Example #1
        public CodeFirst()
            _tables = new Dictionary <string, Table>();
            var baseType = typeof(JsonObject);
            var assembly = baseType.Assembly;

            _foreignKeys = new Dictionary <Field, ForeignKeyAttribute>();
            foreach (Type tbl in assembly.GetTypes().Where(t => t.BaseType == baseType))
                if (!tbl.IsDefined(typeof(TableAttribute)))
                processTable(tbl, null);
            foreach (Field fld in _foreignKeys.Keys)
                ForeignKeyAttribute fk = _foreignKeys[fld];
                Table tbl = TableFor(fk.Table);
                fld.ForeignKey = new ForeignKey(tbl, tbl.Fields[0]);
            foreach (Type tbl in assembly.GetTypes().Where(t => t.IsSubclassOf(baseType)))
                ViewAttribute view = tbl.GetCustomAttribute <ViewAttribute>();
                if (view == null)
                processTable(tbl, view);
            _foreignKeys = null;
Example #2
 void processFields(Type tbl, ref List <Field> fields, ref Dictionary <string, List <Tuple <int, Field> > > indexes, ref List <Tuple <int, Field> > primary, ref string primaryName)
     if (tbl.BaseType != typeof(JsonObject))             // Process base types first
         processFields(tbl.BaseType, ref fields, ref indexes, ref primary, ref primaryName);
     foreach (FieldInfo field in tbl.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly))
         if (field.IsDefined(typeof(DoNotStoreAttribute)))
         bool    nullable     = field.IsDefined(typeof(NullableAttribute));
         Type    pt           = field.FieldType;
         decimal length       = 0;
         string  defaultValue = null;
         // Convert nullable types to their base type, but set nullable flag
         if (pt == typeof(bool?))
             pt       = typeof(bool);
             nullable = true;
         else if (pt == typeof(int?))
             pt       = typeof(int);
             nullable = true;
         else if (pt == typeof(decimal?))
             pt       = typeof(decimal);
             nullable = true;
         else if (pt == typeof(double?))
             pt       = typeof(double);
             nullable = true;
         else if (pt == typeof(DateTime?))
             pt       = typeof(DateTime);
             nullable = true;
         PrimaryAttribute pk = field.GetCustomAttribute <PrimaryAttribute>();
         if (pk != null)
             nullable = false;                                           // Primary keys may not be null
         // Set length and default value (may be overridden later by specific attributes)
         if (pt == typeof(bool))
             length       = 1;
             defaultValue = "0";
         else if (pt == typeof(int))
             length       = 11;
             defaultValue = "0";
         else if (pt == typeof(decimal))
             length       = 10.2M;
             defaultValue = "0.00";
         else if (pt == typeof(double))
             length       = 10.4M;
             defaultValue = "0";
         else if (pt == typeof(string))
             length       = 45;
             defaultValue = "";
         if (nullable)
             defaultValue = null;                                // If field is nullable, null is always the default value
         LengthAttribute la = field.GetCustomAttribute <LengthAttribute>();
         if (la != null)                                                 // Override length
             length = la.Length + la.Precision / 10M;
         DefaultValueAttribute da = field.GetCustomAttribute <DefaultValueAttribute>();
         if (da != null)                                                 // Override default value
             defaultValue = da.Value;
         Field fld = new Field(field.Name, pt, length, nullable, pk != null && pk.AutoIncrement, defaultValue);
         if (pk != null)
             primary.Add(new Tuple <int, Field>(pk.Sequence, fld));
             Utils.Check(primaryName == null || primaryName == pk.Name, "2 Primary keys defined on {0}", tbl.Name);
             primaryName = pk.Name;
         // See if the field is in one or more indexes
         foreach (UniqueAttribute a in field.GetCustomAttributes <UniqueAttribute>())
             List <Tuple <int, Field> > index;
             if (!indexes.TryGetValue(a.Name, out index))
                 // New index
                 index           = new List <Tuple <int, Field> >();
                 indexes[a.Name] = index;
             // Add field to index
             index.Add(new Tuple <int, Field>(a.Sequence, fld));
         // See if the field is a foreign key
         ForeignKeyAttribute fk = field.GetCustomAttribute <ForeignKeyAttribute>();
         if (fk != null)
             _foreignKeys[fld] = fk;