private void CreateActionInspector(EventHandler handler) { System.Type inspectorType = GPActionInspectorManager.InspectorTypeForAction(handler.Action); if (inspectorType == null) { return; } m_actionInspector = (GPActionInspector)Activator.CreateInstance(inspectorType); m_actionInspector.TargetAction = handler.Action; }
private void DisplayActionManagementField() { EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)target; if (handler.Action == null) { DisplayActionCreationField(); } else { DisplayActionDeleteField(); } }
private void CreateAction() { if (m_actionTypeSelectedIndex >= GPActionManager.s_gpactionTypes.Length) { throw new Exception("Out of bound index"); } EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)target; System.Type actionType = GPActionManager.s_gpactionTypes[m_actionTypeSelectedIndex]; handler.Action = handler.AddAction(actionType); }
private void DeleteAction() { EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)target; if (handler.Action == null) { return; } if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Confirm Delete", "Are you sure you want to delete this action ? " + "This can not be undone!", "Confirm", "Cancel")) { handler.GetGPActionObjectMapperOrCreate().ResetGPActionObjectHolder(handler); } }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { EventHandler handler = (EventHandler)target; // Display Default MonoBehaviour editor base.OnInspectorGUI(); // Display Handler Kind popup EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("State: " + handler.State.ToString()); if (EditorApplication.isPlaying && GUILayout.Button("Debug Trigger")) { handler.EventTrigger(new GPEvent { EventID = handler._eventID }); } }