Example #1
        public static string AlterarSenha(string senha, string newsenha, string newsenha2)
                DAO dao = new DAO();

                int rtn = dao.AlterarSenha(new AlterarSenha()
                    idUser = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["idUsuario"]),
                    Senha = senha,
                    SenhaNova = newsenha,
                    SenhaNova2 = newsenha2

                if (rtn > 0)
                    return "True";
                else if (rtn == -1)
                    return "False1";
                else if (rtn == 0)
                    return "False2";
                    return "False";

            catch (Exception ex)
                return ex.Message;
Example #2
        public static String CadUser(string nome, string sobrenome, string user, string senha, string senha2, string email)
            Usuario newUser = new Usuario();

            newUser.Nome = nome;
            newUser.Sobrenome = sobrenome;
            newUser.User = user;
            newUser.Senha = senha;
            newUser.Senha2 = senha2;
            newUser.Email = email;
            newUser.Plano = new Plano() { IdPlano = 1 };

            DAO dao = new DAO();
            if (dao.AddUser(newUser) > 0)
                log.Info("Cadastro realizado com sucesso!");
                return "True";
                return "False";

            //log.Debug("Debugging message");
            //log.Info("Info message");
            //log.Warn("Warning message");
            //log.Error("Error message");
            //log.Fatal("Fatal message");
Example #3
        public void setarGrafico(int idUser)
            DAO dao = new DAO();
            List<Genes> lstGenes = dao.getResultado(idUser);


            foreach (var item in lstGenes)
                Series series = new Series(item.Sku, ViewType.SideBySideGantt);
                //series.Label.Visible = false;
                ((GanttSeriesView)series.View).BarWidth = 1.5;

                // Add points to the first series.
                series.ArgumentScaleType = ScaleType.Qualitative;
                series.ValueScaleType = ScaleType.DateTime;

                series.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(item.Maq, new DateTime[] {


            // Create the second Gantt series and set its properties.

            // Add a constant line.
            //ConstantLine deadline = new ConstantLine("Deadline", new DateTime(2015, 11, 06));
            //deadline.ShowInLegend = false;
            //deadline.Title.Alignment = ConstantLineTitleAlignment.Far;
            //deadline.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red;

            // Customize the chart.
            //ganttChart.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(500, 300)
            WebChartControl1.Legend.AlignmentHorizontal = LegendAlignmentHorizontal.Right;
            WebChartControl1.Legend.AlignmentVertical = LegendAlignmentVertical.TopOutside;
            WebChartControl1.Legend.Direction = LegendDirection.LeftToRight;
            ((GanttDiagram)WebChartControl1.Diagram).AxisX.Title.Text = "Máquinas";
            ((GanttDiagram)WebChartControl1.Diagram).AxisX.Title.Visible = true;
            ((GanttDiagram)WebChartControl1.Diagram).AxisY.Interlaced = true;
            ((GanttDiagram)WebChartControl1.Diagram).AxisY.GridSpacing = 10;
            ((GanttDiagram)WebChartControl1.Diagram).AxisY.Label.Angle = -30;
            ((GanttDiagram)WebChartControl1.Diagram).AxisY.Label.Antialiasing = true;
            ((GanttDiagram)WebChartControl1.Diagram).AxisY.DateTimeOptions.Format = DateTimeFormat.LongDate;

            this.WebChartControl1.Visible = true;
Example #4
        public static string Logar(string user, string senha)
                DAO dao = new DAO();

                Objetos.Login login = dao.verificarLogin(new Objetos.Login()
                    User = user,
                    Senha = senha

                //Objetos.Login login = new Objetos.Login();
                //login.User = "******";
                //login.Senha = "123";
                //login.Plano = new Objetos.Plano();
                //login.IdLogin = 1;

                if (login != null)
                    HttpContext.Current.Session["logado"] = "True";
                    HttpContext.Current.Session["usuario"] = login.User;
                    HttpContext.Current.Session["plano"] = login.Plano;
                    HttpContext.Current.Session["idUsuario"] = login.IdLogin.ToString();

                    return "True";
                    return "False";
            catch (Exception ex)
                return ex.Message;
Example #5
        private void carregarMaq(int id)
            DAO dao = new DAO();
            lstMaq = new List<Maquina>();

            foreach (Maquina maq in dao.GetMaq(id))
                ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page, this.GetType(), "PreencheMaqs" + maq.Id_Maquina, "$( document ).ready(function() {\n $(\"#tblMaquina\").append('<tr id=\"rowMaq" + maq.Id_Maquina + "\" ><td style=\"width:85%; \"><div class=\"form-group has-feedback\" ><input type=\"text\" id =\"txtNomeMaquina" + maq.Id_Maquina + "\" name=\"txtNomeMaquina" + maq.Id_Maquina + "\" placeholder =\"Nome da Máquina\" class=\"form-control\" value =\"" + maq.Descricao + "\" disabled/><span class=\"glyphicon form-control-feedback\" id=\"spanNomeMaquina" + maq.Id_Maquina + "\"></span></div></td><td style=\"width:15%; \"><button class=\"btn btn-primary glyphicon glyphicon-pencil edtRowMaq\"></button> <button class=\"btn btn-danger glyphicon glyphicon-remove remRowMaq\"></button></td></tr>');\n $(\"#spanNomeMaquina" + maq.Id_Maquina + "\").removeClass('glyphicon-remove').addClass('glyphicon-ok').addClass('has-success');\n});\n\n", true);
Example #6
        private void carregarSku(int id)
            DAO dao = new DAO();
            lstSku = new List<Sku>();

            foreach (Sku sku in dao.GetSku(id))
                ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page, this.GetType(), "PreencheSkus" + sku.Id_Sku, "$( document ).ready(function() { \n $(\"#tblSku\").append('<tr id=\"rowSku" + sku.Id_Sku + "\"><td style=\"width:55 %; \"><div class=\"form-group has-feedback\"><input type=\"text\" id=\"txtNomeSku" + sku.Id_Sku + "\" name=\"txtNomeSku" + sku.Id_Sku + "\" placeholder=\"Nome do Sku\" class=\"form-control\" value=\"" + sku.Descricao + "\" disabled /><span class=\"glyphicon form-control-feedback\" id=\"spanNomeSku" + sku.Id_Sku + "\"></span></div></td><td style=\"width: 30 %; \"><div class=\"form-group has-feedback\"><input type=\"text\" id=\"txtPesoSku" + sku.Id_Sku + "\" name=\"txtPesoSku" + sku.Id_Sku + "\" placeholder=\"Peso do Sku\" class=\"form-control\" value=\"" + sku.Peso_Caixa + "\" disabled /><span class=\"glyphicon form-control-feedback\" id=\"spanPesoSku" + sku.Id_Sku + "\"></span></div></td><td style=\"width: 15 %; \"><button class=\"btn btn-primary glyphicon glyphicon-pencil edtRowSku\"></button> <button class=\"btn btn-danger glyphicon glyphicon-remove remRowSku\"></button></td></tr>'); $(\"#spanNomeSku" + sku.Id_Sku + "\").removeClass('glyphicon-remove').addClass('glyphicon-ok').addClass('has-success'); $(\"#spanPesoSku" + sku.Id_Sku + "\").removeClass('glyphicon-remove').addClass('glyphicon-ok').addClass('has-success'); \n});\n\n", true);
Example #7
        private void carregarConfigs(int id)
            DAO dao = new DAO();

            config = dao.GetConfig(id);

            if (config != null)
                txtDefineSolucao.Text = config.SolucaoMax.ToString();
                txtCrossover.Text = config.TaxaCrossover.ToString();
                txtMutacao.Text = config.TaxaMutacao.ToString();
                txtPopulacao.Text = config.TotalPopulacao.ToString();
                txtGeracoes.Text = config.TotalGeracao.ToString();
                config.IdConfig = id;
Example #8
        private void carregarJob(int id)
            DAO dao = new DAO();
            lstJob = new List<Job>();

            foreach (Job job in dao.GetJob(id))
                ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page, this.GetType(), "PreencheJobs" + job.Id_Job, "$( document ).ready(function() { \n $(\"#tblJob\").append('<tr id=\"rowJob" + job.Id_Job + "\"><td><div class=\"form-group has-feedback\"><select id=\"selJobSku" + job.Id_Job + "\" class=\"form-control\" disabled></select><span class=\"glyphicon form-control-feedback\" id=\"spanJobSku" + job.Id_Job + "\"></span></div></td><td><div class=\"form-group has-feedback\"><input type=\"text\" id=\"txtQtdeJob" + job.Id_Job + "\" name=\"txtQtdeJob" + job.Id_Job + "\" placeholder=\"Quantidade da Job\" class=\"form-control\" value=\"" + job.Qtde + "\" disabled /><span class=\"glyphicon form-control-feedback\" id=\"spanQtdeJob" + job.Id_Job + "\"></span></div></td><td style=\"width:15 %; \"><button class=\"btn btn-primary glyphicon glyphicon-pencil edtRowJob\"></button> <button class=\"btn btn-danger glyphicon glyphicon-remove remRowJob\"></button></td></tr>'); \n $(\"#spanJobSku" + job.Id_Job + "\").removeClass('glyphicon-remove').addClass('glyphicon-ok').addClass('has-success'); $(\"#spanQtdeJob" + job.Id_Job + "\").removeClass('glyphicon-remove').addClass('glyphicon-ok').addClass('has-success'); \n});\n\n", true);

                var seletor = "#selJobSku" + job.Id_Job;

                carregarComboBoxSkuParaJob(seletor, job.Sku.Id_Sku);
Example #9
        public static RodouAG RodarAg()
            var text1 = "";
            var text2 = "";
            var text3 = "";

            //Define a solu��o
            AlgGenetico.Algoritimo.Solucao = Convert.ToInt32(config.SolucaoMax);
            // Ler o arquivo com os genes e respectivos valores e configura as vari�veis de Jobs e Maquinas que est�o no arquivo TXT
            //taxa de crossover de 60%
            AlgGenetico.Algoritimo.TaxaDeCrossover = config.TaxaCrossover;
            //taxa de muta��o de 3%
            AlgGenetico.Algoritimo.TaxaDeMutacao = config.TaxaMutacao;
            bool eltismo = config.Eltismo;
            //tamanho da popula��o
            int tamPop = config.TotalPopulacao;
            //numero m�ximo de gera��es
            int numMaxGeracoes = config.TotalGeracao;

            //define o n�mero de genes do indiv�duo baseado na solu��o
            int numGenes = AlgGenetico.Algoritimo.Jobs.Length;

            if(numGenes == 0)
                return new RodouAG() { text1 = "O algotirimo não pode trabalhar sem nenhum dado lançado!", text2 = "", text3 = "" };

            //cria a primeira popula��o aleat�ria
            AlgGenetico.Populacao populacao = new AlgGenetico.Populacao(numGenes, tamPop);

            bool temSolucao = false;
            int geracao = 0;

            text1 = "Iniciando... Aptidão da solução: " + AlgGenetico.Algoritimo.Solucao;

            //loop at� o crit�rio de parada
            while (!temSolucao && geracao < numMaxGeracoes)

                //cria nova populacao
                populacao = AlgGenetico.Algoritimo.novaGeracao(populacao, eltismo);

                text2 = "Geração " + geracao + " | Aptidão: " + populacao.getIndivduo(0).Aptidao + " | Melhor: ";

                for (int i = 0; i < populacao.getIndivduo(0).Genes.Length; i+=4)
                    text2 += populacao.getIndivduo(0).Genes.Substring(i, 4) + "\n";

                temSolucao = populacao.temSolocao(AlgGenetico.Algoritimo.Solucao);

            if (geracao == numMaxGeracoes)
                text3 = "Número Maximo de Gerações atingido! Solução acima foi a melhor encontrada!\n\n";

            if (temSolucao)
                text3 = "Encontrado resultado na geração " + geracao + "\n\n";

            var t = populacao.getIndivduo(0).Genes;

            lstGenes = new List<Genes>();
            DAO dao;

            for (int i = 0; i < t.Length; i += 4)
                var sku = t.Substring(i, 4).Substring(0, 3);
                var maq = t.Substring(i, 4).Substring(3, 1);

                dao = new DAO();
                var vlr = dao.getValorGene(sku, maq, Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["idUsuario"]));

                DateTime inicio;
                DateTime fim;

                inicio = DateTime.Now.Date.AddHours(DateTime.Now.Hour).AddMinutes(DateTime.Now.Minute);
                fim = DateTime.Now.Date.AddHours(DateTime.Now.Hour).AddMinutes(vlr * 60).AddMinutes(DateTime.Now.Minute);

                foreach (var item in lstGenes)
                    if(maq == item.Maq) {
                        inicio = item.Final.AddMinutes(30);
                        fim = inicio.AddMinutes(60 * vlr);

                lstGenes.Add(new Genes() { Sku = sku, Maq = maq, Inicio = inicio, Final = fim });

            dao = new DAO();
            dao.setarResultado(lstGenes, Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["idUsuario"]));

            return new RodouAG() { text1 = text1, text2 = text2, text3 = text3 };
Example #10
        public void carregarComboBoxSkuParaVel(string seletor, int idSku)
                DAO dao = new DAO();

                List<Sku> lstSku2 = lstSku;//dao.GetSku(idUserStatic);

                var sel = seletor.Substring(1);

                foreach (Sku sku in lstSku2)
                    if (sku.Id_Sku == idSku)
                        ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page, this.GetType(), "PreencheVelSku" + sel + "" + sku.Id_Sku, "$(document).ready(function() { \n$(\"" + seletor + "\").append('<option name=\"selVelSku\" value=\"" + sku.Id_Sku + "\" selected>" + sku.Descricao + "</option>'); \n});", true);
                        ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page, this.GetType(), "PreencheVelSku" + sel + "" + sku.Id_Sku, "$(document).ready(function() { \n$(\"" + seletor + "\").append('<option name=\"selVelSku\" value=\"" + sku.Id_Sku + "\">" + sku.Descricao + "</option>'); \n});", true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Example #11
        public static string RemSku(string id)
                DAO dao = new DAO();

                int rtn = dao.RemSku(Convert.ToInt32(id));

                if (rtn > 0)
                    return "True";
                else if (rtn == -1)
                    return "False1";
                    return "False2";
            catch (Exception ex)
                return ex.Message;
Example #12
        public static List<Sku> CarregarSelectVelSku(string seletor)
            DAO dao = new DAO();

            return dao.GetSku(Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["idUsuario"]));
Example #13
        public static string SalvarSetor(string id, string nome)
                DAO dao = new DAO();

                if (dao.AddEdtSetor(new Setor()
                    idUser = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["idUsuario"]),
                    Descricao = nome,
                    Id_Setor = Convert.ToInt32(id)
                    return "True";
                    return "False";
            catch (Exception ex)
                return ex.Message;
Example #14
        public static string SalvarSku(string id, string nome, string peso)
                DAO dao = new DAO();

                if (dao.AddEdtSku(new Sku()
                    idUser = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["idUsuario"]),
                    Descricao = nome,
                    Id_Sku = Convert.ToInt32(id),
                    Peso_Caixa = Convert.ToDouble(peso)
                    return "True";
                    return "False";
            catch (Exception ex)
                return ex.Message;
Example #15
        public static string SalvarJob(int idjob, int idsku, string qtde)
                DAO dao = new DAO();

                if (dao.AddEdtJob(new Job()
                    idUser = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["idUsuario"]),
                    Id_Job = idjob,
                    Sku = new Sku() { Id_Sku = idsku },
                    Qtde = Convert.ToDouble(qtde)
                    return "True";
                    return "False";
            catch (Exception ex)
                return ex.Message;
Example #16
        public static string RemUnidade(string cod)
                DAO dao = new DAO();

                int rtn = dao.RemUnidade(cod, Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["idUsuario"]));

                if (rtn > 0)
                    return "True";
                else if (rtn == -1)
                    return "False1";
                    return "False2";
            catch (Exception ex)
                return ex.Message;
Example #17
        public static string salvarConfiguracoes(string solucao, string crossover, string mutacao, string populacao, string geracao)
                DAO dao = new DAO();

                if (config != null)
                    //Monta a config
                    config.SolucaoMax = Convert.ToDouble(solucao);
                    config.TaxaCrossover = Convert.ToDouble(crossover);
                    config.TaxaMutacao = Convert.ToDouble(mutacao);
                    //config.Eltismo = Convert.ToBoolean();
                    config.TotalPopulacao = Convert.ToInt32(populacao);
                    config.TotalGeracao = Convert.ToInt32(geracao);

                    config.IdConfig = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["idUsuario"]);

                    dao.EdtConfig(config); //existe, update!
                    config = new Configuracao();
                    //Monta a config
                    config.SolucaoMax = Convert.ToDouble(solucao);
                    config.TaxaCrossover = Convert.ToDouble(crossover);
                    config.TaxaMutacao = Convert.ToDouble(mutacao);
                    //config.Eltismo = Convert.ToBoolean();
                    config.TotalPopulacao = Convert.ToInt32(populacao);
                    config.TotalGeracao = Convert.ToInt32(geracao);

                    config.IdConfig = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["idUsuario"]); //add a ID na config pois ainda nao existe no banco

                    dao.AddConfig(config); //não existe, insert!

                return "True";
            catch (Exception ex)
                return ex.Message;
Example #18
        private void carregarUnidade(int id)
            DAO dao = new DAO();
            lstUnidade = new List<Unidade>();

            foreach (Unidade un in dao.GetUnidade(id))
                ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page, this.GetType(), "PreencheUnidade" + un.Codigo_Un, "$( document ).ready(function() { \n $(\"#tblUnidade\").append('<tr id=\"rowUnidade" + un.Codigo_Un + "\"><td style=\"width:55 %; \"><div class=\"form-group has-feedback\"><input type=\"text\" id=\"txtCodUnidade" + un.Codigo_Un + "\" name=\"txtCodUnidade" + un.Codigo_Un + "\" placeholder=\"Código da Unidade\" class=\"form-control\" value=\"" + un.Codigo_Un + "\" disabled /><span class=\"glyphicon form-control-feedback\" id=\"spanCodUnidade" + un.Codigo_Un + "\"></span></div></td><td style=\"width: 30 %; \"><div class=\"form-group has-feedback\"><input type=\"text\" id=\"txtNomeUnidade" + un.Codigo_Un + "\" name=\"txtNomeUnidade" + un.Codigo_Un + "\" placeholder=\"Nome da Unidade\" class=\"form-control\" value=\"" + un.Descricao + "\" disabled /><span class=\"glyphicon form-control-feedback\" id=\"spanNomeUnidade" + un.Codigo_Un + "\"></span></div></td><td style=\"width: 15 %; \"><button class=\"btn btn-primary glyphicon glyphicon-pencil edtRowUnidade\"></button> <button class=\"btn btn-danger glyphicon glyphicon-remove remRowUnidade\"></button></td></tr>'); $(\"#spanCodUnidade" + un.Codigo_Un + "\").removeClass('glyphicon-remove').addClass('glyphicon-ok').addClass('has-success'); $(\"#spanNomeUnidade" + un.Codigo_Un + "\").removeClass('glyphicon-remove').addClass('glyphicon-ok').addClass('has-success'); \n});\n\n", true);
Example #19
        public static string PegarProximoId(string tbl)
            //var sequence = "";

            //switch (tbl)
            //    case "maquina":
            //        sequence = "nextmaquina";
            //        break;
            //    case "setor":
            //        sequence = "nextsetor";
            //        break;
            //    case "unidade":
            //        sequence = "nextunidade";
            //        break;
            //    case "job":
            //        sequence = "nextjob";
            //        break;
            //    case "sku":
            //        sequence = "nextsku";
            //        break;
            //    case "velocidade":
            //        sequence = "nextvelocidade";
            //        break;

            DAO dao = new DAO();

            return dao.PegarProximoId(tbl).ToString();
Example #20
        private void carregarVelocidade(int id)
            DAO dao = new DAO();
            lstVelocidade = new List<Velocidade>();

            foreach (Velocidade vel in dao.GetVel(id))
                ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page, this.GetType(), "PreencheVelocidades" + vel.Id_Velocidade, "$( document ).ready(function() { \n $(\"#tblVelocidade\").append('<tr id=\"rowVelocidade" + vel.Id_Velocidade + "\"><td><div class=\"form-group has-feedback\"><select id=\"selVelMaq" + vel.Id_Velocidade + "\" class=\"form-control\" disabled></select><span class=\"glyphicon form-control-feedback\" id=\"spanVelMaq" + vel.Id_Velocidade + "\"></span></div></td><td style=\"width: 22%;\"><div class=\"form-group has-feedback\"><select id=\"selVelSetor" + vel.Id_Velocidade + "\" class=\"form-control\" disabled></select><span class=\"glyphicon form-control-feedback\" id=\"spanVelSetor" + vel.Id_Velocidade + "\"></span></div></td><td><div class=\"form-group has-feedback\"><select id=\"selVelSku" + vel.Id_Velocidade + "\" class=\"form-control\" disabled></select><span class=\"glyphicon form-control-feedback\" id=\"spanVelSku" + vel.Id_Velocidade + "\"></span></div></td><td style=\"width: 25%;\"><div class=\"form-group has-feedback\"><input type=\"text\" id=\"txtVelVelocidade" + vel.Id_Velocidade + "\" name=\"txtVelVelocidade" + vel.Id_Velocidade + "\" placeholder=\"Velocidade por hora\" class=\"form-control\" value=\"" + vel.Velocidade_Hr + "\" disabled /><span class=\"glyphicon form-control-feedback\" id=\"spanVelVelocidade" + vel.Id_Velocidade + "\"></span></div></td><td style=\"width: 15%;\"><button class=\"btn btn-primary glyphicon glyphicon-pencil edtRowVelocidade\"></button> <button class=\"btn btn-danger glyphicon glyphicon-remove remRowVelocidade\"></button></td></tr>'); \n$(\"#spanVelMaq" + vel.Id_Velocidade + "\").removeClass('glyphicon-remove').addClass('glyphicon-ok').addClass('has-success'); $(\"#spanVelSetor" + vel.Id_Velocidade + "\").removeClass('glyphicon-remove').addClass('glyphicon-ok').addClass('has-success'); $(\"#spanVelSku" + vel.Id_Velocidade + "\").removeClass('glyphicon-remove').addClass('glyphicon-ok').addClass('has-success'); $(\"#spanVelVelocidade" + vel.Id_Velocidade + "\").removeClass('glyphicon-remove').addClass('glyphicon-ok').addClass('has-success'); \n});\n\n", true);

                var seletor = "#selVelMaq" + vel.Id_Velocidade;
                var seletor2 = "#selVelSetor" + vel.Id_Velocidade;
                var seletor3 = "#selVelSku" + vel.Id_Velocidade;

                carregarComboBoxMaqParaVel(seletor, vel.Maquina.Id_Maquina);
                carregarComboBoxSetorParaVel(seletor2, vel.Setor.Id_Setor);
                carregarComboBoxSkuParaVel(seletor3, vel.Sku.Id_Sku);
Example #21
        public void carregarComboBoxMaqParaVel(string seletor, int idMaq)
                DAO dao = new DAO();

                List<Maquina> lstMaq2 = lstMaq;//dao.GetMaq(idUserStatic);

                var sel = seletor.Substring(1);

                foreach (Maquina maq in lstMaq2)
                    if (maq.Id_Maquina == idMaq)
                        ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page, this.GetType(), "PreencheVelMaq" + sel + "" + maq.Id_Maquina, "$(document).ready(function() { \n$(\"" + seletor + "\").append('<option name=\"selVelMaq\" value=\"" + maq.Id_Maquina + "\" selected>" + maq.Descricao + "</option>'); \n});", true);
                        ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page, this.GetType(), "PreencheVelMaq" + sel + "" + maq.Id_Maquina, "$(document).ready(function() { \n$(\"" + seletor + "\").append('<option name=\"selVelMaq\" value=\"" + maq.Id_Maquina + "\">" + maq.Descricao + "</option>'); \n});", true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Example #22
        public static string SalvarUnidade(string cod, string nome)
                DAO dao = new DAO();

                if (dao.AddEdtUnidade(new Unidade()
                    idUser = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["idUsuario"]),
                    Descricao = nome,
                    Codigo_Un = cod
                    return "True";
                    return "False";
            catch (Exception ex)
                return ex.Message;
Example #23
        public static string RemVelocidade(int id)
                DAO dao = new DAO();

                int rtn = dao.RemVel(id);

                if (rtn > 0)
                    return "True";
                else if (rtn == -1)
                    return "False1";
                    return "False2";
            catch (Exception ex)
                return ex.Message;
Example #24
        public static void lerArquivo(int idUser)
                //StreamReader file = new StreamReader("C:/Users/dbsbo/Desktop/amendoim2.txt");
                //string line = null;
                jobs = "";
                maquinas = "";

                DAO dao = new DAO();

                List<VelMaqJobsSku> lstRtn = dao.returnVelMaqJobsSku(idUser);

                //while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)

                //    string[] vgene = line.Split(',');
                //    jobs = vgene[0].Substring(0, 3);
                //    maquinas = vgene[0].Substring(3, 1);


                int i = 0;
                foreach (var item in lstRtn)
                    Jobs = item.Sku.Descricao;
                    Maquinas = item.Maq.Descricao;
                    item.Indice = i++;

                //int tamanho = (Jobs.Length / Maquinas.Length);

                Algoritimo.lst = lstRtn;

                int tamanho = Jobs.Length / Maquinas.Length;
                Algoritimo.jobs = Jobs.Substring(0, tamanho);
            catch (Exception e)
Example #25
        public static string SalvarVelocidade(int idvel, int maq, int setor, int sku, string vel)
                DAO dao = new DAO();

                if (dao.AddEdtVel(new Velocidade()
                    idUser = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["idUsuario"]),
                    Id_Velocidade = idvel,
                    Maquina = new Maquina() { Id_Maquina = maq },
                    Setor = new Setor() { Id_Setor = setor },
                    Sku = new Sku() { Id_Sku = sku },
                    Velocidade_Hr = Convert.ToDouble(vel)
                    return "True";
                    return "False";
            catch (Exception ex)
                return ex.Message;