        public string MachineIPAddressFromConnection( Connection RequestingConnection )
            string MachineIPAddress = "";

            RemoteConnection Remote = RequestingConnection as RemoteConnection;
            if( Remote == null )
                MachineIPAddress = "";
                MachineIPAddress = Remote.Interface.RemoteAgentIPAddress;

            return ( MachineIPAddress );
Example #11
 public DisconnectionSignalMessage( Connection InConnectionToDisconnect )
     ConnectionToDisconnect = InConnectionToDisconnect;
Example #12
         * Actual work performed by SendMessage happens here
        public Int32 SendMessageInternal( Connection Sender, AgentMessage NewMessage )
            Int32 ErrorCode = Constants.INVALID;

            // We assume the message is valid, but if somewhere below we change our
            // mind, this value will be set to false and we'll eat the message
            bool bMessageIsValid = true;

            // Logic for the setting of the To and From fields (if not already set)
            // All connections sending messages are implicitly sending them to the
            // Instigator of the Job they're working on. Depending on where the
            // message is coming from, we might need to patch up the To field a
            // little bit to ensure it's heading to a Local connection when it
            // needs to be. The only case this applies is when we receive a message
            // from a Remote connection, directed toward a Remote connection, which
            // happens when we get a message from a Remote Agent from an even more
            // Remote connection (i.e. a Job connection on the remote machine):
            // To Local, From Local -> routing of main message and replies are ok
            // To Local, From Remote -> routing of main message and replies are ok
            // To Remote, From Local -> routing of main message and replies are ok
            // To Remote, From Remote -> routing of replies is ok, but the main
            //      message is in trouble if it's not completely handled within the
            //      Agent's ProcessMessages routine. It would be forwarded on to the
            //      To field connection which is Remote and we'd end up bouncing the
            //      message back and forth forever. Need to adjust the To field to
            //      point to the parent of the To connection (which is where it's
            //      intended to go anyway). See further below for where we handle
            //      this case.

            // If the From field is not set, give it the connection handle value by
            // default so that any response message will automatically be routed back
            // to it whether it's the sender or the recipient
            if( NewMessage.From == Constants.INVALID )
                NewMessage.From = Sender.Handle;
            // If the connection used to send the message is Remote, check for the
            // Remote -> Remote case described above
            else if( Sender is RemoteConnection )
                // If the From field is already set, see if we've already registered
                // the connection this message is being sent from
                Connection FromConnection;
                if( !Connections.TryGetValue( NewMessage.From, out FromConnection ) )
                    // This is a new one - make it an alias for the sender so that any
                    // responses will be directed back via its sending interface
                    RemoteConnection RemoteSender = Sender as RemoteConnection;
                    RemoteSender.Aliases.Add( NewMessage.From );
                    // There are times we want to ensure no new connections are coming online
                    // where we'll lock the Connections dictionary (see MaintainCache)
                    lock( Connections )
                        Connections.Add( NewMessage.From, RemoteSender );
                    FromConnection = RemoteSender;

                    string LogMessage = String.Format( "[SendMessage] Added alias for remote connection: {0:X8} is an alias for {1:X8}",
                        Sender.Handle );
                    Log( EVerbosityLevel.Informative, ELogColour.Green, LogMessage );

                // If this is a Remote -> Remote situation, the proper place to route
                // the message to the parent of the remote connection since the Agents
                // generally act as glue between connections
                if( FromConnection is RemoteConnection )
                    Debug.Assert( NewMessage.To != Constants.INVALID );

                    Connection ToConnection;
                    if( (Connections.TryGetValue( NewMessage.To, out ToConnection )) &&
                        (ToConnection is RemoteConnection) )
                        Connection ToConnectionParent = ToConnection.Parent;
                        if( ToConnectionParent != null )
                            NewMessage.To = ToConnectionParent.Handle;

            // If the To field is not set, assign it based on the message type
            if( NewMessage.To == Constants.INVALID )
                // TODO: As we add additional versions, convert to a switch rather than if-else.
                // For now, just use a simple if since we only have one version and a switch is
                // overkill.
                if( NewMessage.Version == ESwarmVersionValue.VER_1_0 )
                    // The default is for messages to be ultimately routed to the Instigator
                    // unless the message is one of a certain set of types that route
                    // directly to the connection specified
                    switch( NewMessage.Type )
                        // These message types need to be routed to the connection specified
                        // either because they are meant to be simple round-trip messages or
                        // because they are sent from within Swarm directly to the connection
                        // and should not be routed anywhere else

                        case EMessageType.QUIT:
                        case EMessageType.PING:
                        case EMessageType.SIGNAL:
                            NewMessage.To = Sender.Handle;

                        // These message types need to be routed eventually to the Instigator
                        // connection, which is the ultimate ancestor up the parent chain, so
                        // simply assign the most senior parent we have

                        case EMessageType.INFO:
                        case EMessageType.ALERT:
                        case EMessageType.TIMING:
                        case EMessageType.TASK_REQUEST:
                        case EMessageType.TASK_STATE:
                        case EMessageType.JOB_STATE:
                            // By default, make the sender the recipient for these cases, in
                            // case the parent is no longer active
                            NewMessage.To = Sender.Handle;
                            Connection SenderParent = Sender.Parent;
                            if( SenderParent != null )
                                // If we have a parent connection and it's active, then
                                // assign it as the recipient
                                if( SenderParent.CurrentState == ConnectionState.CONNECTED )
                                    NewMessage.To = SenderParent.Handle;

                        // These message types are not expected and are each error cases

                        case EMessageType.NONE:						// Should never be set to this
                        case EMessageType.JOB_SPECIFICATION:		// Only used for messages going directly into OpenJob
                        case EMessageType.TASK_REQUEST_RESPONSE:	// Should always have the To field set already
                            Log( EVerbosityLevel.Informative, ELogColour.Orange, "SendMessage: Invalid message type received, ignoring " + NewMessage.Type.ToString() );

                    // If still no assigned To field, consider it an error
                    if( NewMessage.To == Constants.INVALID )
                        Log( EVerbosityLevel.Informative, ELogColour.Orange, "SendMessage: No proper recipient found, ignoring " + NewMessage.Type.ToString() );
                        bMessageIsValid = false;

            // If the message remains valid, post it to the queue
            if( bMessageIsValid )
                lock( MessageQueueLock )
                    Debug.Assert( NewMessage != null );
                    MessageQueueSM.Enqueue( NewMessage );

                    string NewLogMessage = String.Format( "Step 1 of N for message: ({0:X8} -> {1:X8}), {2}, Message Count {3} (Agent)",
                        MessageQueueSM.Count );

                    Log( EVerbosityLevel.SuperVerbose, ELogColour.Green, NewLogMessage );

                ErrorCode = Constants.SUCCESS;
                Log( EVerbosityLevel.Informative, ELogColour.Orange, String.Format( "SendMessage: Discarded message \"{0}\"", NewMessage.Type ) );

            return ( ErrorCode );
Example #13
         * Get the machine name from the connection structure
        public string MachineNameFromConnection( Connection RequestingConnection )
            string Name = "";

            RemoteConnection Remote = RequestingConnection as RemoteConnection;
            if( Remote == null )
                Name = Environment.MachineName;
                Name = Remote.Info.Name;

            return ( Name );
Example #14
 public AgentTask( AgentTaskSpecification NewSpecification )
     Specification = NewSpecification;
     CurrentState = new AgentTaskState( NewSpecification.JobGuid, NewSpecification.TaskGuid, EJobTaskState.TASK_STATE_IDLE );
     CurrentOwner = null;