private static List <int> sortedScores   = new List <int>(); //This stores the scores to later sort them.

        private void btn_Add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (IsValid()) //If the data is valid th App continues, else it will show a message.
                score = Convert.ToInt32(txt_Score.Text);

                count++;  //Keeps adding the number of time a new number is added.

                scoreTotal += score;

                //Total score method
                MethodsClass.ScoreTotal(lbl_ScoreTotal, scoreTotal, score);

                //Average score method, //sum of scoreTotal is divided by the new count total number.
                MethodsClass.Average(lbl_Average, scoreTotal, count);

                unsortedScores.Add(score);              //This line adds the new score to the ArrayList and stores it.
                sortedScores.Add(score);                //This adds to the list to sort.

                lbl_ScoreCount.Text = count.ToString(); //This display the count of scores that have been entered.

                sortedScores.Sort();                    //The list is sorted to keep track of the min and max numbers.

                //Everytime a new score is entered the lables display their respective data out for Min and Max.
                lbl_MinScore.Text = sortedScores[0].ToString();
                lbl_MaxScore.Text = sortedScores[sortedScores.Count - 1].ToString();

                txt_Score.Focus();             //Set focus back to score box.
                txt_Score.Text = String.Empty; //Sets the score box back to empty.l
        //Clear all entries.
        private void btn_ClearScores_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Clears all the entries in the txt and lbl boxes.
            MethodsClass.ValuesToZero(unsortedScores, sortedScores);
            score      = 0;
            count      = 0;
            scoreTotal = 0;
            MethodsClass.Txt_Lbl_Emptied(txt_Score, lbl_Average, lbl_ScoreCount, lbl_ScoreTotal,
                                         lbl_MaxScore, lbl_MinScore);
