Example #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Sends a notification to the affinity administrator if set in the system settings
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="r"></param>
    protected void SendNotification(Affinity.Request r)
        bool isNewRequest        = this.isChange == false && r.RequestTypeCode != Affinity.RequestType.DefaultChangeCode;
        bool isClosing           = (r.RequestTypeCode == Affinity.RequestType.ClosingRequestCode);
        bool isClerking          = (r.RequestTypeCode == Affinity.RequestType.ClerkingRequestCode);
        bool isNotSurveyServices = r.GetDataValue("SurveyServices").Equals("");

        string to = isClosing ? this.GetSystemSetting("ClosingRequestEmail") : this.GetSystemSetting("NewOrderEmail");

        if (isClerking)
            if (to.Equals(""))
                to = this.GetSystemSetting("ClerkingRequestEmail");
                to += ", " + this.GetSystemSetting("ClerkingRequestEmail");

        string state = order.PropertyState.ToUpper();

        if (isNotSurveyServices && (state.Equals("IN") || state.Equals("MI") || state.Equals("FL")))
            string addEmailTo = (state.Equals("IN"))? "*****@*****.**" : (state.Equals("MI"))? "*****@*****.**" : "*****@*****.**";
            if (to.Equals(""))
                to = addEmailTo;
                to += ", " + addEmailTo;

        // send the notification email if the originator wants it
        if (!to.Equals(""))
            string url     = this.GetSystemSetting("RootUrl") + "AdminOrder.aspx?id=" + r.Order.Id.ToString();
            string subject = "Affinity " + r.RequestTypeCode + " Notification For " + r.Order.WorkingId;
            string header  = isNewRequest ? "New Request" : "Change Request";

            // send the email
            Com.VerySimple.Email.Mailer mailer = new Com.VerySimple.Email.Mailer(this.GetSystemSetting("SmtpHost"));

            string msg = "* This is an automated notification from the Affinity Web System *\r\n\r\n"
                         + "Type: " + r.RequestTypeCode + " - " + header + "\r\n"
                         + "Submitted By: " + r.Order.Account.FullName + "\r\n"
                         + "Working ID: " + r.Order.WorkingId + "\r\n"
                         + "PIN: " + r.Order.Pin + "\r\n"
                         + "Friendly: " + r.Order.ClientName + "\r\n"
                         + "Tracking Code: " + r.Order.CustomerId + "\r\n"
                         + "\r\n"
                         + "URL: " + url + "\r\n"
                         + "\r\n"
                         + "If you no longer wish to receive these notifications, please contact the Affinity Administrator.\r\n"
                         + this.GetSystemSetting("EmailFooter");

                , to.Replace(";", ",")
                , subject
                , msg);
Example #2
    /// <summary>
    /// submits the order
    /// </summary>
    protected void SubmitOrder()
        this.header.InnerText = "Your order has been submitted";
        this.Master.SetLayout(this.header.InnerText, MasterPage.LayoutStyle.ContentOnly);

        // parse the controls on the page and generate an xml doc
        XmlDocument doc = this.xmlForm.GetResponse(pnlForm);

        XmlNode TractSearchNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//field[@name = 'TractSearch']");
        XmlNode BuyerNameNode   = doc.SelectSingleNode("//field[@name = 'Buyer']");

        if (TractSearchNode != null && TractSearchNode.InnerText.Equals("Yes") && BuyerNameNode != null && BuyerNameNode.InnerText.Equals(""))
            BuyerNameNode.InnerText = ".";

        Affinity.Request req = new Affinity.Request(this.phreezer);
        req.OrderId         = order.Id;
        req.OriginatorId    = this.GetAccount().Id;
        req.RequestTypeCode = this.rtype.Code;
        req.StatusCode      = (this.isChange || this.rtype.Code == Affinity.RequestType.DefaultChangeCode) ? Affinity.RequestStatus.ChangedCode : Affinity.RequestStatus.DefaultCode;

        req.Xml = XmlForm.XmlToString(doc).Replace("’", "'");


        string surveyServices = req.GetDataValue("SurveyServices");

        // if this is a change, we have to update any previous requests of the
        // same type so they are no longer recognized as the most current and we
        // know that they have been replaced by a newer request
        if (this.isChange)
            Affinity.Request cr = new Affinity.Request(this.phreezer);
            // just a safety check to block any querystring monkeybusiness
            if (cr.OrderId == order.Id)
                cr.IsCurrent = false;

            if (surveyServices != cr.GetDataValue("SurveyServices"))
                // the survey services has been changed.  it's either new or cancelled
                SendSurveyNotification(req, (surveyServices != "REQUIRED"), (surveyServices == "REQUIRED"));
        else if (surveyServices == "REQUIRED")
            // send a notification that a new survey service has been requested
            SendSurveyNotification(req, false, true);

        // if this was a property change, we need to update the master order record
        // as well so the data on the datagrids shows correctly
        if (this.rtype.Code == Affinity.RequestType.DefaultChangeCode)
            order.ClientName       = FindOrderField(pnlForm, "ClientName", order.ClientName);
            order.Pin              = FindOrderField(pnlForm, "PIN", order.Pin); // case is different
            order.AdditionalPins   = FindOrderField(pnlForm, "AdditionalPins", order.AdditionalPins);
            order.PropertyAddress  = FindOrderField(pnlForm, "PropertyAddress", order.PropertyAddress2);
            order.PropertyAddress2 = FindOrderField(pnlForm, "PropertyAddress2", order.PropertyAddress);
            order.PropertyCity     = FindOrderField(pnlForm, "PropertyCity", order.PropertyCity);
            order.PropertyState    = FindOrderField(pnlForm, "PropertyState", order.PropertyState);
            order.PropertyZip      = FindOrderField(pnlForm, "PropertyZip", order.PropertyZip);
            order.CustomerId       = FindOrderField(pnlForm, "CustomerId", order.CustomerId);
            order.PropertyCounty   = FindOrderField(pnlForm, "PropertyCounty", order.PropertyCounty);

            string closingDate = FindOrderField(pnlForm, "ClosingDate", order.ClosingDate.ToShortDateString());

                order.ClosingDate = DateTime.Parse(closingDate);
            catch (FormatException ex)
                // TODO: check this at an earlier stage so we can roll back the transaction
                this.Master.ShowFeedback("Your order was updated however the new closing date was ignored because it was not a valid date in the format 'mm/dd/yyyy'", MasterPage.FeedbackType.Error);

        // we have to sync the status of the order because any new requests may change it
        // this will also call Update on the order if we've made any changes

        // notify affinity if specified in system settings

        //TODO: redirect to a thank-you page instead of just showing the message