private string GetQuery(AblyRequest request) { string query = string.Join("&", request.QueryParameters.Select(x => String.Format("{0}={1}", x.Key, x.Value))); if (query.IsNotEmpty()) { return("?" + query); } return(string.Empty); }
private void PopulateDefaultHeaders(AblyRequest request, HttpWebRequest webRequest) { if (request.Method == HttpMethod.Post) { PopulateWebRequestHeaders(webRequest, GetDefaultPostHeaders(request.Protocol)); } if (request.Method == HttpMethod.Get) { PopulateWebRequestHeaders(webRequest, GetDefaultHeaders(request.Protocol)); } }
AblyResponse IAblyRest.ExecuteRequest(AblyRequest request) { Logger.Info("Sending {0} request to {1}", request.Method, request.Url); if (request.SkipAuthentication == false) { AddAuthHeader(request); } _messageHandler.SetRequestBody(request); return(ExecuteHttpRequest(request)); }
T IAblyRest.ExecuteRequest <T>(AblyRequest request) { var response = RestMethods.ExecuteRequest(request); Logger.Debug("Response received. Status: " + response.StatusCode); Logger.Debug("Content type: " + response.ContentType); Logger.Debug("Encoding: " + response.Encoding); if (response.Body != null) { Logger.Debug("Raw response (base64):" + response.Body.ToBase64()); } return(_messageHandler.ParseResponse <T>(request, response)); }
private Uri GetRequestUrl(AblyRequest request) { string protocol = _isSecure ? "https://" : "http://"; if (request.Url.StartsWith("http")) { return(new Uri(request.Url)); } return(new Uri(String.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}", protocol, GetHost(), _port.HasValue ? ":" + _port.Value : "", request.Url, GetQuery(request)))); }
public AblyResponse Execute(AblyRequest request) { var hosts = Config.FallbackHosts; int currentTry = 0; var startTime = Config.Now(); while (currentTry <= hosts.Length) { var requestTime = Config.Now(); if ((requestTime - startTime).TotalSeconds > Config.CommulativeFailedRequestTimeOutInSeconds) { Logger.Error("Cumulative retry timeout of {0}s was exceeded", Config.CommulativeFailedRequestTimeOutInSeconds); throw new AblyException( new ErrorInfo(string.Format("Commulative retry timeout of {0}s was exceeded.", Config.CommulativeFailedRequestTimeOutInSeconds), 500, null)); } try { return(ExecuteInternal(request)); } catch (WebException exception) { var errorResponse = exception.Response as HttpWebResponse; if (IsRetryable(exception) && _isDefaultHost) { Logger.Error("Error making a connection to Ably servers. Retrying", exception); _host = hosts[currentTry - 1]; currentTry++; continue; } if (errorResponse != null) { throw AblyException.FromResponse(GetAblyResponse(errorResponse)); } throw new AblyException(new ErrorInfo("Unexpected error. Check the inner exception for details", 500, null), exception); } } throw new AblyException(new ErrorInfo("Unexpected error while making a request.", 500, null)); }
private AblyResponse ExecuteInternal(AblyRequest request) { var webRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(GetRequestUrl(request)) as HttpWebRequest; webRequest.Timeout = Config.ConnectTimeout; HttpWebResponse response = null; webRequest.Headers["X-Ably-Version"] = Config.AblyVersion; PopulateDefaultHeaders(request, webRequest); PopulateWebRequestHeaders(webRequest, request.Headers); webRequest.UserAgent = " library"; webRequest.Method = request.Method.Method; try { if (webRequest.Method == "POST") { var requestBody = request.RequestBody; webRequest .ContentLength = requestBody.Length; if (requestBody.Any()) { using (Stream stream = webRequest.GetRequestStream()) { stream.Write(requestBody, 0, requestBody.Length); } } } response = webRequest.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse; return(GetAblyResponse(response)); } finally { if (response != null) { response.Close(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Makes a token request. This will make a token request now, even if the library already /// has a valid token. It would typically be used to issue tokens for use by other clients. /// </summary> /// <param name="requestData">The <see cref="TokenRequest"/> data used for the token</param> /// <param name="options">Extra <see cref="AuthOptions"/> used for creating a token </param> /// <returns>A valid ably token</returns> /// <exception cref="AblyException"></exception> public TokenDetails RequestToken(TokenRequest requestData, AuthOptions options) { var mergedOptions = options != null?options.Merge(_options) : _options; string keyId = "", keyValue = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mergedOptions.Key)) { var key = mergedOptions.ParseKey(); keyId = key.KeyName; keyValue = key.KeySecret; } var data = requestData ?? new TokenRequest { KeyName = keyId, ClientId = _options.ClientId }; if (requestData == null && options == null && _lastTokenRequest != null) { data = _lastTokenRequest; } data.KeyName = data.KeyName ?? keyId; _lastTokenRequest = data; var request = _rest.CreatePostRequest(String.Format("/keys/{0}/requestToken", data.KeyName)); request.SkipAuthentication = true; TokenRequestPostData postData = null; if (mergedOptions.AuthCallback != null) { var token = mergedOptions.AuthCallback(data); if (token != null) { return(token); } throw new AblyException("AuthCallback returned an invalid token"); } if (mergedOptions.AuthUrl.IsNotEmpty()) { var url = mergedOptions.AuthUrl; var protocol = _options.UseBinaryProtocol == false ? Protocol.Json : Protocol.MsgPack; var authRequest = new AblyRequest(url, mergedOptions.AuthMethod, protocol); if (mergedOptions.AuthMethod == HttpMethod.Get) { authRequest.AddQueryParameters(mergedOptions.AuthParams); } else { authRequest.PostParameters = mergedOptions.AuthParams; } authRequest.Headers.Merge(mergedOptions.AuthHeaders); authRequest.SkipAuthentication = true; var response = _rest.ExecuteRequest(authRequest); if (response.Type != ResponseType.Json) { throw new AblyException( new ErrorInfo( string.Format("Content Type {0} is not supported by this client library", response.ContentType), 500)); } var signedData = response.TextResponse; var jData = JObject.Parse(signedData); if (TokenDetails.IsToken(jData)) { return(jData.ToObject <TokenDetails>()); } postData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TokenRequestPostData>(signedData); } else { postData = data.GetPostData(keyValue); } if (mergedOptions.QueryTime) { postData.timestamp = _rest.Time().ToUnixTimeInMilliseconds().ToString(); } request.PostData = postData; var result = _rest.ExecuteRequest <TokenDetails>(request); if (result == null) { throw new AblyException(new ErrorInfo("Invalid token response returned", 500)); } return(result); }