public void CMD_MutePlayer(Client player, string targetName) { AdminAccount acc = AccountHandler.instance.GetAccount(player); if (acc != null) { if (DoesPlayerHaveAccess(acc.Level, AdminRanks.JuniorAdmin)) { Client target = GetPlayerByNameOrID(targetName); if (target != null) { target.TriggerEvent("TOGGLE_MUTE", false); target.SendChatMessage("~r~[MUTED]: An admin has muted you.."); SendAdmMsg(player, "You have muted: ~o~" + target.Name); return; } else { SendPlayerNotFound(player); } } else { SendNoPermMsg(player); } } else { SendNoPermMsg(player); } }
public void CMD_Kick(Client player, string targetName, string reason) { AdminAccount acc = AccountHandler.instance.GetAccount(player); if (acc != null) { if (DoesPlayerHaveAccess(acc.Level, AdminRanks.JuniorAdmin)) { Client target = GetPlayerByNameOrID(targetName); if (target != null) { NAPI.Player.KickPlayer(target, reason); SendGlobalAdmCmd(target.Name + " was kicked by " + acc.AdminName + ". Reason: " + reason); return; } else { SendPlayerNotFound(player); } } else { SendNoPermMsg(player); } } else { SendNoPermMsg(player); } }
public void CMD_GetHere(Client player, string targetName) { AdminAccount acc = AccountHandler.instance.GetAccount(player); if (acc != null) { if (DoesPlayerHaveAccess(acc.Level, AdminRanks.JuniorAdmin)) { Client target = GetPlayerByNameOrID(targetName); if (target != null) { target.Position = new Vector3(player.Position.X + 1f, player.Position.Y, player.Position.Z + 1f); SendAdmMsg(player, "You teleported: ~o~" + target.Name + " ~w~to your position."); target.SendChatMessage("[TELEPORTED]: An admin teleported you.."); return; } else { SendPlayerNotFound(player); } } else { SendNoPermMsg(player); } } else { SendNoPermMsg(player); } }
public void CMD_Goto(Client player, string targetName) { AdminAccount acc = AccountHandler.instance.GetAccount(player); if (acc != null) { if (DoesPlayerHaveAccess(acc.Level, AdminRanks.JuniorAdmin)) { Client target = GetPlayerByNameOrID(targetName); if (target != null) { player.Position = new Vector3(target.Position.X + 1f, target.Position.Y, target.Position.Z + 1f); SendAdmMsg(player, "You teleported to: ~o~" + target.Name); return; } else { SendPlayerNotFound(player); } } else { SendNoPermMsg(player); } } else { SendNoPermMsg(player); } }
public void CMD_SetKevlar(Client player, string targetName, int amount) { AdminAccount acc = AccountHandler.instance.GetAccount(player); if (acc != null) { if (DoesPlayerHaveAccess(acc.Level, AdminRanks.Senior)) { if (amount <= 0 || amount > 100) { NAPI.Chat.SendChatMessageToPlayer(player, "~r~ERROR: ~w~Valid range is 1-100.."); } Client target = GetPlayerByNameOrID(targetName); if (target != null) { target.Armor = amount; SendAdmMsg(target, "Your kevlar was set to: ~o~" + amount + " ~w~by ~o~" + acc.AdminName); SendAdmMsg(player, "You set the kevlar of: ~o~" + target.Name + " ~w~to ~o~" + amount); } else { SendPlayerNotFound(player); } } else { SendNoPermMsg(player); } } else { SendNoPermMsg(player); } }
public void CMD_SpawnCar(Client player, string vehName, int color1 = 1, int color2 = 1) { AdminAccount acc = AccountHandler.instance.GetAccount(player); if (acc != null) { if (DoesPlayerHaveAccess(acc.Level, AdminRanks.Senior)) { VehicleHash vehHash = NAPI.Util.VehicleNameToModel(vehName); if (vehHash != 0) { NAPI.Player.SetPlayerIntoVehicle(player, NAPI.Vehicle.CreateVehicle(vehHash, player.Position, player.Rotation, color1, color2), -1); SendAdmMsg(player, "You successfully spawned : ~o~" + vehName.ToUpper()); return; } else { NAPI.Chat.SendChatMessageToPlayer(player, "~r~ERROR: ~w~There is no vehicle model called: ~o~" + vehName); return; } } else { SendNoPermMsg(player); } } else { SendNoPermMsg(player); } }
public void LoginAdmin(Client player, string password) { string path = Path.Combine(NAPI.Resource.GetResourceFolder(this), dataFolderName, player.SocialClubName.ToString() + ".json"); if (File.Exists(path)) { AdminAccount savedAcc = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AdminAccount>(File.ReadAllText(path)); if (BCr.BCrypt.Verify(password, savedAcc.Password)) { player.SetData("Account", savedAcc); NAPI.Chat.SendChatMessageToPlayer(player, "~g~SUCCESS: ~w~You're now logged into your admin account. Use ~y~/ahelp ~w~to get started."); return; } else { NAPI.Chat.SendChatMessageToPlayer(player, "~r~ERROR: ~w~Wrong password."); return; } } else { NAPI.Chat.SendChatMessageToPlayer(player, "~r~ERROR: ~w~No admin account found with the SocialClubeName: ~y~" + player.SocialClubName); return; } }
public void CMD_Ban(Client player, string targetName, string reason) { AdminAccount acc = AccountHandler.instance.GetAccount(player); if (acc != null) { if (DoesPlayerHaveAccess(acc.Level, AdminRanks.Admin)) { Client target = GetPlayerByNameOrID(targetName); if (target != null) { BanData data = new BanData { SocialClub = target.SocialClubName, HardwareID = target.Serial, IP = target.Address, BannedBy = acc.AdminName, Reason = reason, Date = DateTime.Now }; if (Database.instance.BanPlayer(target, data)) { // Player doesn't seem to get the kick reason, hence the sendchat has been added. NAPI.Chat.SendChatMessageToPlayer(target, "BANNED: " + reason); NAPI.Player.KickPlayer(target, "BANNED: " + reason); SendGlobalAdmCmd(target.Name + " was banned by " + acc.AdminName + ". Reason: " + reason); } else { SendAdmMsg(player, "Something went wrong.. A file for this player already exists!"); } } else { SendPlayerNotFound(player); } } else { SendNoPermMsg(player); } } else { SendNoPermMsg(player); } }
public AdminAccount InitAccount(Client player, object[] data) { if (player != null && data != null) { AdminAccount acc = new AdminAccount(); acc.SocialClub = (string)data[0]; acc.AdminName = (string)data[1]; acc.Level = (byte)data[2]; acc.Password = (string)data[3]; player.SetData("Account", acc); return(acc); } else { return(null); } }
public void CMD_SpawnWeapon(Client player, string wepName, int ammo = 9999) { AdminAccount acc = AccountHandler.instance.GetAccount(player); if (acc != null) { if (DoesPlayerHaveAccess(acc.Level, AdminRanks.Senior)) { WeaponHash wepHash = NAPI.Util.WeaponNameToModel(wepName); NAPI.Player.GivePlayerWeapon(player, wepHash, ammo); SendAdmMsg(player, "You successfully gave yourself a: ~o~" + wepName.ToUpper() + " ~w~with: ~o~" + ammo + " ~w~bullets."); return; } else { SendNoPermMsg(player); } } else { SendNoPermMsg(player); } }