public static void AddContainerElements(Grid uiContainer, IList <AdaptiveElement> elements, AdaptiveRenderContext context)
            // Keeping track of the index so we don't have to call IndexOf function on every iteration
            int index = 0;

            foreach (var cardElement in elements)
                if (index != 0)
                    // Only the first element can bleed to the top
                    context.RenderArgs.BleedDirection &= ~BleedDirection.BleedUp;

                if (index != elements.Count - 1)
                    // Only the last element can bleed to the bottom
                    context.RenderArgs.BleedDirection &= ~BleedDirection.BleedDown;


                // each element has a row
                FrameworkElement uiElement = context.Render(cardElement);
                if (uiElement != null)
                    TagContent tag       = null;
                    Grid       separator = null;
                    if (cardElement.Separator && uiContainer.Children.Count > 0)
                        separator = AddSeparator(context, cardElement, uiContainer);
                    else if (uiContainer.Children.Count > 0)
                        separator = AddSpacing(context, cardElement, uiContainer);

                    tag = new TagContent(separator, uiContainer);

                    uiElement.Tag = tag;

                    // Sets the minHeight property for Container and ColumnSet
                    if (cardElement.Type == "Container" || cardElement.Type == "ColumnSet")
                        AdaptiveCollectionElement collectionElement = (AdaptiveCollectionElement)cardElement;
                        uiElement.MinHeight = collectionElement.PixelMinHeight;

                    int           rowDefinitionIndex = uiContainer.RowDefinitions.Count;
                    RowDefinition rowDefinition      = null;
                    if (cardElement.Height != AdaptiveHeight.Stretch)
                        rowDefinition = new RowDefinition()
                            Height = GridLength.Auto

                        Grid.SetRow(uiElement, rowDefinitionIndex);

                        // Row definition is stored in the tag for containers and elements that stretch
                        // so when the elements are shown, the row can have it's original definition,
                        // while when the element is hidden, the extra space is not reserved in the layout
                        tag.RowDefinition = rowDefinition;
                        tag.ViewIndex     = rowDefinitionIndex;

                        context.SetVisibility(uiElement, cardElement.IsVisible, tag);
                        rowDefinition = new RowDefinition()
                            Height = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star)


                        // Row definition is stored in the tag for containers and elements that stretch
                        // so when the elements are shown, the row can have it's original definition,
                        // while when the element is hidden, the extra space is not reserved in the layout
                        tag.RowDefinition = rowDefinition;
                        tag.ViewIndex     = rowDefinitionIndex;

                        if (cardElement.Type == "Container")
                            Grid.SetRow(uiElement, rowDefinitionIndex);
                            context.SetVisibility(uiElement, cardElement.IsVisible, tag);
                            StackPanel panel = new StackPanel();

                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cardElement.Id))
                                panel.Name = cardElement.Id;

                            panel.Tag = tag;

                            Grid.SetRow(panel, rowDefinitionIndex);
                            context.SetVisibility(panel, cardElement.IsVisible, tag);

        public static FrameworkElement Render(AdaptiveColumnSet columnSet, AdaptiveRenderContext context)
            var uiColumnSet = new Grid();

            uiColumnSet.Style = context.GetStyle($"Adaptive.{columnSet.Type}");

            // Keep track of ContainerStyle.ForegroundColors before Container is rendered
            var parentRenderArgs = context.RenderArgs;
            // This is the renderArgs that will be the base for all the columns renderArgs
            var childrenRenderArgs = new AdaptiveRenderArgs(parentRenderArgs);

            Border border = new Border();

            border.Child = uiColumnSet;

            bool inheritsStyleFromParent = !columnSet.Style.HasValue;
            bool hasPadding = false;

            if (!inheritsStyleFromParent)
                hasPadding = AdaptiveContainerRenderer.ApplyPadding(border, uiColumnSet, columnSet, parentRenderArgs, context);

                // Apply background color
                var columnSetStyle = context.Config.ContainerStyles.GetContainerStyleConfig(columnSet.Style);

                border.Background = context.GetColorBrush(columnSetStyle.BackgroundColor);
                childrenRenderArgs.ForegroundColors = columnSetStyle.ForegroundColors;

            childrenRenderArgs.ParentStyle = (inheritsStyleFromParent) ? parentRenderArgs.ParentStyle : columnSet.Style.Value;

            for (int i = 0; i < columnSet.Columns.Count; ++i)
                AdaptiveColumn column = columnSet.Columns[i];

                var childRenderArgs = new AdaptiveRenderArgs(childrenRenderArgs);
                // Reset up and down bleed for columns as that behaviour shouldn't be changed
                childRenderArgs.BleedDirection |= (BleedDirection.BleedUp | BleedDirection.BleedDown);

                if (i != 0)
                    // Only the first column can bleed to the left
                    childRenderArgs.BleedDirection &= ~BleedDirection.BleedLeft;

                if (i != columnSet.Columns.Count - 1)
                    // Only the last column can bleed to the right
                    childRenderArgs.BleedDirection &= ~BleedDirection.BleedRight;

                context.RenderArgs = childRenderArgs;

                FrameworkElement uiContainer = context.Render(column);

                // If the column couldn't be rendered and the fallback is 'drop'
                if (uiContainer != null)
                    TagContent tag = null;

                    // Add vertical Separator
                    if (uiColumnSet.ColumnDefinitions.Count > 0 && (column.Separator || column.Spacing != AdaptiveSpacing.None))
                        var uiSep = new Grid();
                        uiSep.Style = context.GetStyle($"Adaptive.VerticalSeparator");

                        uiSep.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Stretch;

                        int spacing = context.Config.GetSpacing(column.Spacing);
                        uiSep.Margin = new Thickness(spacing / 2.0, 0, spacing / 2.0, 0);

                        uiSep.Width = context.Config.Separator.LineThickness;
                        if (column.Separator && context.Config.Separator.LineColor != null)
                            uiSep.Background = context.GetColorBrush(context.Config.Separator.LineColor);

                        tag = new TagContent(uiSep, uiColumnSet);

                        uiColumnSet.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition()
                            Width = GridLength.Auto
                        Grid.SetColumn(uiSep, uiColumnSet.ColumnDefinitions.Count - 1);
                        tag = new TagContent(null, uiColumnSet);

                    // do some sizing magic using the magic GridUnitType.Star
                    var width = column.Width?.ToLower();
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(width))
#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
                        width = column.Size?.ToLower();
#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete

                    ColumnDefinition columnDefinition = null;

                    if (width == null || width == AdaptiveColumnWidth.Stretch.ToLower())
                        columnDefinition = new ColumnDefinition()
                            Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star)
                    else if (width == AdaptiveColumnWidth.Auto.ToLower())
                        columnDefinition = new ColumnDefinition()
                            Width = GridLength.Auto
                        if (double.TryParse(width, out double val) && val >= 0)
                            // Weighted proportion (number only)
                            columnDefinition = new ColumnDefinition()
                                Width = new GridLength(val, GridUnitType.Star)
                        else if (width.EndsWith("px") && double.TryParse(width.Substring(0, width.Length - 2), out double pxVal) && pxVal >= 0)
                            // Exact pixel (number followed by "px")
                            columnDefinition = new ColumnDefinition()
                                Width = new GridLength((int)pxVal, GridUnitType.Pixel)
                            columnDefinition = new ColumnDefinition()
                                Width = GridLength.Auto

                    // Store the column definition in the tag so we can toggle the visibility later
                    tag.ColumnDefinition = columnDefinition;
                    tag.ViewIndex        = uiColumnSet.ColumnDefinitions.Count;


                    uiContainer.Tag = tag;

                    Grid.SetColumn(uiContainer, uiColumnSet.ColumnDefinitions.Count - 1);

                    context.SetVisibility(uiContainer, column.IsVisible, tag);


            // Revert context's value to that of outside the Container
            context.RenderArgs = parentRenderArgs;

            uiColumnSet.MinHeight = columnSet.PixelMinHeight;

            return(RendererUtil.ApplySelectAction(border, columnSet, context));
Example #3
        public static void AddContainerElements(Grid uiContainer, IList <AdaptiveElement> elements, AdaptiveRenderContext context)
            foreach (var cardElement in elements)
                // each element has a row
                FrameworkElement uiElement = context.Render(cardElement);
                if (uiElement != null)
                    TagContent tag = new TagContent(AdaptiveSpacing.None, uiContainer);

                    if (cardElement.Separator && uiContainer.Children.Count > 0)
                        Grid separator = AddSeparator(context, cardElement, uiContainer);
                        tag = new TagContent(separator, uiContainer);
                    else if (uiContainer.Children.Count > 0)
                        var       spacing        = context.Config.GetSpacing(cardElement.Spacing);
                        Thickness renderedMargin = uiElement.Margin;
                        uiElement.Margin = new Thickness(renderedMargin.Left,
                                                         renderedMargin.Top + spacing,
                        tag = new TagContent(cardElement.Spacing, uiContainer);

                    uiElement.Tag = tag;

                    if (cardElement.Type == "Container" || cardElement.Type == "ColumnSet")
                        AdaptiveCollectionElement collectionElement = (AdaptiveCollectionElement)cardElement;
                        uiElement.MinHeight = collectionElement.PixelMinHeight;

                    if (cardElement.Height != AdaptiveHeight.Stretch)
                        context.SetVisibility(uiElement, cardElement.IsVisible, tag);
                        uiContainer.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition()
                            Height = GridLength.Auto
                        Grid.SetRow(uiElement, uiContainer.RowDefinitions.Count - 1);
                        if (cardElement.Type == "Container")
                            context.SetVisibility(uiElement, cardElement.IsVisible, tag);
                            uiContainer.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition()
                                Height = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star)
                            Grid.SetRow(uiElement, uiContainer.RowDefinitions.Count - 1);
                            StackPanel panel = new StackPanel();
                            context.SetVisibility(panel, cardElement.IsVisible, tag);
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cardElement.Id))
                                panel.Name = cardElement.Id;

                            panel.Tag = tag;

                            uiContainer.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition()
                                Height = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star)
                            Grid.SetRow(panel, uiContainer.RowDefinitions.Count - 1);
