Example #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Find the previous edge (clockwise) of the adjacent triangle. [rprev(abc) -> b**]
        /// </summary>
        public void Rprev(ref Otri ot)
            //Sym(ref ot);
            ot.tri    = tri.neighbors[orient].tri;
            ot.orient = tri.neighbors[orient].orient;

            ot.orient = minus1Mod3[ot.orient];

            int tmp = ot.orient;

            ot.orient = ot.tri.neighbors[tmp].orient;
            ot.tri    = ot.tri.neighbors[tmp].tri;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Find the next edge (counterclockwise) of the adjacent triangle. [rnext(abc) -> *a*]
        /// </summary>
        public void Rnext(ref Otri ot)
            //Sym(ref ot);
            ot.tri    = tri.neighbors[orient].tri;
            ot.orient = tri.neighbors[orient].orient;

            ot.orient = plus1Mod3[ot.orient];

            int tmp = ot.orient;

            ot.orient = ot.tri.neighbors[tmp].orient;
            ot.tri    = ot.tri.neighbors[tmp].tri;
Example #3
 /// <summary> Finds a triangle abutting a subsegment. </summary>
 internal void Pivot(ref Otri ot)
     ot = seg.triangles[orient];
Example #4
 /// <summary> Find the next edge (counterclockwise) of a triangle. [lnext(abc) -> bca] </summary>
 public void Lnext(ref Otri ot)
     ot.tri    = tri;
     ot.orient = plus1Mod3[orient];
Example #5
 /// The following primitives are all described by Guibas and Stolfi.
 /// However, Guibas and Stolfi use an edge-based data structure,
 /// whereas I use a triangle-based data structure.
 /// lnext: finds the next edge (counterclockwise) of a triangle.
 /// onext: spins counterclockwise around a vertex; that is, it finds
 /// the next edge with the same origin in the counterclockwise direction. This
 /// edge is part of a different triangle.
 /// oprev: spins clockwise around a vertex; that is, it finds the
 /// next edge with the same origin in the clockwise direction.  This edge is
 /// part of a different triangle.
 /// dnext: spins counterclockwise around a vertex; that is, it finds
 /// the next edge with the same destination in the counterclockwise direction.
 /// This edge is part of a different triangle.
 /// dprev: spins clockwise around a vertex; that is, it finds the
 /// next edge with the same destination in the clockwise direction. This edge
 /// is part of a different triangle.
 /// rnext: moves one edge counterclockwise about the adjacent
 /// triangle. (It's best understood by reading Guibas and Stolfi. It
 /// involves changing triangles twice.)
 /// rprev: moves one edge clockwise about the adjacent triangle.
 /// (It's best understood by reading Guibas and Stolfi.  It involves
 /// changing triangles twice.)
 /// <summary> Find the abutting triangle; same edge. [sym(abc) -> ba*] </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 ///     Note that the edge direction is necessarily reversed, because the handle specified
 ///     by an oriented triangle is directed counterclockwise around the triangle.
 /// </remarks>
 public void Sym(ref Otri ot)
     ot.tri    = tri.neighbors[orient].tri;
     ot.orient = tri.neighbors[orient].orient;
Example #6
 /// <summary> Test for equality of oriented triangles. </summary>
 internal bool Equal(Otri ot)
     return((tri == ot.tri) && (orient == ot.orient));
Example #7
 /// <summary> Copy an oriented triangle. </summary>
 public void Copy(ref Otri ot)
     ot.tri    = tri;
     ot.orient = orient;
Example #8
 /// <summary> Find the previous edge (clockwise) of a triangle. [lprev(abc) -> cab] </summary>
 public void Lprev(ref Otri ot)
     ot.tri    = tri;
     ot.orient = minus1Mod3[orient];